chaogomu, do gaming w Ok, is this the best one yet? How do we top this?

Thought Emporium is trying to grow neurons in order to play doom.

It will run on a PI or such, but will be completely played by living tissue grown from rat cells.


I’m in a behavioral neuroscience lab and I’m trying to convince my PI to get in on this.


I believe another one of their goals was to grow neurons out of their own human cells and then see who in the lab has the neurons most capable of playing doom. Or maybe verse each other in quake and see whose neurons win.

Anticorp, do gaming w Chasing the *frag*on

It’s gone. Computers will never again be as exciting as they were in the early 00’s, because every new advancement now comes with an infringement, a “gotcha”, a sacrifice of your privacy, and a subscription to cap it off. Computers used to feel personal, they felt empowering, they felt like they were yours, and they were a gateway to a million little worlds created by people of all sorts. Now they feel like corporate advertising platforms that are just a gateway to other corporate advertising platforms.

jabathekek, avatar

Until you install Linux.


Or any free software really.


I dunno I have done a lot of work to cleanse my home of all of that. I have a pi hole for DNS blocking, I use Firefox with AdBlock on both desktop and mobile, I choose to not use ad riddled apps like TikTok or Instagram (fuck Facebook). I have a VPN which I use for most everything. My home is pretty ad and corporate free. As it should be. Granted I’m pretty tech savvy so none of this was hard for me but I could see my mom having problems.


I’ve done all of that except for pi hole, and that’s just because NextDNS seems to be doing the job, although they probably sell my information too. I really should set Pi Hole up, especially since I already have a Raspberry Pi running all the time for my 3d Printer, running OctoPrint, and Klipper. I’ll need to test and see if it can run all 3 at once. Unfortunately that doesn’t really negate what I said. Every new exciting technology is rife with spyware, and the old Internet, while not gone, is certainly buried under a massive pile of corporate garbage. Google, Bing, DDG, hell, even Kagi have a hell of a time finding little useful websites built because of passion, instead of profit now.


Definitely agree with the Google and Bing, hell I have a better time getting answers to stuff from ChatGPT than Google these days.

paultimate14, do gaming w Some people love it

Chill vibes. Sometimes you want to play videogames but don’t want a stressful time.

Or multitasking. I love playing Phoenix Wright on the treadmill.


Chill vibes. Sometimes you want to play videogames but don’t want a stressful time.

Osmos or Dorfromantik for me ❤️

But yeah… Other people read a book. Nobody complains that they’re just turning pages for hours. Nothing wrong with (merging those media and) enjoying whatever you like.


Agreed, the amount of times I’ve heard:

“It’s nothing but reading”

In regards to VN or RPGs…

Never understood how this is an argument when reading for fun exists. Specifically when comparing visual novels to books, books don’t tend to have pictures, scenarios, music, sound effects or voice acting. Sometimes reading a book isn’t interesting enough on its own and folks want more.

I can understand liking a game but not liking all the dialogue, I remember Mass Effect 3 had an option for Story, Action or RPG mode and it’d be great if more devs would implement that kinda thing instead of forcing one specific playstyle.


Not stressful you say?

Sometimes this happens in a middle of a combat, with the combat music playing, enemies in front of me, character is in low health, and I gotta read a conversation and the only button I can press is A.

LWD, (edited ) do gaming w I just love collecting them all!


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  • Sheeple, avatar

    laughs in multiMC


    Nah get on Prism


    The curseforge launcher is the worst launcher I’ve ever used. Best launcher imo is PolyMC, it’s a fork of MultiMC that adds a bunch of really nice features like being able to download mods directly from the launcher.


    PolyMC now is PrismLauncher

    The original team was kicked off the Github Repo and made a new Fork the called PrismLauncher

    It was quite the Drama


    Didn’t know that, thanks for the info

    GONADS125, do gaming w Is professional tip

    God forbid you shoot one of those dehydrated hotdogs off the player’s hands holding those binoculars…

    dukethorion, avatar

    Those are the replacement fingers. He’s not allowed to have the pistol anymore.

    tacosanonymous, do gaming w Simpler days

    And they had little books with info and pictures.

    Stamets, avatar

    God I miss those days. I stopped buying physical games mainly because the only thing it was doing was taking up physical space. If they had included those books and art then I probably would have stuck around with physical stuff.

    Bloodwoodsrisen, avatar

    I honestly prefer getting physical versions for my switch, reminds me of the good 'ol days when i had an entire bag of DS games

    Stamets, avatar

    Oh I totally get it! I don’t mean to say physical games aren’t worth it, it’s just why I don’t get 'em anymore. Being able to run your finger down a line of game cases is nice… seeing all those titles lined up. Or with the DS games. Having the little chips slotted into the cases in the little zippy uppy thingies.


    Pffft they came on cassette, there was no room for books! Mastertronic and their 99p games were amazing, the picture on the front was always the biggest lie ever


    That and a picnpix from Woolies was life!


    and copy protection codes. Please enter the 5th word from page 19 of the manual.

    gullible, do gaming w Can we solve the mystery?

    I’ve attempted to play genshin a few times and it seems both predatory and mind-numbingly boring. What’s the appeal?


    I played it back when it launched and the first bit doesn't/didn't give you the inkling of what's to come.
    It eases you in so by the time the game shows its true ugly self, you're already too deep.
    But yeah, I too became bored fast. It's just mleh.

    PugJesus, avatar

    What’s the appeal?

    Fanservice, I think.


    On PC, at least, the controls are very smooth, and the challenge bar is pretty low, so you can fairly relaxingly explore a pretty vast world.

    Yes, you can end up insane and bankrupt chasing your favourite husbando, but even that has ceilings, which are pretty well-documented by gacha norms.

    Zoomboingding, avatar

    BotW exploration with a really wild combat system. Also has incredible music and interesting worldbuilding. Also has a heap of time wasting bullshit and gotcha.




    I muted the game after an hour of anime noises so I have no opinion on the music. I honestly hated the combat, though. It was the worst parts of every combat system I’ve ever encountered, with slow enemy attacks coupled with slow movement and high HP that just made for long, easy slogs. Like master mode on BOTW. I enjoyed the genshin koroks and exploration, though. Those were fun.

    Zoomboingding, (edited ) avatar

    Your only takeaway should be that Genshin’s music is way better than it has any right to be. Here’s a few of my favorites

    Sumeru battle theme
    Balladeer fight
    Raiden fight
    Azhdaha fight
    Port Ormos

    Late game Genshin is anything but slow. Well, and I liked BotW’s Master Mode~


    Weirdos that are attracted to cartoons of underage girls.


    You’re being down voted by anime fans, so rest assured those don’t count.

    DudeImMacGyver, (edited ) do gaming w Im still undecided about if it looks fun though avatar

    Can confirm: It’s fun enough for $26. It’s kinda like if ARK, Pokemon, and BOTW had a baby. It is most similar to ARK though, so if you’re looking for a straight up pokemon game, this might not be what you’re looking for.


    I played for 15 minutes and said “I’d rather play BotW.”

    Beating fluffy animals with a club to death or enslavement just isn’t my speed.

    Especially when they start running from you…

    They know. They’re afraid. They won’t let you make their name Toby.


    You’re doing it wrong. Fun hot take, sure, but yeah…


    Ah, so you convince your Pals to get in the pokeballs with hugs and kisses before sending them to your voluntary free labor camps?

    Kushia, avatar

    I love how we have higher standards for fake digital animals than we have for actual living humans when it comes to labor.


    Wow, recruiters in your area play hardball

    !deleted6508 avatar

    They get a cozy bed, a warm fire, and prepared meals to eat in exchange for their servitude. You can also catch them by sneaking or while they are sleeping and not need to hurt them. There are also caged ones in bandit camps you rescue and they join you; presumably willingly.

    You could also just catch the bad humans that shoot you on sight and make a prison camp without resorting to enslaving innocent chibi animals. We all know humans suck anyway.


    Ah, so you provide basic food and shelter for their labor after capturing them in their sleep or otherwise unable to defend themselves?

    Interesting, interesting.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Basic? I built them things a stone castle while I sleep in a wooden shack. I eat nothing but berries and feed them the finest meats and cakes. They have a bath house that I can’t even use! My Kinguins live like kings!


    (just don’t ask where the meat came from)

    !deleted6508 avatar

    To be fair, half the of them were already probably eating the other half before I showed up 🤷🏻‍♂️


    Read this again with slavery plantations in your mind and see how it feels, just once!

    GhostlyPixel, avatar

    I don’t think I would have purchased it, but it was a blast to play with PC GamePass. Had a solid weekend where I couldn’t put it down, eventually I got into a loop of just going egg hunting and waiting for them to hatch and uninstalled because I was finally burned out.

    Sheeple, avatar

    Considering that Pocketpair can’t even seem to be able to finish their other (highly plagiarised) games “Never Grave” and “Craftopia”, I’m not spending a single cent until they actually finish it.

    Why are we holding big corpos accountable for selling unfinished games that later get patched with free DLC, but then allow a faux indie company (The CEO of Pocketpair actually is a businessman who owns a crypto exchange. So not at all an indie company) to do the same for the same price as the whole ark survivor bundle?

    DudeImMacGyver, avatar

    You could always just set sail to play it matey!

    Sheeple, avatar

    Piracy is ALWAYS morally correct!

    johannesvanderwhales, do gaming w Then vs Now

    DAE games bad now??

    The_v, do gaming w Chasing the *frag*on

    For me it was a little known game called ThinkTanks. It was created as a demo for a companies game engine and never got much support. It was a silly little catoon tank game with basic 3D.

    The community figured out how to bypass the demo restrictions on the game engine. The game was modded to an insane degree. Thousands of new maps, new game types and objects. I dabbled with it at the time and created around 70 maps personally.

    Last I check the original game was someone like 8mb of space. The full mod pack with all of the maps was 2GB


    Wow you have just unlocked a hidden memory for me. My dad had this game on his Mac G5, and I would play (vanilla) all the time. Back then I thought the internet was small, so when I saw someone online with the name “Will” and thought it was one of my friends from school.

    I wonder if there is anyone still playing.


    They are:

    (img link)

    If you’d like to play you may wish to join &/or reply to that user and share the Discord I found with them :)

    JoMiran, do gaming w Chasing the *frag*on avatar

    Replace Halo with Unreal Tournament and that’s me.


    I miss original UT!

    They were working on a new one. Then fortnight got huge and they’re too busy milking that cow to continue with a new ut.


    Return to Castle Wolfenstein for me, but UT is up there for awesome nostalgia shooters.

    JoMiran, avatar

    I love how they are called “boomer shooters” but it was Gen-X and Millenials that played that shit.

    Smokeydope, avatar

    In my mind boomer shooter is more doom, blood, and quake, while UT and halo started the genre of more modernish arena shooters (though quake is probably more like a stepping stone between boomer and arena shooters so I consider it kind of both). and yeah the people who played those games in the early to mid 90s are at the very least in their mid 30s right now which is definitely boomer age by current internet definition of the word (nobody can ever even agree what age is technically what generation). Hell im in my early 20s and pretty sure kids born in 2010s would call me a boomer.


    Hexen/heretic, Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, those are original boomershooters.

    RCTW, UT, Q3A are much later games. I specifically named RCTW and Red Faction because they released basically at the same time as Halo


    Pretty sure boomer refers to the shotgun








    Also I really miss how most people would like trim the settings right the way down for the best performance, and the funky little twist in your bunny hops to get to the front line.

    ChamrsDeluxe, do gaming w I can't live like this

    Inverted for flight controls, everything else, standard.

    simple, do gaming w Graphics can't save boring mechanics

    I’ve honestly reached a point where I would gladly take PS2 graphics over the terrible performance and constant stuttering of most modern games.


    I share that most of my games are locked at 45fps, 78fps if it’s a competitive shooter. You brain notices inconsistent frame rates, just turn off your fps counter and get used to it.

    snooggums, avatar

    Turn down the graphics on modern games and they still look better than PS2 while running fine.


    Not really possible when modern games have a 2060/2070 as the minimum requirement. Even with minimal settings you need a decently modern pc.


    Shit one of the best games I’ve seen promoted is the Bloodbornekart made by a fan using the ps1 demake graphics. Looks Hella fun

    Suavevillain, do gaming w Then vs Now avatar

    I never thought game patches would become such a terrible thing. But the state some games have released in has been crazy.

    captain_aggravated, do gaming w Then vs Now avatar

    “The inverse square root function in the C math library isn’t fast enough. That’s okay, I’ll write my own algorithm that abuses floating point numbers in a way that gives me a close approximation a bit faster.”


    Step 2: what the fuck?

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