Zahille7, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games?

I believe Cyberpunk 2077 is a fantastic experience going in blind.

VindictiveJudge, avatar

Especially Phantom Liberty. I went in blind, made decisions, lived to regret them, fucked up everything, and loved every minute of it.


Playing through Phantom Liberty now. So far it’s a breath of fresh air in a save I’ve been playing on and off since launch.


There’s a couple of quests that have a time limit, and it’s easy to not be aware since all the others can be completed whenever. I only knew beforehand because I read about it, and I’m glad I did, because letting them unintentionally expire has really bad outcomes.

Also I got a mod for infinite respecs. Otherwise I would worry about wasting finite consumable points and never spend them.

InEnduringGrowStrong, do games w What games have you put the most hours into? avatar

I was gonna check my Steam library for the numbers, but the real answer probably is Shattered Pixel Dungeon on my phone.

2xsaiko, avatar

The only game on my phone! Great game.

Probably not nearly close to top hours though. I haven’t even beaten it once yet.


You can beat it??


25 is the lowest floor. after that, you can either choose to end the run or do an ascension


It took me 48 attempts to beat it the first time. After that it was like every five to ten tries.

Fubarberry, avatar

Great game, it and the original Pixel Dungeon were my most played phone games for years.

Another high quality mobile experience I can’t recommend enough is Slice & Dice. Gameplay is quite different from Pixel Dungeon, but it’s basically replaced all other phone games for me. Been playing it almost continuously now for the past 3 years.

M137, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? avatar

Wololo - Age of Empires

I’m surprised this isn’t one of the top comments. I don’t even play or have interest RTS games, only ever watched friends play it as a kid and it’s still stuck in my head to this day.

jBlight, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

Yes me lord.

Zug zug


Work work!


My favorites to randomly quote at work:
“More work?”
“Off i go then”
“Stop poking me”
“What, mortal?”
“Im blind, not deaf”
“Youve got a chip on your shoulder, aye, i have fish there too”
“Vrroooom” “It came from… behind…”
“A sound plan”

hoshikarakitaridia, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Warframe. Inching closer to 3.000h currently.

It does come in waves, but every once in a while I go all in again and lose myself in the infinite things you can do.

Coskii, avatar

I think I have 5k hours in and the development style finally got to me in a bad way. I can go into detail if needed, but I don’t feel I need to to anyone with enough time in the game.

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

My friends got me into Warframe about 6 months ago. We play together almost every night. We are so excited for the 1999 update.

hoshikarakitaridia, avatar

Have fun playing :D

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

Thanks! I blasted my way through the main quest in preparation for 1999. Now I’m just working on getting my MR up and good frames and weapons built. My friends are so much farther along than me and they are a huge help. My fave part of the game, by far, is the fashion

PunchingWood, do games w World of Warcraft's monetization seems to be getting way more aggressive

The amount you complain about WoW you should probably just quit the game, if you’re even playing it. Also why do you keep making topics and then deleting them? You complained about subscriptions, and now you’re complaining about optional additional cosmetic content.

Like 99% of the community likely doesn’t care about promotional stuff. You can just pay the game and subscription and get access to all gameplay features just fine. If someone spends hundreds of bucks to get some useless promotional item, then let them. It doesn’t affect my gameplay.

Yeah, you can buy a mount from the store that saves you like a 2 minute walk or flight to your closest auction house, ironically I’ve never ever seen anyone even use these mounts outside of the cities that have actual auction houses, they’re usually just next to a mailbox or bank across the street of the auction house.

The fact that these things sell is probably one reason why subscriptions in the past 20 years haven’t rising in the first place.

jagermo, do games w Games to play with my late 40s brothers?

Pummel Party, Stick Fight, Space Marine 2, For the King, Borderlands are would be my recommendations.


Seconding Space Marine 2. It's built for three-player co-op, crossplay works smoothly, and it's a super satisfying shooter


Space marine 2 could actually do the trick.

Regrettable_incident, avatar

Great cheers I’ll check it out

Dettweiler42, do gaming w SteamDeck TOP Played list.

I can’t help but question the accuracy of this list, since the Steam Deck doesn’t seem to log hours for games played in offline mode correctly. I easily have hundreds of hours unaccounted for. It will also add played time for hours spent in standby with a game running, but then wipe all of the hours played and in standby once I connect to the internet.

ZeroHora, avatar

At least on PC if you play a game without internet connection the library update the achievements/hours played when you reconnect, is different when you log in the offline mode?


I recently put a dozen hours into Witcher 3 while using my steam deck on a couple long flights. I’m pretty sure it synced correctly when I finally got home and connected to wifi. Maybe it didn’t work at one time, but I’d be surprised if it still doesn’t.

ZeroHora, avatar

Yeah I played Divinity Original Sin this weekend and my internet died Saturday, finished the game, when my internet got back on Monday steam saved my +15hr and the achievements but I also let my PC on and steam opened hoping for the best.


It does update achievements. It’s really just play time that seems to have issues


Valve would probably like to hear about your findings so that they can resolve this if it is verified

Seigest, do games w Toby Fox: Deltarune chapter 3 & 4 are coming 2025 avatar

I hope he’s taking care of himself. Guys been burning on all cylinders since the Homestuck days.

olicvb, avatar

at least now he’s got a team to help. Bro even started doing sidequests making music for nintendo XD

FatTony, do gaming w This is spot on for so many games avatar

Yes, and I love them for it. ^^

rtxn, do gaming w "Wirelessly connect with me" doesn't work as well these days

Date an audiophile and you’ll never run out of quality cables. If you’re lucky, they might even agree to flog you with the Stax Lambda’s flat ribbon cable.


how much was all this audio equipment? literally nothing compared to the cost of the cables to hook it all up with.

rtxn, (edited )

Never ask:

  • A man his salary
  • A woman her age
  • An audiophile how much they paid for their hoard

On second thought, ask all of those questions.

  • Secrecy is how employers get away with wage inequality.
  • “I didn’t know she was 17” does not work in a court of law.
  • An audiophile will proudly point at their favourite budget headset. I mean, the Samson SR-850 is just insane value for its price. Sure, it’s a symphony of plastics, the design is just a straight rip-off of the AKG K240, and the fixed cable is a bummer, but the frequency response and the soundstage are out of this world. Plus the impedance is only 32 ohms: it easily runs out of a smartphone.

Best I can do is Cat 6a


What can I do with WiFi?


Nothing, drop wifi in the trashcan and cable your home.


Host a multiplayer game and annoy the shit out of people

Swedneck, avatar

cat6-o-nine tails

UltraGiGaGigantic, avatar
Gerudo, do gaming w Can anyone help me identify this Xbox controller?

It’s a design lab custom build. You can get your gamer tag or short phrase etched on it, hense the YOU DIED


Cheers for the reply! Looks like it is custom after all :D

silverchase, do games w Suggestions? Games that won't make me feel alone? avatar

I guess you’re looking to spend time with interesting characters.

Endearing party of playable characters:

  • Bug Fables — A big tiny adventure of three cute insects, with Paper Mario-inspired turn-based combat
  • Cassette Beasts — Creature-collecting with heart. You bring one of several interesting companions with you.
  • Moonlight Pulse — A metroidvania set on a planet-sized creature. You play as a team of planet-creature denizens fighting off a parasite infestation.

Encountering interesting NPCs:

  • A Short Hike — A very small but dense open world game. You encounter characters on your way to find a cell signal in a remote mountain park. With no quest tracker or minimap, you just wander and do what you want.
  • Inscryption — Card game with an immersive, spooky atmosphere. The game is hiding secrets from you, though, and you’ll meet plenty of shady characters before you can get the truth.
  • CrossCode — Action RPG set in a fictional VR MMO of the distant future. You wake up as a player character with no memories of real life, unable to log out. You quickly make friends, go do MMO stuff together and get to the bottom of why you’re stuck in-game.

Parasocial weirdness:

  • Hypnospace Outlaw — You are a janitor on a Geocities-like service in a simulated 1999 internet. You learn about all the users through their personal websites. This game expresses a large emotional range with just website updates (or the lack of them).

I was going to suggest CrossCode, it has some great characters. And while the game is balls-hard on default settings it has many adjustable options to bring it in line with whatever your skill level may be.

silverchase, avatar

Honestly, my issue with it is that it gets mired in real MMO tedium when it didn’t need to simulate that. Stuff like running between NPC traders to trade your supplies up for good equipment and other stuff like having a gigantic pile of consumables.

And of course, I finish the final boss with all the best consumables still in my inventory. The game never pressed me to use them, so I always saved them for something more important. “Oh, that was the final boss. Guess I should have been eating more sandwiches.”

The plot and worldbuilding are still really cool. Just don’t get into MMOmaxxing.

ThirdWorldOrder, do gaming w Thank you Skövde

Valheim and Satisfactory are masterclass. GOAT simulator is good for 6 year olds. Raft was kind of dull be entertaining with multiplayer. V Rising I didn’t really care for, but haven’t played since it was first available on Steam


Valheim was amazing. But it’s faltered so badly in the past 2 years that I’m just sad. Very sad.


Did it falter?

While I disagree with how long they’re been in early access especially when other games are in early access and doing it better… The updates were still pretty impressive. The new biomes were pretty interesting.


They’ve gotten progressively more poorly thought out though.

Mistlands is glorious, but so fogged in as to be essentially invisible. I resorted to a mod to increase the value of the wisp.

Ashlands is just a brutal, unfun grind. Not hard, just relentless especially with endless pop-in of enemies. Not to mention even more horrendous performance… 20fps on a very high end system is abysmal (rtx 4090, nvme drive, etc).


I bought it the very day it came out for no real reason and fell in love with it. Put about 500 hours in it before any updates happened. Played a little since then but those higher tier biomes are pretty brutal. Gonna wait until it’s 1.0 before jumping in again. Best $20 ever


Same boat here my friend.

1000+ hours, lots of intricate builds. Post Ashlands has been miserable.

With all that, still the best $20 I’ve ever spent in 43 years of gaming.


Ah man you’re my age. Check out UFO 50. Second best ~$20 ($25) I’ve spent


Or I could just play some sweet Master of Magic (DOS version)… a game so beloved it’s still getting actively modded some 30 years later!

I have such a ridiculous backlog to play. Such guilt.


I remember that game with the purple box. When I was 13 I worked in a computer store and remember thinking the box was pretty cool.

I played it finally around 2010 but kind of bounced off since I had no idea what I was doing lol. I can see why it still has a following like HOMM


It defined a genre. And had some pretty advanced concepts for the time (the first game I played with right-click help pop-ups).

It’s still being worked on, mostly via Caster of Magic. The ‘reboot’ is OK, but a bit too slavish in copying the UI issues.


I love survival games but both my partner and I hated Raft.

Valheim is one of the best survival games ever. Love it.


Survival games are my jam. Colony builders and Chivalry 2 otherwise.

What are your favorite survivals? If I went with a top 3 it would probably be Icarus, Valheim and 7D2D


Never played Icarus, will look into it!

Palworld was surprisingly fun. I think Valheim is actually my number one, followed by Enshrouded.


Palworld is a lot of fun. Much different than a lot of survivals since I was never into Pokémon. Enshrouded I played on release for a little bit. Gonna sound weird but I the building turned me off a bit and the combat i felt a little awkward. I know a lot of people love it so it’s like a me thing.

Icarus is really cool. I refunded it initially because I felt it was janky but they have released an update every single week since launch. Picked it up again at the start of summer and I have like 300+ hours in it. It’s so good.


I’m absolutely terrible at Chivalry 2 but I have to admit, I don’t mind. It’s just fun running around with so many other people.


I was really bad. So bad that I only played archery and even got archery class over level 30. My brother always tops the leaderboards and he came over one day and showed me how to play. Basically, make sure you’re in third person and we use either the battle axe or executioners axe. I’m now regularly at the top of the boards.

If you ever want to join up with us let me know. We do the 40 man mixed


V rising is different from when it first came out in terms of how some mechanics work like tracking bosses

Powers and spells are way different on how you unlock them tho and for the better


It’s been a while but I remember I was annoyed with something to do with having to find blood. I know that’s really stupid considering it’s a vampire game. Also the top down view i have a hard time with these days since I played so much Diablo 1+2 back in the day

altima_neo, do gaming w A sacrifice for the greater good avatar

Yeah, nah, boss, you gonna need at least 3 more of those bad boys.


Only one needs to have charge though right? It’ll just drain really fast. Or am I misremembering

altima_neo, avatar

I don’t think it’ll work without enough voltage


Depends on whether the batteries were hooked up in either series or parallel. Later GameBoys only needed 2 batteries but required the same voltage, so I’m guessing that the OG GB is wired in series-parallel.

So in other words, you need at least two batteries to be good for this to work in the OG GB. Later editions need both batteries to hold a charge to reach 3V.

altima_neo, avatar

The og, as depicted in the meme, needs 4 batteries, but I remember from experience as a kid that it wouldn’t work with a few dead batteries and one good one. Sometimes it would work out if they had enough juice in them, though. It wasn’t nearly as picky as my Nomad was.


From my knowledge, it’s kinda the opposite - when a device first runs out of battery, it’s almost always the case that only one of the batteries is truly dead. So if you find that one dead battery and swap it out, you’ll be good again for a surprisingly long while

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