
Stillhart, do gaming w Suicide Squad Boss Downplays Live-Service Elements Of Obviously Live-Service Game

I was really looking forward to another Arkham style game. Sucks for me that they decided to go in another direction. Doubly bad when that direction (live service co-op) is one I couldn’t enjoy even if I wanted to (and to be clear, I don’t).

Telorand, do gaming w Suicide Squad Boss Downplays Live-Service Elements Of Obviously Live-Service Game

So, I don’t get it. Is it going to be F2P and live service like Destiny 2, or do you have to pay for it and it’s live service?

Either way, hard pass on that software model.


I’m pretty confident it’s following closely in the shoes of The Avengers game that came out not long ago, and not in the shoes of any popular co-op game.

I would LOVE to be proven wrong. Rocksteady has (had?) a lot of talent that shouldn’t go to waste.

@Faydaikin@beehaw.org avatar

I doubt any of the devs working on it really wants to.

This game’s existence seems very ordered from the higher-ups. The model seems in tune with that estimate.


I remember when Gotham Knights(game, not the show) and Suicide Squad (game, not the movie) were announced almost back to back. I was more excited about the setting of Gotham Knights, then immediately irked when they made it clear it did not line up with the Arkham story, then immediately completely turned off when they announced it would include a leveling system for the player and enemies since it clearly would not have the feeling of the Arkham series’ combat and was likely to have leveled weapons that have artificially weak feeling impact. Suicide Squad seemed more exciting at the time simply because it sounded more narrative-driven like the Arkham games even though the jump from playing as Batman against the more grounded Batman rogues gallery to literally “Kill the Justice League” sounded extremely jarring and made it seem like the games could not possibly feel like they were from the same development team or storyline. Here we are, years later and I feel very proven right. Neither game so far has sounded even remotely interesting. EXCEPT for the co-op. If Arkham Knight had co-op baked into the game that would have been incredible. That’s all that I wanted from either Suicide Squad or Gotham Knights. Sadly, that’s not what we get.


Good old fee-2-play. Not sure how much microtransactiin crap is going to be shoehorned in but they’ve already announced a season pass scheme. They’ve tried to cash in on the Arkham brand history and are promoting it on Steam. The comments are less than happy, let’s just say


Destiny 2 wasn’t free when it came out. Those assholes tricked me into paying for that garbage.


Wait, fr?

@YuzuDrink@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah, I also paid for Destiny 2 on launch, and then like a year later they went f2p and archived all the original content I paid for. Really, really shitty.


Yes. When Destiny 1 came out, it was famously… an acquired taste. It took many updates to get it to a point where it lived up to its potential. And by the time Destiny 2 was near, Destiny 1 had grown into one of the best games I’d ever played. Then Destiny 2 came out and it was like they completely threw out everything they learned fixing and growing Destiny 1. It was a HUGE step back in almost every respect. A massive waste of money.

And then just to rub it in, they went F2P pretty quickly because that’s what you do when you charge for a live service game and nobody wants to pay for it because it’s crap.

I went back to it a few years later to see how it was because it had seemed to find a following eventually. They completely reworked the beginning off the game to make it almost exactly the same as the beginning of Destiny 1. That’s how they fixed it. They changed it back to what worked in the first place. Pathetic. Insulting. Infuriating.

Destiny 2 killed one of the best games I’d ever played. Then replaced it with a poor imitation whose main advantage was that it was optimized for predatory MTX. Fuck Bungie.


And by the time Destiny 2 was near, Destiny 1 had grown into one of the best games I’d ever played. Then Destiny 2 came out and it was like they completely threw out everything they learned fixing and growing Destiny 1.

Thanks for the reply! I remember reading some stuff from D1 players who were bemoaning the power creep and ridiculous level cap increases with each new installment. They talked about how it felt like a real achievement to max out a character in D1, whereas in D2, you could get to max level in a week.

I never played D1, but I gave D2 a try a few times, and it just never felt like a full game to me. It felt like a demo for a game engine, and I spent a good part of the time going, “Why am I doing this? This doesn’t feel like it matters.” I was never enticed to spend $30+ for the DLCs, so they even failed to create a free experience that drew me in.


Yeah, the biggest issue I had with D2 when it first came out was how disconnected it felt. It never felt like a full world, it felt like you warped into a map and killed some things with no larger goal, just some “kill x things” or “pickup x drops” mini quests. Then you warped back to base and then picked a new zone to warp to for no particular reason.

D1 at least had a story that propelled you forward, including tons of lore (admittedly poorly implemented lore, but it was there!) and secrets and easter eggs. The story and voice acting was one of the big criticisms at the start so it’s one of the things they worked hard on fixing over the life of the game. So it was REALLY off-putting when D2 went back to no story and lore. (And as I said, they decided to fix it by just putting in the story from D1.)

Thinking on it now, Avengers had that same disconnected feel as D2 once you got thru the campaign. I quite enjoyed the campaign but the game stopped being fun after that. Coincidentally right when it started being like D2.

FeelzGoodMan420, do gaming w Suicide Squad Boss Downplays Live-Service Elements Of Obviously Live-Service Game

Who the actual fuck keeps buying these games? Like actually.

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

I've got a friend who waits for a sale and then buys games like this for White Elephant parties at the end of the year. Often times he buys them for himself because he just has a burning curiosity for bad games.


Haha that’s at least an understandable behavior. What blows my mind are people who buy these games expecting them NOT to be anything but micro transaction live service infested dogshit.

Or people who LIKE micro transaction live service infested dogshit.

GammaGames, do gaming w 10 Days Into 2024 And 2300+ Video Game Layoffs Have Been Announced

Wow, 35% of Twitch! What a shitty start to the year


Twitch having 1400ish employees before the layoffs doesn’t seem too crazy, right? Cutting 35% is insane, though.

Tosti, do gaming w 10 Days Into 2024 And 2300+ Video Game Layoffs Have Been Announced
@Tosti@feddit.nl avatar

Unity is firing people as a result of a failed monetization attempt by the chief executive. I would argue the employees should have a case against the company and the chief executive. As this was so poorly implemented, fault could be argued.

sub_, do gaming w 10 Days Into 2024 And 2300+ Video Game Layoffs Have Been Announced

We all could see that Unity’s layoff was coming, that pricing backlash not only drove away many developers, also probably was driven by troubling financial within the organization.

Twitch is sort of unexpected, but when I see the number of impromptu rules they rolled out and rolled back last year, whether from restricting multi-streaming, to limiting showing brands logo on stream, to restricting / unrestricting female streamers from showing too much skin, etc. I assume that means that even with all those intrusive ads, Twitch is still losing money.

I guess from now on, when a tech company starts to arbitrarily change their T&C / rules to either protect their revenue / market share, and maybe rolling back from backlashes, then it’s a sign that there’s trouble brewing (if you work at those companies, beware)

BobVersionFour, do gaming w 10 Days Into 2024 And 2300+ Video Game Layoffs Have Been Announced

2024 if going to be the year of Layoffs in anything creative that AI can do in gaming.

Have i not seen a article already talking about how they use AI to replicate voice of video game actor recently?

But since most of AAA are shit now anyway wont change much


Sadly its also going to steal the position of a lot of people on AA and middle to indie size studios that need to cut costs to actually stay alive. Obviously some studios will stay afloat without cutting people or going deep into AI content but expect that to the exception not the rule.


It’s so dumb. Instead of struggling with AI to do what your employees did you could make your workforce 20% more productive using AI. Go further faster

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

Those two things are linked. I'm a frequent Economics Explained viewer, and the old comparison is that 1 accountant with a spreadsheet program can do what 5 accounts could do without one. If you only need the amount of productivity that that one accountant with a spreadsheet can output, that means you don't need four of your accountants anymore.


To use the accountant exemple AI right now or at least the way corp seem to use it is like asking someone without any accountant or spreadsheet knowledge to do the job of 5 accountant sure it might work but for how long and how many accountant you gonna need to repair and clear the problem later but that part don't interest them only short sight profit is important

@ampersandrew@kbin.social avatar

If they want to put out poor quality products in pursuit of short term profit, they can deal with long-term consequences as they lose their customers' trust. This game is reviewing quite well at the moment, and most of the ways we're fearing AI will be used will result in poor quality products. I'd argue Ubisoft has been putting out poor quality products for a long time, and even this game won't be available in a form that I can consume it due to the short-term deal they made with Epic.

@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

yeah but money


I don’t know if you could call this a positive, but I’ve definitely seen signs that the results of these projects will routinely turn out soulless and flop hard. In the past few years we’ve seen some VERY well-funded projects turn out as total flops. If that’s happening even with human creative input and corrective steering, what should we expect from AI following a straight algorithm?

@peter@feddit.uk avatar

I don’t think this is a direct result of AI, I think that will take a lot longer to become a problem

TwilightVulpine, do gaming w 10 Days Into 2024 And 2300+ Video Game Layoffs Have Been Announced

It's looking like many companies are doing it at once so not any one of them gets focused on for backlash.

myster0n, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games

Oh I’m very comfortable with it. In fact I haven’t owned a Ubisoft game in many, many years, and I wasn’t about to change that.

BigDanishGuy, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games

I want ubisoft to be comfortable with me not playing their games.

NoneYa, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games

It’s like they’re trying to piss off their fans at this point. Just seeing how far they’ll go before people say enough is enough.

The craziest part to me is that people still give money to companies like this.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly I don’t think the addicted Assassins Creed and Far Cry players care. Too addicted to the endless gameplay loop.


My big problem with quitting assassin’s creed is that it’s the best representation of what these places looked like hundreds of years ago. I know it’s not 100% accurate, but the fact that my wife could guide me around Rome in game because she’d lived there is one of my favorite gaming experiences. Replaying an AC game and reading all of the research has made vacations to places where they’re set amazing.

That said, I’m never buying a subscription to games. The second I can’t buy the game and have it, I’ll stop taking their abuse.


Doesn’t matter, saw game on TV, must buy.

mateomaui, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games

They should get comfortable with me downloading cracked versions of their games.

@Beardedsausag3@kbin.social avatar

A-fucken-hoy matey! 🏴‍☠️ May the seas bless your sails today.

@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

The developers that come out and tell people “pirate our game and if you like it consider buying when you can” will always get my money.

Developers who tell us we own nothing and should be pleased about it can get my steel and cannonballs, cause this ship is ready to set sail.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

They actually used cracked versions of their games years ago. Rockstar were also caught red-handed using cracked EXEs.


Why not?

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I don’t protest it, it’s just funny to see the companies act hypocritical.

janonymous, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games

If your games are on steam, you’re already not owning them. The only difference seems to be that steam doesn’t demand a monthly subscription cost, yet

We already have game pass so it’s not like this is something completely new either.

If this makes money, other big publishers will join and in 10 years it’s the norm.

Personally, I’ll try my best to keep buying on GOG and itch.io where I get to actually own my games.


Agree, I own a lot of games in Steam but most come from bundles or were not bought a full price. I do buy full price games on GOG because I can have a backup offline.


If your games are on steam, you’re already not owning them

Almost as if all the “evil” in the game’s industry Valve started.

@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

We did it guys, we found the source of corporate greed!


G*mers will do anything to avoid saying anything bad about Lord Gaben


The only difference is a huge difference though. Pay once for a game that you can access anytime versus paying continuously for the rest of your life to keep access to a game.

Some games are not worth keeping access to and subscription may end up being cheaper, but it is trading one benefit for another.

@Wodge@lemmy.world avatar

The only difference seems to be that steam doesn’t demand a monthly subscription cost, yet

Which Ubisoft isn’t doing either. This is just Ubisoft’s gamepass style subscription, which has been available for a few years now, it’s just getting a 2 tier pricing model.

@Flaky@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

I’m not enough of a Linux user to inconvenience myself so I’m just using Steam. The cloud sync is the killer feature for me - if GOG had something like it even if I have to pay extra, I’d so use it.

Carighan, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games
@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

I’m quite comfortable not owning Ubisoft games, and have been for years. It helps that other than one Switch game that I have physically, they haven’t released anything really worth purchasing.

hazle, do gaming w Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games

Agree, I own a lot of games in Steam but most come from bundles or were not bought a full price. I do buy full price games on GOG because I can have a backup offline. hack score match 2023



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  • DebatableRaccoon,

    Not even slightly. I tried to explain this concept to my friend some weeks back and he downright refused to believe Steam or other platforms would leave players without their games if they were to go belly-up, for example.


    Do we really own any games at all? We own licenses, nothing more. Even if it's on a DVD.

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