chemical_cutthroat, do games w Ubisofts stock tanked this morning ahead of the markets opening avatar

It didn’t tank this morning. It’s been going downhill for exactly a month.

sirico, avatar

You are correct, it’s been on a downward slope since about 2021 but had a another sharp dip this morning probaly following the news they were delaying Asassins Creed


A rushed game is usually pretty bad, a delayed game is eventually good. While I dont hold AC in very high regard, im glad they told people that it needs more time to cook instead of throwing it out there half-baked.


Yea. Really sad to see the price theyre paying for making the right decision once is 20% of their stock price…

maniii, (edited )


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  • Eyck_of_denesle,

    This brother did not play a single assassins creed game

    Edit: I just read the last few lines, dude pls go take a shower


    What are you even talking about?


    Kerbal space program 2 was somehow both rushed and delayed :(


    And pretty bad.


    Such a tragedy. And that was a game that just needed a tech upgrade, expand a bit, more of the same, nothing crazy.

    M0oP0o, avatar

    They tryed to put a story in ksp2. That’s how bad they misunderstood the franchise.

    Oh and you can still join the discord if you want to talk to people who still believe in ksp2 (its fascinating).


    To be fair, those tech upgrades aren’t exactly trivial to do, and most programmers aren’t skilled enough to do it.

    These kinds of projects need very careful management to avoid running overtime and over budget.


    I don’t know, the first one was cobbled up together from early access by programmers at a marketing firm and while janky (part of the charm some would say), it was quite an achievement.

    The approach which should have delivered better results was wrecked with takeovers and company drama then dumped to the public in a bad state.


    Quartery earnings report due 10/25. There’s no reason to sit capital here if there’s no catalyst for change.

    altima_neo, avatar

    It’s not much of a delay. It was supposed to come out in 2 months, but delayed another 2 months. Doesn’t seem like much time to get any real work done.

    They also cancelled their premier at the Tokyo game show days before schedule. I have to wonder if they’re worried about the backlash that a lot of games are getting lately (Dustborn, Concord, etc) and just trying to push the game a little bit further out to avoid controversy?

    OozingPositron, avatar

    Didn’t happen to cyberpunk lmao.

    Peffse, do games w What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end?

    I’m the kind of person who has no issues with moving on from a game with only 20% of the achievements/trophies unlocked after beating the final boss. If it’s not fun, it’s not fun.

    I think the only two games I set out to 100% were probably Super Mario World, or Donkey Kong Country 2.


    I did dk1, dk2 and super Metroid from that era. Great games. Dk2 is unreal, top 20 for sure.


    There were WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many secret caves in DKC1 to try to 100%. I did try to complete DKC3, but I don’t think I achieved it.


    Ah dk3, the one I’ve NEVER beat. I always set out to do it and grow bored first. I think by the time I started playing that really good games existed like halo and the like.


    Me too. Most things I play because i want to know what happens next. If I know everything then I am done with the game.

    Sometimes I like the gameplay that much that it happens automatically. Bloodborne comes to mind.

    Deestan, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?

    Antichamber - clever first person puzzle game

    SorteKanin, avatar

    Good suggestion, I played it many years ago as well :)


    I’d place Superliminal in this category as well.


    Superliminal was cool, but I just didn’t enjoy it. It was fun for a bit, but I feel like the mechanic overstayed it’s welcome for how simple it is. There’s not very many unique ways to use it. That’s probably why Valve abandoned the idea too.

    Still, it’s interesting and worth a shot. Plenty of people love it.


    You can replay it to find all the extra secrets though

    the16bitgamer, avatar

    I replayed it after many years. It was fantastic, now I need to wait another many years to forget the solution.

    agent_flounder, avatar

    The older you get the more often you’ll be able to play!


    This goes for most of these first person puzzle games. Once you solve the puzzle its not very fun to do it again.

    Portal 1 and 2, the Witness, Talos Principle 1 and 2, Manifold Garden - all worth a play through. Next on my list to try is Viewfinder.

    SorteKanin, avatar

    I kind of got bored of manifold garden. I guess it was the lack of any story. I just had no motivation to continue.

    jqubed, avatar

    I play through both Portal games every few years; maybe every 5 or 6. I think I’m due again soon.


    I feel portal could be replayed if you focused too hard on the puzzles the first time through, there were quite a few secrets worth exploring in that world, though none too deep unfortunately


    I feel like portal 2 can get by on a playthrough every so many years based on the writing/VA making it enjoyable even if you half remember the puzzles.


    Copying my comment from elsewhere in this thread

    I was going to write anti chamber, because I never want to play it again, but %'s 30-90 of the way through the game I was itching to start over. It had me so hooked, but then the ending just took the wind out of the sails so hard. Heck maybe 10-98% of the game had me itching to replay it.

    Zozano, avatar

    Awesome game. I was high on cannabis when I played it, and managed to beat it in one sitting about 10 years ago. I want to play it while high on shrooms, that would be even crazier.

    BillDaCatt, do games w Fuck Ubisoft. avatar

    You can be sure that even the Epic version will still require the Ubisoft launcher. That is how all of my Steam purchased Ubisoft games are with the exception of the first Assassin's Creed which predated the Ubisoft launcher. All of the others require it regardless of how I bought it.

    I'm going to wait for at least two or more years after release for the new Prince of Persia. My days of paying full price for Ubisoft's games are over and recent statements from the CEO make me reluctant to ever buy their games again.


    I tried playing the original AC games recently. They went back and integrated the launcher for those too smh

    Knusper, do games w PSA: If you still have a Mojang account for Minecraft: Java Edition, you have less than a week left to migrate to a Microsoft account to avoid profile deletion

    For anyone left behind, Minetest is a community-developed alternative.

    It’s more of a game engine/launcher + highly moddable, so the base game is rather minimalistic, but you can simply install more extensive games. For example, for a very Minecraft-like experience, MineClone2 is your best bet.

    amicah, avatar

    This is pretty incredible, thanks.

    TehPers, do gaming w What's a good game you played with an awful tutorial?

    Minecraft. Back when I started playing, it wouldn’t even tell you what recipes existed, yet gave you a 2x2/3x3 grid with hundreds of types of items/blocks to figure it out yourself.

    Still one of my favorite games though.


    I didn’t know stone pickaxes existed. So I always saved a iron pickaxe I got from a friend to mine iron.


    Without external resources I would probably never have figured out what the 2x2 empty grid in my inventory was meant to be! I watched so many videos and read numerous wiki articles it could have been a college class.

    navi, avatar

    Honestly a large part of my nostalgia was scouring the Minecraft wifi for updates and recipes.

    SenorBolsa, avatar

    The early builds had few enough things you could make that it wasn’t really that hard to intuitively figure out but in it’s current state it would be near impossible to figure out how to make some things without recipes to guide you.

    like early alpha builds I think the only thing that would have tripped you up hard would be trying to make dynamite firestarter, or shears even then you could experiment for a while and figure it out.


    I think the issue was it wasn’t clear what items were available to craft. If I had known that axes, pickaxes, shovels, etc. were all in the game then it might have been easier, but even making the crafting table (2x2 wood planks) wasn’t very intuitive. Honestly, there wasn’t much of a clear path forward with most of the recipes. Advancements and the recipe book later helped a lot, but it was pretty hard to play during beta and alpha without the wiki or a mod like TMI.

    Then there’s redstone. I feel like even today, redstone is completely unexplained in the game, and while you can kind of figure it out on your own, many of the intricacies are left unexplained (repeater locking, timings, comparators, how redstone is passed/not passed through different kinds of blocks, gates, etc). Without taking some time to learn about digital logic and basic computer engineering concepts on your own, redstone is basically magic dust that does a thing when put in a specific configuration.

    Also, being pedantic, but shears weren’t added until beta 1.7. Wool dropped from sheep before that. That being said, alpha had a lot of really weird mob drops (why did zombies drop feathers?) and there wasn’t much use for wool anyway beyond decorative purposes and hiding doorways with paintings until beds were added in beta 1.3.

    SenorBolsa, avatar

    Oh yeah, I forgot, it’s been a decade you used to literally just punch sheep and I vaguely recall when that update dropped. I recall eventually just looking stuff up, but a lot of it I figured out on my own first. Redstone is absolutely something that really needs an in game guide that the game completely lacks, nothing about it is intuitive at all, even if you know how digital logic works it behaves a little strangely.

    I always played the game to build cool forts and castles so wool was definitely useful to me to make them look good.

    zombies dropped feathers because the game didn’t have chickens until sometime after 2012 (0.3?) and you needed them for arrows alphas are just like that. The Rust alpha was similarly nonsensical.

    I always thought part of the appeal was just discovering the world and how it works, but it’s so established at this point it’s better to just have a guide in game.

    noxypaws, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis? avatar

    Wolfenstein. Any one of them. There has never been a bad Wolfenstein game.

    DoucheBagMcSwag, (edited )

    There has never been a bad Wolfenstein game.

    "Hell Yeah, Dude": The Game would like a word with you.

    noxypaws, avatar

    Dunno what you’re referring to?


    Surely you must have forgotten that this one exists too.

    noxypaws, avatar

    I played it. It was enjoyable enough. It’s certainly not the best Wolfenstein, but just because it’s less good than the others doesn’t make it BAD.


    There has never been a bad Wolfenstein game.

    Wolfenstein: Youngblood would like a word

    noxypaws, avatar

    Just because it’s the least good Wolfenstein doesn’t make it BAD. It was still quite a lot of fun to me.

    jordanlund, do gaming w Funko Pop abuses domain name reporting system, takes down avatar

    At first I was like “WTF does an indie games site have to do with Funko?” then I Googled it…

    Looks like they hosted a BUNCH of infringing games, so Funko, instead of doing the righteous thing and sending them a takedown request, just nuked the whole domain…

    DmMacniel, avatar

    And this nuke should cost them dearly, as there are so many Devs and Artists affected by it.

    jordanlund, avatar

    I mean, I don’t blame them for protecting their IP, they just picked a super shitty way to do it.

    I don’t even think they would have needed an official cease and desist… just a friendly note of “Hey, none of this Funko material is licensed, please remove it.”


    I blame them. Fair use is a thing and even beside fair use fuck em. copyright are getting more and more stupid by the day.

    jordanlund, avatar

    It’s not fair use to use images and names you have not licensed.

    See this asshat:

    BRINGit34, avatar

    Buddy I’m going to 3d print some funko pops just to fuck with em.

    Stop being a bootlicker bootlicker.

    I’m sure your multi-million dollar company really appreciates being defended by some rando on a super niche site



    buddy as if anyone on here would care about copyright infringement. i guarantee you 90% of users on here pirate all their stuff

    jordanlund, avatar

    Well, if you care about an indie gaming site being shut down for copyright violations, yeah, you might want to actually care about copyright infringement.

    What they were doing here though was supporting developers profiting off someone elses IP. It would be like, I dunno, I started an independent Superman movie and was fundraising off that. It’s a little different from piracy.

    In the case of the Five Nights at Freddies game, the developer is infringing on not one but TWO properties.


    Fair use is country dependent. But here is the US definition:

    And from switzerland:…

    umbrella, avatar

    yes it is.

    jordanlund, avatar

    No, it isn’t.

    “In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—

    the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

    the nature of the copyrighted work;

    the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and

    the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.”

    So, me, making a fan page for FunkoPop versions of the Five Nights at Freddies characters and using their images? THAT’S fair use.

    Me charging money for a fan game based on the same Funko versions of those characters is NOT fair use.

    “Section 107 of the Copyright Act gives examples of purposes that are favored by fair use: “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, [and] research.””

    umbrella, avatar

    legal != moral

    also it was done by their users, not them.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Fortunately our laws aren’t about what’s moral or not. You need religious police for that.

    The correct process would have been to issue a takedown request, then go after the domain if nothing was done, they just jumped the gun.

    umbrella, avatar

    what i mean by moral, is about things being fair or not, and this is clearly not.

    see, the fact that they can jump the gun, but the end users cant is the problem here. even the correct process is very biased towards big companies because they can afford a lawyer army to harass people with weaponized bureaucracy.

    who cares besides them anyway? they cant sue everyone.


    I blame them for protecting their IP like a old white person protects their property value by shooting at any black person that moves into the neighborhood.


    But they didn’t send a C&D, they sent an AI automated phishing report about a fan page for an actual licensed Funko game.

    They weren’t address copyright anything, even if it was there.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Hence the “super shitty way to do it”. ;)

    Bezier, avatar

    That’s not just a shitty way of doing it, it’s a fraudulent accusation of something unrelated.


    Thanks, I was super confused for a bit!

    Coelacanth, do games w It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation avatar

    Valve is not a normal company. As far as I know they still have their fluid work structure in place where projects are dictated by what the devs themselves feel like doing and are inspired by.

    Icefrog (who was the lead developer of Dota 2 - and Dota 1 for many years before that) is lead developing Deadlock as I understand it. It has his fingerprints all over it, at least. It seems enough other people at Valve liked his idea of a twist on the MOBA concept to turn it into a full project.

    I feel your frustration but there isn’t really any opportunity cost lost here. It’s not that they decided to make “a game” and chose this one out of all available options. If they felt like they had enough ideas to make Half-Life 3 (or any other single player game) then they would have. It’s just that this is the game they want to make right now.

    TheHobbyist, do games w #StopKillingGames Update: Sweden and Poland pass threshold as initiative reaches 25%

    This is going very well it seems! I see the next few countries close to passing the threshold are:

    • Denmark (88%)
    • Netherlands (87%)
    • Germany (75%)

    Assuming we get those, we would need one more country. The highest remaining country is Ireland (55%). Getting all those still wouldn’t reach 1M signatures, but the rest could keep being distributed across the EU (even including countries which have already passed the threshold, I’m assuming).

    This is all very exciting and gives me a lot of hope! Keep signing folks!


    (even including countries which have already passed the threshold, I’m assuming).

    You assume correctly

    nekusoul, (edited ) avatar

    At this point I’d that say getting enough individual countries is almost inevitable in the process of getting 1M signatures. If the distribution between countries remains as it is, every country with more than 25% right now would reach the threshold by the end.

    Seems to me like the individual country threshold is only added to prevent initiatives getting single-handedly pushed by a single big country and never be the blocker for regular initiatives.

    So yeah, the best strategy would most likely be to keep pushing the big countries: Germany, France, Spain and Italy. Speaking of Italy, what’s up with them? Only 18%? Those are rookie numbers.


    Could be due to Italy’s very old demographics. Fewer people who care about videogames.

    nekusoul, avatar

    That’s one thing I checked first, but compared to Germany for example, the average age and percentage of people playing video-games is apparently just a few percentage points of difference. Though “people playing video-games” could of course mean anything and I’d wager that the average person playing casual games on their phone might not care as much.

    lugal, do astronomy w Size Comparison: Pluto and Australia

    Still, the surface area is much bigger. Pluto is a real continent


    Discreetly insulting both Australia and Pluto in one sentence! Absolutely love this; will share it with all my Australia and Plutonian friends! If Earth gets attacked, it’s not my fault, but yours :'P


    If Australia attacks Earth you’ll know you’ve been attacked.


    Australians can’t attack Earth, they’d fall right up into the sky without some reverse-reverse-gravity system.

    rockerface, do games w Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions?

    Slay the Spire has a decent mobile version. Not sure about the casual part, but at least it’s turn based


    It can be played pretty casually. A run usually takes around an hour but you don’t have to play it in one go. And on the base difficulty it’s pretty approachable. You definitely don’t have to play 500 hours to enjoy it. But you can if you want to :)


    Slay The Spire is an excellent recommendation. Although a lot of people find roguelites stressful because they get stressed about losing progress. You just have to play with the right mindset:

    No worries

    SzethFriendOfNimi, do games w What are y'all buying on the steam sale? avatar

    Outer Wilds. For a few friends who don’t have it yet. I’ve already bought it a couple times.

    I already own it… but it’s just that good. So good I vicariously try to relive the game by watching livestreams and Eelis’ recaps of other live-streamers.

    It really is something you have to experience blind. Since the entire game progression is knowledge based and pulling threads on the mysteries until the mosaic of the story and experience unfolds is truly something you can experience once.


    I thought you meant The Outer Wilds, and spent a solid two minutes on a routine sanity check. Hadn’t heard of this game though, so we’ll call it even 😸


    If you are considering picking up Outer Wilds, by god, go in blind. It’s all about finding out.


    It was a bit of a slow burner on release so I’m not surprised you didn’t hear about it. People had access to the beta years before the official release, so when it came out essentially nothing really changed and there wasn’t this big announcement.


    How is the dlc? I had a tough time with outer wilds. At the time I played it, I found it to be very frustrating. I needed a spoiler to get past two or three major points. But in hindsight I think it’s really an impressive game. I’m thinking about picking up the dlc, but I’m not sure about it and I don’t want to search about it to avoid spoiler.

    SzethFriendOfNimi, avatar

    It’s really good. Amazingly fits inside the first games story seamlessly.

    It can be challenging sometimes too and I’m happy to help with soft hints if you ever find you need them


    It started off a little slow, but imo it was better than the main game. It’s both a little more streamlined and better story-wise. You probably should play the main game first


    It was too spooky for me, I couldn’t finish the DLC… :(


    There’s a setting to make it less scary in the menus now!


    Yea… I enabled it before even trying 😬

    enjoytemple, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them? avatar

    Soul like everything, but that's just me being too clumsy for any challenge. I do hope some people could stop complaining other games being too easy tho. Not every game needs to be Soul likes.

    dlpkl, (edited )

    Also this, but because it’s got the quality of an Indie game. Before people jump down my throat, compare the animations, sound effects, graphical fidelity, and voice acting to any other AAA game. Even the combat, which people usually extoll as the best thing about them, is just dodge->attack over and over again. Don’t even get me started on the pathetic “storytelling” in those games.

    Edit: y’all mad huh

    AlexWIWA, do gaming w I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?

    Self hosted Minecraft server for socializing. Mod the shit out of it

    Factorio if you want your kid to have a severe addiction.

    Red Alert 2 because I want the world to play it.

    Ace Combat because it’s hype and plays well with a controller.

    Bloons tower defense


    Factorio teaches programming?


    You can learn to create logic circuits in order to aid automation


    I’m a professional programmer and factorio scratches the same itch as designing systems.

    It teaches you about constraints, modular design, pub sub architectures, input output flow, etc.


    Not really. It will feel like programming if you already know how to program, but I don’t think it will teach you programming anymore than any other problem solving activity.


    I’m putting up a minecraft server for my kid and her friends, but I don’t really play myself other than than. Few creative builds so I’m curious if you could please expand for me what exactly you mean when you say to mod the shit out of it. Is it enough to create rules or am I going to have to actively moderate their play?

    AlexWIWA, (edited )

    Mod as in install mods that modify the game. My favorite is the map and waypoint mod that adds basically Google maps to Minecraft.

    Or the Create mod.

    I’d also install the automatic world backup mod so if someone ever griefs the server you can just roll it back

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