Aielman15, do games w Do you think gta 6 will have better story than rdr2? avatar

You seem to really love Rockstar games.

Cadeillac, avatar

If only they would make posts that aren’t yes or no questions, or that they could easily Google. Maybe even keep all their bull shit to one post since it is all about the same fucking games over and over

Kolanaki, do games w Do you think gta 6 will have better story than rdr2?
!deleted6508 avatar

I’m not giving them my money anymore so I don’t really care.

Copernican, do games w How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase?

Didn’t a Japanese company make a controller with native steam input? Is that controller any good? The thing with 8bitdo and the like is you can’t map back paddles to unique inputs via steam and they only can duplicate face buttons by programming the controller iirc.

I have a gulikit kk3, but I don’t love the dongle and don’t love the lack of native steam controller configuration for back paddles. Other than that, the hardware has been good for me.


8BitDo Pro 2 is one of the best controllers I’ve tried.

  • PlayStation Analog Stick Placement
  • New version has hall effect sticks.
  • Compatible with everything.
  • They offer replacement parts.
  • Decent battery life.

I’m not a PS layout kind of person. I looked at the more Xbox designed ones, but don’t folks say the ergonomics aren’t great? They have yours wrists or hands almost at parallel angles instead of a more open position based on the grip design? I almost went


You’re exactly right, it’s uncomfortable to keep my hands in that position. The whole 8bitdo controller feels cheap, imo.


Their support sucks though. I had one of their controllers die on me after only 8 months of moderate use and after a way-too-long back and forth they demanded $15 to send me a new controller. Eventually we settled on $5, which is still $5 more than it should have been.


When I was looking, 8bitdo seemed like a major recommendation online in all the forums. You’re like the first person that recommended it in real time.


Unless they upgraded them recently, the triggers feel awful and cheap

StrutTower, avatar

Hori just made one but I think it’s Japan only and I don’t think it has back buttons. The KK3 is my current favorite. You don’t have to use the dongle. Bluetooth and wired work as well but Bluetooth is slow compared to the dongle.

tb_, avatar

It does have back buttons, which is why it’s unlikely to launch in the west as Scuf (owned by Corsair) is a major patent troll when it comes to those. That’s also the reason for the original Steam controller no longer being released.

The Hori one is launching at the end of this month, if I recall correctly. I might look into importing it once it does.

BombOmOm, (edited ) do games w Do you think gta 6 will have better story than rdr2? avatar

Doubtful. The story in GTA 5 was much weaker than in RDR 2, and Rockstar’s direction with GTA has been shifting increasingly heavily on multiplayer and micro-transactions. GTA 6 will almost assuredly continue leaning increasingly heavily on multiplayer and micro-transactions.

AliasAKA, do games w How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase?

I’m personally looking for a Hall effect joystick, ps5 style layout, wireless capable, plays nice with Linux game controller. Seems like I’ve seen flydigi as a potential option, and maybe some 8bitdo ones. Maybe scuf?

One major issue I’ve had is my ps4 controller doesn’t have multipoint, meaning it will only Bluetooth pair to a single device at a time. Wanna use it on your phone? Gotta pair it. Wanna use it again on your pc — yep, gotta pair it again. Reaaaaallly annoying.


My PS4 controller doesn’t even pair to my Linux desktop, I’ve tried just about everything you can think of but it only works via USB cable. My Xbox 360 controller, Xbox One X, and Xbox Series X controllers all work on Linux just fine and work better on Linux than they would on Windows thanks to xpadneo.

SaveMotherEarthEDF, do games w rdr2 question

While others have answered your question, I just wanted to go on a tangent and add to some of the same frustration that you felt.

I hate hand holding in this game. I feel like missions trap you into playing a certain way. You have to treat the missions like they are an interactive movie experience. But otherwise, the open world exploration is fun.

For future, If you really like freedom but also need some goals and story and not just a sandbox, I would recommend trying either legend of zelda botw or totk. I think you can emulate BOTW on steamdeck.

If you can take some punishment then Elden Ring is also a great choice.

I hope that you can enjoy this game though.


BOTW, TOTK, and Elden Ring are the perfect recommendations.

Over the years, I’ve grown to really dislike open world games and specifically these three games are damn near prefect games in my opinion.

I never realized how liberating the freedom of discovery in a game could really be.

one_knight_scripting, do games w How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase?

For PC, I would personally suggest looking for a controller with two things. Number 1, Hall effect sensors. Eliminate stick drift entirely with that alone. Number 2, replaceable joysticks. If the sticks last a long time, then the controller is expected to last longer. I just think having a way to replace work rubber is a good thing. Personally, I have loved Gulikit. My controller also happens to work on switch as well. Here is a link of you are interested in checking it out. Note that that is the controller I have, but you should definitely look at the different models. My controller has lasted about 3 years now. I used to go through PS5 controllers in about 6 months.

helenslunch, avatar

How does Gulikit have a whole-ass website with zero links to actually buy their products?


That is a totally fair question and one that I simply overlooked. Technically you can buy Gulikit through Amazon. I personally appreciate that the cost of it doesn’t go up over like a regular controller. Scuf did me dirty, I had a scuf for all of two months before the lb button fell apart and they refused to repair it. That thing cost me $185. This controller cost me $70.90 and has lasted me about two years. Here is a link to the Gulikit store on Amazon. I do recommend making sure it is from that store. I don’t know anything about it, but there is a AKNES store which sells gulikt controllers.…/BCC8C06B-7BF5-4D6C-A9A0-6290B8091F02…

On an unrelated note, if you have joy cons with stick drift (who doesn’t have these) then Gulikit also sells just the stick modules so you can fix it for good.

helenslunch, avatar

Amazon still does that dumb shit where they allow them to sell a dozen different products on the same listing. And the names are all mislabeled so I don’t even know what product I’m looking at.

raiun, do games w How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase? avatar

Flydigi Vader 3/4 Pro. Been using one for a couple months. Hands down best controller I have used. Hall effects, trigger locks, rear buttons, mechanical face buttons, glorious d pad. The not so fun is the crap software and joystick defaults. Once you update on pc it is great. Under $100 for either model.

threelonmusketeers, do esa w Sentinel-2C Launch Thread (final flight of Vega)

Watch the launch of @CopernicusEU on , the last Vega flight from Europe’s Spaceport, live on on 4 September from 02:30 BST/03:30 CEST (liftoff scheduled at 02:50 BST/03:50 CEST).

bokherif, do games w How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase?

I would just go for a PS5 controller. You get type c charging, great haptics and good compatibility (either via Steam or ds4windows). Only issue is the stick drift

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

I didn’t care too much about controllers until I used one of those. Fucking amazing controllers. I was playing Cyberpunk 2077 the other day on it and when driving you felt it shift gears on the R2. Fantastic use of the haptics.


Yeah the trigger haptics do not work on PC though, although it’s great on PS5.

n1ck_n4m3, avatar

Trigger haptics can work on PC but it is game by game/implementation by implementation. Returnal works when connected via USB but not wirelessly (unless you enable Steam Input for DualSense, but that completely removes haptic trigger capabilities, turns the touchpad into buttons, and switches to Xbox button glyphs), but Ratchet & Clank works wired or wirelessly (without Steam Input enabled for DualSense). The DualSense support on PC is kind of hit or miss, I wish they’d just standardize a library that offers the base features wirelessly – the controller is really nice.


Yeah I use a DS5E and it’s a really well engineered controller, and I’ve always preferred the DS ergonomics. Just gotta use DS4Windows tool for some games remapping. But basically really whatever design ergonomic you prefer and buy that, they all support Windows now even Switch Pro.

RangerJosie, do games w Do you think gta 6 will have better story than rdr2?

No. I firmly believe that RDR2 is the best game R* will ever make.

GTA isn’t about the story anymore. It’s about shark cards. Just a open sandbox for murderhobos.

daggermoon, do games w Do you think gta 6 will have better story than rdr2?

Why the down votes? Seems like an innocent question.

Cadeillac, avatar

Because they spam low effort posts trying to get attention. They rarely interact in their own posts, or show gratitude when people help them. They don’t actually want answers, only attention


I don’t know what’s wrong with people on this app, reddit is much more forgiving

Cadeillac, avatar

You refuse to take constructive criticism, you lashed out at me, and you have no etiquette. I don’t know what else I can tell you. If everyone is the ass hole, maybe you should do some self reflecting



Cadeillac, (edited ) avatar

The person I directly replied to


I saw that right after I posted that. My apologies, I am very sleep deprived.

Cadeillac, avatar

All good brother, I didn’t mean to be so short


No worries man, I didn’t think you were being short anyway.

tigeruppercut, do gaming w Higher difficulties in every single RPG.

I hate bullet sponges in FPS especially. Really makes your guns feel stupid when you shoot someone a dozen times in the head and it doesn’t do much.

Funwayguy, avatar

This plus constantly running out of ammo because apparently the inside of every enemy skull is just hammerspace for more ammunition than the US military budget could ever afford. God forbid a stray shot hits your porcelain character, Thanos snapping you to dust at so much as a stubbed toe.


I remember playing Max Payne. There was some battle in a bar against a guy with a shotgun. If you timed it right between reloads you could run up to the guy, stand on the bar so your guns were exactly level with his face and empty two Uzi clips point blank into his face before he could reload.

Then you would run out of ammo and he would one shot kill you.


It’s bad that I know the exact guy you’re talking about.


Iirc you had to watch the death in slow Mo and wait forever to play?


Fallout 4 is the worst with this. I never found nished the game because of that. Multiple nukes square in the face of a supermutant and he's just at half health? I ain't got time for that.

teft, avatar

Meanwhile i finished FO4 on hardest difficulty with just the Deliverer. 2 or 3 shots to the dome in VATS gets shit done. But i agree the difficulty is weird in that game. God Of War is pretty bad for this too.


I remember the hype around the division, it looked so cool and tactical. Then the game came out and every enemy was a bullet sponge. Instantly killed any interest I had in it.


Minus the pre release hype, this was how I felt about shadow warrior 2. The first one was so good with the retro updated FPS feel, and even made your starting sword relevant throughout the game. Then 2 came out and it was a bullet spongey, bad craft system crapfest. I didn’t even make it a couple hours after the dozens I spent in the first.


The old RainbowSix games (pre-Vegas) were absolutely brutal in difficulty. Enemies died in one or two shots, depending on what part you hit. Even a non-mortal wound would cripple them permanently. But the same rules applied to you.


the only real R6 games. when everyone was raving about Vegas i was excited to play it and… the intro mission was just a shooter level… i thought ok this is the intro to basic combat… then there was the next mission and no planning section there either. i was puzzled. i closed the game and went on some forum i don’t remember and asked whether i did something that made the game skip the one thing that set the series apart… nope. it doesn’t exist!

from the people who made a heroes game without the town screen, introducing a rainbow six game without planning! i cannot believe reviews i saw weren’t screaming that about the game.

fuck Ubisoft so much. who needs AI in games when we have Ubisoft the ultimate slop machine.

DaddleDew, (edited )

I never really cared for the planning myself but Vegas ruined it for my by introducing that stupid cover system to make it like Gears of War which was popular at the time. They completely removed the ability to lean. You couldn’t properly peek around a corner to take a shot without almost fully exposing yourself anymore. This meant you couldn’t avoid absorbing bullets all the time. This made the game unplayable so to counterbalance that, they’ve added regenerating health. But then it became too easy so they kept putting you in tactically completely unfair positions against hordes of extremely aggressive enemies that can see you and shoot you through walls. They also had a lot of visually busy environments where the enemies are difficult to spot even when they’re shooting at you because the sound mixing was so botched up that often you couldn’t even tell when you were being shot at.

They turned it into a mindless arcade shooter where you constantly absorb bullets like it’s normal and fight a whole army on your own. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of this is because some Corporate dipshit forced the inclusion of that cover system because Gears of War made money.


it’s mind boggling that it was so well received. 8s and 9s flying for the most forgettable hodgepodge.

it’s ok if you don’t like the planning but that was what made R6 what it was. you could just go in guns blazing and try to improvise but that wasn’t what the game was about. meticulously planning an infiltration, executing it in real time, communicating and coordinating with bots, and seeing all of it work out at the end was a uniquely satisfying experience that no other game provided, and made you feel like a tactical genius.

the tactical depth of Vegas was boiled down entirely to “go here” commands. tactical shooter gameplay was better implemented by games like mass effect 1 which wasn’t even primarily a shooter, let alone a tactical shooter.


I love this game because it feels like the game is actually playing by rules

Yeah you can cripple someone by shooting their legs, reduce accuracy by shooting arms, or go for a good ol headshot. You can really feel like a tactical badass. Oh by the way same goes for you

It just makes me really happy seeing that

Ofc in practice I am horrible so that sometimes undoes all my excitement


IMO what it should do is:

A) Increase damage falloff. For precision guns that means non precision shots do less. For short range weapons that means the penalty for working outside the effective range is higher.

B) Add more enemies. Especially if there’s any stealth element, you close windows and change how you approach encounters.

C) Depending on the game, increase the range enemies respond at. If that’s sound based, they have better hearing. If it’s enemies calling for help when alerted, they get assistance/raise alert levels from longer range.

Perfect play should be comparable. Mistakes should be punished harder.

  • Enemies should have more moves, particularly bosses.
  • Enemies should use more cover.
  • Enemies coordinate better.
conciselyverbose, (edited )

I also agree with all that. That takes more work though.

Bullet sponges are usually companies who can’t be bothered, so I focused on the low cost options. But IMO you should be building for high difficulty, then simplifying by inverting the things I suggested and your removing moves/exposing themselves more, actually slowing movement speed and animations, etc, to make encounters more forgiving at lower levels.

I think even after cutting down, easier difficulties can tell the game is better crafted that way.


The only game that did the difficulty right was doom eternal


I’ll not cotton any slander against Doom of any stripe, be it I, II, Final, TNT, Plutonia, or 2016. (Note that we don’t talk about Doom 3 round these parts.)


There was a doom3? You mean doom64?


Yes there was a doom 3 in the early 00s. It was atleast a good game great graphics fun gameplay etc. But it was more like a horror shooter instead of an action shooter like the other dooms


Did you read the comment above mine?


Yes and I’m against gatekeeping and used the opportunity to write a bit about Doom 3


I liked doom 3. But I liked the games after that much more.


It was a joke on mine and the other guy. We don’t like doom so we excluded it from the party.


It was a joke on mine and the other guy. We don’t like doom so we excluded it from the party.

Doom 3 is ass.


All the Dooms got it right. More monsters.


No, no, it’s literally about pathing, aggressiveness, rate of shooting and special abilities, and of the enemy macro.

The extra damage on a higher difficulty is almost not worth mentioning.


Metro also comes to mind. The highest difficulty level made both you and the enemies squishier, while also making ammo (which doubled as currency) much rarer. It played so much better that the community even recommended that difficulty level to complete newcomers.

… And then they made the Ranger difficulty a paid DLC in the sequel…

umbrella, avatar

big disappointment with cyberpunk because of this.

fallout games comes to mind too.


Everything about Cyberpunk was a big disappointment. The entire game is a glorified tech demo to show off your $1800 GPU. Which is ironic because it somehow manages to still have mediocre graphics, despite using all the latest path tracing tech to its fullest. RDR 2 looks more realistic than Cyberpunk, and it doesn’t use RT at all!


Borderlands 3 (don’t know about the others) had a brutal postgame of this. Even though new difficulty stuff was added, the real challenge seemed to be collecting enough ammo to actually finish fights. At some point, the sponginess was too much for me to care about continuing.


The BL series just got worse and worse for sponginess as it continued.

AnUnusualRelic, do gaming w Higher difficulties in every single RPG. avatar

monster_hp=selected_game_difficulty * base_hp


I mean this can work if you also give the player the option to unlock stronger gear by grinding a bit. But yeah i agree its often done really badly.


I think I will have to disagree somewhat. Difficultly should change how you play, not how long. Needing to Grind better gear is not respecting the players time.

That said there are games I did enjoy the grind, “the world ends with you” is one of them, but that is a case of earning new ways to play in most cases.


Yeah thats kinda what i meant. Because of the increase in required DPS you will need to unlock harder to obtain gear with higher DPS which will bring your total playtime back to previous levels. But its a difficult to balance thing for sure.

Maultasche, do gaming w Higher difficulties in every single RPG.

That’s what I like about raid bosses in Star Wars: The Old Republic where the difficulty changes most of the boss mechanics

yamanii, avatar

That would be great for me since what I hate about raiding in MMOs is precisely that bosses feel more like a puzzle than a skill check with various moments of instakill if you didn’t figure out what to do in under 30 seconds.

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