SplashJackson, do games w what is this game

That is a cacodemon, this is clearly Doom (1993)

samus12345, avatar

Cacodemons were designed after a D&D monster, so there is a connection.


He looks so happy; I hope that someday, I’ll find an occupation that I love too

Kolanaki, do games w what is this game
!deleted6508 avatar

Baldur’s Gate 3. That’s a beholder.

bjoern_tantau, avatar

Spectator. Beholders are even more dangerous.


Imagine if they hit a level five party with an entire goddamned beholder

Probably after you accidentally found out that one of the cutscenes entering the underdark was you flailing about like a limp noodle because you jumped down the gap instead of taking the ladder.

Durandal, avatar

A “spectator”, specifically. A lesser beholder.

ElcaineVolta, do games w what is this game avatar

Final Fantasy, this is a Malboro

cafuneandchill, (edited ) do games w what is this game

That’s Devil May Cry (featuring Abraham Lincoln from Super Mario Bros.)
Produced by SQUARE ZENIS (colloquially known as “Squeenis”)

hperrin, do games w what is this game

That looks like Grand Theft Auto 5. I believe the car in the screenshot is the Dodge Corolla XS.

Don_alForno, do games w Hellblade II Official System Requirements

Guess I finally have a reason to upgrade …

WeLoveCastingSpellz, do games w Hellblade II Official System Requirements

damn I only meet minimum tf

Diplomjodler3, do games w what is this game avatar

Clearly that’s Pacman.

drathvedro, do games w Hellblade II Official System Requirements

nice to see ARC’s all the way up to recommended, I should pick one up the next time I do a gaming build.

intensely_human, do games w what is this game

That’s Pac Man 2024

therealjcdenton, do games w Hellblade II Official System Requirements

Why does a 3 hour game require 70 GB?

alphacyberranger, avatar

Assets. I found out the hard way that my 1650 can’t handle this game. The visuals and audio are really really good. So I guess most of the size went into the assets.

nokturne213, do games w Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty

I do not always have time to “git gud” at a game. Sometimes I want to sit down and play a game for fun, not frustration. I might have played Elden Ring for more than an hour if it had an easier difficulty.

vulgarcynic, avatar

The question is, does the responsibility fall on you to choose games that fit your skill level or the developer to compromise their vision to accomodate a broader audience? Would we take the same stance with other art? I find a lot of Foreign Arthouse Films to be slow paced and unenjoyable. Should the writers and directors be required to make an alternate cut to accomodate my preferences?


Many games, have varying difficulty levels. AFAIK movies have never had anything like that.

I have also seen cuts of movies that were horrible, and then an alternative cut is released that is leaps and bounds better.

teft, avatar

AFAIK movies have never had anything like that.

Try watching Primer.


To be fair they're still right to say that there are no difficulty settings on that film, it's just set at fuck you difficulty from the beginning

teft, avatar

This is true.

teft, avatar

If you had played it longer than an hour you probably would have gotten good.

rikudou, avatar

Or they wouldn’t. I tried, died with the first enemy every time, refunded the game. Not everyone can “git gud”.

teft, (edited ) avatar

So your argument against playing for longer than an hour and getting good is playing less than two hours and refunding? You need to play the game for a few hours to understand the combat systems and the way that enemies react.

The first enemy is meant to destroy you. You skip him and find other things to do and come back later when you’ve leveled up. It’s an open world game.


Let them not like the game for gods sake, they are in their right to refund it, they are not complaining about the game, just saying that it’s not for them. I love it and have tons of hours played + spent reading the wiki but it’s not for everyone and it’s cool of they don’t like it.

teft, avatar

I think you need to reread my comments. I don’t really care if someone likes the game or not. I only care if someone says they can’t get good at it when they put in less than the minimal effort. It makes me wonder if people like that gave up riding a bike since they couldn’t ride professional downhill racing tracks in the first hour of learning to ride.


I find my comment completely valid. That “minimal” effort is just entertainment gate keeping. If they don’t have it in them to spend that extra effort it’s their choice and if you want them to change, complaining about it is very backwards.

You could have suggested them to ignore the tree sentinel or Margit, hoever was their first enemy, you could have suggested the to explore the game and ignore hard enemies just like in skyrim we ignored trolls, bears or dragons until we levelled up… Idk, anything but “you didn’t even try how dare you say you don’t like it” wtf.

If someone in their adulthood gets berated for being demotivated by not being as good as their peers at swimming or riding a bike, telling them off will just shut them about the idea of trying.

teft, avatar

You could have suggested them to ignore the tree sentinel or Margit, hoever was their first enemy, you could have suggested the to explore the game and ignore hard enemies just like in skyrim we ignored trolls, bears or dragons until we levelled up… Idk, anything but “you didn’t even try how dare you say you don’t like it” wtf.

The first enemy is meant to destroy you. You skip him and find other things to do and come back later when you’ve leveled up. It’s an open world game.

You mean where I do exactly that?


Right after berating them for not trying, great effort.

teft, avatar

So your argument against playing for longer than an hour and getting good is playing less than two hours and refunding? You need to play the game for a few hours to understand the combat systems and the way that enemies react.

This is not a berating statement. This is a question followed by a statement of fact. Neither of which is scolding the OP.


It's okay for people to not want to take several hours to learn to play a videogame. I say this as someone who has taken the time and likes this game a lot

teft, avatar

Oh absolutely it’s ok to not want to take several hours to learn to play a video game. But don’t say “i can’t get good at this video game” if you’ve only put in an hour or two. That makes little sense. Difficult things take time to get good at otherwise they would be easy things.

rikudou, avatar

I mean, what if I don’t get good after two hours? Will you refund it? Or will I be stuck with a game I suck at that cost $50 or $60 (or however much that was)? Look, I never was good at gaming. Everything I play is on easy or normal. I’m glad most developers keep gamers like me in mind. And as far as I understand, being hard is part of what makes Elden Ring entertaining, which pretty much makes it the opposite for me.

And pretending that everyone is (or can be) as good as everyone else at everything does not make much sense.

acosmichippo, avatar

So your argument against playing for longer than an hour and getting good is playing less than two hours and refunding? You need to play the game for a few hours to understand the combat systems and the way that enemies react.

and your argument to enjoy a game is to force yourself to play it longer than the return period is, therefore eliminating any chance of a refund?

teft, avatar

That’s an argument for longer refund periods. Not for people giving up before they’ve tried.

acosmichippo, avatar

well the reality is we do not have longer refund periods. so in the current state of affairs, yes, it is an argument for people to give up. Trying for 2 hours is at least one step better than not buying the game at all.

rikudou, avatar

Dude, I just don’t like it. The game just wasn’t fun for me. The game’s not my cup of tea. It’s not a hard concept. Also, you kinda move the goal post a bit.


it’s almost as if not every game is made for everyone


You know I could have played Euro Truck simulator for more than an hour if it had been an online pay-to-win MOBA.

Banichan, avatar

I’ve played it for over 500. It’s easier than the Dark Souls games.


Sometimes I want to sit down and play a game for fun, not frustration.

there are a lot of games that are fun AND easy…that said, if i’m really enjoying a game and get to a boss that causes more frustration than fun, and is going to consume more time than i’m willing to spend, then it’s cheese/godmode o’clock. done, dgaf. devs make the games they want, i play them the way i want. win-win


In other news, Florida Man sues because space flight is hard, it should be as ready as opening a beer.


I haven’t bought Elden Ring for this exact reason, but I love watching other people struggle and then succeed at it.

I have one friend who uninstalled Elden Ring completely after they reduced the difficulty of the new expansion DLC because he felt like they watered down his achievement of beating it.

Ultimately games are a form of art and their designers and developers have the ultimate say in how accessable (or not) they want to make the experience. I have also seen games with way too much ease of play features that completely destroy any challenge to the point of making it unplayable (looks a Ubisoft).

Researching games before you buy has become a critical skill to avoid feeling burned, because social media does an amazing job of selling you games through FOMO.


Wemod is how I do it.

RightHandOfIkaros, do games w Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty

Who is it, QuantumTV?

It is a game that is difficult, made by a company that is widely known for making some of the highest difficulty games in gaming. And arguably, Elden Ring is their easiest game. This guy signed up for it. If he didn’t know, its his fault.

There is no lawsuit here, this gets thrown out instantly. FromSoftware makes games and they can make whatever they want. If people don’t want their games, then they won’t buy them.

Banichan, avatar

Literally the biggest casul to ever exist


Elden ring is their easiest game

If you doubt this, go start a new play through on Dark Souls II.

WraithGear, avatar

I have given dark souls II more chances then any other in the series. And man from was more then a little assholish there. Iron keep can kiss my ass


Fume Knight says hi. At the end I near perfected him but damn that took me a long time. Orphan of kos is a never again situation for me though.


Before the DLC I might have agreed with you.

DLC included, ER is significantly harder than DSII

Not that this is a bad thing


Somehow I had a way harder time with Elden Ring than Dark Souls 1 or 2, but difficulty is a bit subjective.

VizualWarrior, do games w Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty

Very Onionesque.

Fo real tho, difficulty in some games is more of an add on than a core mechanic. FromSoft weave difficulty into the narrative of their games in a way that is just so deliciously painful. More please.

aciDC14, do games w Elden Ring Player to Sue FromSoftware Over High Game Difficulty

I’ll get the popcorn…

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