
daniskarma, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2

“Sorry, we’ll have to do it in a few months again to see if you still can mobilize this much”.


“You know that thing where the initial assault is just a ploy to draw people in for the real attack?”

FiniteBanjo, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2

The lack of humility in their statement makes me think they haven’t learned anything.


Yea, this reads more like a sorry, this was too forced we will do something more subtle in the future. Not an actual apology.


They don’t even say sorry. They did not use the words Sorry, Mistake, Problem, Wrong, or Fault. They say the approximation of “We see you’re absolutely outraged. We’ve decided to change our decisions. We are always improving.”


Yeah but the humility in their actions shows they did.


AFAIK the game is still banned in countries where you can’t get a PSN account and also it still ships with a rootkit, so…

Statick, (edited )

People were saying that might have been Valve just covering themselves from potential lawsuits. We’ll just have to see if it’s reverted.

Nope nevermind, I was hopeful it was good guy Steam but it was in fact Sony. Fuck Sony. Will never buy another Sony game.


Valve should have done that from day 1.


They haven’t. Ghosts of Tsushima’s PC release is going to require account-linking from day 1 for the online component. The only thing Sony has learned is that the shittiness has to be ready and working from the start.

@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

Translated: Dear suckers who keep giving us money for half-finished products. We are sincerely sorry, sorry for getting caught. We thought we could squeeze through with this one, but apparently our PC fans are not as gullible as our console fans.

yamanii, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
@yamanii@lemmy.world avatar

Just another nail to the bootlicker’s coffin of “review bombing does nothing”.


Review bombing and mass refunding too. Hit them where it hurts


God I hate bootlickers. Fuck em.

johnlobo, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2


The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo, (edited ) do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
@The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo@lemmy.world avatar

Good. I hope this collaboration will kick all 3rd party launchers stuff from Steam in the future.


It never required a 3rd party launcher, just a PSN account to link to a Steam account.

@The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo@lemmy.world avatar

I know. I was talking about all 3rd party bullshit on Steam. My bad, I could’ve written more clearly.

snekerpimp, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2

Have they reinstated the games back in the 177 countries they delisted it in? Can those people who paid for the game still play it?

@TheDonkerZ@lemmy.ca avatar

Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer: The access hadn’t been removed yet, as the update that would enable account linking wasn’t pushed yet. As for the Steam side, I’m pretty sure people who already had the game installed should’ve had access still, although updates and general unsureness definitely could be obstacles. With this tweet, however, the update is no longer coming, and were just waiting for Sony/Valve to lift the selling/installing restrictions in those countries.


Steam only removes games from the store, and doesn’t remove games from anyone’s library. Those affected people, if they didn’t refund, will still have HD2 in their library. There is also never install restrictions/blocking.

cosmicrookie, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
@cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

Shitstorm = Feedback



It’s Feedback in the way that microphone feedback is - really bloody loud and painful, and makes you know you’ve done something wrong


Yeah exactly. And it’s often the only feedback that gets any attention unfortunately. It was getting media attention and getting very loud.

Plus the whole thing was just stupid. They could have accomplished exactly the same thing with little backlash by offering some little in-game trinket for voluntarily linking a PSN account where it was possible to get one. This wasn’t my idea, I saw it somewhere on Lemmy, but that person needs to get a job at Sony stat because the chucklefucks working there now have no clue.


the only feedback they respond to are the feedback that give them concussion.

_eHM, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2

Negative reviews should remain until the purchase restrictions put in place on Steam for non-PSN countries have been reverted.

Until then this looks like a temporary move for damage control and they’ll try this again when refunds are less likely and wont be from restricted countries.


Democracy has not won yet.


There was a theory that the purchase restrictions were put in place by Valve, not Sony (because those countries couldn’t make an account without violating TOS). If so, Valve might shortly remove the restrictions.

@TheDonkerZ@lemmy.ca avatar

Would the publisher not have to request the game not be sold in those countries before Valve restricts the sale of it?

I believe that Valve may be the ones who do it, but just doing it without permission sounds… Illegal and out of their jurisdiction.

I know Valve controls their storefront and can absolutely pull games down, just looking for some clarification on whether this could be true or not.


We don’t know their personal contract, but calling it illegal is ridiculous, I’m sure Valve explicitly allows for this.

@TheDonkerZ@lemmy.ca avatar

That’s why I said I wasn’t sure and that I was asking for clarification?


Valve can remove games from sale for any reason they like - it’s been a point of consumer contention when they are accused of censorship for certain risque anime games, too.

  • They can completely remove a game from sale if it turns out to be bricking people’s computers or function terribly. (Sony did this with Cyberpunk on PSN, without CDPR’s approval)
  • There may be suspicion the game is not legitimate for sale, for instance it illegally uses someone else’s work.
  • Going country-specific, if a game is revealed to be slightly less than universally positive to the perfectly infallible, totally-not-genocidal Chinese Communist Party, they may want to stop sales in China.

If a game lets you buy it in Tanzania, download it in Tanzania, and then to play, has you sign an agreement that says “I truthfully state that I do not live in Tanzania”, then that bone-headed agreement reflects poorly on Valve, so they have almost a legal need to take it out of sale in that country.

Basically, each country has its own laws of sale. Having those switches to turn off sales in certain places is important for the store’s own safety. While 60% of the blame for selling a faulty product goes to the manufacturer, 40% still goes to the storefront that chose to stock and sell that faulty good. In this case, the fault was specific to the country of play.

@TheDonkerZ@lemmy.ca avatar

That’s right, I have heard of some of these cases, but thank you very much for the info! I definitely didn’t want Sony to have any ground to stand on here, so happy that Valve is able to step up to protect consumers however they can.


I wish they’d remove some of the PS2 to PC ports on their store that don’t actually run anymore. Prince of Persia, Saints Row 2, etc.

@shinratdr@lemmy.ca avatar

I hope Valve never does this. Tons of games on Steam only work with community fixes, it sets a bad precedent if they pull them because they don’t work in their official state.

It’s better to have them then not, I would just force a disclaimer during sale for abandoned titles that most players have reported that the game does not function without community patches.


Well the guy who made GotR to get saints row working died a few years back and AFAIK the game is effectively nonfunctional for the majority of people who buy it. Those people paid for a product that they cannot use. They could go emulate the game for free and it would run better.

Plus, the owners of the title have a functioning PC version sold elsewhere than Steam. They could easily remedy this if Steam took away their listing.


Is there one for Sims 3 Medieval? A warning that it wasn’t playable on modern OSes would have sufficed.

@Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

Illegal and out of their jurisdiction

Illegal means against the law… so no.
Out of their jurisdiction, Steam is Valve’s platform, so no again.

Valve is the seller in this case, who will be liable for the agreement they have with their customers. If one of their sold product is going to end up massively refunded, who do you think will be processing these? Then Valve has to turn around and get the money from Sony… guess how Valve estimates that will go.

So step 1 for Valve is limit exposure by stopping sales where you expect issues.
Step 2 is analyzing the potential for refunds in other countries and limiting there as well if deemed to big a risk.

I can only imagine that feedback from Valve to Sony played a role in the decision to not push forward. As large corporations only speak money… the cost benefit made at Sony must have missed some things to have it now skew the other way.

I’ll believe the account requirement will be totally in the past IF the sales to the non PSN countries are reinstated. Cause why limit your customers to countries if that is not necessary.


Honestly I’m keeping my negative review permanent. The game is great and I enjoy it, but besides a temporary back lash I want the sting to stick around to hopefully teach companies about fucking around and finding out.


Maybe you’ll be teaching them that changing course brings no relief from punishment

@dezmd@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe he’ll be teaching them that trying to force enshittification on people in the first place has repercussions.


It’s obvious corpos learn the wrong lessons all the time.


They won’t learn anything. They only nulled their bullshit because it would hurt their financial quarter because their biggest cash cow game at the moment is bombing. They only way to maybe make them learn would be if every single one of the “outraged gamers” would just uninstall and never play it again, but that won’t happen and Sony knows that (which is why they can try pulling that shit in the first place).

Good for the peeps in non-PSN countries tho. For them, this is a real win.

ghostpony, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2


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  • lemmyvore,

    Yeah but now people will get right back to spending money on the game. So at the end of the day it’s still Sony laughing all the way to the bank.

    Shit like this should result in a boycott not in “at least it’s not as bad as it could’ve been”.


    Boycotting the game would hurt Arrowhead far more than Sony, and they were forced to do this. Like beating a dog because the owner upset you.


    You don’t owe Arrowhead anything. They’re not a dog, they’re a company who’s made bad choices and now has to deal with them.

    What use is a good game if you get blocked out or exploited trying to play it? Do you really want to give your money away? Ok, but stop wondering why the industry is going to shit. It’s because of gamers with more money than sense.


    Again, this was not Arrowheads choice. It’s forced on them by Sony.


    Again, why do you care? You paid for a product. That product is now different from what it was supposed to be. You’ve been screwed and switch-baited. Why do you care what unholy combination of companies led to this? If it were any other industry and any other type of product you’d be screaming murder. But because it’s games we find excuses.


    Because I’m not a whiney child having a tantrum, with no awareness of the practicalities of the world, trying to justify misdirected rage.

    I’m not going to blame company A for something that was done by company B.

    You do you, though.


    I never ended up refunding my copy, but I’m certainly not gonna give a single cent to the live service side of the game. I already hadn’t paid for anything, but was considering it before this shitshow. Now, I think I’ll just buy copies of Magicka and throw them at friends to try and support Arrowhead.

    Sterile_Technique, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
    @Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

    Getting abusive parent vibes from the language of Sony’s post.


    Corporate PR speak always sounds cringe and I despise it. Just be humans you fucking pricks.


    Tbf, I’ve seen what happens to indies when they’re just humans in how they talk to their customers/fans. HR speak exists for a reason unfortunately


    Nah, I’d rather they keep speaking like this. Makes it really obvious from the get go who I’m dealing with. If they speak normally, they might blend in


    Always is. They went too far. They scale back and try again when the dust has settled.

    Oldest trick in the books


    Starting off with “we’ve heard your feedback” is something I’ve never heard from an abusive parent?


    “I understand you’re upset but…”

    @Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

    Naw it’s more like “we did something we knew would make you incredibly uncomfortable; but now that you’re screaming we’re worried about the neighbors hearing it and we don’t want the cops called on us, so we’ll back off until a more opportune time.”

    cordlesslamp, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2

    “we’re still learning What’s best for PC players”

    Translation: We’re trying multiple predatory methods to see how far we can push PC players and figure out what we can get away with, compared to all the shit shows we successfully pulled off on our own platform.


    We all want PlayStation exclusives on PC, their response now is going to be their own launcher. Just a guess on my end.


    What’s wild to me is they’re making their own overlay for their PC games. Ghost of Tsushima is supposed to be the first release title with it. Do they not understand steam already has an overlay? I feel like 2 overlays would just compete and be obnoxious and possibly ever impact performance.

    Also, why? If it is for co-op crossplay, just make linking PSN to Steam optional, and state it is needed for inviting/grouping with any PS5 friends. Then do what every other multiplatform game does and show 2 friends list in the game.


    “We’re still learning just how far we can push PC players.”

    @Dasus@lemmy.world avatar

    “we’re sorry that we got caught”

    helios, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
    @helios@social.ggbox.fr avatar

    Cool to see. I might buy this game :)

    LunchEnjoyer, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
    @LunchEnjoyer@lemmy.world avatar

    At least this whole situation shines light on how greedy Sony is, even tho those lesser aware.


    I don’t think anyone thought otherwise.

    altima_neo, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
    @altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

    The fact that they specifically mention that date makes me think they’re simply pushing the date back


    They are just being clear and accurate with their comms. No need to over think it.


    You just know that there used to be an “…at this time” at the end of that sentence and some good PR folk edited it out because managers are out of touch douches.


    They specifically said “not moving forward”. Seems pretty clear and concise. No PSN requirement.


    And they also said “We’re still learning what’s best for PC players […]”

    They’ll be back.

    @ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

    God damn. You people just NEED to be upset about stuff. Like, pathologically.

    @Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    it couldn’t possibly be that people are applying basic pattern recognition

    @ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

    No, a bunch of people here just need to be outraged about something all the time, and pessimistic about everything.

    Nothing can ever be even modestly positive. Everything - everything - has to be bad and negative all the time. If it was a cute puppy video, there’d be a bunch of comments about how puppy farms are evil and etc.

    It’s exhausting.


    Not our fault the entire tech industry keeps engineering new ways to give people trust issues.


    Can you tell us what positive thing we can get from the account linking debacle?


    They won’t be back - they’re not leaving.

    But that phrase also seems like pretty normal rationalizing in an apology.

    If I had to bet it was mostly steam issuing refunds and pulling the game in more than 100 countries that changed their mind.

    hal_5700X, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2

    Still not going to buy it.

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