SteleTrovilo, do gaming w Braid Anniversary Edition has ‘sold like dog sh*t’, creator Jonathan Blow says

I had no idea it was even released.


Yep. Wanted to set if I wasn’t alone with this

MajorHavoc, (edited ) do gaming w It’s official: No Nintendo console has lasted as long as Switch without being replaced

Asshole lawsuits and “day one patches” finally killed my love for the Switch.

I don’t feel good about sending money to Nintendo anymore. And I don’t feel confident that my physical media Switch cartridges will stand the test of time after Nintendo shuts the patch servers down.

But I’ll always appreciate the innovation. I’m not buying games for it anymore, but it’s a fun part of my home game setup.


My love for the Switch was killed by 60€ ports and half-assed remakes.


My love for the switch was killed by Nintendo lawsuit bullshit and Mario kart dlc.

That and joycons

switches, do games w Ubisoft CEO defends Skull and Bones’ $70 price despite its live service leanings, calls it ‘quadruple-A’ avatar

70 bucks AND i don’t get to own it? sign me up!


“You get to own the experience! By which I mean ‘lease’. Money, please!!!”

cyd, do games w Palworld embroiled in AI and Pokémon ‘plagiarism’ controversy

I want to like Palworld, but I don’t know if I can support running existing Pokemon through a fusor and passing them off as ‘new’ IP

Imagine being morally outraged on behalf of a multibillion dollar corporate behemoth.

garretble, do games w Red Dead Redemption 2 listed for Nintendo Switch on ratings board’s website | VGC avatar

Everyone: “Please just give us a 60fps mode.”

Rockstar: “What about…the opposite of that?”


New feature! 100% of the game is screenshot mode!

joelfromaus, avatar

They’re reconfiguring the game as on on-rails shooter. /s

beefcat, avatar

how in the hell would you get RDR2 to run at 60 FPS on the Switch?


We wanted 60fps mode for other systems, but a switch port is most definitely going to be the opposite of a 60fps mode was the point I think.


You won’t. That’s the point.


I am not even sure about 30… but there are miracles out there.

I would expect it to be for the new switch if anything, which is closer than ever.


that’s the sarcasm


I think deadlines matter more to Rockstar than 60 frames per sec.

Also, the switch is a bit more finicky to develop too due to memory limitations. At least compared to the competition 😢

Molecular0079, do games w Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition is reportedly coming to PC

Oooh, I can not wait! I’ve been waiting for both Horizon and the new God of War to make its way to PC.


I’ve been waiting for Ghost of Tsushima too


GoT and TLoU2 are the last games I’m waiting for on PC before I sell my PS4


Gah, that’s the one I’m waiting for


Same bro. Just completed the first gow a couple days ago. Ready for the second one now. Will definitely be picking up the new gow and horizon forbidden West!


Same. I’m not buying a PS5, but I really love the Horizon series.

Toribor, avatar

Same here. I bought a PS4 late in its lifecycle to catch up and then was amazed when they started bringing stuff to PC. I’ve really been missing out on some PS5 titles but I’d be much happier to play them on PC. I think I’ll probably be waiting a while for Spider-Man 2 as well.

millie, do gaming w Denuvo security is now on Switch, including new tech to block PC Switch emulation

Welp, I guess we’re going to be getting a DRM-breaking emulator accompanied by some weird new rant by Empress.


Was she the one who released an nfo where she went off on a random insane rant against trans people?




it would be preferable to have someone other than her cracking denuvo lol

!deleted6508 avatar

No one else is batshit insane enough to wanna warp their minds working with this garbage. She is already warped, so it doesn’t affect her. Much.


personally I think that theres loads of people with the skillset to do it, but they all have nice jobs in cybersecurity instead of cracking video games.

KoboldCoterie, do gaming w Hideki Kamiya thinks Japan should be proud of ‘JRPG’ and wants to use ‘J-Action’ avatar

It’s weird to claim that only Japanese creators can make JRPGs. That’s not true at all, it just implies a specific style of gameplay, not the country of origin.

ampersandrew, avatar

We've got Sea of Stars coming this year, for instance.


This reminds me of the internet discussions around Avatar: The Last Airbender years back and whether it counted as anime or not.

Ilflish, (edited )

I disagree with both article and your point. The J is unhelpful when we can just label them turned-based action. This is just an issue of grandfathering a genre which means very little, is incredibly decisive and even unhelpful. It’s easy to imagine someone who like Final Fantasy may like a game like LISA. But harder to suggest someone who like ~~Final Fantasy ~~ Dragon Quest will like Kingdom Hearts, Demon Gaze or Disgaea. Just split JRPGs into mechanical genres. Turn-Based Action, Action RPG, Turn/Tile-based Strategy.

This issue extends to more genres (Generally RPG and Action) but I think it’s probably the easiest one to start moving away from


I’d say there is a general vibe to JRPGs that you can’t really get at by just describing the combat system.

It’s easy to imagine someone who like Final Fantasy may like a game like LISA. But harder to suggest someone who like Final Fantasy will like Kingdom Hearts

If anything, I’d say the opposite. Even setting aside the developer and series overlap, I would expect a Final Fantasy fan to be much more receptive to Kingdom Hearts than to LISA. While classic Final Fantasy may be closer to LISA mechanically, FF and KH are working in a related tradition that LISA is a bit farther from. There’s connective tissue between JRPGs that go beyond their mechanics, and this is part of why FF as a series has gone between so many radically different systems while still feeling united in some way. JRPG may not be a perfect term, but it carries historical reality, not just bland mechanical descriptions. If you look at music for example, genre titles are just as often describing the scene something came up in (or is emulating) as they are describing the sound itself. If genres are to give us helpful groupings of games that are related to one another, just describing their bare mechanics isn’t enough on its own.


Ah that’s my bad, when I think about FF I still think of the earlier games but the newer games aren’t in that bandcamp. Should have suggested dragon quest


“Turn-Based RPG” tells me even less than “JRPG” tho.


Yah exactly. Xcom is a turn based rpg and not even close to jrpg


Two things on this,

  • X-Com can easily be classified a turn-based strategy rather than Turn-based Action
  • This confusion still exists in JRPG. Why would you suggest Disgaea is a JRPG but Fire Emblem or X-Com isn’t?

Yah, you’re right, if you sub categorize it’s much clearer. For me JRPG is the format of classic final fantasy games where you can run around in an over world and then trigger battles that go into a turn based back and forth sequence. I suppose you would need to also say it has to come from Japan otherwise you would say Southpark stick or truth and fractured but whole are JRPGs and I don’t know if one would classify it as such.

ampersandrew, avatar

There are plenty of turn based western RPGs that aren't JRPGs, like the brand new Baldur's Gate 3. If a game is a JRPG, I'm expecting an ensemble cast who each have their own special abilities and weapon type, and they each level up in more or less exactly one way, which I can't control. Instead, I customize them through equipment, if at all. Dialogue may have choices, but it's usually between choice A and choice B.

In a western RPG, I may have a party of characters or only control one, and when I level up, I get points to spend in whichever attributes I think I'll get the most value out of for the build I'm going for. These skills may result in skill checks that open up different avenues for solving problems in the game than if I had invested in other skills, and these skill checks may come up in dialogue.

Of course, J or not, the reality of the world is not so binary, and many games have some but not all of these traits or make them more difficult to define, but the J does tell me something.


I know what you mean but what you’ve done is just define two sets of games with varying differences in mechanics. So only WRPGs can assign attributes and JRPGs must have ensemble casts? There are many components of games that can transcend genres. A racing game like Mario Party can have an ensemble cast with unique abilities, A game like Sims can have attribute spending to create a player build. Locking these to genres doesn’t help understand as you suggest but that doesn’t mean we should stop trying.

It’s much easier to used these parts as extra descriptors and even better when you also add perspectives

  • BG3: An turn based strategy [with complex choice]
  • Valkyria Chronicles: A turn based strategy [with player recruitment]
  • Disgaea: An turn based strategy [with unlockable job systems]
  • Wargroove: A turn based strategy [with resource management systems]

I’d even prefer “Earthbound-inspired RPG” as thats more clear on what I’m going to be playing

ampersandrew, avatar

I shortened the definition for the sake of not writing a book, but the point is that no one game will satisfy all of the criteria of a genre, but they evoke a common set of responses and scratch a similar itch. The genre would be more anchored to early Final Fantasy titles than Earthbound.


I wasn’t suggesting all games should be labeled “earthbound-inspired”, the term JRPG is so broad that just suggesting it’s inspiration is more informative.

ampersandrew, avatar

But then it's only informative to people who've played that game, as opposed to people who've played that genre. Far more people have played a JRPG than people have played Earthbound.


This just goes back to JRPG being vague and not giving any real info anyway.

If I told you I like Dark Souls which is arguably a JRPG or a more obvious Earthbound, why would it be better to say ah, “Disgaea or Kingdom Hearts are JRPG, you’ll like them”.

ampersandrew, avatar

But see, Dark Souls is very much an RPG but uses more western RPG design axioms than those of a JRPG, which is why this genre is not at all about being made in Japan. Disgaea, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Fire Emblem often get linked together as a strategy RPG or a tactics RPG. Kingdom Hearts is a real-time or action JRPG, Persona is a turn-based JRPG, and the "active time battles" of the late SNES and PlayStation era from Square sort of straddle a few of those lines, but there are commonalities among all of them that a fan of Earthbound could reasonably be into. Likewise, there are commonalities between western RPGs and JRPGs where someone who's just into "RPGs" would be into. These are just genres and subgenres.

The other thing too is that the definitions of these genres will change over time as more games come out that can be grouped together. When games inspired by DotA started getting released commercially, some tried to call them "Action RTS" games, but then you'd have games like Smite and Super Monday Night Combat that no longer have anything to do with the RTS genre, so Riot's coined "MOBA" stuck because, even though it's kind of a lousy name for that genre, it doesn't contradict itself by calling them a derivative of RTS games.


I’m a bit confused by this message since I was suggesting JRPG as a genre wasn’t clear, and the argument(?) Is that Dark Souls isn’t a JRPG and you’ve sub-classified a bunch of different JRPGs how I agree.

If the argument is that we can still use JRPG in conjunction, I think this is valid but I still feel that coining things based on country of origin isa bit off, almost like insinuating a stereotype when we also agree they don’t have to follow it.


Yeah, I played one of the best JRPGs ever last year and I am pretty sure it was not Japanese.


How are we even having this discussion in a world where Cosmic Star Heroine exists…


Then we shouldn’t call them JRPGs.

rockkicker, do gaming w ‘Just a complete mess’: Initial impressions of the Borderlands movie are mostly negative [VGC]

guys it has ZERO percent on rotten tomatoes

how can you NOT be excited for this film

Toneswirly, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

Millions of people have bad taste. Shocker


Smug gamer thinks what others like is wrong. Shocker.

ada, avatar

Supporting transphobes is wrong. Millions of people supported a transphobe. For me, that’s not being smug, it’s being terrified


The developer and people that worked on the game aren’t transphobes. Get a new bit.


We just have different ideas of what it means to be transphobic.


Enjoying the game doesn’t mean you are supporting the author.

Especially if you pirate it.


No smugness here, just disappointment.


Why does it matter to you what others play?


Financially supporting a crusade against a minority group (trans folks) is one of my pet peeves


So. You’re saying the developer and everyone that worked on the game are part of a crusade against a minority group?

Or is it just that you’re delusional enough to think that because the creator or the IP is a blowhard hag of a human being, everyone associated with her IP should be thoroughly punished?


Nah thats not what im saying. But the millions raked in by harry potter enterprises goes in to Rowlings pockets. Also, i dont weep for the devs, they were paid already…


So? People like the game. They’ll play it. It’s not for you to decide what they spend their money on.

She gets paid or not. Shouldn’t matter to you. Maybe find something to occupy your time better.


So? I dont like your arguments. I will refute them. It is not for you to decide the tenor of discussion on this topic.

Transphobia will be discussed. Shouldnt matter to you. Maybe find something to occupy your time better.


lol… okay! Enjoy the crusade. I just bought a copy of the game to support the developer in your honor.


Lol, this guy. If you got 60 bucks to throw away because of an internet comment I cant really help you.


$41.99 on sale. And I wasn’t asking for help from you.


The game allowed you to create a trans protagonist (male voice/female body, pronouns, …). It isn’t a crusade against them at all, it is empowering them. No matter what the author said.

Beefytootz, do games w CD Projekt appears to hint at more Cyberpunk content from Edgerunners studio Trigger

Please no, I can’t handle anymore heartbreak like that!

For real though, I’d be super excited to see more, especially as someone who hasn’t and won’t play the game

Cylusthevirus, avatar

Edgerunners was a better story than the game, honestly. You're not missing all that much if you don't enjoy the gameplay.

Skimmer, do gaming w Denuvo security is now on Switch, including new tech to block PC Switch emulation

Best way to fight against things like this is with your wallet. Stop buying and supporting games with Denuvo or any other similar DRM.


I buy physical because I don't trust Nintendo's online services, but I'm not even going to get physical if it comes with DRM. I'm buying it expressly to dump it and run in an emulator eventually.

Not to mention that the Switch is already showing its age, so any added burden is going to come with noticeably performance loss.

American_Jesus, do gaming w Tony Hawk claims he is ‘talking to Activision again’ [VGC]

Without the soundtrack is just another skate game, THPS had the best soundtracks

Caligvla, avatar

Right? Sports games in general back in the aughts had the best soundtracks of any games, so much edgy rock, punk and metal. I don’t think anything nowadays can compare unfortunately.





stardust, do gaming w Heaven 17 claims it turned down GTA 6 soundtrack offer over pay offer: ‘Go f*** yourself’ [VGC]

I’m tired of games getting songs removed, so I am actually glad Rockstar and hopefully others are going the route of trying to only get songs that won’t end up having to be removed down the line. Not cool getting an update getting a song removed.

Jimbo, avatar

Or a game removed from being purchased entirely because of music licensing issues


Yeah has happened to Alan Wake. Now they decided to just remove the song to hopefully not have to be delisted again.

morrowind, do games w Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo avatar

Can’t you add surround without dolby?

Palerider, avatar

As far as I’m aware, yes.

I use Dolby with a lot of my games but don’t have the 'Ad screen".


You might have to due to licensing, if the technology is patented. I don’t know about this


I’m not an expert on this by any means, but I think the issue is they would have to work out how to encode the audio for surround themselves, and then it would be up to all of the different AV receivers out there to decode it properly. Using Dolby just standardizes it to where if your receiver supports that format you know it’ll decode it properly.


Yes there are other formats such as DTS and Auro 3D. You can even do it with straight up LPCM if you want, but DD is one of the quickest ways to do it and iirc DTS has similar licensing requirements with their logo, and barely anyone has Auro. You could try to use LPCM but you’d need a multichannel output such as 6x analog connections or a digital source using bitstreamed output which many didn’t have at the time.

altima_neo, avatar

Short answer, Yes.

Longer answer, no. This was a GameCube game. It only supports stereo output. It would have needed Dolby Surround/Pro Logic II libraries to do surround sound encoding within the stereo signal. The use would have also needed a receiver with Pro Logic II support and surround speakers.

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