Just finished Mafia 1 DE and 2 DE. Taking a breather before I dive in 3, which I suppose will require a lot of patience.
I really enjoyed 1 and 2. They’re anti GTA in some senses where there’s basically little to no fluff or sandbox, just pure story telling and some gameplay on the side. But the stories are definitely so well written. The DLCs of 2 showed signs of GTAfication, and the first 30 mins of 3 also reek of it, but I feel the first two definitely feel timeless only because of their writing.
Does the definitive edition still have the music of the original? I know it’s technically anachronistic, but those Django Reinhardt tunes were so iconic.
Otherwise I agree, though I only played Mafia 1. I remember it came out the same year as GTA 3, and it was very much the sort of mature and serious option. I personally always preferred it.
While not a racing game in the traditional sense, the soundtrack for I Am Your Beast is what cocaine sounds like. Listen to Negative Time without vibing, I bet you can’t.
My shortlist is probably WipEout Pulse (I love how that entire series feels like a game made out of electronic music, the same way Doom is made out of metal), WipEout 2048 (for the same reason, but I played it even more), Forza Motorsport 2 (cuz it had a huge influence on my taste at a very young age), and then maybe Gran Turismo 5?