db0, do piracy w It would appear has blocked this community avatar

To be honest, it’s not a huge deal. The copyright cartel can easily send dmca requests to your isp just for having text guidelines. Not everyone has the bandwidth or energy to deal with stuff like that.

I just wish this wasn’t done at the request of a transphobic racist who just did it to get back at is for getting banned for making transphobic and racist communities in this instance.


Don’t need lemmy world anyways. This is the most based instance on the entire fediverse. Their loss.


One of the most popular instance. This is why federation is necessary and people should create accounts in different servers instead of pulling everyone to one server calling it tge “official” or “main” server


At least they blocked a community and not the entire instance. This is how these things should be handled, imo


Keep it up db0, a lot of us across the fediverse appreciate what you’ve built!

Gsus4, avatar

So beehaw was right whey they defederated from .world, there is shadiness there…

PS: this is one of the best communities in the fediverse, good job.


Beehaw’s reasons for defederation were completely unrelated to what’s happening now. They didn’t want the general public to have access to their “safe” community.


there’s more to “the general public” besides 2 instances. beehaw defederated from .world and sijw because the mod tooling to handle a huge influx of people isn’t ready, and it still isn’t ready. (and the rest of their defederations are an off the shelf mastodon blocklist import which all instances should do imo and a few explicitly unmoderated instances. oh and porn i think)

beehaw federates just fine with the instance i’m on, for example.

if they wanted to defederate completely, lemmy does support allowlist federation, and i’m pretty sure their admins know about it.

goddamnpipes, do piracy w It would appear has blocked this community

Made the switch from the other day due to this. Not necessarily because of who they defederated/blocked, but because this happens with little/no consultation or communication with the user base. The frequency of it became frustrating; who knows what other community/instance will be blocked on a whim next?

I appreciate that the LW admins do this as a hobby in their free time, but things like this could be approached in a better way, or at the very least with better communication. I found out about this via a post in /c/mildlyinfuriating, which in itself was mildly infuriating lol.

Migrated to this instance, and I can choose via Connect which instances or communities I want to see. Should have done this sooner.

Lummy, do piracy w It would appear has blocked this community

I was on Lemmy World too, but lately they’ve started to restrict more and more. Restricting access to piracy was my limit

Kalkaline, do piracy w "Copyright fuels creativity [...] promotes free speech", heh avatar

I expected more from a company like Penguin Books.

ICastFist, do piracy w "Copyright fuels creativity [...] promotes free speech", heh avatar

Copyright fuels a weird form of creativity, the “Original Character do not steal” that is a blatant copy of another character. It also happens in music all the time, “Original lyrics, sound and composition, do not copy”

As for promoting free speech, yeah, no, it doesn’t. Everyone can point to a dozen videos being taken down by bogus copyright reasons, whether because it played 10 seconds of a specific music, or because the author of a piece of art disliked the video. That’s not even mentioning how you can’t (couldn’t?) use the “happy birthday” song in USA without being copyright struck.


In germany it explicitly includes that you can use as much stuff of some else if you add something or make a parody, just copying is obviously forbidden


In the US the law does that. Even reaction videos that basically show the original are generally OK. The problem is that generally places for the general public to post things, don’t want to spend the legal costs of checking every claim. So they do a guilty until proven innocent approach where if someone has a registered business if they accuse someone it gets yanked immidiately, and then it’s up to the users to prove it’s not infringement.

TheHalc, do piracy w "Copyright fuels creativity [...] promotes free speech", heh

Ah yes, a statement on copyright thanking someone for buying an authorised edition of Great Expectations, a book whose copyright expired in 1940 at the latest…

JoeCoT, avatar

Right, the copyright is specifically for random essays added to the book, so that they could release it and say it wasn't entirely public domain, so you shouldn't copy it. A weird place to say "copyright fuels creativity" when it's clearly not the reason for the copyright here.

chemicalprophet, do piracy w "Copyright fuels creativity [...] promotes free speech", heh

I don’t believe in physical property and i don’t believe in intellectual property. Fucking propertarians…🏴🏴🏴

FaceDeer, do piracy w "Copyright fuels creativity [...] promotes free speech", heh avatar

Well, it's not wrong to say that about the basic concept of copyright. The original purpose of copyright was to allow authors to feel free to publish stuff more widely without fear of it being "stolen." Without copyright there'd be a lot more proprietary information being squirrelled away in private archives.

But of course, that concept has been completely hijacked over the years. The duration no longer makes sense for that original purpose.

Neato, avatar

Yeah. Copyright should exist for like, 20 years or so? Or no more than 10 years after the holder's death so dependent family can adapt. This 90-100 years is bullshit. It doesn't benefit the creators, it benefits the rights holders. Almost always a corporation profiting off the back of their workers.


Agreed. The fundamental concept doesn’t seem bad. Usually it is harder to create than copy. So for someone to invest resources into creating something, we might want a system that allows him to recoup those costs before someone else who didn’t need to front load those costs undercuts him.

But as you said the current system is broken.

salarua, avatar

believe it or not, that wasn’t the original purpose of copyright. copyright was invented as a form of censorship. in 1556, the Charter of the Stationers’ Company was given the exclusive right to control the operation of printing presses in England, up to and including the ability to seize offending books and burn the printing presses that made them (L. Ray Patterson, )

AceFuzzLord, do piracy w "Copyright fuels creativity [...] promotes free speech", heh

Imagine being so brainwashed you actually believe modern copyright laws allows for free speech. Does this person constantly live with their heads in the clouds or are they just naturally braindead?

razrabotka, do piracy w "Copyright fuels creativity [...] promotes free speech", heh

Btw I have taken this picture straight from a bookstore



style99, do piracy w "Copyright fuels creativity [...] promotes free speech", heh avatar

You can read this book online, by the way.

Alvinu, do piracy w It would appear has blocked this community

Was to lazy to change instances even though .world was always down. Actively censoring made me finally pull the plug. Thanks for helping me out I guess

xantoxis, do gaming w What the fuck have they taken from us

Ani[mation] are you okay?

willya, do gaming w What the fuck have they taken from us avatar

Damn I didn’t even get to have any of the fun.

bappity, do gaming w What the fuck have they taken from us avatar

there’s a knife in the game right now that has a bug with the inspect animation making you break your wrist every time it plays.

I hope they never fix it

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