TheOctonaut, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

If you’re using Steam (or any kind of shortcut I suppose), add --skip-launcher to the launch options. Here’s how to do so with Steam:

  • Right-click the game in your library and select Properties.
  • Look for the Launch Options field at the bottom of the General tab.
  • Add “–skip-launcher” and close the properties window.
  • Launch the game as normal.
Faydaikin, (edited ) avatar

Thank you for the step-by-step. Steam can be a bit of a maze when you don’t fiddle with these things so often. :)

Edit: Apparently it’s " --skip-launcher" the extra dash matters XD


In future, drop by the PC Gaming Wiki first - it’s a great resource for exactly this kind of question.

Skip Larian launcher on startup

Faydaikin, avatar

The Launcher bit was a helpful add-in by a another kind user. I didn’t ask about that specifically, just mentioned that I dislike extra launchers.

My question was far more stupid than that. However, people came through for me regardless. And very fast at that. And for that, I am thankful.

jherazob, avatar

I wish all these games had skippable launchers, i refuse to touch any game that needs a launcher beyond Steam

Nighed, avatar

Does it launch with directx or Vulcan when you do this?


For me it chose direct x so I had to use the launcher. Vulcan is much better for me (just be sure to not use triple buffer for nvidia cards). Just choose skip and check the box that says ‘do not ask again’ and the launcher is less aggravating.


What differences do you see when you use Vulcan? And what's the deal with triple buffering?


My experience is that the directx reflections and post processing look worse. Triple buffering on was causing screen tears.


vulkan is more efficient on AMD than directx, as I understand it.

circuitfarmer, avatar

Triple buffering basically means that the GPU can temporarily store frames in three different locations in VRAM. This has implications for smoothness and frame time, so it should in theory always be the best option for v-sync and avoiding tearing.

Vulcan should be more efficient so you should get somewhat better performance, though my understanding is it depends on card (AMD cards are kind of designed for Vulkan, but not so much nvidia cards).


When Vulcan worked for me it used less Vram, then dx11 does now on linux.

Nighed, avatar

It looks like the following should work (from one of the links above)


You can also make it launch the Vulkan version with skipping the launcher. See

circuitfarmer, (edited ) avatar

If anyone happens to be playing on Steam Deck (or any Linux desktop), the launch options are slightly different:

  • DX11 no launcher: –skip-launcher
  • Vulkan no launcher: bash -c ‘exec “${@/bin/bg3.exe}”’ – %command% --skip-launcher

Though for this particular title, the Vulkan one is really crashy on my system rn, which is ironic since the DX11 shaders are converted to Vulkan on Linux.


On my system dx11 crashes right away, so vk it is…

circuitfarmer, avatar

Larian themselves warn that Vulkan should be the least stable of the two options at the moment. That said, I’ve heard tons of conflicting reports, so it may be super dependent on specific hardware.


Ironically, with the final (not the pre-purchase) release it’s the other way around. Vulcan crashes after the airship cinematic… (I’m also on Linux)


directx is the default and you must apply another switch to start with vulkan


You can start the exe you want directly from the directory, there’s one for each renderer:'s_Gate_3#Skip_La…

flying_monkies, avatar

Thank you for the info on this, will be using it going forward.

Not sure if you did this on purpose, or if something else did it as part of editing, but your bulleted steps included an en dash (–) instead of two short dashes (--).

Have had issues in the past with that, generally with WYSIWYG type editors combining your -- into either – or —.


Ugh word does this. I didn’t realize until I wrote some documentation for a cli tool I made for a client and I wrote the documentation in word because they are fairly non technical so I wrote in the documentation sample arguments they can copy and paste and shipped it feeling good that it would work flawlessly because I tested the crap out of it. Or so I thought because they immediately hit back with it doesn’t work. I spent hours recreating their environment and watching it work no matter what I tried to get it to not work. Then I hopped on a call and had the client step by step show me what they did and they opened the word doc and copied the example commands, changed the arguments to be correct and run it. I followed along on my own machine and then I fucking saw what had happened. Fucking Microsoft Word replaced my " " with “ ” (straight quotes for smart quotes for those who cant see the difference). A quick patch of the cli to properly parse those and things were working again.


Copying out of MS products always seems to leave junk behind. The worst one is the zero-width space (unicode U+200B or hex e2808b) . Sharepoint loves to scatter these all over so any copy from a sharepoint source has to be put in a plain text editor and have a run through with a regex to find any invisible formatting characters.


I typed them directly into my comment from an Android phone, and it continues to display as two hyphens/minuses for me. Are you it’s not your client trying to be clever?

apprehensively_human, do gaming w Running With Scissors Studios gives permission to pirate games

I have to imagine a comment like this does absolutely nothing to their sales figures. People who were going to download a cracked version of their games anyway remain unaffected now that they have a blessing, and I doubt people who weren’t going to pirate would now feel more inclined to do so.

This seems like good PR and frankly it should probably be the default position for games studios.


It won't have a large effect, but in previous examples of companies doing this, comments would lead me to believe more people who pirated end up buying the game to support the devs after trying it. It makes sense too, but same pirates are unlikely to buy anything that had denuvo and stuff shoved into it.


Some games you dont even need a crack or anything, just access to the files.

For example with KSP, you can just clone the game directory anywhere and run it from there. Doesnt even need steam. Heck i copied it over to an M1 macbook once just to test the Macbooks performance…

Thats also how the mod managers like CKAN work with the game.


Yeah, the whole piracy crackdown situation is so stupid.

I pirate a lot of media, if you added it all up it would be a lot of money (if I was to buy everything). The difference is, before I pirated I barely bought any of the media.

  • I pirate some games that i’d never buy. I buy all games I want to support.
  • I pay TV licence, netflix and amazon. I pirate tons of TV series because they aren’t on those services. I literally can’t buy some of them and if I could i’d need about 10 different streaming services.
  • Films, I pirate a lot of films. Before I pirated I never bought any films, i’d either wait for netflix/normal TV or just not watch them. I still go to the cinema for big releases.
  • I subscribe on patreon, github and donate to LOADS of projects, many of which i’ve pirated first or obtained a copy of (books are a big one here).

If you were to objectively look at the value of the pirated media, it would seem that i’ve “stolen” or studios have missed out on lots of revenue, but the truth is I pirate a lot of media, just because I can.


It’s the streaming part for me.

Few years ago there was Netflix and Film1 in our country and an ISP with TV that also had a movie service.

That was about it.

Now there’s Prime Video, Disney+, HBO Max, SkyShowtime, Apple TV+ and ViaPlay added to it.

It’s impossible to have have just 1 and view what you want. Ofcourse you can keep on switching but some of them but it’s all just making it more complicated.

Solution? Pirate it. One source and everything available even stuff that isn’t on any on those services.

Also some movies can’t be bought digital.

IMO all movies and series should be available on any platform and let the streaming service decide if they want to have it in their portfolio. Only the “originals” should be locked to a platform to keep stuff unique.

And make every damn movie and series available for purchase.


IMO all movies and series should be available on any platform and let the streaming service decide if they want to have it in their portfolio. Only the “originals” should be locked to a platform to keep stuff unique.

That’s just cable though. Not sure that’ll be any better. The second a company sees a revenue stream or thinks they’re missing out. They monetise it to the detriment of the customers.

WildlyCanadian, avatar

Just adding on to this, every game I’ve ever pirated I ended up buying later on. Or I bought in the past (this applies to the games I emulate)


I would say 80% of the games I pirate, I put less than 30 mins into it.


I was going to say, all artists should share this position, but I’ll do one better: if you don’t have this position, you’re not an artist. Feels bold to make any absolute claim about what makes an artist, but I feel safe on this one. If making sure you’re fairly compensated is higher priority than sharing your art, then you’re not an artist.


Artists, like all laborers, should be fairly compensated for their work. The idea that love of art should necessarily come into conflict with fair compensation is a primary vehicle for continuing the exploitation of creative labor.

That is somewhat orthogonal to the issue of piracy, though. Some of the most strongly anti-piracy platforms out there are also absolutely terrible in terms of labor rights (hence the current strikes in Hollywood, for instance). It’s notable that in this case, the studio seems to be saying fairly explicitly that piracy is indeed not the main obstacle to fair compensation, such that no conflict between their stance and labor rights needs to exist.


If you think I’m arguing that artists should not be compensated for their work, then I’ve completely misrepresented myself. Is that what you thought I meant?

Sentinian, avatar

Before this tweet, they also mentioned piracy over grey market keyshops, which seems to be a lot more of a valid reason to endorse it. This seemly links to that tweet.

Stillhart, (edited ) do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

Not to sound like a dick, but how does this have so many upvotes? There’s a button to skip it and never ask again right there.

Sev, avatar

It’s lemmy, we hate anything regarding accounts, privacy and the corpos man!!


Yeaaah, also f*ck sync D:< /s

Posted from Sync


lemmy saw an opportunity to hate on something and started roaming at the mouth

Faydaikin, avatar

Apparently others also found the advice helpful.


yeah thanks for posting this. super helpful to learn i can skip the launcher entirely.

LovelyCupcake, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

Select the “continue without login” option

Faydaikin, avatar

i didn’t see that option anywhere. Gimme a sec, I’ll check again

Faydaikin, avatar

I am an idiot. I didn’t click to the next page after it suggested I make an account.

I just close down the launcher immediately.


nah, asking the question still gave us the ‘skip launcher’ instructions, so this is a win!

Faydaikin, avatar

Thanks for making me feel slightly better about it. ;)

circuitfarmer, avatar

I had the same issue. Feels a bit shady to make people click Get Started anyway, but at least the launcher is skippable entirely.

Faydaikin, avatar

I’ve just kinda gotten used to there not being an easy way around it. Hence my ‘Going Straight to the Forums’ reaction.

Default_Defect, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account? avatar

Oh, are we starting the reddit tradition of making no effort at all and just immediately asking the community for help instead?


Faydaikin, avatar

I can certainly see we’re keeping the reddit-tradition of being an angry little muppet at any given opportunity alive.

Yes, I asked a public forum for help about something I didn’t know. And they came through for me, more so than I would have expected.

You can go back to being angry elsewhere now. Shoo…

Default_Defect, avatar

You could have just… LOOKED. I’ve got no problem when its a question with more nuance than a google search can answer easily, or if its an opinion based question, but all I ask is people just TRY before making a post somewhere when the answer is so simple.

Faydaikin, avatar

And you didn’t even have to click on my shitty post as it already had (SOLVED) in the title

Default_Defect, avatar

Because I want you to do better next time.

calhoon2005, avatar

Oi. You two. Take it easy hey.

Default_Defect, avatar

Sorry dad.


It literally says “Skip” right underneath the thing you’re complaining about. If you’d taken the time to look at the screen, you’d have seen it itself.

Faydaikin, avatar

Before that, there’s just a button that says “Get Started!” Right underneath the sentence “Sigh up for a Larian Account.” Otherwise the launcher was blank.

I mistook that as being a forced sign-up, as with some many other games nowadays.

Also, I’m not complaining about anything. I was looking for advise as there seldomly are easy, search-engine friendly, solutions to forced sigh-ups.

If you’d taken the time to read through the comments, you might have gleaned the context for yourself. But since you took the time to click on a (SOLVED)-post and then write the same message the guy before did, I felt compelled to spell it all out. Just for you.

Buttons, avatar

Some people have bad eyesight. Some people have been deeply trained by the modern web to ignore most of what’s on the page (most of it being ads or other bullshit). Some people make mistakes.

Have some patience and kindness.

And to those who wont be patient or kind, just know that the next time the self-checkout machine yells at you and the cashier has to come scan their badge and gives you grief, you deserve it. Can’t you just use the machine correctly!?!

Default_Defect, avatar

Imagine defending not even trying.

Faydaikin, avatar


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  • Default_Defect, avatar

    You’re here too, seems I’m not the only one.

    Faydaikin, avatar


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  • Default_Defect, avatar

    I’m having fun now.

    Faydaikin, avatar


  • Loading...
  • Default_Defect, avatar

    As of 3 or 4 posts ago, yes.

    Faydaikin, avatar


  • Loading...
  • Default_Defect, avatar



    You already had comments removed from this thread yesterday. Since you couldn’t take the hint to disengage and stop this bickering, I’m temp banning you from this community for 24 hours. No matter how irritated you are that OP didn’t pay attention to the prompt to skip login, this isn’t an acceptable way to behave on this instance.

    bmaxv, avatar


    thank you for your mod work!


    That button in the corner saying skip account is really hard, okay?!?

    Faydaikin, avatar

    Repeating other peoples sentiments two days later is really constructive, okay?!?

    Get out of here, Sleepy.


    Imagine if you put all this effort you made from this post, including it’s whiny, snarky comments, and like… idk took less than 5 seconds to be constructive and figure out your answer.

    I mean seriously, a 10 year old could have figured it out.

    Faydaikin, avatar

    It’s my post. I get notified whenever one of you sillybillies get the bright idea to call me an idiot instead of just scrolling on.

    gyrfalcon, avatar

    Gonna be honest, this comment further down explains why you should have some compassion even on posts that seem obvious to you:

    Consider taking this approach in the future.

    buffalo, (edited )


    This is different. This post by op is simply lack of effort and ignorance. There’s a minimum expectation of effort here. Gotta at least try for your self before you reach out and waste people’s time.


    I had no skip button.

    It’s not as clear cut as you might think.

    GammaGames, do gaming w did you hear that Dr Disrespect tried to make a comeback the other day with a Deadlock stream?

    Crazy behavior, the guy could play anonymously but he’s clearly not in it for the fun of the game.


    course not. he’s an idiot that stumbled into a profitable gig, and then he let it slip through his kiddie-diddlin’ little fingers.


    Is that is true how is he not charged?

    What's the story?


    2017 twitch had a “whispers” product. Sounds like direct messages twitch.

    He was sexting a minor. A twitch employee confirmed he was sexting her even after he learned her age. He tried to setup a meetup at twitchcon.

    He might be legally pseudo protected by twitch having minimum age requirements. I’m not a lawyer so I don’t know why the company just banned him instead of referring it to the cops. This all could have been secret if he had just kept his mouth shut and not bad mouthed the company with all the deets.

    Source: Wikipedia and a podcast (don’t remember which one)


    I see... Why do these YouTube celeb types always seem to be involved with some sus DMs with minors and how they all never get in trouble.

    Seems odd.


    it’s rockstar syndrome, same as always. People who become famous for being good at something start to think of themselves as invincible. Combine that with minors specifically treating the rockstar like they are a god that could do no wrong, and any pedophilic tendencies are gonna worm their way out.

    With online celebrities specifically, I think the unique circumstance is that people can go from unknown to world-famous in a relatively short span of time, and they haven’t learned how to conduct themselves in that context in a way that they might if they achieved that fame more slowly. For a recently famous person like that, direct DM access to fans is a dangerous thing.


    Sounds like winning a lottery... Suffering from success.


    Look at how they’re willing to act in order to attract millions of 12 year old viewers. You can’t fake act being that stupid and emotional for that many hours pretty much every day unless you’re fucked up in the head.


    He might be legally pseudo protected by twitch having minimum age requirements.

    Unless it was a few very specific US states, this isn’t really relevant. The minimum age to sign up for an account on Twitch is 13.


    He was DMing a minor on twitch and there were sexual messages involved. From what I understand Twitch’s law enforcement consultant did not refer it to law enforcement for unknown reasons and they just banned him instead. Probably just creep behavior and nothing technically illegal. Still fucked up, but nothing that would get him arrested. He did not end up meeting with the victim AFAIK.


    “Unknown reasons” you immediately followed on with. It simply wasn’t illegal. Most people seem to consider it immoral but the messages have never been released so we don’t even know what was said. If not illegal it’s probably not horrific.


    Unknown reason that have not been stated. I was 100% speculating, but that does not make it not super gross and creepy.


    I prefer to reserve my commentary for when the facts are available. Contextually it’s suspicious but ultimately amounts to an unsubstantiated smear campaign until we see the chats or prosecution, of which we have neither.


    We have that he was banned from twitch. When somebody bringing in that much money for Twitch, you know what they did was bad. Keep defending a shitass though. I’m sure that’ll go great for you


    Businesses make business decisions, we don’t know the true intentions of any given action from the outside.

    Amazon isn’t the most trustworthy company I can think of

    mosiacmango, (edited )

    Corporations hide crimes all the time, even when they are the victims. If the crime will lose them money in any way, either directly or from a reputation hit, it’s very likely a company will not report it.

    It only because the employees involved had their NDAs expire and confirmed they saw some very fucked up things that we know what he did.

    Twitch fired him publicly when he was one of their biggest streamers. It’s fully possible the explicitly sexual messages are a crime, but the parties involved, including the minor victim, did not want it reported.

    You can argue amazon should have reported it anyway if it rose to that level, but with none of the involved parties forcing the issue, it makes sense from a buisness stance not to.


    Never did anything illegal


    Because what he did was not allegal, just inappropriate.

    Moonrise2473, do gaming w Running With Scissors Studios gives permission to pirate games

    Their reason is: people is using g2a for “discounted” keys.

    Where the “discount” comes? Easy, some asshole buys from their website many keys with a stolen credit card, then they will need to refund it + pay an expensive fee for the chargeback.

    I’m not a dev but at that point I would just give up selling keys by myself and I would just rely on steam for fraud detection. The only case where the 30% fee is justified


    I’ll take the downvotes but this is hardly true. Most of them come from bundles and purchasing them in other countries where it’s a lot cheaper. You can prove this easily by checking games on g2a that almost never go on sale or are included in bundles and you will notice the price is the same or a few dollars cheaper than steam.


    Most == prevent.

    The issue with G2A is that any keys at all come from scammed credit cards. In a silly way it’s like of like tor. It doesn’t matter if I am trying to sell my excess Humble Bundle keys in good faith on G2A if other sellers on the market are selling scammed keys. Good users making listings obfuscate all the bad users.

    Also, purchasing regional keys cheaper and reselling them is also what causes this shit in the first place. People blame Valve for making the decision, but not the people switching to a region to buy a game for cents on the dollar and then resell it? That is actively hurting the people in those countries who are now being charged closer to USD prices. For Brazillians this is exorbitant.

    I don’t disagree with you in that there are G2A keys that come from bundles. But I do disagree with the notion that “it doesn’t matter.” It absolutely matters because it’s affecting people’s ability to buy games and it affects people circumventing legal purchase methods (of which I support their circumventing) who then have to deal with buying scammed credit card keys instead of me selling them and excess Humble Bundle key. The card gets charged back, the developer loses money, the G2A purchaser loses their key, and the scammers get off scott-free.

    Basically, G2A should be a good idea but has been co-opted by scammers. These sites have their grey-market reputation for a reason, because it’s run entirely off of the losses of others. Losses of the developers, losses of regional players, and losses of players purchasing games on these grey-market sites.

    There’s no winners for G2A except for the owners of the site and scammers. You may win once in a while getting a brand new game for $5-25 less. You may end up losing when it’s pulled from your account, if it does. At that point, you’re effectively gambling. Taking a risk for a discount on something with a high likelihood of it being unethically sourced which may be removed from your account?

    In most cases I’d personally rather pay the extra $15 to just have the peace of mind. The chance of the game not being bought on a stolen CC and not supporting regional theft that hurts those players is just a bonus.


    If they’re charging less in different regions and people were using VPNs to purchase then you’d think that’d be a sign that maybe game prices are too high. They’re selling an identical product at a much cheaper price because the people in some countries are poorer or their currency is garbage compared to USD? Pretty gross to think about.


    I never said it didn’t matter. I said it’s not at prevalent as people are making it out to be. I’ve purchased 100s of steam keys from these sites over the years and never came across an instance where the key was removed or revoked. All of these sites guarantee the key is good or your money back anyways so I find it hard to believe that is what is going on at all. As long as you purchase the key from a reputable seller as they all have ratings just like eBay then there is no issue. I think maybe in the early days of key sellers it’s what was happening, but these sites would have fizzled out a long time ago if they were bastions of credit card fraud.

    Tigwyk, avatar

    Anecdotally, I’ve bought 3 keys over the years from g2a and 2 of them immediately didn’t work. Iirc there’s a big button you click during checkout if your key doesn’t work and the seller immediately has to provide you with a working one. That’s not g2a though, that’s just the seller providing you with another cheap key from their collection. G2A is scammy in other ways too (I’ve yet to be able to cancel their $2 “insurance” fee or whatever they call it the first time, it’s been years and I’ll probably have to chargeback since their site just throws me errors when I try to cancel. PayPal won’t even let me cancel it from their end.)

    Why defend them?


    Because I’ve never had a reason not to? I’ve only used G2A a few times but you can just remove the insurance at checkout. Never had an issue.


    Except for, again, how it’s screwing over developers, players in other regions, and supporting credit card scammers.


    I’ve seen no concrete evidence of any of that. So agree to disagree.


    You said yourself some of the keys come from regional bypassing?


    No, I said they are bought in other regions. There is no proof that is from any bypass. Just some guy who lives in a poverished nation trying to turn a profit.


    So, basically, G2A is a fence for stolen property? Why hasn’t it been shut down by law enforcement?


    Because only Factorio has been able to proove that is happening. That and they pretend they don’t know that is happening as they are just the middle men.


    Can you give the backstory of what happened with Factorio?


    They lost $6600 in chargebacks and g2a was running an ad campaign using their name on Google


    I had a better link on my old Lemmy instance but that one went the way of the dodo and I can’t find that in-depth explanation.

    Basically Factorio never goes on sale. Ever, it only gets more expensive so, if someone is selling a key for a price lower than their starting price point it must have been fraudulent.


    In Europe at least if strong authentication was done during the purchase (and it is mandatory since a few years), the merchant is protected and the bank issued the card will take the loss. They don’t need to refund or pay fees for charge back.


    Are you sure? My stripe merchant account still mentions the 15 euro chargeback fee and now in my country is easier to ask for a chargeback, can do at the phone while before you needed to send a registered snail mail at a secret address with the right timing using a secret form, while sending a copy of the police report via fax


    SCA (strong customer authentication) should indeed move the liability for fraudulent purchases to the issuer. Wording in contracts may still mention other things. We had to, for one specific payment service provider, explicitly tell them to only allow card purchases using SCA since we had problems with stolen cards. With some PSPs we could just refuse certain ECI codes. Been a few years for me and YMMV but if chargebacks are causing headaches it might be worth looking into.


    I worked at company like stripe and exactly at the scope of authentication/liability. I am not sure about whatever you pay the charge back fee even though the liability is shifted from you to the issuer bank. Do you have 3DS2 enabled for your payments?

    It is normal that Stripe mention the charge back fees as there are exceptions for strong authentication but it is worth asking them for details and whatever you pay the fee even when liability have been shifted. And maybe the issuer bank will just do refund and take the loss if it see the SCA have been done.


    Luckily I never had a chargeback, I meant I still saw it in the fees

    theangriestbird, do gaming w did you hear that Dr Disrespect tried to make a comeback the other day with a Deadlock stream?
    FartsWithAnAccent, do gaming w did you hear that Dr Disrespect tried to make a comeback the other day with a Deadlock stream? avatar



    DocToPdf Disrespect was quietly banned from twitch, and then responded to allegations that he was sexting minors with “age of consent varies between states, what I did wasn’t even illegal and what even is sexting? This is just haters trying to ruin my day”

    FartsWithAnAccent, avatar


    FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

    [theremin intensifies]


    Dr Kidinspect



    BA834024112, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

    Just hit skip, dumbass


    No need for name calling. Everyone gets frustrated and misses things.


    Agreed. If you have a point, make it. No need to be rude about it.


    Don’t gotta be rude. Let’s be better than that

    loops, do gaming w Running With Scissors Studios gives permission to pirate games

    I wish more companies did this; however, I believe most CEO’s have the biased view that everyone has at least some money to spare which, as you probably know (likely on personal level), isn’t true.

    I understand that participating in cultural aspects of society must cost money due to the very nature of economics (if you want the artist to continue to make art, make sure they don’t starve to death) but ‘pirating’ things is there not only as a stop gap to terrible service and personal risk (privacy violations, etc.), but also as an equalizer between those that have, and those that don’t.

    ApathyTree, avatar

    If I made enough that I didn’t have to worry about money while working full time, I’d be much more inclined to spend money on arts and entertainment. As it stands, my entertainment budget is almost entirely going to get food I don’t have to make myself.

    But until society shifts focus to living wages (and not just enough to live, but enough to thrive)…… welp. Maybe those ceos should think on that, and start paying better.


    Definitely. I recall a time in my life where I was working while still living with my parents. Needless to say I had A LOT of money I didn’t know what to do with. I ended up with about 2 storage bins of books and CD’s. I eventually got rid of them when computers became much more capable, but I think I would still buy them if I had extra income. I doubt I will though for at least another 2 decades, considering all the student debt I have. Who would’ve thought that loading people with crippling financial debt would be bad for the economy?

    Tigwyk, avatar

    I’ll be pedantic and say that CEOs are paid to think everyone has money to spend. ;)

    But I totally agree with you.


    I live for pedantry. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

    sunaurus, (edited ) do gaming w Running With Scissors Studios gives permission to pirate games

    This approach makes so much sense from a business perspective.

    How many here have this experience: out of my entire friend group that I grew up playing video games with, I can’t think of a single person who kept pirating games after acquiring disposable income, even though we all exclusively played pirated games as teenagers. Without piracy, none of us would have had access to any games, and very likely none of us would still be into gaming today, spending probably thousands of euros every year on games, consoles, PC components, etc.


    I miss the era of freeware and demos. Give me a taste with no strings attached and you are far more likely to get my money at some point.

    !deleted5791 avatar

    Yeah it’s a shame demos died out. Now studios (or publishers, more likely) just expect everyone to pay for a game they don’t even know they’ll like, and tough shit if you don’t like it.


    They want people to buy before they know what is like so they don't have a chance to reconsider or regret it. This is why they hype preorders.


    But so many games still have demos? I feel like it’s probably more that they’re cheap and don’t see a reason to pay whatever it costs to throw a demo together for free


    Like people have been pointing out, it's usually indies which don't have an establish audience yet that do this. It's much rarer for triple A games.


    A lot of indie games on steam still do demos actually but yeah shitty that AAA games don’t do them anymore.

    !deleted5791 avatar

    Huh, I haven’t run into an indie with a demo recently, but it’s definitely great to hear that demos are still a thing in the wider indie scene.


    During the many steam festivals, there will be indie games with demos.


    The last Steam Next Fest in June had so many demos, I only had time for like 4-5. There were quite a few posts and comments (including mine) on the demos we tried.

    Jamie, avatar

    I often grab a pirated copy to see if I like it first, and if I do, I’ll buy it. If I play it once or twice and don’t really get much out of it, I’m not out anything but some download time.

    Gordon_Freeman, avatar

    Demos have returned, on PC at least.

    "Steam Next Fest" are events when devs launch demost for their upcoming projects. it's like 3 or 4 times per year

    mabd, avatar

    I love Next Fest, I usually end up wishlisting like 3-10 games. Lots of good stuff that I'd never know or care about otherwise.


    I know of a certain former boss of mine who, after becoming a millionaire by side-lining the whole (game!) company and selling it to random yanks who didn’t know WTF to do with it, still continued to pirate games. While moving into the most expensive quarter of the city – by renting a house there.

    But sane people without a cocaine habit, sure, yes.


    Yup. The only time I pirate a game nowadays is when I can’t get it on steam for the 2 hour refund as a demo.

    milkytoast, avatar

    is two hours enough for you to get into a game tho? it took me 4 hours to get into stardew and no mans sky alike, and once I was into it, I was hooked. however, after two hours, both games were kinda shit to me

    GammaGames, do gaming w have we checked on them lately?

    LOL for context, it was the fastest way to grind xp:


    thank you lol, i was aware but probably good that someone adds the context haha


    Because there is XP for each round played?


    The specific mode yeah, you’d get some xp for kills but as far as anyone knew ending the round ASAP was the most xp/min you could earn. They wanted to get the platinum trophy before the servers shut down

    smeg, do gaming w a new paradigm

    “Wobbledogs” definitely has more of a Swumble’s Big Jumble energy though


    big agree tbh

    Fubarberry, do gaming w Let's discuss: Polybius avatar

    For anyone who doesn’t know, Polybius is an urban legend about a government experiment in the form of an arcade game set up in Portland.

    Here’s the wiki article.

    Polybius is a fictitious 1981 arcade game from an urban legend. The legend describes the game as part of a government-run crowdsourced psychology experiment based in Portland, Oregon. Gameplay supposedly produced intense psychoactive and addictive effects in the player. These few publicly staged arcade machines were said to have been visited periodically by men in black for the purpose of data-mining the machines and analyzing these effects. Supposedly, all of these Polybius arcade machines then disappeared from the arcade market.

    It’s a fun tale though, and there are some good articles and video essays on it.

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