It’s a shame, because I liked it more than Monster Hunter, but it’s always online, so it’s inevitable that eventually it stops making money, and the next step is that it disappears forever.
I played it on release and it was a fun time with friends. A few years back Phoenix Labs was bought out by another company, and it was all downhill from there. It really is a shame, Dauntless was a neat game.
I tried it at one point before trying any Monster Hunter games, and I found it really boring. I was legitimately getting drowsy when fighting the second monster and found it much easier to just chug a potion, rather than try to dodge its attacks. Monster Hunter World, on the other hand, was exhilarating from the first large monster you hunt. So… did Dauntless get better as you progressed?
It just got into the core fight, upgrade, fight loop way faster, without any of the tedious mechanics that I didn’t like from Monster Hunter, that I find boring. I played right around its launch on Epic, so who’s to say if we even played the same game, with the way these games can change over time?
Well we’ve had a couple Jedi RPG-lites in the Fallen Order series.
But nothing quite like KotOR I’ll give you that. They just had incredible atmospheres on each planet. I loved the city planets the most, like Taris, Nar Shaddaa, and Manaan.
idunno, to me the heavy reliance on platforming and metroidvania-style traversal far outweighs any superficial RPG elements in those games. I just get annoyed rather than immersed in the game.
Emulators are where it’s at on Android, at least for me. There’s a handful of good native android games but you can play so so many fantastic old games using emulators.
True. But it’s an introduction to a genre that is very satisfying for the people that do enjoy it. But yeah, I haven’t played it for years and haven’t looked at the current price tag
This is awesome. He said indeed also that he had himself a lot of fun designing levels and places for video games, so he though making a video game out of the very process of designing a level would be cool.
A project from Will Wright that always fascinated me is SimAnt, a game from 1991 where you build an ant colony.
I remember finally getting my hands on the editor for the Build engine after a few years of making maps in Doom and Heretic and had thought 3D level design was only something super geniuses could do… Until Hammer showed it was just the garbage UI/UX of Build lol
I’m glad that when I made my high school for Counter-Strike, it was back in 1.6 and not more recently. Heard about a kid who did the same for CSGO just a few years ago and he got expelled and I think he was arrested because they saw it like “terrorist planning” or some bullshit…
Subjectively at least - and this might be rose-tinted glasses influencing my judgment - it feels like it was more common, that certain genres were almost expected to come with an accessible level/map editor. I think I spent more time with the one from Age of Empires than the actual game.
I mean the point of all rating systems in the US was fear of government regulation of content and having to fight that particular legal battle. It basically exists because moral busybodies were upset about Night Trap, Mortal Kombat and Doom.
it was actually one that I remember playing when I was younger. The name always stuck in my brain because of the initials and what they stood for. Glad you found it
There’s a couple of quests that have a time limit, and it’s easy to not be aware since all the others can be completed whenever. I only knew beforehand because I read about it, and I’m glad I did, because letting them unintentionally expire has really bad outcomes.
Also I got a mod for infinite respecs. Otherwise I would worry about wasting finite consumable points and never spend them.
Great game, it and the original Pixel Dungeon were my most played phone games for years.
Another high quality mobile experience I can’t recommend enough is Slice & Dice. Gameplay is quite different from Pixel Dungeon, but it’s basically replaced all other phone games for me. Been playing it almost continuously now for the past 3 years.
I’m surprised this isn’t one of the top comments. I don’t even play or have interest RTS games, only ever watched friends play it as a kid and it’s still stuck in my head to this day.
My favorites to randomly quote at work:
“More work?”
“Off i go then”
“Stop poking me”
“What, mortal?”
“Im blind, not deaf”
“Youve got a chip on your shoulder, aye, i have fish there too”
“Vrroooom” “It came from… behind…”
“A sound plan”
I think I have 5k hours in and the development style finally got to me in a bad way. I can go into detail if needed, but I don’t feel I need to to anyone with enough time in the game.
Thanks! I blasted my way through the main quest in preparation for 1999. Now I’m just working on getting my MR up and good frames and weapons built. My friends are so much farther along than me and they are a huge help. My fave part of the game, by far, is the fashion