
AFC1886VCC, do gaming w Nintendo Forcing Garry's Mod To Delete 20 Years' Worth Of Content

Nintendo have permanently lost a customer in me because of their recent behaviour.


Their games have been easily pirated for a while anyways


My laptop sucks though so I can really only run anything up to Super Nintendo on it


There are so many good games for the SNES. You are good to go.


Honestly, unless you’re a young teen or schoolkid, they don’t put out much content worth it anyway. Unless you consider endless variations on Mario innovative.


I might get a switch 2 only after it’s hackable. I thought of doing it with the switch but it seemed too complex for me. At this point I’m really fed up with Nintendo’s anti consumer bs. And I’m not just referring to the copyright takedowns and closure yuzu but things like the Mario all stars collection which they then created artificial scarcity around and the Zelda anniversary where they release a HD remaster of skyward sword which is seen as the weakest of the series. I do enjoy the odd Nintendo game but I’ve had my switch since the year after it came out and I’ve only beaten 4-5 games on it and I’ve only 10-20 at most on it and those are mostly indies.

Psythik, (edited )

Recent? They’ve been pulling bullshit moves like this since the 80s, when they successfully killed off the game rental market in Japan. To this day you still can’t rent games in that country.

This is why it’s always morally correct to pirate Nintendo games, and thankfully Nintendo consoles have had a history of being among the easiest to emulate, especially the N64, Wii, and Switch. All three of those systems had working emulators while the consoles themselves were still in their peak years.

Finalsolo963, do gaming w Ex-Blizzard Exec Dragged For Suggesting Gamers Start Tipping

Sure, put it out for free and I’ll donate the same as I do for any open source software I use.

chloyster, do gaming w 60 Percent Of Playtime In 2023 Went To 6-Year-Old Or Older Games, New Data Shows

On the one hand, there is definitely a part of me that thinks it’s kinda neat that a f2p game with not super predatory monetization has gotten so much support for so many years. I’m well aware that around Lemmy people think any monetization is bad but tbh fortnite really doesn’t do it that bad. It’s all cosmetic, you can earn most of the currency by playing and advancing the battle pass. It’s not the worst example out there. The game is very accessible and can be totally free if you want it to be

At the same time I have 0 interest in fortnite or any other live service game. I hate that live service games have a tendency to remove old content over time. Give me a live service game that’s fun, doesn’t have fomo, and isn’t predatory with micro transactions… I guess that’s kinda helldivers rn which I am enjoying but we’ll see how it shapes up as time goes on.

Overall, it’s bleh news because it just reinforces companies continuing down this path of a model that encourages lost media and nickel and diming you for everything…

!deleted4132 avatar

Live service games have always kinda rubbed me the wrong way, and that’s past just the obviously predatory stuff. I like to hop around from game to game to game. But the live service games are all like “what about the daily log in bonuses and weekly challenges?” I can ignore that, but it still bothers me how much they try to badger you into being obligated to play. Give me a regular old single player game any day of the week.

That being said, I suspect that as time goes on, AAA single player games are going to be harder and harder to find. Multiplayer is simply where the money is(and where the players are), and in this stupid “perpetual growth no matter what” economy, that’s all the suits will pay money for. Thankfully, we still have indies making great stuff.


Totally agree. Everything else aside, the fomo aspect of these games really irritate me. When destiny 2 completely ripped out their original campaign the game launched with I was baffled. Destiny’s moment to moment gameplay is bluntly, really damn good. The gun play feels great. But when you have to dedicate all your time to 1 game to get everything out of it? Nah, not for me. With stuff like halo infinite and helldivers, I do love that the battle pass which are normally timed things, are always available. You never get locked out of anything by not playing on a certain day, or month, or year.

Don’t even get me started on the new hitman games and their elusive contracts. That’s the stuff that grind my gears. Game is great and fun. But you want to play these special missions we made? Well you better be on and playing during this 1 week, and then they’re never there again!

@mac@infosec.pub avatar

If they want to do this kind of thing they should always least either leave them to be played whenever but offer some kind of double xp or whatever while the event is actually on, or run the event as an annual thing so you can experience it every year and you don’t feel like you’re missing out because you didn’t get the game at release for whatever reason


It’s been a while since I played so idk if it’s been happening recently, but they have re-run the events a few times over in the past, but I just wish they’d make it a permanent thing. I get the point of it is to make it limited so it’s harder to look it up ahead of time, and you can’t save during it so you have to do it in one shot. It’s a glorified daily run in a rogue like game. Except instead of being randomly generated they actually created whole new scenarios around it with new voice acting and briefs and everything. Let them have their timed event where you have to do it in one shot, and give the people a trophy or something. But make the content available to play whenever you want after that…


Also, like, with every game with private servers, the private servers are pretty much universally better than the public ones. Someone close to the server has to care enough to put the thing up, which goes a long way past some company opening a few hundred for money.

@SimplyTadpole@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yeah… I largely live under a rock and vastly prefer indie games (and older/abandoned big-name games) to most of the usual AAA games and live-service games.

Which makes it quite funny when I see so many Gamers complaining about how “gaming is dying” due to the enshittification of mainstream games, when I’m quite happy under my rock and sheltered from all that 😅


I dunno, Folding Ideas broke down Fortnite’s monetization policies, and they’re pretty damn barbaric, particularly in how they target kids.


My biggest gripe is that fortnite(along with a lot of games that feature battlepasses and rotating stores) preys on FOMO. If they didn’t do that, I probably wouldn’t mind nearly as much

Zuberi, do gaming w Nintendo DMCAs Palworld Mod That Makes Everything Pokémon
@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Fuck Nintendo


Nah, that one’s legit. Nintendo does a lot of fucked up claims, but this is a 1 to 1 ripoff of their IP and models.

@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Be Weird, Download a Car, Generate Art, Fuck Copyrights


The most based of the instances

@moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

And a broken clock is right twice a day. Sure this one is legit, it’s still Nintendo’s legal department. Just because they’re right this time doesn’t change anything.


The mod or Palworld?


The mod. Palworld should be distinct enough in gameplay and monster design that any lawsuit would fail.

fidodo, (edited )

I saw some comparisons of unrigged models from pal world overlayed with Pokemon models and they had nearly the exact same pose and proportions with some geometry tweaked. The chances of them matching up that closely by chance is practically impossible, and there were several examples. One rip off model is not enough to win a case, but if there’s a lot of them I think there’s a pretty good case that can be built. Gameplay and concept wise, I don’t think there’s a case, but with the model infringement there may be enough to show a deliberate pattern of ripping their model files.

EDIT: Found the post: twitter.com/covingtown/…/1749462735291859423

The silhouettes minus the the extra details are nearly identical.

@Sheeple@lemmy.world avatar



Tbf this guy was sticking his mod behind a paywall. Scumbag

Rocketpoweredgorilla, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games
@Rocketpoweredgorilla@lemmy.ca avatar

I for one am quite comfortable not giving them any more of my money either.

GammaGames, do gaming w 10 Days Into 2024 And 2300+ Video Game Layoffs Have Been Announced

Wow, 35% of Twitch! What a shitty start to the year


Twitch having 1400ish employees before the layoffs doesn’t seem too crazy, right? Cutting 35% is insane, though.

Nobody, do games w Former Mass Effect Lead Forms New Studio To Make Narrative-Focused Games

+5 Renegade

Omega_Haxors, do gaming w Epic Games Admits In Court That Its PC Store Still Isn't Profitable
BigTrout75, do gaming w Half Of PlayStation Players Still Haven't Upgraded To PS5

I upgraded to PC running Linux instead

TheObviousSolution, do gaming w Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game

Shouldn’t they just beg Bethesda to incorporate the script extenders directly into the new releases or the script extender devs to update?


I’m far from an expert with mod development, but this seems like the best way out of the mess they’ve put themselves in. I think modders would come in droves if they made it really easy

joyjoy, do gaming w Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game

I play vanilla. As long as the updates stop my constant crashes on Linux, update away.


I play vanilla

constant crashes

Yeah that sounds right.

BioDriver, do gaming w Nintendo Forcing Garry's Mod To Delete 20 Years' Worth Of Content
@BioDriver@beehaw.org avatar

Nintendo 🤝 Disney No fun allowed

UndercoverUlrikHD, do gaming w Larian Studios Is Officially Done With The Baldur’s Gate Series

They’ll probably work on another divinity game, but I’d love them trying out a game based on pathfinder.


I think Pathfinder is as bad of a match for Larian as DnD mechanically speaking. Compare the sheer battlefield joy and chaos of DoS to the austere strictness in BG3. And Pathfinder is in the same vein. Better I think it would be if Larian picks up a setting fitting their humour and shenanigans. Heard good things about Discworld.


Discworld is amazing but not really a great setting for RPGs. The world is just too zany and hodge-podge. Everything I know about fantasy RPG fans tells me that they demand a “serious, rules-based” world.

There was a Discworld point and click adventure game though. The classic roguelike NetHack also has a ton of references to Discworld and a lot of humour and weirdness in general, though that also happens to be one of the things it gets criticized for the most. A Discworld RPG (which is at all faithful to the setting) would basically be NetHack on steroids.


I would actually love it if they picked up a newer fantasy universe like Mistborn

@RandomLegend@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Mistborn isnt their style. Its way too dark and grim

@PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmy.ml avatar

Stormlight Archive would be perfect. Btw, both Mistborn and SA settings are part of the same multiverse, and Mistborn even had a less dark 3-book countinuation placed few hundred years later in largely renewed world during the industrial revolution.

@RandomLegend@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yeah i started the new trilogy but didn’t like it

@PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmy.ml avatar

I liked it better than the first one. Imo Mistborn trilogy is second worst Sanderson work after Skyward, and i really like all his books except those two cycles.

@RandomLegend@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

i really enjoyed the first mistborn trilogy :-)


I guess people just have different preferences. To me, the chaos of DoS turned rather monotone. You could get rich by betting that every combat encounter would end with half the map on fire. It was a real issue that Larian fixed in bg3 thankfully.

And have you payed pathfinder wrath of the righteous? In my opinion, the combat experience is better than DoS 2 and bg3. I will say that I enjoyed the freedom of movement in DoS 2 though, it made positioning a core part of the combat.


Yeah, I got most of the way through DoS2 and gave up. Every fight was a giant mess of surfaces. Reducing that makes BG3 far more enjoyable.


Played a good bit of Kingmaker and while not as refined as WotR I think is very similar. I agree with you that the DoS chaos can be a bit monotone and is too much. But I’d take that over the environmental flatness of other cRPGs.


Environmental flatness isn’t really tied to the game mechanics/rules though. Larian are just using a better engine with a larger budget than their competitors


Discworld might be absolutely genius if done well. And of all the dev studios I believe Larian would be the best pick. Maybe throw in some co-op with Obsidian and I’m sold!

Immersive_Matthew, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

I think the bigger issue is that the franchise is stuck in the USA, at the same locations, in the same gangsta American dream plot. I was hoping by they would branch out as there as so many other interesting places outside of the USA that are car focused that are dying to be explored. When I watched the trailer, I felt like I already played this game.


Far Cry covers the impoverished/autocratic nations.


Including Montana.


I was thinking more Singapore, Tokyo or for something very different like Ho Chi Minh(Saigon) or similar. GTA, but in a radically different type of city not just jungle and villages.


I’d like to suggest Sleeping Dogs 👍


GTA is satire about American society. Because of Hollywood, TV, and English being the lingua franca of the world, this way they can reach a far bigger audience. You couldn’t do exactly the same game set in Helsinki because the world knows far less about Finnish stereotypes. Ninja Edit: Random thought about satirical games set in Finland: My Summer Car is kind of that game.

But they have explored London before. I think the UK would probably the best setting if you would.

@Retrograde@lemmy.world avatar

I agree, London would be awesome. Anyone ever play The Getaway back on PS2? I genuinely enjoyed that game a lot. GTA but with cockney accents/Guy Richie, the game.


There are plenty of over-the-top British stereotypes they could do that the rest of the world would also appreciate. Royalty, Jacob Rees-Mogg/Boris Johnson style politicians, Brexit craziness, chavs, Geordie Shore, empire nostalgia.


London is the only city from their game history they haven’t revisited. Granted, it is the only real location they have used so likely that is a big reason they never will. But a UK-based game would be awesome.


They probably shouldn’t have named it London in hindsight. But back then of course they probably didn’t know they were going to revisit Liberty City/Vice City/San Andreas a couple of times.

Conyak, do gaming w 2023 Is The Best Year For Games In A While (And Maybe Ever?)

This is definitely a matter of opinion. There have only been three games this year that I have been excited about which hardly constitutes the best year for gaming in awhile.

@Faydaikin@beehaw.org avatar

It was only one for me, Baldur’s Gate 3.

So yeah, very much a matter of opinion.


Baldur’s Gate 3, Spider-Man 2, and Super Mario Wonder were mine.


You’re doing better than me! I’ve not seen anything this year that I even remotely thought about purchasing. I’m glad that some people are enjoying this year’s releases though. It’s always interesting to me that writers assume that almost everyone automatically loves every hyped game.


What are you into? A game I’m looking forward to is releasing tomorrow (October 31st) yet I only know of it because of Steam’s demo event. It’s called Jusant and I’ve heard absolutely no hype for it.


The games that I tried for the first time and enjoyed this year were:

  • Circuit Superstars
  • Mafia: Definitive Edition
  • Uncharted: A Thief’s Legacy Collection

Then the games that I tried and didn’t like:

  • Gotham Knights
  • Horizon Zero Dawn
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Spider-Man Remastered

Games that I would be excited about if they were announced/launched:

  • Kingdom Come 2
  • Uncharted: The Lost Legacy 2
  • XCOM3

My all time favorites list that I keep coming back to is currently this:

  • Age of Empires II
  • American Truck Simulator
  • Civilization V
  • Endless Sky
  • Euro Truck Simulator 2
  • Farming Simulator
  • Just Cause 3
  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • Stardew Valley
  • Tachyon: The Fringe
  • The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
  • XCOM2
@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

You've got RPGs and strategy/tactics games listed as some of your favorites, but Baldur's Gate 3 never caught your eye? How about Starfield or Cyberpunk, or the early access game Dread Delusion? Given tactics games and an interest in MGS, you could check out the Metal Gear collection or Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew (or Shadow Gambit's developers' previous games, Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun and Desperados III, which I think I like better than Shadow Gambit). There's Wargroove 2, if you like the Advance Wars brand of tactics. It's 2D, but given your interest in other space games, you could take a look at another early access game (not on Steam) Starsector that a friend of mine got really into.

There's just so much out there this year that I'm not sure who'd be left unhappy.


Something like Baldur’s Gate 3 could be an enjoyable game for me, but unfortunately the world didn’t click. A friend is really into it and let me play for a while, and it just didn’t feel like a good fit. I ran into the same problem with both of the Divinity Original Sin games. I’ve never been a big fan of most fantasy settings for some reason, although I do enjoy some of them. Dread Delusion, Shadow Gambit and Wargroove 2 could fall into the same category, although I would have to watch some gameplay first. Some of the advance information on Starfield looked interesting at first, but gameplay footage I’ve watched hasn’t made me want to buy it. I would be more excited if things would be a bit more seamless. I got Cyberpunk on sale a while back and put about 10 hours into it before I quit. I can’t really put my finger on what it was, but I just wasn’t enjoying it. I haven’t played it since that point, so it may have changed for the better. I already have the Metal Gear Collection with MGS4 for PS3, so the PC port won’t be anything I’ll pick up until it goes on sale.

The two older games from Mimimi both look interesting. In fact, I did purchase Desperados III on a sale, I’ve just never downloaded it yet to play between XCOM runs!

I either never saw or overlooked Starsector, so I will have to look into that one a bit. Endless Sky is top down, so it sounds somewhat similar!

Thanks for all the suggestions!

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Starsector is definitely a sleeper hit building a cult following. I wouldn't have heard of it if not for a friend of mine. If fantasy settings don't typically do it for you, you can encroach on a lot of things that people like about Divinity and BG3 in the Wasteland games. Wasteland 1 is an old RPG that's almost a text adventure, but Wasteland 2 and 3 are pretty modern. Cyberpunk also got a huge revamp right before its latest expansion drop, so even the original game's RPG systems and world systems work very differently now, and there's a lot of positive buzz behind it (I haven't gotten to it yet myself, but I liked the launch version).

For fantasy settings, definitely don't play Wargroove for the story, but one thing I learned to enjoy about fantasy stuff is it can create a rock/paper/scissors of strengths and weaknesses of classes/races that you can't quite hit in most believable sci-fi settings. I never got far into Divinity, but one thing that really worked for me in BG3, apart from its production value, is that it doesn't just bombard you with lore. It gives you the bare minimum setup you need to get going, and then it diagetically fills you in on the larger world as you go, with dialogue that doesn't feel like an info dump, much like Game of Thrones managed to do. Plus, IMO, there are far more interesting tactical options in BG3's combat than in XCOM; and I love XCOM.


I’ll look into the Wasteland games and see what I think, might be something I’ll enjoy. I have heard some good things about the 2.0? update for Cyberpunk, so I should probably start a new save and give it another chance. I enjoy some of the cyberpunk aesthetic, so that helps.

Interesting point on the fantasy classes, I hadn’t thought of it that way previously. I’ve never been able to figure out what fantasy elements don’t work for me, because it doesn’t seem to follow any particular logic! I may give BG3 a shot if it comes up on sale at some point, it might just be a slow build and I might just need a bit more time playing for me to enjoy it.


I can definitely see why you’ve struggled so much since the common factors between the games you didn’t like are the most rampant in the industry right now. I’ve tended to find myself in a similar situation and would only remove Spider-Man from the list of not liked. Because of constant push-backs, I’m honestly not sure what the release forecast looks like at this point because I’ve refused to play into the hype train for a while now.

In case you haven’t already tried them, based on your favourites list, I’d recommend taking a look at Satisfactory and Jusant. The first is Factorio but in 3D so it plays into some of what people like about Stardew, in my opinion and Jusant is an interesting blend of Journey and Shadow of the Colossus from what I’ve played so far. It also has a rare thing called a ‘demo’ on Steam so you can at least easily and freely give it a try.


I’m hoping to eventually find something that checks all the right boxes! In the meantime, I still find a few that I really like here and there, and old favorites are always fun!

I’ve definitely seen Satisfactory before, I’ve just never bought it. It looked like it could be interesting, I’ll have to look into it a bit more. Jusant I hadn’t heard of, but I’ll check it out. Thanks!

@seliaste@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Is it because there aren’t enough good games or because you aren’t hyped by games anymore? For me between CS2 (counter strike AND cities skylines), Battlebit, the Cyberpunk DLC, TOTK… Thats already quite a lot of new good games coming out that I am hyped for


I’m hyped about several games, many of which will come out next year. I would not say that I’m not hyped about games anymore. I named three that I was excited about that came out this year. My point is that the premise of the article is silly from the start. A year being the best for gaming is entirely relative to the individual. This year was not even close for me. It sounds like maybe it was for you.

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