phi1997, do games w Epic Games reportedly hit by 189GB hack, including login and payment info

Glad I never made an account there

DarkGamer, avatar

Free games in exchange for identity theft. No thanks.


Press F for all those people who decided to pay for shit on that platform because of the holiday 25% off voucher. Saved $15 in exchange for random unauthorized charges in the future.

mrfriki, do games w Ending Dead Cells updates is a "marketing stunt" to "leave room" for Windblown, claims former lead designer

Yeah, that’s pretty obvious.

LunchEnjoyer, do games w Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League review: a looter shooter in need of rescuing avatar

Does it really need rescuing tho…?

samus12345, avatar

A looter shooter in need of being taken behind the shed and shot.

LunchEnjoyer, avatar

Well said.

cerement, do gaming w Unity say layoffs “likely” as they recover from disastrous pricing plan rollout and look to AI for growth avatar

“who could’ve seen this coming?”
“everyone. everyone saw this coming.”


The CEO should be hanged by the balls, just one disastrous decision after another, what an incompetent moron.

thingsiplay, avatar

The CEO of Unity is the former CEO of E.A., BTW.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

And when he was there he said people should pay $1 to reload their weapons on Battlefield


Ah that explains a lot…

CodingSquirrel, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

I watched the video and what they showed certainly looks impressive. The level of detail in actions, variety of gameplay, immersive first person perspective, and visual details all look good. I hope the game looks and plays as good as what's shown and actually releases sometime soon, but I'm not holding my breath. Even if you ignore all the baggage the game has, gameplay trailers to games still in development are lies more often than not. I stopped following the development like 8 years ago, now it's off my radar until it actually releases.

!deleted5791 avatar

I wouldn’t put too much stock in pre-release gameplay videos. Remember what the pre-release hype videos for Cyberpunk or No Man’s Sky looked like, and what the end results actually looked like?

master_of_unlocking, avatar

In case anyone forgot: know they fixed it, but that video will never fail to make me laugh)


Check out Watch_Dogs for some pre release insanity


I’m expecting another 1.5-2 years on the release for this. They’ve announced it’s feature complete and moving to the polish stage. That where they will fix bugs and ensure gameplay functionally feels correct.

Considering the number of chapters they had announced in the roadmap I imagine they have a lot of have to cover.

fckreddit, do games w Dragon's Dogma 2 brings back all the joy of Capcom's 2012 cult hit with few real changes

GOBLINS ARE WEAK TO FIRE. Bro, I have been killing Goblins for about 40 hours now, I know.


Even in numbers, a weakling is a weakling still!

HorreC, do games w Diablo 4 Season 2 will put fun before balance, but "we want every build to be viable" avatar

Isnt this the end they did on D3 and it made it just a flood of huge numbers and nothing was fun, nothing was this one drop can break the game for your build. If everything gets you there, getting there isnt a challenge. I mean I like ARPGs and I like when they have those moments like can I make it thru this fight. This dosent sound like that. But it also sounds like they are not dealing with the grind issue, that I thought a lot of their players were complaining of. And the grind here was for leveling not for gear (if I understand correctly).


I think the D3 model is fun. I was actually disappointed at how different D4 is, once I got through the storyline. I do agree that the grind is too great. I basically stopped playing after I finished the storyline. I tried a couple of different builds after increasing the world tier, ran out of gold and got stuck with a build I didn’t enjoy, and quit logging on. It’s worth noting that I’m just a casual player who would create a new character each season in D3, get to GR100ish, and then get bored and stop until the next season.

HorreC, avatar

Well if you could fix it what would you wanna see? I figure you are the demo they are trying to get a hold of for the longest, the hardcore players some times can be whales, but the mtx on the everyday nerds brings in the good seasonal money. I think that the grind shouldnt be there at all, yeah the leveling should slow but the rates I saw were wow levels of grind for no real gains, sure you could place a node or two but I didnt see those being build defining (yet?), I play for the gear, sets or what ever, when I can finally spec out that uber break the fricken game build and then maybe farm up some gold for trading.

The MMO side of this game kinda makes tainting the world areas hard but they could offer dungeons that go odd places or something like candy on the map that you see once or twice in 8 hours. But for real, what would you like to see?

TimTheEnchanter, do gaming w ConcernedApe teases what's coming in Stardew Valley's 1.6 update

Love Stardew Valley and I’m excited to see the new stuff, even though I haven’t even finished everything new from 1.5! I’m always in awe of how much time and effort he has put into this game and how much he continues to put into it!

Kachilde, do gaming w Remembering Prey, Arkane Austin’s masterpiece

“Remembering Prey”? The game is 7 years old, and has a release on current gen consoles. The nostalgia cycle is starting to spiral in on itself. Get ready for “Remember Baldurs Gate 3” next month.

If we want to talk about a game that is about ready for a nostalgic revival, featured unique gameplay for the time, told a story with interesting lore, and had the potential for interesting sequels, let’s remember Prey (2006). Also, it had a bus full of evil ghost kids on a spaceship. Can’t beat that.

AProfessional, (edited )

Prey is barely functional on modern systems. They never had a PS5 update and it barely hits 30fps there. The PC version is quite buggy and crashes for many.

I try to replay it every once in a while and just give up. It’s unfortunate.


Worked great on steam deck, so maybe try Linux? 😄


I’d believe it, might actually check that out soon.


The studio that made it was shut down.

FeelzGoodMan420, do games w Escape From Tarkov studio boss says he "did not foresee" players would get mad about charging extra for PvE

Serious question. Why is this game fun? I played it a few years ago for like 5 hours and I thought it was absolute dogshit and boring as shit Has it improved dramatically since then? Do you guys just enjoy Inventory Simulator? I just don’t get it.


It’s just the cult of goblins going in, looting and then storing it all in your backpacks in your hovel. There’s occasional enemies and you need to outmaneuver or outgun them, or both. If that’s your jam, it’s great. But overall it’s just a miserable experience, especially when playing solo.

bigmclargehuge, avatar

I love tactical shooters and, at its core, EFT is one of the best. By core, I mean the movement, gunplay, physics, sound design, etc. When the going is good, there is almost no experience as visceral as EFT.

What I personally think fucking sucks is basically everything else. Especially the tryhard, creatine-powder-snorting, sweatband wearing *community that has zero sympathy for people who actually have a life and want a really detailed tactical shooter, without dedicating 15 hours a week into researching bullet penetration and common camping spots. Couple that with devs who seem to show active distaste for a lot of their more casual fans, and casual gamers in general, and you end up with a really mixed bag.

I’m one of the people who had this game completely revived for me by the single player mod, SPT-AKI. I can play on my own, with progression, and slightly more laid back difficulty, while still enjoying challenging AI and some of the best gunfights in gaming. I would absolutely love to play an official pve mode, I absolutely refuse to pay $250 for it.

*edit: this only obviously describes a portion of the community. Should clarify that I know there are plenty of players that this doesn’t describe.


SPT and the multiplayer conversion (Now Project Fika, formerly MPT) are the best ways to experience the game now for a multitude of reasons. I think learning heatmaps and dead locations applies no matter how you play - and the same can be said for bullet penetration, it’s just part of the game - but there’s a neverending stream of cheaters that feel far worse to lose to than a boss you weren’t prepared for. I can get trashed by tagila eighty times and accept that gear is just forfeit, I chanced it going to factory; when I am killed by a head/eyes with no audio five seconds into a fresh raid multiple times a day there’s substantially less to learn from and improve on.

Worth noting you can get mods for SPT that change how AI behave, categorize them so some are doing a common farming route, some are moving to quest locations. It doesn’t make up for what we lost (the awkward vocal exchanges as you agree to not slay a new player at a starting quest location), but it helps retain some of the spice.

bigmclargehuge, avatar

This is the first im hearing of project fika, I’d actually looked into co-op SPT a few months back and things weren’t seeming optimistic, it’s super cool that it’s come that far.

And yes, the game has tons of detail and it’s worth at least brushing up on some wiki articles to understand things like ammunition hierarchy. I actually tend to prefer games that lend themselves to a bit of research to get the most out of them (300 hours in Elite Dangerous and I’m still a noob).

Really I was just trying to make the point that this is a game where if you just want to jump in for a few matches without doing that research, you’ll get absolutely demolished, even if you don’t meet a cheater, because so many people play this game obsessively.

That’s why I vastly prefer PVE and always will. That detail is there, but I’m not at a complete disadvantage if I want to take a more relaxed approach. I’m not forced into a match against players who take this video game more seriously than I take my job.

pikmeir, do games w Escape From Tarkov studio boss says he "did not foresee" players would get mad about charging extra for PvE

CyberPunk 2077 did a similar thing. Seems to be a new pattern. Promise free DLC to drum up support. Charge for the DLC. Wait for things to cool down. Do it again.


What are you talking about?


Bullshit, apparently.

!deleted6508 avatar

CP2077 never promised the DLC would be free. And they also added tons of content prior to the DLC that was free. 🤨

Sunny, do games w No Rest For The Wicked's first hotfix addresses durability and repair cost complaints

The article

No rest for No Rest For The Wicked’s developers, it seems. The punishing action-RPG launched in Steam Early Access last week with performance issues, among other issues, and Moon Studios have now deployed their first hotfix.

Performance improvements are “coming soon”, they say, while this update focuses on improvements to balance and several of the game’s core systems. Among them, the update reduces durability damage taken to gear, reduces repair costs, increases the drop rate on Repair Powders, and reduces stamina costs and fall damage. Here’s the full list of changes:

<span style="color:#323232;">Balance Changes:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Reduced Durability Damage Taken
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Reduced Repair Costs
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Increased Drop Rate on Repair Powders
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Reduced Stamina Costs
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Reduced Fall Damage Curve
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Reduced cost of Horseshoe Crab and food that includes Horseshoe Crab
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Balance update for the Cerim Crucible boss
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Changed Corpse-Smeared Blade starting from Tier 2 to Tier 1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Loot Changes:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Introduced more Weapons into Fillmore’s Pre-Sacrament Loot Table
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Reduced Drop Rate of Fallen Embers
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Stability:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Fixed crash that could occur when quitting out to the main menu
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Bug Fixes:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Improved inventory navigation
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Fixed jump at Potion Seller Cave so you can’t miss the jump when executed correctly
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Blocked off an out of bounds area of Nameless Pass
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Removed lingering dev tools

When I poked through user reviews on Steam earlier in the week, durability and repair costs were two of core complaints I saw. To my surprise, if I’m honest. No Rest For The Wicked seems clearly to be courting dodge-roll melee fetishists, who I assumed to be video game masochosts, and yet they seemed to be pounding dirt and crying uncle. Or maybe it just really was bonkers unfair.

Earlier this week, Moon outlined a list of known issues, with solutions to some, if you’re experiencing a proble the above patch doesn’t fix. Remappable controls are coming soon, too.


From what I gathered, the complaints were that it broke the games pace and made it tedious not difficult so I understand the fix.

DoctorButts, do games w The developers of Dead Cells, Darkest Dungeon and Slay The Spire are launching their own "triple-I" Game Awards

They shoulda been really cheeky and called it the quadruple-I game awards. Missed opportunity.

Dremor, do games w Social MMO Sky: Children Of The Light is heading to Steam early access in April avatar

I spent quite a lot of time on the Switch, just talking with random people and helping new players. It is a very special games. Found my first love in there too. 😇

TheCannonball, do games w Fights In Tight Spaces devs announce fantasy follow-up Knights In Tight Spaces

Ghost themed DLC - Frights in Tight Spaces.

Plague themed DLC - Blights in Tight Spaces

Vampire themed DLC - Bites in Tight Spaces

Divinity themed DLC - Smites in Tight Spaces

Sewer themed DLC - Shite in Tight Spaces

Plasic Surgery DLC - Cellulite in Tight Psaces

Extraterrestrial thespian themed DLC - Space Tights in Tight Spaces


Smites in Tight Spaces, I really love that

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