HowlsSophie, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Frostpunk. OMG never have I played a game like this. It was emotionally exhausting and I didn’t realize it until I finished the first scenario. I was like if been holding my breath for a few weeks and was finally able to let it out. Started a second scenario and I honestly don’t think I can do it again. I loved it but WOW.

AndrewZen, do piracy w Internet Archive copyright

There are better file hosts out there than

bblfrnz, do piracy w CS.RIN.RU's Gdrive links are down and no longer accessible. Is it just limited to that site or did google do something and screw GDrive for Piracy ?

Just look at the Rui’s signature on the forum since most of uploads were his:

Well, it had to happen eventually. All the google drive uploads from my account are now inaccessible, due to me refusing to pay 10x more for unlimited storage, and consequently Google forcing authorization request for each and everyone of the links. It was great while it lasted. I’ll leave the google drive bypass method here nonetheless, who knows, might be useful one day.

aperson, do gaming w What incremental games do you enjoy?

Stone story has been great fun.

popcornmango, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Silent Hunter 5 with The Wolves of Steel mod. Those U-boat sailers were crazy. 50 lived in a space the size of an apartment for months. And the aces sailed right into the middle of the convoy to attack at night! They were also extremely outgunned by the British alone, it’s amazing how effective submarines are. Also fuck Nazis but manually stalking and targetting ships is fun!

skullgiver, do piracy w Internet Archive copyright avatar

They will once they receive a DMCA takedown. Don’t become part of the problem.

This shit is why copyright companies are trying to ruin the Internet Archive. Just upload torrents or use mega.

dark_stang, do gaming w Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this
!deleted6865 avatar

Sony changed their CPU architecture every time until PS4/5. The only reason some PS3s could play PS2 games is because they had also had PS2 hardware in them. Xbox has been x86 the whole time.


The 360 is IBM power pc based.

The simple answer is that microsoft is a far more advanced company in terms of programming an OS, the gap shows when you compare console securities, where virtually every nintendo or sony device had software vulnerabilities, while microsoft consoles tended to need to be hardmodded


As someone who programmed drivers for nt, it’s not, the reason it’s easier is because they started later.

Xbox is a mature x86 windows platform, vs ps1 which is an embedded mips system.

They started with their windows directx stack and just kept with it, while ps did a random walk all over the place.

Msft also had really boring hardware, like, they started with a crappy pc, then made a crappy ppc pc, then went back to a crappy pc. The software was simplistic, while Sony made really interesting hardware designs, that turned out to be hard to program, till the ps4 when they just gave up.

Msft traditionally isn’t very good at operating systems, they’ve just had infinite resources and infinite monkeys for 40+ years, and they’ve been stubborn enough to make it work somehow.


I would argue they had to give it up to get the indie scene onboard as I heard many nightmare stories for indies from PS3 era. Was it worth it? I’m sure contributed a great deal to the success of PS4 but it made the PS into just a more affordable gaming PC.


Totally worth it, they spent unimaginable resources trying to make those architectures programmable, now that’s all almost free, they just compete for published titles and maybe some secondary features.

MSFT was in a better position because they didn’t need to spend those resources, and more importantly the devs didn’t either, they could write windows games then port them over easily. Now it’s just as easy to do that for ps4/5. All that matters is nailing exclusives and looking cool, plus some marketing which msft sucks at.


It’s too early to decide if it was. Yes it was the safest bet, Even though PS4 had a great deal of success you also need to keep in mind, a lot of it was because of politics. Nintendo and MS made huge mistakes at that time and Sony basically ate their lunch.

The older generations were always innovative and pushed the envelop as far as possible, but now PS just a gaming PC that is not upgradable like an actual PC. if you don’t recall, the most hyped thing about PS5 was the controller, which is not what you expect the main point of buying a new consol to be.

On the topic of exclusives, I personally hate them. I think it makes a false sense of value in modern consoles where in the past they were intentionally made to take advantage of the architecture to showcase the unique quirks (and ofc the power) of this machine in a tiny box. Now they are usually just political leverages even though the games can be ported to other platforms.

So to reiterate, I agree it definitely had positive net for Sony in the short run, we’ll have to wait and see if it will payout in the long run.


Exclusives are terrible for the customer, but they’re a way for corporate to control the market, which is a good for them.

We’ll see, but I was on the dev side of that nightmare, Sony would have gotten crushed the next gen, they barely made it out of ps3 with their extended developers in tact, nobody liked programming the cell, everybody loves the current system.

But it does reduce competitive surface area, so we’ll see. Nintendo is winning now because they didn’t follow the same path but they did innovate, more than almost anyone before.

My question is: What innovation do you see that could have been worth a unique architecture to Sony’s developers?


I agree with your sentiment, after all what is a game console without games.

What I want isn’t necessarily a unique architechture, rather I want a unique experience. I think looking at Smartphone landscape expresses my concerns much clearer. All phones today are basically just reskins of same phone in design, purpose and architechture. Sure there are some novelty phones with smaller audiences for the sake of novelty but what makes you choose a phone over the other is just marketing at this point. I’m afraid that’s where we’re headed with consoles. The difference is the home consoles are replaceable.


That’s not necessarily a bad thing, to use the phone metaphor, every improvement in one phone rapidly spread to others, so even budget phones have features better than the top of the line phones a decade ago.

Now game developers can go back to focusing on games, and console makers can focus on trying to make better consoles without having to blow ludicrous resources on supporting developers or just making the thing work, they just rely on amd making better chips which seems to have worked.

I totally get where you’re going, and I agree we need that macro-innovation as it were, but games were a nightmare of hacks and bullshit for decades, I think a period of consolidation is good right now, then we can start the whole race all over again with crazy new tech.


Haha cheers to that! I really enjoyed our conversation :) I hope you have a good week mate


It doesnt say anything about modern consoles though. Although its dofferent at the start, their modern consoles are still effectively full of exploits. Hell VERY recently, “backup” PS4 titles are running on the PS5. Security is the main reason why BOTH the PS5 and the Nintendo Switch do not have easily accessible web browsers while Microsoft can.

!deleted6865 avatar

Oh I forgot about the xenon chips. Those are still much easier to emulate I think, at least compare to the cell and emotion chips Sony used early on.


I heard that the Xbox is basically like a PC (since Microsoft is so adept at this), so backwards compatibility is natural. But what you said about x86 architecture is interesting.

ghostalmedia, avatar

The original Xbox, Xbox One, and S/X are all basically x86 PCs, but the 360 was basically a Power Mac. Microsoft was literally using PowerMac G5 towers as early development kits for the 360.

Supporting 360 games is pretty time consuming and requires emulation. MS has been slowly chipping away at it for years.

kbity, avatar

The Xbox 360 was based on the same weird, in-order PowerPC 970 derived CPU as the PS3, it just had three of them stuck together instead of one of them tied to seven weird Cell units. The TL;DR of how Xbox backwards compatibility has been achieved is that Microsoft's whole approach with the Xbox has always been to create a PC-like environment which makes porting games to or from the Xbox simpler.

The real star of the show here is the Windows NT kernel and DirectX. Microsoft's core APIs have been designed to be portable and platform-agnostic since the beginning of the NT days (of course, that isn't necessarily true of the rest of the Windows operating system we use on our PCs). Developers could still program their games mostly as though they were targeting a Windows PC using DirectX since all the same high-level APIs worked in basically the same way, just with less memory and some platform-specific optimisations to keep in mind (stuff like the 10MB of eDRAM, or that you could always assume three 3.2GHz in-order CPU cores with 2-way SMT).

Xbox 360 games on the Xbox One seem to be run through something akin to Dolphin's "Übershaders" - in this case, per-game optimised modifications of an entire Xenon GPU stack implemented in software running alongside the entire Xbox 360 operating environment in a hypervisor. This is aided by the integration of hardware-level support for certain texture and audio formats common in Xbox 360 games into the Xbox One's CPU design, similarly to how Apple's M-series SoCs integrate support for x86-style memory ordering to greatly accelerate Rosetta 2.

Microsoft's APIs for developers to target tend to be fairly platform-agnostic - see Windows CE, which could run on anything from ARM handhelds to the Hitachi SH-4 powered Sega Dreamcast. This enables developers who are mostly experienced in coding for x86 PCs running Windows to relatively easily start writing programs (or games) for other platforms using those APIs. This also has the beneficial side-effect of allowing Microsoft to, with their collective first-hand knowledge of those APIs, create compatibility layers on an x86 system that can run code targeted at a different platform.

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

The PowerPC cores aren’t the problem, emulating that is pretty straightforward. It’s the many SPUs that present a huge headache to emulate in a performant manner.

And yeah, MS building everything on Windows and DirectX also makes things considerably easier.

kbity, avatar

Funnily enough, one of the few legitimately impactful non-enterprise uses of AVX512 I'm aware of is that it does a really good job of accelerating emulation of the Cell SPUs in RPCS3. But you're absolutely right, those things are very funky and implementing their functions is by far the most difficult part of PS3 emulation.

Luckily, I think most games either didn't do much with them or left programming for them to middleware, so it would mostly be first- and second-party games that would need super-extensive customisation and testing. Sony could probably figure it out, if they were convinced there was sufficient demand and potential profit on the other side.

ghostalmedia, avatar

As other noted, this is not true. The early 360 development kits were literally PowerMac towers purchased from Apple.

360 games require emulation, and MS has been slowing plugging away at expanding its emulation library for years. None of this was easy.

loops, (edited ) do gaming w Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this

This is part of the reason why I haven’t thought of buying a console since the PS3. There are a lot of games that were made for the ps2/1 that I really loved and I can probably never play them again because PlayStations lack that feature. They have effectively been erased, which is really sad.

I sold my PS3 a long time ago, and I’ve been using Steam on my PC since then. Now I won’t have to worry about losing access to titles I bought just because they’re locked to certain hardware that will eventually not be made any more.


What I’ve liked best is that the settings menus makes it so that the game can scale with your hardware. So if you have the capable hardware you aren’t left waiting a decade for a remaster release and nextgen console release to play with some settings turned up.

Zo0, do gaming w Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this

I wish that was true, there are so many games I would go back and play again. PS3 was a technical marvel for it’s time, however using it was so complicated that we only got to see it’s true potential by the end of it’s lifecycle with games like TLOU. So just speaking of raw power, PS5 could %100 not emulate PS3 games flawlessly as we barely have PS3 emulation on PCs. Technical part aside, it just doesn’t make business sense for Sony to invest in it. You also have to keep in mind if Sony offers PS3 emulation, it can’t stutter or crash on some games. it needs to be a commercial grade product which is not even guaranteed with PS2 or NES emulation on PC


I’ve played lot of games on the PC without issue like lollipop chainsaw, asura’s wrath, drakengard 3, and shadows of the damned without issue at 4k/60. Was really surprising to me, but rpcs3 has made great strides and if a game has been marked playable it’s been a fantastic experience. And that’s with someone unaffiliated with Sony making it possible. Seeing what Xbox accomplished with Xbox One when it came to 360 compatability it wouldn’t surprise me if Sony did better than what RPCS3 did.

There’s some notable attention given the games that don’t emulate well like MGS4 and red dead with it coming across as buggy, but lot of other titles do run really well as if they were official remastered ports.


This is what I am saying. They don’t have to offer the whole back catalog. But they can at least try and offer what is currently working in emulation.

Brewski, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Diablo 4. I’m still playing my first character, Necromancer. I put on some chill music and work on completing all the quests and dungeons. It’s really relaxing and thoughtless. I finally killed the random spawning Butcher and was so excited I text my wife about it. Lol

GTA Online. Me and my kids have a Motorcycle Club and we cruise around and shoot people together and it brings me joy!

Azathoth, do gaming w What incremental games do you enjoy?

Is there one that is server Based where it is not possible to manipulate your save state?

Uprise42, do gaming w Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this

There are rumors of the Switch getting a successor next year. My biggest wish is for it to be compatible with the current games, included digital purchases. Honestly, if I can import my digital library and saves I’m already sold on a switch successor

jsnc, do piracy w Playing pirated video games on Linux

Bottles as flatpak is an amazing way to run windows dependent software isolated from your main system. Flatpak will automatically bundle Wine and 32 bit library runtimes and bottles packages in DXVK (no need to enable multilib). If you use ProtonUPQT you can even get the bleeding edge GE wine as a runner for your programs in bottles.

I pirate because Steam is a garbage program for playing games and Valve is an evil company. So I pay for games in Steam but will just pirate a Non DRM-Non steam affiliated copy of the game to backup on my own local storage.

UrLogicFails, do gaming w Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this

Xbox’s Backwards Compatibility is definitely a big deal; but as someone who loves old games as a concept and has never thrown out a console, it’s not as big a selling point as you would think/ hope.

I personally wanted to try some of the PS2/PS3 only games and didn’t have a PS3, so I bought one used a while back. I probably only logged maybe 10 hours in it before getting completely side tracked by my backlog of modern games. And while I know that’s anecdotal evidence, it really seems like the allure of classic games might not be enough of a selling point.

This is something I think Xbox had the right idea about. While BC is very useful in concept, there aren’t so many classic games that would draw people away from modern games; so you only have to support those few games.

With that in mind, I think Sony could offer BC for their relevant PS2/ PS3 exclusives since they would only need to guarantee emulator performance for a much smaller number of games. I don’t think it’s likely for Sony to do this until they are no longer the dominant console, though, as they can make more money selling their PS3 subscription service.

From a game presentation standpoint, BC is a huge issue and I would personally love to see it happen for the PS5 (and I’d like to see it expanded to all games for the Xbox as well); but I doubt there would be much return on investment for developing the BC features, and that’s the only motivation for corporations.


You’re absolutely right. However I will add to your initial point. If I could have paid an extra $100 - $150 (for the hardware) in order to have PS1-PS3 games play on my PS5, I would have just so I could have it as an option. Bonus points if the entire PS3 digital library (especially the PS1 classics) were still available.

JCPhoenix, avatar

Not the original commenter, but I did pay the extra $100-150 for the PS3 for backwards compatibility. In retrospect, I shouldn’t have. I played maybe like 3 PS2 games on it. I was far more interested in then current-gen games. I sorta got swept up in the hype of BC back in the day, especially when Sony stopped production of BC PS3s. I literally ran out and got one before they all disappeared; I still have it.

Looking back, the option wasn’t worth it. But we’re different people, different consumers. Our needs and wants differ.

chloyster, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

For me, I just finished pikmin 4 100%!!! I have now moved on to Jedi survivor, which I am having a lot of fun with.

I got it near launch, but it didn’t run super well. I am happy I waited as the game runs much smoother than it did when it came out

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