TofuScramble, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

Genuine question: how much of the marketing material did you see? I thought it was always clear that it was gonna be an exploration/puzzle game in a cyberpunk world with a baddie.

I had the opposite reaction, and was surprised by how much I enjoyed the small things, like scratching a carpet!

I do hope you find something more like what you’re wishing for, though 🙂

OMG_its_mustard, avatar

The cat flopping over the first time he wears the backpack was spot on


I forgot about that but at the time I almost died because that was so real!

beefcat, avatar

Yeah if OP went into stray expecting an open world survival game, that’s on them. It’s kind of silly to be disappointed that a game does not meet expectations fabricated entirely within your own head.

ABetterTomorrow, do games w Skill issue

Playing online since dialup/Internet cafe days, can confirm. Also it’s just more fun to get along.

vk6flab, do games w Skill issue avatar



Pretty sure it was just an excuse for the authors to play Halo, but skimming the study it still looks like valid science.


Who actually needs an excuse to play Halo though?


People with jobs that aren’t playing video games.

MyNameIsAtticus, avatar

Invite your boss and coworkers to play Halo with you. Problem solved





Replying to this with a T2S soon

CosmicCleric, avatar
hemko, do gaming w Pew pew

Doom: >🔫

oddspinnaker, do games w What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists?

This is pretty obscure, but the Game Boy Advance remake of Mario Bros. (Not Super Mario Bros.) is more fun than the original.

You can run, for one thing, and the controls are more responsive in general.

It’s one of the games on Super Mario Advance, and one of the main reasons I originally wanted a GBA when it came out! I had the original Mario Bros. for the NES and thought it would be fun to have a portable version. I was right.

They did a great job updating the game!


Yeah the controls in the OG Mario Bros (and even the OG Super Mario Bros, to a bit of a lesser extent) are very clunky compared to modern entries. I’d say SMB3 holds up well though.


Literally if you’re playing on the original NES controllers made in a time before Nintendo understood the importance of erganomics. The corners dug into hands and even the buttons wore at fingers and I say that as someone who has naturally thick callouses.

Iirc, they didn’t even have the satisfying button press mechanism most buttons have these days where the button resistance drops as you pass the threshold of a “press”. And many games involved mashing or holding buttons. Like it was painful to watch my daughter try playing SMB and not just hold the B button to constantly run.

They were iconic but I prefer to see them than use them.


There is a lot of truth to this old commercial.

WILSOOON, do games w Best game ever?

Portal and portal 2 those are the best ever, a story line everyone can get behind, likable characters. Good game loop. They are just masterclasses.

Flagstaff, avatar

Portal 2 was way better than Portal, which felt like mostly a really extended tech demo or proof-of-concept. Portal 2 felt like an actual, full, fleshed-out game.

FauxLiving, do games w LAN (local area network) games

Co-Optimus is a great resource for this.

Here’s their database with a filter showing all PC games that support LAN play:


Thank you so much!

Tolstoy, avatar

This list is the way to go. My last Lan party was about 17 years back but there is one golden rule, which is still more important than anything else: pick a game no one has played or one that everybody is familiar with! The biggest fun killers are unbalanced teams and matches. Despite that, we liked the first flat out game which now should be wreckfest and strangely enough a soccer mod for CS:S back then.

melroy, avatar

Skill issue.

bjoern_tantau, do games w Favourite 90s platformer? avatar

Super Mario World on the SNES. That game is just great. I love playing it every so often.


Yes! This is my standard for a good platformer.

I think being the “free” game that comes with the system hurt it’s reputation. We all got bored of it, but going back to it after playing some terrible platformers really shows you how great it really is.

catalyst, avatar

This for sure. There are other great examples, like Yoshi’s Island or Mario 64, but World is the one I grew up with and have the most nostalgia for.

cattywampas, do games w Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options!

Not just my mood, but I have different flavors of favorite.

In terms of nostalgia and all-time enjoyment, hard to beat Ocarina of Time.

In terms of pure “this game is so good”, may have to go with Red Dead Redemption 2. Truly a masterpiece.

In terms of most hours played, Civilization 6 at over 2000 hours.

cod, avatar

I like this way of doing it. For me:

Nostalgia and all-time enjoyment, probably Pokémon Gen 2 / Remakes (Silver / Gold / Crystal / SoulSilver / HeartGold). I consider them all one game of different “flavours”. If I had to choose one I’d probably go with SoulSilver. The remakes added some much needed modern conveniences, and having your Pokémon follow you around in the overworld was awesome.

Pure “this game is so good”, probably Elden Ring. Before the DLC I’d probably go with Dark Souls III because of Gael and Friede, but Shadow of the Erdtree blew me away.

Most hours played, Skyrim at over 5,000. HITMAN is in second place at a bit over 1,300.

collapse_already, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually

I don’t think any amount of achievable retirement savings is enough to give me confidence that I could cover escalating health care costs enough that I could retire. Even if I had $10M in the bank, I would worry that the cost of health care will rise fast enough to impoverish me.


If you make it to Medicare age, it gets a lot less stressful. eg: my folks have had 4 knees replaced with very little out-of-pocket cost. There’s still supplemental insurance, but Medicare, not the profit-driven insurance company, determines what gets covered, and they mostly listen to doctors. There’s always edge cases, where some treatment might not be covered, but I feel like those are uncommon.

One way or the other, my ultimate health care plan is 9mm.


I have no confidence that medicare will still exist. It could be gone by next month.


Maybe in our lifetime we will see an expansion of Medicare to be a single payer system for all Americans as a publicly available option (ie: the minimum standards other insurance would need to meet to be competitive).

That would be nice. Idk I’m just hopeful in like 25 years we may see some real change ushered in when it comes to that. Probably very naively hopeful but I have to at least occasionally believe in a better future.


I get more pessimistic every year and I started out extremely pessimistic. I think humanity going extinct in my lifetime is more likely than the US getting single payer in my lifetime.


Humans won’t ever go extinct save some absolute batshit scenario that wipes the world completely clean of all life, give or take.

We’re too resourceful and we like fucking too much for humans to go extinct but it could be a pretty bleak existence for the human race at some point.


Nevertheless, I stand by my view. We are already trying our hardest to make the atmosphere replicate the atmosphere of the K-T extinction.


I’m surprised that Trump doesn’t use Obama care to prescribe 9mm medication to people. It’s a lot cheaper to pay a one time cost of a 9mm that reoccurring costs of medication. Think about it, health care costs plumit and firearms sales skyrocket. It’s a republican wet dream.


You just move to a county with actual Healthcare as part of your retirement. Won’t even need 5 mil.

vasus, do games w What is your favorite mod?

Enderal, a whole new game built ontop of Skyrim. Offers an entirely different setting, map, class system, enemies, spells, and has an actual story that you will not soon forget.


Just started that recently, very good so far.

Jeffool, avatar

I had genuinely forgotten about it without playing it. Thanks for mentioning it.


Enderal and also its predecessor Nehrim are absolutely amazing! They’re so fantastic, I don’t even consider them mods, I see them as full games.

PS: Yes, I know Arkwend exists. But I’ve never played it because I personally dislike Morrowind and its gameplay systems. Especially the god aweful random hit chance system Oblivion got me into RPGs so that will forever be my gold standard for RPG games.

SnotFlickerman, (edited ) do gaming w Rockstar has some of the most restrictive mission design I've ever experienced avatar

To me, this is different choices in player autonomy/agency. No player is truly autonomous in a game world, but giving the player choices and having the choices have outcomes that actually impact the gameworld makes it feel like it’s your own agency making the choice.

For example, why would I eat the fish in Nier Automata? Doing so kills me. Why would they give me the option to have a game-ending early on in the game based on eating a fish? Because in giving you the choice to do so, they’ve given you a level of autonomy. They let you find out for yourself what the consequences are, and the consequences make sense in the context of the game world.

Rockstar is bad at respecting player agency, but you know what the worst was in my experience?

Hogwarts Legacy. (Note: I pirated this trash to not give Rowling any money)

Right off the bat, at the beginning of the game, you’re meant to follow your Professor through a dark seemingly endless empty space. If you leave the side of your Professor, nothing terrible happens, just big red scary words cover the screen saying you’ve failed because you lost track of the Professor.

In a game that actually respects player agency, you wouldn’t just be like “Hey, you’re doing THIS MISSION WRONG” (which is basically what the message said in nicer terms), you would give the player an actual event showing why it was dangerous.

What would be so hard about animating a shadowy horror coming out of the shadows and snatching you, instantly killing you? At least then you have learned why you shouldn’t venture alone. Because there are scary monsters in the dark and they could kill you! This respects the players agency by allowing them to explore but also giving them clear limits that fit the theme of the world in which they exist. There’s definitely scary horrors in Harry Potter, and a myriad of things that could kill a new student. We don’t see any of them, just big all caps “YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!”

The game would pose further issues, like not being able to jump over obstacles that your character is clearly jumping higher than. Invisible walls is another thing which disrespects player agency and breaks world immersion.

It’s been a while since I played it, but the whole game was crammed to the gills with these kind of wag of the finger “we didn’t tell you to play that way so don’t” instead of using compelling story-based reasons to keep people from doing those things.


Every so often i like to boot up Automata, and just remove the OS chip. And then close the game out.

It just feels good on certain days.


Go to Bunker


Is that the black box self destruct?


Yeah. Use it at the Bunker and it blows up the Bunker. I love all the endings that are like, “I don’t know why she did that.”

Also apparently it’s a real last ditch move that doesn’t actually kill you. I didn’t know that until just now when I looked it up. I thought it was just an interesting thing where the game let you blow yourself up. Also, it apparently leaves you with tattered clothes.


That’s fun, definitely going to try it out. I like all the premature endings too


I’m reminded of the abyssal words in Elden Ring’s expansion. There are signs that tell you “Don’t let them see you!” and “You have to hide and run!”. You find an area with some tall grass and some creepy eye-monsters. And sure enough, if they see you they come running at you. They’ll knock you over, grab you, and explode your head.

Clearly you’re supposed to sneak by them.


spoilerYou can also parry their attack, and then just kill them. Or just fucking book it and run past them, but that’s way harder.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

I also read that on release, Star Wars Outlaws that being seen during a stealth mission was an insta-fail.

Unlike, say, Alien Isolation where you get to see yourself swallowed up by the Xenomorph when you fail.

Apparently they sent an update to Outlaws that changed that, because people hated it obviously.


Insta-fail on spotted should be a difficulty option like in Metal Gear.


BG3 follows tabletop RPG style. You can fight your way through or sneak your way through or talk your way through

Fail to talk well or sneak well means you get to try the fight method

At very least if sneaking fails you ought to be able to run and hide and sneak again with it a little harder 'cause they’re looking for you

KoboldCoterie, do games w I Released a Questionnaire About Video Game Preservation! avatar

The last page of this survey is heavy handed and full of leading questions. It feels like you’re less trying to gather research data and more trying to push an agenda; it would not pass scientific review. The fact that I agree with the agenda being pushed doesn’t change my feelings on that.

A better method would have been to ask the question in a neutral way (e.g. ‘Do you believe that storing game cartridges qualifies as preservation?’ or even better, ‘Storing game cartridges qualifies as preservation’ as a statement, with a Strongly Disagree - Strongly Agree scale), then at the end of the survey provide the information you’re providing in the links below each question.

LiamTheBox, (edited )

Thank you for your input! I have changed the link to a new form. and yes, I realised my last questions were not neutral, and I am sorry.

nutbutter, do games w Is Civilization 7 not fun?

You should try Unciv. It’s an open source Civilisation game. Yes, you can play online too. Not a very good looking game, but still awesome. Works on Android too.

Ephera, (edited )

Yeah, its game mechanics are very similar to Civ5, which is still considered one of the high points in the Civ series. And it does reproduce them quite well, so I do think that can give you a good impression, if Civ is for you.

Then again, I do own Civ5, but still end up playing Unciv instead, because I’d rather have my laptop not screaming at me while it runs in the background and I do a couple turns every so often…

swizzlestick, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

The first BloodRayne game (after the intro level, which is plain bad and almost nazi-free) sees a lot of bitten, shot, dismembered, burned, possessed and exploded nazis.

Honestly the gameplay is a bit clunky even for its time, but if what you need is dead nazis then it very firmly ticks the box.

Also remastered: BloodRayne: Terminal Cut

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