
FluffyPotato, do games w Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries.

Is Sony saying piracy is justified by making it not possible to buy this game? I guess if I have to.

autonomoususer, (edited )

How many are pirating it in solidarity? I’d rather reject their anti-libre software entirely, make them irrelevant.


Well I’m a PlayStation user, are you saying it’s justifiable for me to now pirate Starfield, Halo and every Xbox and steam exclusive game?


I’m okay with that.


If your only option to play a game is moving to a different country then I’d say it’s the most justifiable. If you only have a PlayStation piracy won’t really help you play PC or XBox games though so I don’t see how that would help.


You can buy Starfield on Steam does it require an Xbox account to play if you buy it in steam? I think most are saying if you can buy it in steam but still need a psn account to play it then pirate it. I have both Xbox and PlayStation but I’m with the masses on this if you offer it on a platform then you shouldn’t require an account from a different platform to be able to play the game.


Well I’m a PlayStation user, are you saying it’s justifiable for me to now pirate Starfield, Halo and every Xbox and steam exclusive game?

How, exactly, will you pirate those games to play them on your PlayStation?


They’re not available in your country ? then yes


What’s up with Lemmy and Reddit users having to justify when they pirate stuff? Most of the time I simply don’t give a shit. I do keep in mind that it’s a “wrong” thing to do though. I don’t go around thinking I’m superior and that I’m fighting the evil corporations when I don’t. Some Lemmy/Reddit users seriously seem to think that.


I’m sorry you misunderstood what I said. I was saying that Sony is encouraging piracy by making it impossible to play their games legaly in some regions, including mine.

Personally I don’t think piracy is wrong with the exception of indie devs. If you think you are fighting corporations by pirating then yea, that’s dumb but I haven’t heard that stance yet.


I absolutely agree that this will lead to more piracy, and I might pirate it myself for this reason.

Warning: the rest of the comment is just a rambling rant and nothing is directed at you specifically.

But I think it’s a terrible justification. If you want to read the worst takes on piracy go to r/piracy or the Lemmy equivalent on the db0 instance. Most users on there really think that they are in some way entitled to a game and they genuinely try and justify their piracy is a million different ways. Usually the argument is basically “company did bad thing so give me your game for free”

It’s like they would like to have some moral high ground, which I believe doesn’t exist.

I think piracy is wrong because actual people worked on the games and they need to earn a living and a fuck ton of money and resources was spent on making the games. I don’t agree that piracy is the same as stealing but somewhere along those lines. I don’t need to publicly justify piracy, I just do it when I feel like it’s appropriate considering stuff like money and wants For example I have automatic downloads of movies and TV shows and multiple terabytes of pirated movies and shows.

The only time where I could agree that piracy might be completely justified and not bad in the slightest is the piracy of stuff like knowledge like science papers that were published in a journal that demands fuck tons of money and give backs nothing to the author(s)

IDew, do piracy w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.

They probably yoinked it from 4download (for free) and are trying to resell it. A disgrace for these seas😤


They claim no virus, so they must have cracked it themselves /s

Diabolo96, (edited )

Is 4download a good source ? I haven’t downloaded a cracked software in ages but “diakov repack” pop-up in my mind whenever l need a very good source.


They often sell an auto-install USB stick you just have to plug into your PC. So at least there is some effort put into it that still makes it "worth paying for". And if you need to install it on multiple devices, it can save a lot of time if you don't know how to do it yourself.


Fair tbh. Didn’t know about this until know. But I would be VERY sus about a random USB rather than the source. But as you said, some less knowledged peeps could find it rather useful


I’d agree. In theory, there are many legitimate reasons to “sell” FOSS software. If I was putting it on a DVD, labelling, and mailing FOSS software my time and materials certainly deserve to be rewarded. Likewise, listing it on closed store like the MS store but keeping it updated from sources might make it easier for people embedded in the MS ecosystem to keep up to date.

I would expect legitimate repackagers/redistributors to be open that the software itself is freely available though. Besides I fear the well is poisoned by hustlers trying to sell something free for cheap to make a quick buck.


In my eyes it’s no different than a publisher selling a book that is in the public domain. You’re not paying them for their copyright, you’re paying them for everything else that goes into putting a physical copy of that text into your hands.


And that’s why most of the spam in my filters is from Indian IPs.


A disgrace for these seas😤

Every time I find scums like this around FB, like selling famous animes like Dragon Ball or Naruto GDrives 🤡 I call them out, I have never get a response… I don’t know if they block me or Facebook does it.

NateNate60, do piracy w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.

This is like the people who repackage and rebrand LibreOffice and then resell it for $10 on the Windows Store to gullible users.

And the worst part about that is that it doesn’t even break the law.


‘people’ smh

@photonic_sorcerer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s FOSS, what did you expect?


It can be argued that the libreoffice dude is providing a service. If you were deeply invested in the windows ecosystem, with most of your apps coming from the store and you also have like 20 windows computers, buying it for $10 is totally worth it.

1 click install and auto updates being the advantage. Not to mention a centralized way to make sure all your machines are running the same version.

It’s not like it’s a subscription or per machine license.


The Windows Store limits the number of machines that you can install paid software on to 10. If you are managing a lot of computers you’d be better off with some actual management software or at least a package manager like Chocolatey. Then you can push software to your machines, run updates, or uninstall stuff whenever you like.

@roon@lemmy.ml avatar

Literally every use case you just said can be automated using winget, for free.

Windows store apps don’t even update half the time if you don’t open the store and manually update it yourself


Those repackages of libreoffice packages are actually official.


These versions are free software (as in open source) but there’s a small charge to cover the effort of putting software in the app stores, and to help develop the software (and build our communities).


They are not. I do not refer to the package called “LibreOffice”. If you search for “office” on the Windows Store, you’ll see a bunch of LibreOffice clones that are not branded as such and are not free of charge or contain advertisements.

some_guy, do piracy w German Chancellor officially endorses piracy!

I fell for it. I’m a dumbass.

BERLIN, Sept 4 (Reuters) - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz joked that he was eagerly awaiting social media reaction after an official photograph released on Monday showed him wearing an eye patch following a weekend jogging accident.

@SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml avatar

Ok folks, do we think it was really a jogging accident?


He always wanted to be an actor, this “accident” was his plan all along so he could cosplay while running a country. Brilliant!

Welcome our matey Captain Scholz


@SubArcticTundra@lemmy.ml avatar

All aboard the FGS Deutschland!

@Spliffman1@lemdro.id avatar


Mothra, do piracy w German Chancellor officially endorses piracy!

I would prefer for no public figure ever to become the community logo. Especially if it’s a political figure.

mp3, do games w Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries.
@mp3@lemmy.ca avatar

Non-PSN country users be like Go-Go Gadget FitGirl

gravitas_deficiency, do piracy w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.

Inclusive of more than 10 softwares?!?

@AllNewTypeFace@leminal.space avatar

Four whole marijuanas

@vsis@feddit.cl avatar

more than 10. that’s a lot of softwares!


So 11?


10.1 maybe?

@victron@programming.dev avatar

Yeah! I want me some of those softwares too!

Trainguy, do games w My GenX gamer ass whenever someone brings up boomers.
@Trainguy@lemmy.world avatar

I tend to think left 4 dead’s Boomer zombie.

Slightly unrelated but when people say Zoomer, I often think about the hover bike from the first Jak and Daxter. XD


I think of the little crawling gremlins from Metroid.


Definitely l4d boomers. I still play it once a year with the buddies. Install, play 1-2 hrs, goodnight, uninstall, repeat next year.

Flatworm7591, do piracy w German Chancellor officially endorses piracy!
@Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">Captain Olaf was so boring,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">When he found a ship to hit,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">He spent six months in discussions,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">And his pirate crew all quit.


Shayeta, do games w Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries.

Ha! I remember the devs tweeting during the Helldivers 2 fiasco barely a week ago that they WOULDN’T require a PSN account for PC. What a bunch of shameless liars.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not the devs’ fault, it’s Sony.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were told one thing three days ago, and another one now.

@DacoTaco@lemmy.world avatar

The developers were told 6 months before release that it needed to have psn required. Granted, thats waaaaaay too late to tell a dev that, but they could have delayed the game. Instead, they made it half arse and still told sony it was good to go.
Imho, both have gone wrong here


How does that fix it?


No one ever suggested it did?


To be fair, thy said the one player game campaign doesn’t need it, but multiplayer did.

That’s still the case and that’s why steam is giving refund: people are basically buying the game with part missing.

Stovetop, (edited )

The difference is that Helldivers 2 was already a released game; people had paid for a product which was going to be taken away from them. After all the controversy, Sony decided not to follow through with that plan and let people keep what they already had.

This is still scummy, but with Ghost of Tsushima, no one has received anything yet. People put in an order, the order was canceled, and money refunded, so in practical terms there is no loss…other than not being able to buy the game.

It may be possible to set your account to a different region and purchase anyways, but in my opinion, piracy is absolutely justified in this case when the vendor literally refuses to make a product available to you. If there’s no legal option for obtaining it, then there’s no harm in pirating it.


Piracy is always justified.

You want my money, you need to earn it, shiti business doesn't get rewarded.


I pirate myself but if you play the game in some way how haven’t they earned your money?

If you want to boycott do it with some backbone at least. Don’t play the fucking game and don’t talk about it whatsoever.

@Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

If they would have put up a banner in the game or a popup every log in stating …

“Sony account requirement temporarily suspended.

Please note that in a future update this will be a hard requirement and you will not be able to play Helldivers without a PSN account”.

Then this would not have been an issue. The question is if their game would have gotten as big as it did. I’ll bet ‘no’.

Also how fucking lame is the playstation network that they still cannot handle proper game launches… ffs this should be a non issue by now. The servers that handle this should be setup to spin up and down clones when needed… But nooooo that costs extra money.


It would have still been an issue because the root of the problem is that there are a lot of regions where PSN is not supported and you can’t make an account even if you wanted to. The game was being sold on Steam in those regions, and so in practice it would have been like saying:

Please note that in a future update we will take away your ability to play with no recourse unless Valve is willing to refund your purchase. Take it up with them.

@Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

Absolutely. The region not being limited is a big indicator on intent. Or it’s the dev that “forgot” and got more sales.

I’m curious how many copies are sold in regions no longer supported.

AndyLikesCandy, do piracy w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.

Woah, only USD 12 for a GENUINE fake cracked copy someone first downloaded from a torrent?


I have no idea how the law works in India, but I wonder if a small business could save money by just pointing Adobe at these people when they eventually get a lawsuit threat?


This is nepal actually and everyone uses pirated software, government offices included. Nobody gives a shit here.

@Double_A@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I mean, if you are a designer that needs it but doesn’t know how to download and crack stuff, 12$ might be worth that time.


It does say “No Virus” in big letters, so what could go wrong?

odium, do piracy w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.





Nepal actually


What does rs. stand for? I just checked and nepal uses the nepalese rupee which is normally abbreviated to NPR, but rs. ?


We use both. Rs is just short for rupees. NPR is for official use.


Ahh, makes sense. Cool, thanks.

caut_R, do games w Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries.

Helldivers‘ success somehow caused a crazy knee jerk reaction among the management suits at Sony. This whole sudden „make a PSN account or fuck you“ is just bizarre. To me it seems like they’ve lost more than what they‘re hoping to gain from this. Just a mindboggling move.


Definitely. They’ve gone for the stick instead of the carrot if they’re looking to juice PSN numbers, and gamers are a notoriously outspoken bunch.

How they thought this would just fly without an uproar after such a great launch is way beyond me.


I think the issue is, asking people to set up PSN was the plan all along - and they somewhat ineptly realized months after their hit game’s release that caused a problem for Steam users not in PSN countries.

Xbox and EA all require accounts for their games too, but they’ve done that forever, and are a bit more territory-neutral.

db0, do piracy w German Chancellor officially endorses piracy!
@db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Petition for this image to become the new community logo.


@Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

But the exquisite irony! 😂

@d1tt0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


@Flatworm7591@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Looks like the nos have won it, as per the votes on this comment. 🏴‍☠️

Ab_intra, do piracy w German Chancellor officially endorses piracy!

Not really but ok :p


Not really but this would also be a really funny community image so petition signed


I regect your reality and substitute it with my own


I know how you pronounce gif lol

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