bjoern_tantau, do gaming w Higher difficulties in every single RPG. avatar

After I had gotten the hang of Hellblade’s combat on the adaptive difficulty I turned it to easy by the end because killing enemies had become just a slog. Funnily enough it coincided with her getting the new ultimate sword and made the game feel much more epic.

BTW, Baldur’s Gate 3 does difficulty very well. Enemies get better abilities and use the good ones more frequently.


I did this in persona 5 on the last boss, even if you know all the weaknesses it was still RNG and after 3 tries I said fuck it I have other shit to do

tfw_no_toiletpaper, do gaming w Higher difficulties in every single RPG.

My friend hosted a valheim server on idk hard or very hard. The parry mechanic didn’t work since it would let a percentage of damage through. So even with the current highest obtainable shield enemies we were not able to use parries (or blocking lol) at all and had to dodge everything. At boss 4 or so I BEGGED him to lower the difficulty, since the lingering damage would almost one-shot us and we just kept respawning over and over for an hour.


I was just about to comment exactly this. Complete with finally changing the difficulty back to normal while fighting Moder.

We also found that Moder’s health was so high that the fight was not doable in a day, leaving us fighting packs of wolves (which could two shot us while blocking) during the night as well.


Moder was so painful. Queen and Yagluth were so much easier in comparison.

Working our way through the Ashlands now and well, what a frustrating area as well. Had to campfire like crazy a kilometer out just to be able to breathe for two seconds without being swarmed. We ended up going kamikaze to siege a fortress for a base and suddenly I can actually play for more than 5 seconds without being attacked.

A lot of Valheim bosses are only difficult because of the massive amounts of health. Without the crazy high amounts of health, none of them seem to have difficult mechanics.


Funny. The custom mob difficulty mod that let’s you make 4* mobs adds strong sponges but also gives you more drops so it’s a nice trade off.

I enjoyed the challenge personally.


Commiunism, do gaming w Higher difficulties in every single RPG.

The problem with difficulties is that it’s much more difficult to design an AI system which you can tweak and make it smarter or dumber as opposed to just increasing damage and health values, so devs will just implement the best AI they can and leave difficulties as afterthought.

After playing a lot of games that don’t even have difficulty settings, I’ve started to believe in the idea that difficulty selection is just outdated game design and that having a single difficulty but optional areas/content that is more difficult is the way to do it. OSRS is one of my favorite examples - everyone plays the same game and going through levelling or whatever isn’t mechanically demanding. However, there are bosses and challenges (like Theatre of Blood which is an end-game raid or Inferno which is an end-game challenge) that are incredibly challenging and require weeks if not months of attempts to master and finally beat, but also are perfectly skippable and most casual players don’t even bother with them.

teft, avatar

I’d like more games to be like FromSoft games. The difficulty is adjusted by what gear you have and what spells you use. None of that turning bosses into bullet sponges nonsense.


Yeah, Sekiro has a pretty adaptive way of making the game harder, if you start a replay and get rid of the charm item, you can’t almost parry, it has to be precise, and if you ring the demon bell everything gets higher life and damage, but drops much better loot.


Just going to ignore the hundreds of levels most players need to accumulate?

Sekiro was the only one that actually respected players time. Players bitched endlessly it was too hard.

If fromsoft actually gave a shit they’d add in adjustable parry windows and iframes and that works cover 90% of the people who weren’t good enough from sekiro. They won’t because they love to be gatekeepers.

teft, avatar

Leveling is a normal thing in any game. You level up in most games.

Also you don’t need to level up in most FromSoft games. The bosses usually have a gimmick or movement patterns that are easy to learn.

Sounds like you just suck at the games. No shame in that but don’t say something is harder than it is.


I’ve beaten every day since 2 in addition to sekiro, the actual hard game. We’re talking about easing the game for the average population. So yeah if you are in the top .5% of players fromsoft gives a fuck about your time.

For everyone else your talking somewhere between 50 and 200. I mean for fucks sake for years the advice for hitting a wall in DS was explore and come back at a higher level.

Modern world of Warcraft has less leveling these days 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, but the point is that you aren’t just grinding levels. You literally said it yourself, you go explore a different area, you play more of the game (not just grind the same part of the game)

teft, avatar

I mean for fucks sake for years the advice for hitting a wall in DS was explore and come back at a higher level.

Kind of like when you’re lower level in other games and have to level up to beat the boss? Do level 1 gnomes go straight to killing The Lich King in world of warcraft?


A lot of people say this and I don’t get it. What would be lost by having each playstyle be balanced properly and then adding difficulty scaling on top of that?


Because that’s incredibly difficult.


Larian had to dumb the AI down to make normal mode for dos2.


That’s not at all surprising. PvE game design is almost always about making the computer less competent in fun and/or believable ways. If you’ve got a computer that can simulate every item and skill in an enemy team’s arsenal and game out the best combination in milliseconds, the player is going to be dead by Turn 1 or stun-locked and dead by Turn 2.


I’ve been immensely impressed with DOS2 AI. If an enemy is sleeping, another enemy will use part of its turn to hit the enemy to wake it up. There were several instances where I paused and just stared awestruck


AI will also save up abilities with side effects until armor or magic resistance has been depleted. Such as knockdown on a battering ram ability.


Idk if I noticed that explicitly but I would believe it. The grenade throws early game are also disgusting. Pixel perfect hit your whole team lol


Aggressiveness and pathing are trivial.


but there’s so many other ways to change difficulty.

change number of enemies and where they spawn change gear and abilities, the Witcher did that one with how the stamina system worked. it didn’t drain on the lower difficulties. horizon zero dawn made everything in the shops more expensive and made the enemies drop less money. honestly, that one also sucked. only served to make the game grindier.

point is, there’s other options.


I had fun with Zero Dawn but came out with a list of minor improvements that would make the game significantly better. Forbidden West had almost all the same problems, and added several more besides. The game really started to lose me when I was trying to upgrade a particular piece of equipment and just had to keep doing laps up and down a goddamn mountain with no nearby quick travel location, hoping that an elite version of an enemy would spawn, then laboriously killing it in the hopes that a particular resource would drop, only to get disappointed by the RNG and have to repeat the process, because that was the only place where that resource could be got, and that was the only place where that enemy would spawn.

The grind was appalling, and it took what was a moderately interesting fight the first couple of times and turned it into a monotonous chore.

Also the upgrade barely turned out to be worth the effort.

I finished the game more out of spite than anything else, and I did not purchase the DLC, nor do I have any plans of getting any sequels. Damn shame, because there’s an awful lot about both games to like.

mp3, do games w Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now? avatar

The extra A comes from the MBAs adding their grain of salt that no one wants.

snooggums, avatar

So the extra A is for ‘Asshole’?


A (A Grade, not B grade)

AA A Advanced

AAA An Advanced Advertisment

AAAA An Advanced Advertising Arsehole.

givesomefucks, do games w Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now?

I mean, triple A just meant a big studio made it.

So I’m assuming quadruple A is going to be a game from a large study thats recently been bought by a giant corporation and fucked with everything despite not knowing video games.

So yeah, that’s pretty much what AAAA means, although some end up decent

sirico, do games w Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now?

I would say I really enjoyed Sony’s games the last few years but they also don’t seem to be able to tell their non-creatives to STFU and are damaging their games recently so I’m inclined to agree.

Ohh Capcom are still good…right?!

DacoTaco, (edited ) avatar

Oh sweet summer child. Capcom is on a very sharp edge imo.
Their games are solid, but everything around it is utter god damn dogshit.
Sf5? Beta was very solid, was fucked up before release. Also had a terrible microtransactions system.
Sf6? Very very solid base game, but to get all character and stages since last year + the game you have to pay +160 euro.
Re4? Very solid remake, but prepare to loose performance on pc due to dunovo despite it being a single player game.
Re: the village? Very solid game, but better pay shit up and also loose performance despite ALSO being a single player game.
Megaman: mega who?
Monster hunter : safe, for now. Monster hunter wilds looks amazing and loads of fun, but watch them fuck it up somehow…

I like capcom a lot, have always supported them despite shit decisions and a few near bankruptcies but its the microtransactions/usage of dunovo and other weird ass decisions is making me hold back on buying their stuff atm…


Monster Hunter and Devil May Cry and Dragon Age: full of insipid, unnecessary microtransactions ranging from regular consumable items, to cosmetics that were usually just included with the game normally. God I love Capcom’s games but I hate them as a company.

slazer2au, do games w Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now?

It’s just a marketing term. Just like AAA is a marketing term meaning we spent more money advertising this product than we spent on development.


Have any companies besides ubisoft used the term yet?

Aielman15, avatar

I seem to remember MS claiming they were opening the “first AAAA dev studio” (The Initiative). Since then, the studio has been radio silent, lost a bunch of talent, and needed help from Crystal Dynamics to work on their first game (Perfect Dark reboot).


iirc Square Enix called Forspoken ‘AAAA’


Ah, i guess the “A” in “AAA” stands for Advertisement.

quafeinum, avatar

Except that there was no advertising for concord lol.


True dat.


Monopoly Go is the only real AAAA


The A is for “Actually this game is $90 now instead of $60.”

sp3tr4l, (edited )

It originated as a marketing term for Skull and Bones, right?

Realistically, its a corporate buzzword that is supposed to mean that the game delivers an exceptionally high quality experience, graphically, narratively, gameplay wise…

…but what it seems to actually mean is that the budget and manhour count and development calendar time ballooned to far greater than the original plan/estimates due to incompetent management.

At this point, I propose that ‘AAAA’ applies to basically any extremely costly game backed by a huge publisher that owns many development studios, that has been in development for over 4 years before any kind of release, ie, stuck in development hell, execs convinced its going to be a massive hit such that they sunken cost fallacy other games or even other studios out of existence so they can keep funding their uber project.

With a definition like this, Skull and Bones qualifies, so does Concord and Suicide Squad.

Basically… it doesn’t have to be from a grandiose marketing campaign attached to a AAA game, its more about being stuck in development hell and continuously funded to the point of destroying other parts of the business making it, like a financial cancer.

Varyag, do games w Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now?

Yes, yes it is. The term coined by the Ubishit CEO trying to cover his own ass by claiming that Skull and Bones took so much time and money to make, and was being sold for higher than $60 (while still being a pile of shit) by saying it was a “AAAA game” and the term stuck. I mean, it’s own very first use was to describe a terrible AAA game. It’s only natural.


Oh hey, I forgot about that game’s existence until now. It’s name is so generic I used to accidentally call it Sea of Thieves, cause that’s a more memorable name. Also a more memorable game.

lefixxx, do games w How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase?

I refuse to buy anything without hall effect sticks. So that’s limiting enough.


Which one(s) have you got? Do you like them?

owenfromcanada, do games w Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now? avatar

I’m gonna release a AAAAA game. It’ll cost $95 and when you install it, it’ll just be a romhack of Super Mario World changing all the enemy sprites into butts. There’ll be a link to file complaints that just points to a terrible image made in ms paint that says “lol f u”.

My stock prices gonna hit the moon.


I’ll only support this if I can pre-order it for double the price, and have an option at launch to pay an additional $50 to make the butt sprites into dickbutt instead


I’ll pay triple if I can play it 25 minutes before anyone else has access.

owenfromcanada, avatar

The $50 dickbutt DLC isn’t scheduled to be released until a month after the launch, but for an extra $70 you can get the limited edition collectors edition at launch, that comes with a cheaply made Mario-with-a-butt-instead-of-a-head limited edition figurine.

And for $40 you can also purchase the “getting started” pack–that includes a save file where we beat the game, so you don’t even have to play it. Your name, email address, and SSN will be on our first-to-finish list!


What about us whales? Can i pay triple and have a digital art book and a poorly painted plastic dickbutt figurine?

Exusia, (edited ) avatar

And for $70 more you can play it 2 days early! For why? No fucking reason other than to flex! Gotta flex on those poors by getting it earlier than them amirite?? This ensures you will be invested in our product from the very start and you are the type of person who we can do no wrong.

And for $30 there’s 2 extra skins that are just the worst looking piles of shit. But again if you don’t have them how will you flex on the poors? This is lumped in with the earlier assurance that we can do no wrong in your eyes.

And the battle pass is $10 - every 30 days. It has nothing of value except at tier 150, which is a new flagrantly pay to win weapon. This ensures we own your time, every month.

But also we didn’t finish the game, instead we released a roadmap. We will scrap this roadmap a week and a half after the disastrous launch because the game sucks so my donkey dick we cannot possibly add content to the absolute bugfest of a game. This is an abuse of loyalty to our brand, but you’ve stated you don’t care as long as you get to play it.

Now that the game is out for a month, we’ve added a cash shop. This flies in the face of regulation on the box not indicating gambling elements, but fuck those stooges standing in the way of our profits! We can make a new box with the proper markings on them in a month. Surely you would like to buy a sword skin or character skin beyond looking like normal Mario right? Also there will be at least 1 skin that blends in with the background a little too well and attracts p2w allegations for the multiplayer mode. We don’t care and neither do you because you will buy it. You wanna be a winner right?

We noticed you’re already level 8, congratulations! We halved level reward drops, but increased rarity of those items by 30% but from here on we tripled enemy hp at every 10 levels to make sure the game is a slog, so you buy overpowered shit from the shop and battle pass.

You reached level 10 in only 5 hours? That’s amazing! How about a XP Booster? Like the above we actually made progression become ungodly slow after level 10 unless you pay us $35 for an XP booster - in a single player game. We will make sure this pops up every time you level up to remind you we intentionally slowed progression so you make this purchase.

Also we can’t help but notice you picked up a Fancy Locked Box. You can divert from the main quest to grind the crafting materials and it will take 6 hours to craft, OR you can buy a key for ONLY $5! This will pop up EVERY time you pick up a Locked Box with the option to go to the shop, and be SUPER disruptive, to get you to cave.

And lastly, a “donate” button on the main menu where you just give us money for nothing, because at this point why not right?

pruwybn, avatar

This comment is more effort than the person you’re responding to was going to put into the game.

Exusia, avatar

But not more effort than management put into ruining a game

Wahots, avatar

Don’t forget the meta where a new paid DLC weapon is super unbalanced and great for two weeks until the devs nerf it into the ground and everyone goes back to the default weapons that are just ok.

Exusia, avatar

Oh shoot I knew I missed one! The battle pass is weapon is op and then we will nerf it just before the next battle pass drops, to ensure an OP/Nerf cycle to enforce you always have the newest battle pass and buy tiers and have more time than filthy grinders to abuse it’s OPness

atro_city, do games w Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now?

We need a new way to symbolise a good game like QQQ for Quality Quality Quality or something. AAA just means unfinished mess that cost a lot which you pay extra for.


Awful Awful Awful Awful


The closest approximation we currently have (and likely will ever have) are game ratings…

Moldy, do gaming w Higher difficulties in every single RPG.

Middle Earth: Shadow of War got it right with one of its later updates. They added a final difficulty that increases enemy aggression, attack power, and perception. It also increased player attack power. As long as you’re not fighting a massively overleveled enemy, fights are hard, quick, and fairly bullshit free.


Such a great, fun as hell game.

betahack, do gaming w Higher difficulties in every single RPG.

call of duty flashbacks incoming!

acockworkorange, do games w I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta!

Suggestion: add other exercises. I can’t walk much because the impact is bad for my mangled knee, but biking is fine.

Track_Shovel, do gaming w Higher difficulties in every single RPG. avatar

It’s either this, or they just scale up the damage by some arbitrary factor, that is a quantum leap from what the bad guys were doing originally.

oh? he did 10 damage in vanilla?

lazy, underfunded programer: dmg= base.dmg^2 <<endl;

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