SkyNTP, (edited ) do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

Starfield has fantastic art direction and ambience. The gunplay is really good, perhaps the best gunplay of any RPG, and a surprise coming from Bethesda. Story hits some good beats, and exploration is rewarding, though repetitive about 50% of the time in the typical Bethesda fashion (remember Draugr crypts?).

That being said, the game has some shortfalls, primarily in the roleplay aspect. The ship building and crew management is good, but it doesn’t feel great, and is sometimes just frustrating, so you never feel truly immersed in your own ship. Lack of low earth orbital and terrestrial flight is immersion breaking (even if players might opt to skip it if it were present) along with the fact that the ship is relegated to being a flying mule and most transportation is basically instant teleportation via menus, which IMO hurts the isolation and exploration RP and challenge. Ship combat is straight up mediocre for a space game in 2023. Gun selection and modding is decent, but far from top tier. I would describe the apparel as a bit on the bland side, few of the clothes and armor pickups made me go: I want to put this on, I’ll look badass (Cyberpunk 2077 syndrome).

In fact I think starfield shares a lot with Cyberpunk 2077: massive budget, AAA art direction with gameplay spread across so many systems and features that a lot of them leave you wanting more.

totallymojo, avatar

The gunplay is really good

Is it really though…?


I was just thinking this. The gunplay is serviceable.

Rentlar, do gaming w The Sushi Train

Organized chaos. Love it.

taanegl, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

There’s something I’d like to call “the Bethesda” bar. It’s basically an industrial bar lower than most. Let’s define what that means:

  • releasing the same game over and over
  • make games so buggy that a release with only a couple hundred of glitches is deemed "polished*
  • ignore progressive development for things like NPC AI
  • put all the money in marketing and hype
  • make the user think they’re getting something new, rather than just another boilerplate game

I’m sure the story writers did some characters justice, but I won’t be playing this game - especially since Bethesda claims it “can’t run on older hardware”, despite the fact that modders are proving them wrong.

The Betheada bar is a cancer upon the industry and I view it as consumer facing psy-ops, relying on brain-dead fanboys with nothing going on in their lives to squeal with glee as a new AAA-title is released to fill that void.


Ah yes the “everyone who likes something I don’t like is a brainless zombie” argument, coming from someone who doesn’t like Bethesda and hasn’t even played the game.


It’s the same game as the last several Bethesda games, no need to play it to criticize it.

But even watching a few streams and videos is really enough to see even the harsh criticisms are putting it mildly.


It’s obviously vastly different in so many aspects. You realize that Fallout 4, their last mainline game, was 8 years ago?

oct_opus, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

I don’t know why but the game is not fun, I was bored in like 2 hours… the controls were a mess and everything looks tinted and hard to see.

Add to that the poor optimisation on PC. I’m going to pass on that one


That is definitely not my experience.


My first few hours weren’t fun, and I nearly stopped playing. It started getting fun when I abandoned the main quest and went out on my own.


I can echo that sentiment. The MQL starts really slow and has a lot of exposition overlord as is normal for Bethesda games. Once I started doing side missions for the UC Vanguard and “pimped my ride” xzibit style I got hooked.


this is the way

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

Exactly what I experience in every Bethesda game. Boring ass main quest line where a bunch of British people telling me about starsigns or some shit and then I joined the vanguard and never touched the main plot again because exploding pirates and space hobos while exploring planets is where it’s at.

Boiglenoight, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

It’s janky as hell, but the game I’ve played the most this year. Take that for what you will.


I mean… Have you played many others?


They played some minesweeper for 10 minutes.

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

It’s crack for my brain

Carighan, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed? avatar

To me it’s less about the user reviews, and more about how as now some time is passing, listening to professional reviewers in podcasts etc, more and more the mood turns… tepid?

It’s not that anyone is underwhelmed. More just… whelmed.

Thedogspaw, do games w Starfield from the NPC's Perspective avatar

This guy make some funny videos I haven’t even played starfield and found the video hilarious


Yeah he’s made a lot of great stuff, you never quite know what you’ll get.

Kit, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

I’m 20 hours in and not having a good time. Feels like I’m forcing myself to play instead of looking forward to it.

It’s just… bland. There’s no memorable characters, no breathtaking worlds, no addictive gameplay loops or memorable story. Just go here, fight pirates, click on one thing, 30 seconds cutscene of talking, repeat.

I really, really want to love Starfield but I just don’t get it.

weedwhacking, do games w Starfield from the NPC's Perspective

For a second the armor looks like nipples, almost like they’re wearing red mesh shirts and thongs with backpack straps 😂

RogbertwasmyEvename, do gaming w The Sushi Train

Wow. Apparently, Satisfactory has been upgraded since I last played so I’ve got to go back and give it another play. Never thought to build that high! Never thought to connect one vertical conveyor to another! Too much ‘thinking in the box’ I guess.

Cyberflunk, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

Somehow they made a shittier NoMansSky.


I have tried to play NMS four separate times now. I just cannot get past a certain point where it feels like repitition towards some kind of story line that is always one stept away of “something interesting”. The mechanics of the gameloop are maybe a bit too obvious, which takes away form the immersion. I end up shelfing it because something else catches my goldfish like attention. Then a year later a major update comes out, and I think “maybe it’s good now”?

Am I doing it wrong?

InternetTubes, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

I’ve seen some pretty absurd complaints, like the not being able to land on gas planets, or people complaining due to ridiculously high but present area limitations.

Absurd complaints always seem to surround the media people whom people blame of being “woke”, which is why I usually give the media being criticized the extra benefit of a doubt since people will make or criticize shit for reasons they don’t say out-loud. I usually find out it’s not really that bad, but it’s just amplified because they create an environment of criticism that other people that have no underlying agenda still follow.

Then there’s the real complaints about performance, which I personally haven’t experienced because of a top tier PC (although I’m curious what people on the Xbox have to say, as Microsoft would hang them if it wasn’t playable on it as one of their new hallmark exclusives for it), and people not liking the Bethsoft sort of gameplay loop, which this is and has definitely improved upon IMO. Not only will this game be played for years on end like Skyrim, but I suspect it will also spark a much needed MMO off-shoot in the space genre just like their Fallout and The Elder Scrolls games did.


Just tried starting it this morning on a Series X. It crashed 5 times on less than two hours. The last time, I was barely into the “learn how to pilot a ship” part of the tutorial, and I’m already over this. I’m so disappointed. I was really looking forward to getting sucked into a new game.


I’ve played about 40 hours so far on a Series X. It froze on loading twice in that time, but otherwise I’ve had no performance problems. I even tried remote play streaming from my Series X to my PC and it worked well also.

That said, Starfield is fine. It’s not great- I don’t think it would be considered GotY even if BG3 and TotK hadn’t come out this year- but it’s otherwise solid. If you like the Bethesda formula, Starfield plays it absolutely straight (for better or worse). The usual critiques of Bethesda games in general apply- it has that look of a Bethesda game, the NPCs have the facial animation range of a post-botox Barbie, Radiant quests abound, the exploration gameplay loop is pretty shallow, etc.

Don’t get me wrong- there’s a lot it could do better, much of which other games already do. It’s a sci-fi fi version of Skyrim, and that’s good enough for me, but it probably won’t live on in the gaming zeitgeist.


There’s no way it’s a sci-fi version of Skyrim and it does not live on in the gaming zeitgeist, specially when the mods really begin rolling out.


I would agree with you in that if Starfield has any longevity, it would be because it would serve as the foundation for mods rather than on its own merits. But I disagree that it could stand on its own as-is.

Frog-Brawler, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed? avatar

I can't tell if I don't like Starfield, or playing games anymore. I got it on September 1st, and played it for a few hours that night. I played it for a couple hours the night after that, and then I played it for like 30 minutes yesterday. I haven't really been hardcore about any game since before the pandemic. It's not the same now that my gaming machine lives at the desk that is also my home office. I've typically wanted to just get out of this room when work is done, so a game has to be really good to keep me sitting here.

Kill_joy, avatar

I'm with you. The intro was pretty lackluster, the main campaign doesn't interest me at all, and new Atlantis kinda sucks imo

Then I joined the crimson fleet and suddenly 50 hours was gone.

tal, (edited ) avatar

Huh. I was just watching a review for No Man's Sky that made virtually the same point about that game, down to the 50 hours. The review said that the first couple hours were very boring, but once the intro and early game was out of the way, it got way more interesting. His pinned comment reads "I have now sunk in 50+ hours into this game. It keeps showing new stuff. Please help me. My family hasn't seen me in days. "

Maybe open-world game developers need to see if they can streamline the intros somehow. Even if the intro isn't a large percentage of the time you play the game, it does make the first impression.


I made a post like this sentiment elsewhere in this thread but I agree 100%. I was kinda forcing my way through some parts because I was just barely interested enough to continue. Then I had a few ohhh shit moments like taking over my first varuhn great serpent fanatic pirate ship and some of the UC Vanguard missions. I don’t know how they could improve/streamline it but they should work on it for sure.

donuts, avatar

Not that buying more stuff is ever the answer but... As someone who also spends way too much time at the same desk, getting a Steam Deck has totally revamped my love for gaming. Most of the time I'm not bringing it out with me (although I have traveled with it), but just being able to play PC games from bed, on the couch, or even outside in the back yard has been a ton of fun for me.


I’m considering moving my PC to the living room for this exact reason.

JowlesMcGee, avatar

I did, and it's great. Really helped to have it somewhere I don't also work.


You guys are going to make me more productive at work and I hate it

Frog-Brawler, avatar

It's a good idea, but my eyes aren't good enough to read my screen if I park my ass on the couch and need to view the TV to read dialogue text :(


Easy. Get glasses and a bigger TV

Frog-Brawler, avatar

No see... I have glasses and an 65" TV... I really can't get better.


Sounds like maybe you need a new eye exam… Are you unable to get to 20/20 with corrective lenses?

I have glasses and I game on a 46" TV from about 12 to 14 feet away and I can read most (if not all) in game dialogue…

I did struggle a bit with Pentament but that was part of what helped me realize I needed a new eye exam.

Frog-Brawler, avatar

It seems like my eyes are just deteriorating quickly now. I end up getting a new prescription each year in December.


Fair enough


That’s how mine are these days. I just noticed that my prescription expires after a year (the paper one), so if I’m tempted to get an updated pair of frames, it’s going to mean an eye exam for me.


I feel you. I just started spending my work day in bed then playing games at night.

SeeJayEmm, avatar

I can’t tell you how much I need a separate office space to separate work from play.


I can’t tell if I don’t like Starfield, or playing games anymore.

I don’t know your tastes, but it’s probably the latter if you only stick to the AAA realm of games. I sure as hell have burned on them - the indie and mid-budget space is where you’ll find games focused on simply being fun. Hi-Fi Rush, Pizza Tower, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk to name a few that came out this year.

Laukku, do adventuregames w What's an adventure game soundtrack that lives rent free in your head?
scrubbles, do gaming w The Sushi Train
!deleted6348 avatar

Man they really have upper the recipe for plut. haven’t they?

Good work pioneer. Your allowed 2 minute break has expired. Get back to work.


Thank you!

I think nuclear is one of my favorite parts of the game. The process for making it and then converting the uranium waste into plutonium is massive, but feels so rewarding once it’s done. Thing is, I’m only running one plant at the moment since I still have enough power production from coal and geothermal. Figured it’d be best to keep plutonium waste to a minimum until I really start needing it, unless they add a feature to bury it. I’ve moved my plants next to the out-of-bounds area near Niagara Falls so I can store the plutonium waste in a container out-of-bounds.

!deleted6348 avatar

I’m surprised, did you not use oil/fuel/turbofuel? Usually my power plants go Coal -> Fuel -> Turbofuel -> Nuclear


I think I went Coal > Fuel + Geothermal > Nuclear. I only recently started Turbofuel just so I could finish unlocking everything in the MAM.

!deleted6348 avatar

Fair, turbofuel is hard one, not a lot of sulfur on the map, requires rebuilding (or starting a whole new) fuel plant, and depending where you are it may be worth going to full nuclear first. Have fun, Pioneer!

PS there is !satisfactorygame , it’s a bit dead, but when I get back into it I’ll be posting there


Oh god… I smell the desire to start using turbofuel rising…

I’ll subscribe to !satisfactorygame then!

I don’t post much on Lemmy and am trying to decide how I want to post without just encouraging everybody to go on the big instances, and so my posts don’t disappear if an instance dies. Figured posting to my own instance and then cross-posting to a large instance and some smaller ones would be a good way to encourage growth everywhere but that’s just me overthinking as always. Tis’ an interesting experiment.


Pretty much same for me. Also you might not want to place your plutonium out of bounds. There might be an update in the future for Nuclear Waste recycling since that is ostensibly possible irl, just really expensive and not worth it atm.


I can get that. I guess the concern would be that Coffee Stain start purging/deleting anything out-of-bounds? You can see the container for the plutonium waste off in the distance a little. The power plants are half in/half-out of the out-of-bounds area.

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