gravitas_deficiency, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

We have never made a public statement before now. That is how badly you fucked up.

Lmao shots fired. Unity’s C-suite made their own bed… and the bed is made out of anti-personnel mines. I genuinely hope this picks up steam.

Unity showed their hand when they made the announcement. I had never thought to look up who owned them before. Now that I am aware that they’re majority-owned by VC and PE firms, it’s pretty clear to me that this category of monetization-oriented behavior is here to stay, because that’s how VC and PE operate. Unless and until they somehow get a new owner, it’s my sincere opinion that Unity should absolutely not be seriously considered as a game engine for any new game project.


If there’s a penny in your hand, it’s a penny they need. Leave not one cent to be saved, not a morsel for tomorrow, because the people who control the money, want to own it all too.

There’s a subscription for every need, for every hobby, for ever facet of reality. No matter what you do you can give one of these firms between 30 and 300 dollars a month to send you a box of crap you don’t need.

There is no aspect of your life that is not fully monetized, and if there is, they’re coming for it. A stroll through the park? Buy water from a fountain that used to be free. An old game with friends you love? Why not buy the expansion, play online only a small fee to have the latest updates and play with anyone! They’ll find any avenue to sell to you and completely miss the point of what it is you’re looking for, in the quest to fill that need at the highest price you’ll pay.


LOL this is how capitalism operates.


This. We’re only just now feeling the sting more keenly in a number of ways because companies are desperate to stay the course with increased profits year over year despite there being a massive global economic slump.

The 2010’s were full of venture capital pumping money into companies, and when we asked, “How is this business profitable,” they’d respond “Just trust us, bro.” Well, now the well has dried up, the venture capitalists are here to collect, and we all get to be surprisedpikachuface.jpg watching this trainwreck unfold in slow motion.

smileyhead, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

This is what we get with propietary software. We can’t go to another entity or create one to develop the engine for us moving forward. We can’t take the current state of the engine and just patch it to keep existing games alive.

If you depend on some work and that work is being done by software only some other company control, this company is really in the control of that work.

PutangInaMo, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

Reminds me of when oracle changed their licensing model.


Oracle are the OGs of enshittification.

bufordt, avatar

Was Oracle ever not shit?

nanoUFO, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes avatar

It’s like crawling back to an abusive partner thinking things wont get worse.

paddirn, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

Just the latest in a wave of companies that seem to be looking for ever-more scummy ways to take advantage of their customers in search of the Holy Dollar.

This is hardly a comprehensive list, there’s so many recently, but this is just what I could remember off the top of my head:

  • Wizards of the Coast
  • Adobe
  • X-Rite/Pantone/Danaher
  • Monotype
  • BMW
  • Netflix
  • Reddit
morriscox, (edited )

Evernote. Mentioning adding AI is code for incoming price hikes and limitations.


Add Google/YouTube to that list as well! Google is enshittifying both Chrome and YouTube to prevent ad blocking.

  • Wizards of the Coast

The OGL stuff and the Pinkerton incident, right?

  • Adobe

They’ve been pretty shitty for a while now. What have they done recently? (I don’t use any of their stuff.)

  • X-Rite/Pantone/Danaher

Don’t even know who these guys are.

  • Monotype

Something font-related?

  • BMW

This is the heated seat subscription, right? Anything else I’m not aware of?

  • Netflix

Account sharing?

  • Reddit

No explanation needed there.


Pantone suddenly decided to assert copyright and licensing to the literal names of colors in a way the broke art files going back decades.


Add sony to that list for the recent ps plus price hike and google for their new invasive ad tracking feature in chrome and their youtube ad changes.

whoisearth, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes avatar

OMG that last bolded line made me legit LOL. Gotta love it!

FlashMobOfOne, avatar


I was like… DAAAAAAAMN.

itsJoelle, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 Will Release on Mac on September 21, Alongside the 3rd Major Patch

Been looking forward to this :)

I want to see how the M1 version fairs on my tiny laptop. Obviously it won’t be as good as my gaming machine, but finally: a Metal title I’m interested in that can push the hardware!

Rentlar, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

The Unity to Godot Importer is looking awfully tempting!

DarkThoughts, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

Why does block VPNs? Literally worse than Twatter.

wccrawford, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

I would love to know what they would port to. UE and Godot seem like obvious candidates.


If it’s a 3D game, UE is a safe choice. If it’s 2D I’m willing to bet they’ll go with Godot.


Unreal could do the exact same thing. Obviously preaching to the choir on a Lemmy instance of all places, but open source is the only way to be safe for the future. If you’re already making the switch because Unity forces your hand, you might as well go with the long runway.

Pxtl, avatar

Not only can UE do the exact same thing, but Epic doesn’t need small indies as much since they have a more diverse clientbase of heavy-hitters. Epic is much more able to absorb the damage if they make a pricing change that loses them the indie market.

dill, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 Will Release on Mac on September 21, Alongside the 3rd Major Patch avatar

For anyone with performance issues on PC, cap your fps to 50.


Interesting, will try this tonight

dill, avatar

Good luck soldier

popekingjoe, avatar

Thanks Karlach.

beefcat, avatar

Funny, I had to do the same with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey to smooth over some weird hitching that game had.

Kinda sucks for people without VRR displays though.


I’ll give this a try. I don’t want to quit the game because it’s so fun but I get a crash every 15 minutes or so. I’m only in the underdark and I already have almost 450 quicksaves!

cloud, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

Get fucked, you could have use godot to develop your game or any other free engine

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

Well that’s… a take.

cryball, (edited )

They are technically correct in that it’s the developers fault that they tied themselves to a proprietary game engine.

In the other hand Godot was nowhere near mature when the slay the spire devs most likely started development. They would be dumb if they used unity for their next game 🤷

captain_aggravated, avatar

2014: “You guys should be careful building your industry around proprietary tools, you really should think about open source-” “Blah blah blah stop your moralizing, open source software isn’t 100% ready to go right now so we absolutely can’t use it, instead we’re just going to pay money for this turnkey solution.”

2023: “Help! The proprietary turnkey solution we’ve been paying for this whole time is enshitifying! Subscription models, mandatory cloud services, more and steeper fees!” “Open source tools are still a thing, you know.” “Yeah but we’ve spent a decade telling an entire generation of talent to learn the proprietary stuff so it’s hard to migrate, and we didn’t contribute any code or money to FOSS projects this whole time so it still isn’t up to snuff.”

Well I guess you can slide over to Unreal and kick that can down the road a bit waiting for Epic Games to enshitify their product as well, you can use and contribute to Godot, you can develop your own in-house engine, or you can keep taking it up the ass from Unity.

Just let me ask this: If even a few smaller games, something like Unrailed or Papers Please, used Godot and contributed what they paid to Unity to the Godot team…where would the engine be today?


It’s a business decision they made to go with Unity, there are risks that came along with it and they are dealing with it.

I’m sure FOSS options were considered at one point but it’s not really surprising that game devs are generally in the business of making games, and not in the business of spending money and resources to bootstrap FOSS tools or to please the community.


Get fucked, you could have use critical thinking to develop your opinion or not been a prick


I think many would agree that it’d be great for FOSS engines to get more attention and contributions, but this is the most asinine way to get that message across


It’s not even getting it across. It just associates FOSS engines with assholes.


Yes hindsight certainly is 20:20 isn’t it. What a pearl of wisdom you have bestowed upon us this day.


Are people not allowed to change their minds? It’s called progress

Wilker, avatar

the “just don’t do it” argument ignores the problem. it’s like replying “just don’t buy Apple products” to people complaining about right to repair. the key part is that regular people won’t know beforehand until they need to notice. by that point, it’s profitable enough to show other companies like Samsung and Motorolla that restrictions are profitable, so jumping around brands will also never work when the intention is to have your phone for a long time.

back in the context of game dev, add that to the part where not only people don’t anticipate the retroactive changes of a license they have to rely on when choosing an engine, but there’s the added weight of having to learn an entirely new library and oftentimes even an entire new programming language, so you have to commit to it if you want to make a commercial product or else you risk losing literal years of development just from rewriting the same thing over and over.

not to say that there’s a reason why a lot of people chose Unity. Godot may be in development since 2014 but they are still relatively new in popularity. not only they have less total instructions resources from the community due to it obviously being smaller than Unity’s, but people also look for already known games as one of the first factors when choosing something, which is something Godot is still catching up on. knowing legal jargon to even comprehend the difference between free and proprietary is the least of their worries when someone wants to jump into game development and build stuff with it.


I’m reminded of a post recently where someone asked how to get rid of a dialog in Windows and got swamped with replies saying to install Linux. It’s like getting a check engine light in your car and being told to buy a truck.

Jaysyn, (edited ) avatar

Yeah, fuck console sales, amiright?

@Voyajer is either a jackass or doesn't understand sarcasm.

Voyajer, (edited ) avatar

Buddy you're at -6 for a low effort comment, don't get buttmad at me. Why are you going back and checking your reduces so obsessively?


Godot has just recently began to gain steam. I don’t think it was a viable option when StS was in development.

Jaysyn, avatar

Unfortunately, it still isn't for console development.


On their website it says it is via third party publishers.


Unity: Successfully implemented a product strategy that floods the market with game developers that know how to use its product.

You, an insufferable prick: "Why would they use a product they could find ready-trained developers for when they could use a niche product no one has any skills in??!?"


The Unity training materials are amazing. I took their beginner programming course and even made a tiny little game of my own afterwards. I had plans to make a real game later for fun. It’s awesome software and they have a great ecosystem for beginners with no experience.

So it’s a huge loss, but why would I support them now when Godot exists? The only prospective user I can think of now is someone with no experience that needs all the tutorials, so they’re only using them to learn and have no dreams of making a successful game. All the wannabe devs who think they’re going to make the next great indie hit (and trust me based on game dev forums - there are a ton), why would they set themselves up to pay a ton of money to Unity when starting out? The people they’re going to hold onto are those who don’t have the skill or resources to switch, which probably coincides fairly well with those who don’t have the skill or resources to make a commercially successful game. So they’ve limited the amount of money this move makes to existing games they can squeeze some money out of, and maybe some potential breakout hits from people who are pot committed to Unity and not skilled enough to switch. It’s a crazy move.


In 2017, when slay the spire released Godot was only 3 years old and not nearly ready for any serious development imo.

Just because it is quickly becoming a good option for game dev, doesn’t mean it’s a good option for every game ever in the past.


This is exactly how I picture the Stallman fanatic crowd


Fanatic is really good word here. We should be sorry for the devs and just give them advice.


I prefer to call them FOSSholes.

li10, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes


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  • GentlemanLoser,

    See the devs just need to pass the cost back to the consumers, retroactively /s

    FunderPants, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes
    nul9o9, do games w Creators of Slay the Spire will migrate their next game to a new engine if Unity doesn't completely revert their changes

    They should honestly just move their engine anyway. Unity has played their hand, and showed they are willing to make changes to their pricing retroactively.


    Yep, they might roll back the changes this time but they’ve shown where they want to be and now we know. They’ll work their way slowly towards it instead of a sudden change now and it will be less noticeable and harder to fight legally when they do that


    They’re cranking the bad PR to 11 so they can dial it back to 9 and point to it as a compromise.

    vanontom, avatar

    The exact same thing was said about Reddit execs like Huffman. They never cared enough to compromise. We’ll see if the Unity execs are similarly terrible people, whose greed will destroy the company. Seems like the trend these days.


    I think most developers can see the writing in the wall there, but switching mid-way through a project will be costly and time consuming. If the changes were fully rolled back, I would still bet many would finish what they working on and then switch for their next game.


    Problem is that if your current unity game is successful this year, and then they reimplement the retroactive charge next year, you’re still screwed. If you can afford it then it’s best to change now in order to avoid that mess that might mean you have to delist your game


    I’m not sure it’s legal to implement it retroactively. I’d be very curious to get an attorney’s perspective - seems a lot like trying to unilaterally change a contract after both parties have signed. But I have a hard time imagining anyone being willing to develop using Unity going forward.


    I feel like any company with a legal department would surely check with them before announcing something like this. But maybe unity is so poorly ran they don’t have a legal team or didn’t check idk


    I think you overestimate how much they care about doing illegal things. They will try it, and if someone can prove it’s illegal, they’ll pay a minor fine and stop, maybe. Otherwise they’ll get away with it. That’s how corps look at laws.


    I would think so too but this entire decision has felt like the company is shooting itself in the foot, so who even knows anymore.


    I mean you’d think so, but look at how often companies get into lawsuits for clearly illegal shit. Plenty of places will still try to enforce arbitration/NDA clauses that have no actual legal basis or consequence.


    There’s no way this is legal unless it’s already in a contract – and even then, it might still be illegal. The notion of charging people more money because you’ve raised your prices after they’ve already bought something just breaks economics completely. You’d be able to sell a bunch of a product for cheap, and then later say sike and charge everyone a lot more.

    I’m sure companies would love to do that, but no company exists in isolation. Every single company is buying something from another company to sell their product. If they could do this to their buyers, then their suppliers could do it to them. It would probably end up cancelling any gains you’d get.

    I’m guessing this was a move their executives made without any consultation with legal, because it’s the kind of idiotic move only they could think of.


    How can it even be applied?


    Exactly. They should take this as the warning it is, and start work on moving to an engine not run by morons.


    I have a feeling a lot of the engine devs from unity are seeing the writing on the wall and looking for places to jump to. Betting they have a brain drain soon


    I bet they will do so for their next game but reimplementing a entire game is FAR easier said than done, something like that could very well bankrupt a smaller studio!

    dog, (edited )

    I mean it’s easy to reimplement entire games if you’ve built it modularly. Just swap your core game logic to run on another library and the game works the same it did before.

    Edit: 'course, exceptions exist like if you wrote everything using their proprietary coding language, instead of using something universal.

    Edit 2: It MAY still be possible that a translation/compiler exists that’ll run as a plugin in a proprietary engine, and converts it into something universal.


    Game Dev isnt just code. Remaking a project from scratch is a massive undertaking. Porting the code could be difficult too especially if relying on core unity libraries.


    Not downplaying the effort, it still takes time. But not impossible.

    How you made it all matters in situations like this.

    Cypher, (edited )

    I’ve written game engine wrappers and converters for all sorts of code and file types.

    It would honestly be easier to fire up Unreal Engine 5 or Godot and start again.


    Well I’d say that was true 5 years ago. Is it still? I’d not be so sure.

    Small projects might as well start from scratch.

    But projects with years of devtime are best ported.


    It also depends on how many engine unique features you used, and what optimizations you applied. It’s certainly possible, but doing it without changing any game logic will require very complicated translation layers which will likely cause performance issues. It might very well be easier to treat it as a porting and refactoring project. You might not even realize which behaviors are unique to each engine if you don’t regularly develop in multiple engines.


    This is true, and I vouch for gamedevs to first test other engines to see the differences.

    Calculating for the future is extremely important in pretty much everything.

    Also I wouldn’t say there would be performance issues, unless you somehow completely screw up coding and compiling said code.

    Projects should work on top of a bottom layer, or translation layer as it’s sometimes called; game logic calls for functions from there, instead of directly from the engine. This is also important for code security.

    _move_entity might be calling the proprietary unity_move_object with a different reg stack, but when compiled the performance should be +/- 0.


    The things you are suggesting are adding complexity and therefore cost.

    It does take a higher level of expertise to adequately abstract away engine specific limitations and requirements.

    It’s again an even higher level of expertise and therefore expenditure to account for performance issues with these abstractions.


    Not untrue, but it helps to adapt your future projects if done in such a way.

    It does require more expertise, and it takes more time, thus it’d have to be the first thing done for the project, not something you do after everything’s done already.


    Technically you’re not wrong. The work is done, the logic already exists.

    But systems like Unity aren’t like other code where you can rip one section out and still have 80% of a working codebase. Game engines are as fundamental to most of their game code as the language it’s written in. It’s not like you can just drop things into unreal or godot, connect a few interfaces and call it good. You still have to write the whole thing from the ground up.


    As I said, it depends on how it’s built. And how proprietqry the engine is.

    Unity from what I know supports universal code/mesh/texture formats, but if the devs opted for the “easier to use” proprietary systems- well, that’s a problem.

    Now what I don’t know is how easy are scenes to export in Unity. They’re probably built with Blender or something else though in most cases, unless Unity has drastically changed.


    Assets are safe, but they often need to be re-rigged or re-formatted. It’s still a non-trivial task though. Levels will need to be rebuilt, open worlds have to be started almost from scratch, and a lot of other things I can’t think of off the top of my head.

    The real problem is underlying systems. Unity often handles networking, render engines, game logic and most other things. The reason Unity was so popular was because it was easy to use (and free). Game code will need to be at minimum heavily refactored, if not rewritten, as anything that interfaces with the engine needs to be changed over. Just like you can’t just port c++ -> c# without major changes, you can’t port a game engine without major changes too.

    Unless theyve built everything as a separate code bundle, only interacting with the engine at a bare minimum, there’s no way to change with minor impact. It’ll be a huge project that will also require the engineers to learn a new stack that behaves differently, further slowing down the process.


    The surface area is huge. This is not an SQL database where you can just change the ORM’s backend.


    Depends how it’s built.


    If you don’t use anything from the engine itself, implement everything from scratch, only using the engine as an entry point that launches your own code, and pay unity two thousand dollars per year per seat for that privilege - I guess porting should be fairly easy.


    If you ask me engines should be free for most indies (UE, Godot?), because they’re not making millions. But yeah. I get it’s not feasible for most new devs especially, and senior devs have better things to focus on.

    It’s more a code principle you’d stand behind.


    But not moving could be far worse based on what some devs are saying.


    Not moving is what they’ll do if “changes are completely reverted and TOS protections are put in place”. In such a case, while punishing Unity is still desirable, there won’t be installation fees that justify the costs of rewriting the game.


    Alright guys, time to get more copies of slay the spire


    Just buy them, don’t install them though. That’ll charge them soon


    Slay the spire isn’t on unity, so that’s fine


    That’s what I get for not reading


    That will be charged after January 1st 2024.


    Alright fine. But I already own it on three systems… takes out wallet


    I don’t have it on my iPad yet…




    This. It's not easy or trivial but as a long term strategy, they should already plan investing efforts into consolidating something like Godot or another FOSS engine. They should play like you calm down an abuser you can't just escape yet while planning their demise when the time has come.

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