Just someone else trying to utilize currently existing intellectual property to enhance their own portfolio for a job opportunity.
It’s the same shit that guy who is remaking Simpsons hit and run who never plans on releasing it
Edit: I clicked and he’s definitely doing it for ad revenue and sponsorship opportunities
Just like how ToastedShoes did a pokemon PalWorld mod (that he also didn’t release) but it got him viral attention to his channel from hundreds of gaming outlets
Honestly if he tried to publish it as is with Nintendo assets, he’d get sued into oblivion. Hopefully, he either puts up the basic framework sans the assets or perhaps it gets “stolen by hackers and put up as a torrent.”
As long as he does not make any money and it is not about a current gen game, its not as bad as you might think. He does not directly use assets from Nintendo, as everything is self created. The only thing in the way is, that he is using the IP (Intellectual Property) and names. But you know what, there are thousands of fan made games like that - ton of them even using assets directly ripped off Nintendo games, and they are not sued. People do this kind of thing since decades.
If this is basically battlefield 3 + I will happily spend the money and time playing a battlefield again.
If this has any of the BS that made 2042 suck so much ass I will be skipping it.
I miss having a solid battlefield game to play, but I’m not going to take any bullshit included. I don’t wanna see any fuckin wingsuits. No grapple hook Tarzan mother fuckers. No wall hack BS.
I want 4 classes. I want team objectives. I want maps that look like shit by the time a match ends because everthing has been pretty much been leveled by explosives.
Honestly. Leave it to EA to take what was a winning, recurring formula and shitting on it til irrelevancy. The fast, twitchy movement, weird tools, etc are not what made BF fun. You’re supposed to feel like a cog; nothing special, another soldier in your small squad looking for the small wins. Those don’t get clip farmed, though, and it’s a CoD/Warzone economy right now. I do have some hope with the gritty WW2 games like Hell Let Loose and Enlisted seeing some success, it’s swinging back out of that type of genre and back to the BF roots.
Question remains, the big issue may be progression and the definitely happening micro transactions and battle pass, and their implementation.
Second video posted from this creator today . The presentation is very off-putting. I’d suggest they take a different approach if they want to be taken seriously and to garner more credibility. I couldn’t make it through either video.
Yep, this video is highly antagonistic like the rest of theirs. On the whole, they’re talking about the right thing, but the video tends towards generalization and ragebaiting.
Also months and months later there’s yet to be any news or progress on their “alternative” Unreal Engine fork that fixes TAA or whatever, despite the host talking very quickly over technical rendering jargon. You’d think with the ability to do that, they could manage to … disable TAA in Unreal. Vibes feel like a scam.
Damn, this video is garbage. Lots of yelling about smudging and “HOW COULD THEY?!” And then complains about how people aren’t implementing any effects like he says. And that part about “I told Epic Unreal 5.5 wasn’t ready!” Like he actually matters to Tim Sweeney.
Avoid the video. Nothing of substance or value is within.
He makes some fair points but I fully agree with your sentiment.
Had this man made a less confrontational and more educational video, he would be much more widely regarded as a fair source. Alas, he thinks the raging grants him clicks
ANYTHING that has a “lazy devs” narrative is shit and not worth your time. Because anyone with a modicum of intelligence about how games actually are made isn’t going to throw that shit can because they understand just what kinds of pressures development teams are under.
The reality is? Yeah. Some stuff very clearly has been under-focused on. Part of that MIGHT be related to the complete wasteland it is for funding for indie devs coupled with the mass layoffs amongst major publishers and platform holders but that would be completely insane to see any correlation between them.
The other is that we are more or less insisting devs support two completely orthogonal lighting systems this generation. Without raytracing? You need to really zhuzh up everything like in the old days. With raytracing? That all looks wrong and you need to change all the lighting to be hyperrealistic so that it looks the same (rather than what a dimly lit subway ACTUALLY would look like) without people realizing it. Once we reach the point of having one scheme (and DOOM The Dark Ages or whatever is targeting that), things get a lot simpler.
I found that channel a couple weeks ago and without having much insight into the development side of games myself, I just thought their videos couldn‘t look more shady if they tried. Especially the plugging of their own company (?) and call for donations among other things left a bad taste. They should work on their presentation IMO.
Me, thinking I can probably give them feedback I hope they listen to, having played Battlefield since 2142 and Modern Combat (the mod):
EA: There are 200k users in line ahead of you
Well I guess they must not have wanted my feedback anyways? Probably they’re just looking for fake positive feedback to stroke their ego as they move in to ruin yet another Battlefield title.
Battlefield players are similar to most other gamers, really. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. We love playing a game with the same formula, as long as the formula works. Bad Company 2 and the games that preceeded it worked. BF3 worked. BF4 worked after they fixed it with numerous patches. BF1 was the beginning of the downward trend, for various reasons. Some people may have liked BF1, but there is no denying that it was very different from BF4, and many users chose to stay on BF4, even to this day. Lots of people playing BF4, at least on PC. I almost always have to wait in a queue to join a server, and once I join the server is consistently full at 64 players.
They could literally recycle nearly the exact same gameplay from release to release, making new maps, minor adjustments, and changing the setting / graphics, and Battlefield players would be happy. Its crazy how they have managed to mess this up so reliably.
I’m not sure having a rate limit on signups means anything for what kind of users they’re looking for. The site was actually down last night probably from the sheer amount of traffic hitting it.
But otherwise yeah I agree, BF:BC2 and BF3 were great, BF4 was ok but I never liked how the guns felt as much. I hope BF6 is essentially an update to those which the trailer does pretty much show so far.
I am nearly certain it is getting botted. No way that many people want to get in for Battlefield Labs just to tell DICE how to make a game. Its been consistently over 200k since about an hour after it opened.
BF4 guns felt great except when your opponent was using a shotgun. The bullet drop on long rifles was nice and predictable, even if it was unrealistically strong. But the long rifles themselves were powerful too. I was the biggest fan of Assault class weapons, but I ended up always playing Engineer and using PDWs because vehicles were so massively overpowered and if you were any class other than Engineer you were basically dead if you were in an area with no cover and a vehicle saw you.
Playing against a helicopter whore with a 245 kill streak is not fun. Especially when small arms fire does nothing to the helicopter in the game, but in real life the thing would have been demolished by small arms fire. Im not saying it needs to die in a single RPK mag like in BF Vietnam, but at least give players who play any class except Engineer some options.