shiveyarbles, do gaming w Meta Quest 3 review impressions - one of VR gaming's best options

Sounds cool… Oh it’s Meta, fuck Zuck

GammaGames, do gaming w Meta Quest 3 review impressions - one of VR gaming's best options

This meaning that glasses wearers will be able to use the headset from the off without having to buy extra spacers

Finally! Now if only they’d support a wider ipd

SheeEttin, do gaming w Unity CEO John Riccitiello 'retiring' from company weeks after pricing controversy

And they’re also rolling back all those changes, right?

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

Yes, they rolled back much of the changes. The new numbers are dialed back.

Amir, avatar


Kolanaki, do games w Zelda boss explains why Breath of the Wild's Guardians and Sheikah tech disappeared
!deleted6508 avatar

TL;DR - “Magic.”

jesusrp98, avatar



Something not turning out how you wanted doesn’t make anyone lazy you sack of potatoes.


the entire game can be a monumental task, but you can zoom into a very specific part and decide to phone that part in

Annoyed_Crabby, do games w 295K Minecraft fans criticise lack of new content in Stop the Mob Vote petition

Nice, mob vote is stupid and easily manipulated and also divide the fandom like british divide and conquer their colony.

Just ask the fans how they feel about Phantom.

Tibert, do games w DF Weekly: Is AMD's FSR 3 frame generation actually useful for consoles?

Yes and no.

Fsr frame gen was just released. Dlss frame gen wasn’t perfect either at release (even now it still has ui issues).

Fsr frame gen for me looks pretty impressive for a rushed release. I’ll need to see how it evolves and if amd can solve the antilag+ latency with frame gen and enhance smoothness.

I also want to see how amd can enhance fsr upscaling image quality, as currently the worse image quality compared to dlss frame gen is because of fsr beeing less good than dlss upscaling.

Here is the hardware unboxed analysis of fsr 3 :

For consoles, well it’s another reason for devs to create unoptimised games, while giving the 60 fps console players could “finally” experience, and want with the curent gen.

However on another side it’s also a way to get better smoothness (well see), at at negligible (for console players) image quality loss. Most console players play on a TV, pretty far from it. So quality won’t affect them much.


Guarantee you the FSR-DLSS gap will be filled shortly after AMD has competitive AI coprocessors on their cards. People say a lot about all the training DLSS does on NVIDIAs cloud blah blah but the real reason it’s better is because it runs on hardware that is otherwise idle and so can just do more without eating into latency or performance. It’s the same reason XeSS on Intel GPUs is better than FSR.

What would really be impressive is if AMD can get FSR to leverage the AI cores on all three cards. If the goal of being “open” is trying to nullify NVIDIAs advantage then that would go a long way to killing DLSS as a point of distinction.

Sanctus, do games w 295K Minecraft fans criticise lack of new content in Stop the Mob Vote petition avatar

They could add they Aether. I’m not going to lie though, the beauty of minecraft is not the content. Its the emergent systems from redstone and the like. Unless I am mistaken and Notch intended for people to make functioning RAM and computers inside minecraft.

pimento64, do games w Zelda boss explains why Breath of the Wild's Guardians and Sheikah tech disappeared

That has got to be one of the most miserable jobs you can do with a white collar. Imagine trying to asspull Watsonian explanations for questions that only have Doylist answers to people who will mail you anthrax if you just tell them the truth, which is that Nintendo doesn’t give a shit about lore.

sugar_in_your_tea, (edited )

Yup. I’m a fan of lore in a lot of series, but that’s not why I play Zelda.

I play Zelda because it’s fun. I like the creative puzzles that aren’t super hard, but hard enough to require a little bit of thinking. I like that there’s progression, but no leveling system, so a lot of the progression is learning to use new tools. I like the silly side quests.

I’ve never really been interested in Zelda lore, so I’m honestly okay with things not quite lining up. I guess I see each entry as a separate universe where Link saves Zelda in a different way each time. Zelda games rarely have direct sequels, and I think that was the real mistake this time around. Just let me fight Ganon or whatever in a new cycle every time, I don’t need any kind of story coherency.

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

Planescape: Zelda where all Zelda universe coalesce into the city of doors. Wait, wrong franchise.


Lore has always been on the back burner when it comes to the Zelda franchise, and I imagine is a major part of why Nintendo so rarely makes any direct sequels to Zelda games in the first place, because they really don't seem to like continuity when it comes to Zelda. The only reason Nintendo even wrote Hyrule Historia and established an "official" timeline for the series (which didn't even make sense at the time, and makes even less sense with the games released after) is because fans wouldn't shut up about it.

TKRyer, do gaming w Unity CEO John Riccitiello 'retiring' from company weeks after pricing controversy

Anyone know how much this dude makes?


Probably enough to retire after a year

Fizz, do games w RuneScape ends Hero Pass following pay-to-win criticisms avatar

The worst thing about jagex is their management. They are so out of touch and only see runescape as something to squeeze money from. They should be happy they have generated as much revenue as they have from such an old game. Last I checked it was pulling in hundreds of millions in profit.


From a game that looks like the Atari Jaguar got a modem.

Oh right, and the other one, which looks like the most anticipated MMO of 2009.

tha_frontline, do games w CD Projekt Red devs unionise after its third round of layoffs in three months

I don’t know how unions work in Poland, but here in Germany you should organize, when there are lay offs in your company.

Unions can bargain better conditions for the lay offs like higher gratuities (is there something like this on the states?) or create a point system, who gets laid off first (based on family status, age, the likelihood of finding another job…).

So: unions always make sense :)


Theoretically yes but union power has been eroded to the point where most wage slaves think they don't need a union yo bargain, we are all family here 🤡


If I work hard and enrich the company, they will surely share their success with me /s


Man am I tired of being shafted for not having kids, the when it comes to holidays, covering for other staff and things, employees with kids always take priority and employees without don’t have an ‘excuse’. Extending that to layoffs is extremely toxic and punitive to younger workers.


I don’t have kids either, but to me it’s logical, that that this has to be taken to account. I mean, those are people who are dependent on the situation, it’s not like they could do anything on their own. I’m happy, that at least this is something, where humanity comes into play. And again: I don’t have children and I don’t want them in the future.

And like I said, there are also other points, like age, or how long the people are working for the company.

What would be your points, to decide if someone has to be fired? And no, firing no one at all is not an option in this scenario ;)


(based on family status)

I’m all for unions, but identifying layoff targets based on these things seems like a sure way for the system to get abused. Single people and people without kids get stuck filling in for people with families already-taking layoffs for them is asking a lot.

Definitely agree on the spirit of your comment though- unionizing is pretty much always a good idea.


I feel like this would be considered descrimination

LinkOpensChest_wav, do gaming w Unity CEO John Riccitiello 'retiring' from company weeks after pricing controversy avatar


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  • AdmiralShat, (edited )

    My only argument against your opinion, is that he actually has a trackable history of poor performance as a CEO and a trackable record of very bad monetization schemes. He’s the reason EA is the way it is.

    This isn’t the first company he’s ruined the reputation of.

    Granted, the board that elected him is still there. That’s an issue that will persist for a while.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar


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  • abir_vandergriff,

    He joined Unity in 2014. I don’t believe for a second that a board of investors agreed on anything for that long.


    My only argument against your opinion, is that he actually has a trackable history of poor performance as a CEO and a trackable record of very bad monetization schemes.

    …which could be because he has offered this service to many boards in the past.


    Him being fired is a necessary step for unity to regain an ounce of trust

    dingus, do gaming w CD Projekt Red devs unionise after its third round of layoffs in three months avatar

    Other devs, please follow suit.

    This industry needs class consciousness in it yesterday.

    Just because you’re paid well doesn’t mean you’re not being mistreated.

    It’s valid to be thankful for what you have but to also know you deserve more.


    I wish developers would learn that just because they’re well paid doesn’t mean they’re getting the full value of their work. Your CEO didn’t become a billionaire by paying you the full value of your labor.

    There’s always room for more and unions can get that.

    tias, (edited )

    This is from a Swedish perspective, but: My experience with unions has been that they think it’s more important that nobody is paid more, than to pay everyone what they’re worth. In other words they’d prefer everyone being paid equally over raising the minimum wage. Their motivation seems based in jealousy more than a sense of justice. The money they collect from their members is spent on offering stupid IT courses that nobody (except unskilled people) needs, or stuffing their own pockets.

    I like the idea of a union, but to me it seems like the actual unions we have today either lack real problems to solve or forgot about them. Every time a representative comes to visit I just get angered by how out of touch they are. They should focus on their core values and get rid of all that idiotic fluff, so they can lower their fees and recruit more members. But like any organization they grew fat and slow.


    Lack real problems to solve? Wtf. Also your experience with unions seem very biased.

    tias, (edited )

    *or forgot about them.

    Ensuring that people know how to use Excel is not a problem that the union should be spending money on.

    At my office we can work at any hours of the day that we prefer, as long as we check with our coworkers and do our agreed 40 hours / week. When the union heard about this they told my employer that we must do all our work during daytime.

    Their reasoning was that our liberal hours give us the opportunity to take on more obligations in our personal life at daytime (such as taking kids to soccer practice) which means we have to work in evenings to make up for lost time. And this, in turn, means we don’t get enough rest. So basically they don’t trust the employees to take responsibility for how much rest they need and want to stop them from doing personal chores during the day.

    We (the employees) finally won against the union in this, but what I kept thinking during this ordeal was “jeez, don’t they have more important issues to address?” If they did, why would they be meddling with this.


    I think you don’t understand unions or what they are fighting for. Your presumed freedom in working hours is exactly what the unison stated. If you need freetime to fix chores you should reduce your working hours and not work throughout the night.


    Yes, but then that’s my choice to reduce my working hours, not something my union should force on me. It’s patronizing. All ~100 employees disagreed with the union on this. IMO that’s a sign that they are overreaching and forget who they are working for. They need to realize when they are done and just sit back and enjoy what they’ve accomplished, instead of mindlessly optimizing for the wrong target. At any rate, if this is the kind of stuff they pull I won’t want to support them, because to my mind they are making things worse, not better.


    Eh, more of a case by case basis in the tech industry imo. Most game studio devs should probably unionize, but it’s not all horror stories everywhere. I’m not against unionization by any means and it’s always on the table, but when me and my coworkers already have great pay, great benefits, stable careers, and great work life balance I don’t really see what additional benefits it would bring. It’s an over-generalization to say that you’ll be earning more money as a union employee when you’re already making more than 90% of the population, I know first hand that some trades even make more than their unionized counterparts in my area.


    It would being better pay, better benefits, even more stable careers and better work-life balance.

    It doesn’t matter how much money you’re already making, or how good your benefits already are. If you have a Union, you can negotiate for improvements. There is always room for improvement, unless you’re working at a fully-mutual workers cooperative.

    I know first hand that some trades even make more than their unionized counterparts

    I’d be interested to learn more, do you have a source or anything?


    I already negotiate. Every couple years I interview around, I get a job offer, I take it back it my employer and they either match it or I leave. I’ve personally increased my salary 6x since I’ve joined the industry about a decade ago, I know people who have increased it more. I don’t know anyone in a unionized field who’s managed to achieved anything like this. I don’t know that it’s impossible, just seems to be much more rare. I’m a specialized individual in a specialized industry, I already have bargaining power and I definitely reject that my compensation, benefits, job stability, and WLB would be better if I had been unionized this whole time.

    I’d be interested to learn more, do you have a source or anything?

    Like I said, first hand. Purely anecdotal, I’m sure it isn’t the case for all union jobs.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    I'm not in games, but if/when things start to turn, it's far easier for myself and the people around me to just leave for an employer that treats us right than to try to unionize and force the current one to behave. Those are the benefits of having a job that's very much in demand though, not to mention one that can be worked from home and isn't dependent on geography, so the union isn't necessary because the employees already hold enough power. If the employer has a monopoly on your jobs, being able to unionize is a powerful tool in your toolbelt.

    reinar, avatar

    the funny thing is actual ability to pay is varying from business to business. AAA development with in-house engine is simply inferior as a business compared to mobile gamedev or producing shitty battle royale clones with Unity. If some business can’t compete with big tech or low-effort money grabbers, does it mean it has to go?

    ampersandrew, avatar

    No, for the same reason that fine dining restaurants don't go out of business when there's a McDonald's around the corner. They're different markets.


    This does suck though. To start, a counter-offer-based model begs discrimination. You should be getting yearly raises commensurate with (at absolute bare minimum, not even necessarily accounting for inflation) the increase in productivity from year to year.

    This is to say nothing of work environments. Unions could reduce or end crunch. Not just as hard blockers, but mandating the kind of project management that doesn’t require crunch.

    There’s also a history of wage suppression.…/silicon-valley-wage-collusion-class-act…

    They’ll only get better at it, especially as the market continues to turn and companies continue to consolidate.

    p03locke, avatar

    This does suck though. To start, a counter-offer-based model begs discrimination. You should be getting yearly raises commensurate with (at absolute bare minimum, not even necessarily accounting for inflation) the increase in productivity from year to year.

    I see that a lot with just the starting percentages of yearly raises. Most companies never keep up with market value, and by the time you’ve spent ten years there, you’re making much lower than the industry standard.

    The worst is employers who have some 1-5 scale for yearly performance and they gatekeep bosses who try to give out too many 5s. It’s not a competition among your peers. If the whole team is doing good and working hard, then reward all of them.


    I don’t know about discrimination, you’d have to provide actual statistical evidence of that for me to believe it.

    I do get yearly raises, they’ve beaten inflation by a lot every year except for one. I left that job and took a 30% compensation increase elsewhere.

    I rarely see crunch time. I have no problems whatsoever with the frequency and intensity of it, but if it became a problem I’d leave and find a job elsewhere.

    I don’t work in silicon valley, but they make a lot more than I do and my wage doesn’t feel suppressed lol.

    The job market in tech is alive and well in my experience. There was overhiring during the pandemic which ended with some layoffs, I don’t see that as the market turning, but we’ll have to wait and see.

    I know Lemmy wants everyone everywhere unionized, but for me in my industry the arguments for it are hand wavy at best. I find it disingenuous to tell people in this industry that they don’t have bargaining power as an individual.

    Blake, (edited )

    It’s not that you don’t have individual bargaining power. It’s just that if you were unionised, you’d have much more.

    The extent to which you are arguing against overwhelming evidence cannot be understated. You are arguing against something less controversial than evolution.

    We know that unions promote economic equality and build worker power, helping workers to win increases in pay, better benefits, and safer working conditions.

    But that’s not all unions do. Unions also have powerful effects on workers’ lives outside of work.

    High unionization levels are associated with positive outcomes across multiple indicators of economic, personal, and democratic well-being

    Unions raise wages of unionized workers by roughly 20% and raise compensation, including both wages and benefits, by about 28%.

    Unionized workers are more likely to receive paid leave, have health insurance and pension plans.

    Unionized workers receive more generous health benefits than nonunionized workers.

    Unionized workers receive 26% more vacation time and 14% more total paid leave

    How unions help all workers

    Workers get significant economic benefits from labor unions

    Unionized workers earn 10.2% more than their non-union peers

    Supporting workers’ right to organize is a key way to help boost wages and support quality jobs.

    Unions provide major economic benefits for workers and families

    Steeve, (edited )

    Like I said, hand wavy at best

    Edit: Lol this dude ran back and added sources to previous comments after I called him out on not providing sources. Before the edit he claimed collective bargaining can get 50% raises for everyone.


    How is it hand wavy?!

    Imagine you are an employer with 100 employees, presented with the following situations.

    1. One employee demands a pay raise of 50%, or he’ll leave.
    2. 80 employees, including the employee above, demand a pay raise of 50% or they’ll all leave.

    In which of these two situations are you more likely to be willing to grant that 50% raise?

    Steeve, (edited )

    Right, and what percentage of unions are successfully negotiating 50% pay raises? Surface level nuance free thought experiments aren’t going to convince me here


    It was an analogy. The point is that a union gives you stronger negotiation power than you have alone. By not being in a union, you’re getting worse outcomes than you would have in a union. All of the statistics we have demonstrate that unionising results in a big increase in wages and benefits. You’re basically saying “no” because you think you know better than the science. This is just like anti-vax sentiment.


    You’ve sent zero statistics and I’ve yet to see any statistics or even anecdotal evidence that pertains to my industry. All you’ve done is promise ridiculous benefits like 50% salary increases through unrealistic analogies. My experience is purely anecdotal, but frankly it’s better evidence than pipe dream analogies.

    But sure, go around calling people anti-vax because you don’t know how to put together a proper argument, I’m sure that’s how you get people to change their minds about unionization. Why would I continue this conversation at this point? If this is something you’re passionate about I’d rethink your strategy.


    The extent to which you are arguing against overwhelming evidence cannot be understated. You are arguing against something less controversial than evolution.

    We know that unions promote economic equality and build worker power, helping workers to win increases in pay, better benefits, and safer working conditions.

    But that’s not all unions do. Unions also have powerful effects on workers’ lives outside of work.

    High unionization levels are associated with positive outcomes across multiple indicators of economic, personal, and democratic well-being

    Unions raise wages of unionized workers by roughly 20% and raise compensation, including both wages and benefits, by about 28%.

    Unionized workers are more likely to receive paid leave, have health insurance and pension plans.

    Unionized workers receive more generous health benefits than nonunionized workers.

    Unionized workers receive 26% more vacation time and 14% more total paid leave

    How unions help all workers

    Workers get significant economic benefits from labor unions

    Unionized workers earn 10.2% more than their non-union peers

    Supporting workers’ right to organize is a key way to help boost wages and support quality jobs.

    Unions provide major economic benefits for workers and families


    Why on earth do you think I’d continue this conversation at this point? You’ve called me an anti-vax flat earther, I don’t know why you decided to resort to insults before sources, but it’s clear you aren’t discussing this in good faith. No thanks.


    Your position is completely indefensible, and you know it, but you continue to hold it because your ego is more important than reality.

    Do you know of any other groups who prioritise the preservation of their ideology over reality?

    If you had any actual arguments against me, you would use them. But since you don’t, you’re just acting oh so indignant and high-handed that I had the temerity to call you out on your bullshit.

    Maybe next time, if you don’t want an education, you should keep your ignorance to yourself.

    p03locke, avatar

    Every couple years I interview around, I get a job offer, I take it back it my employer and they either match it or I leave.

    I don’t even have to do that. My employer always give me good raises and even better bonuses. Every year.

    Benefits are great. PTO is great. Work-life balance is great. No layoffs whatsoever. It’s not just about making money for the company and the owners, but the rest of the employees as well.

    I don’t need the strife from trying to start a union here. Save it for companies that have pushed their employees too far. Unionize where it’s going to have the greatest benefit.


    That’s great, I’m finally at a point in my career where I think it’ll be the same. As long as there isn’t a major culture shift, I could see myself staying at this job for the next 10+ years


    Ever talked to the cleaning staff how they’re faring? Your suppliers in Cambodia (or wherever)?

    It’s not that hard for capital to see reason when it comes to specialised, educated, and sometimes right out irreplaceable workers, but that doesn’t mean that capital suddenly developed a conscience.

    p03locke, avatar

    We don’t have cleaning staff. Try again.


    You know perfectly well what I meant and the intent and purpose behind my comment. Try again.

    And even if you’re working in a five person co-op outfit and someone of you indeed does scrub the toilet: What about the dishwashers at that Chinese takeout you order at every other day. How does your actual supply chain look like, even if it’s pizza and coffee.


    What are you arguing about exactly? Not a single comment in this chain is anti union at all, and the comment you replied to even argued for unionization where it will have the greatest benefit, i.e. all the jobs you just mentioned.

    Why are you acting like this is some sort of prisoner’s dilemma where either everyone unionizes or no one does?


    I’m arguing for solidarity.


    Nice buzzword answer, but nobody here is against your right to unionize


    And I never said anyone was. That’s something you came up with.

    All I wanted to do is remind people is that capital giving a fuck about your ass doesn’t mean that said capital is benevolent, or you shouldn’t organise, because it’s still going to fuck anyone over it can get away with fucking over. Like the cleaning staff.


    The decision for tech to unionize has nothing to do with how the cleaning staff is treated


    How can you force the bosses to pay cleaning staff properly if the engineers aren’t striking for them? There’s a gazillion desperate scabs out there and I can’t even blame them, how can you blame someone with two jobs for wanting a third to pay rent.

    …that, btw, is why the likes of the IWW organise companies and industries, and not trades.


    Engineers striking for the cleaning staff? What? That’s not how it works


    Not without class consciousness, no. But yes that is how it often works in countries that aren’t the US. Occasionally, it also works in the US, e.g. the Hollywood strikes right now. Was it the writers I think who got a proper offer right now and they said they’re going to continue until others got theirs, too.


    Not how the writers strike went either, it’s ending and has nothing to do with the other IATSE contracts.


    I definitely reject that my compensation, benefits, job stability, and WLB would be better if I had been unionized this whole time.

    Why? What is your reasoning for rejecting this? Can you justify it? You’re just saying “no” without any thought or explanation. Do you just refuse to believe that things could be better?


    … did you not read the rest of my comment?

    And frankly that’s not how this works. You’re the one trying to convince me that a union is in my best interest, the burden of proof is on you and you’ve given no substantial evidence.


    I read your whole comment, but at no point does it explain why you think you wouldn’t be able to negotiate improvements with a union. What you have written essentially amounts to:

    “I was able to build a really beautiful cabinet with hand tools. I reject the notion that power tools make it easier to build cabinets. I know people who have power tools but they haven’t made cabinets as nice as mine.”

    If you have multiple people as a group who have the power to completely sink a business negotiating together, they stand a much better chance of improving conditions than any of them do alone.

    How are you reasoning against such a self-evidently true claim?

    Steeve, (edited )

    My point is that skilled individuals in specialized fields already have strong individual bargaining power, something that you continue to underestimate in this thread. Collective bargaining is not risk free with one outcome, this is a fact that all the nuance free analogies in the world won’t change. If the sector is overall happy with individual bargaining power you’re going to need more proof than supposed “self-evident” claims.

    Let me fix your analogy. A power tool salesman walks up to my door and tells me I have to throw out my hand tools because I can build cabinets much faster without them and then calls me an idiot for not wanting to throw away the tools I’ve mastered over the last decade.


    I’m in the same field as you are with years more experience. Not only that, I have experience in management in the same field.

    I am not denying that you have individual bargaining power that I’m sure you’re leveraging successfully.

    I am just pointing out to you that if you were unionised, you’d have even more bargaining power which would almost definitely have resulted in a better outcome for you.

    Collective bargaining may not be risk free, but it’s lower risk than individual bargaining, by definition.

    There’s plenty of proof, and I don’t see why I need any more. You’re just refusing to acknowledge it, like a flat earther faced with the results of their experiment refusing to accept it. Just because you say “no, I don’t like this scientific proof” it doesn’t mean that I’m somehow failing to back up my argument when I refuse to give you more proof. You have THE proof of the matter. Accept it and be right, or reject it and be wrong. It’s up to you.

    As for your analogy, being in a union does not mean you lose your individual bargaining rights, you can continue to negotiate your salary individually if you wish to do so. You do not lose any power or rights from being in a union. You only gain power.


    I’m in the same field as you are with years more experience.

    Lol is this the point in your argument where you call me a kid?

    Collective bargaining may not be risk free, but it’s lower risk than individual bargaining, by definition.

    Lower risk often means lower reward, and I already consider individual bargaining in my field low risk.

    There’s plenty of proof, and I don’t see why I need any more.

    You’ve provided exactly zero links in this thread.

    like a flat earther

    And there it is! Again! So far you’ve called me anti-vax and a flat earther because your unlinked evidence and shitty anologies aren’t convincing me of unproven theories in my field. This conversation is over and you’ve done more to hurt your cause than help here you condescending prick.


    I appreciate the good faith you’re putting into this. I tend to lean your way, but it’s interesting to see this discussion play out. Thanks for being respectful. I appreciate it, even though (up to this comment) I’m just observing the thread.


    Until this moment you haven’t asked me for any sources for my claim, whereas I have asked you multiple times for yours. Your basis is “just my vibes” and now you’re acting like I’m an asshole for pointing out that your position (arguing against science based on vibes) isn’t rational. Now by claiming I haven’t backed up my claims, despite pretty much accepting that they were valid until this moment, you cast me as irrational, and instead of asking for proof of my claims so you can amend your perspective, you just loftily declare that the conversation is over, because you know fine well that if it continues, your world view will be completely compromised.

    Anyone who wants to see the proof can simply Google “average wage difference for unionised workers” or anything like that. You can do the same thing. I’m guessing you already have, but decided “that doesn’t apply to me” because you’re oh so special.

    Lower risk often means lower reward

    For investment and such, yeah sure, but not everything follows the same pattern. Unionising and collective bargaining is a perfect example, because it consistently has been shown to lower risks and increase rewards, again and again.

    Act all indignant if you want to. You’re giving me a perfect platform to demonstrate the superiority of my ideology against your very weak, irrational reasoning. If you think that I’m somehow hurting my cause by revealing the inherent incoherence of your position, then yeah, sure, I’m really destroying my cause right now.


    This, plus, relying on the goodwill of someone who benefits from you earning as little as possible is a terrible idea.


    Every single industry needs unionized, the country is FUCKED right now for millions of it’s inhabitants.


    The country.


    Totally fair point, I am American and I was referring to America, but this is likely true for at least a few other countries as well.


    This article is on and CD Projekt Red is Polish. I imagine that’s why they pointed out “the country” being out of place


    Oh, thanks for clearing it up, I actually didn’t know CD Project Red was Polish, thanks.


    They currently are in the process of building up branches in Boston and Vancouver though as far as I know.

    reinar, avatar

    Just because you’re paid well doesn’t mean others are not being mistreated

    without unions there could be a huge salary disparity between devs in the same role, in the same company, even in the same project. I’ve personally witnessed more than 2x, heard about even more.

    Sometimes it’s more than justified with individual’s performance and impact, sometimes it’s not. Some people are just better skill-wise, some people are better at applying pressure on their employer, holding business-critical knowledge hostage or simply negotiating.

    Point here is - while unionizing might make things better on average, there would be a very real pushback from people who are benefitting from current system and this is not necessarily management. For management in some cases it would be even a net benefit, since they don’t have to deal with primadonnas and someone tying things to themselves just for leverage.


    As an engr manager, I’ve often seen disparity as a result of being hired during good years vs bad years for the company. Or when someone gets a better offer to leave, the company may change their pay but no one else’s. Or hiring externally vs a transfer from another internal team. Or whether the team is coding for frontend web vs dev tools, even if using the same language. Or if female.

    It’s always a challenge for one person to fix – with HR, with the department head, with yearly budget. And sometimes fixing one disparity means not having the sway to fix another as well.

    Which is to say – pay transparency and unions are good for everyone. And if the company can’t afford to treat the employees equitably, then the company shouldn’t exist. (Or it should reduce its avocado toast budget.)

    tacosanonymous, do gaming w Cyberpunk's storytelling makes Starfield seem ancient - Opinion

    It’s the most “mid” game I’ve ever played.

    Also, it is not an RPG.


    There isn’t such a thing as modern RPGs, not mainstream anyway

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Even with an extremely narrow definition, that's a bold thing to say in the wake of Baldur's Gate 3.


    I wouldn’t say baldurs gate is mainstream, at least not in the same way as cyberpunk or Bethesdas games

    ampersandrew, avatar

    It's in the top ten most played games on Steam and had sold at least 5 million; even that number is two months old and doesn't include PlayStation. If I were to wager a guess, which you can often extrapolate from the number of reviews on Steam, it's much closer to 10 million, which is how many copies a typical Assassin's Creed or FIFA game will sell. Baldur's Gate 3 is mainstream.


    Agreed. It is though an example of a game breaking out into the mainstream from a normally more niche genre (this particular type of dense, top-down, turn-based RPG). I’m curious to see if its subgenre will grow more popular in its wake, too, and by how much.

    I find it particularly interesting that it became such a hit because its systems can be rather overwhelming for people who aren’t already familiar with 5e/tabletop rules. The sheer amount of rules to learn, the volume of specific items and text bubbles to read, the fact that some aspects of the interface aren’t really tutorialized well, etc.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    I had no understanding of 5e, and there were a couple of things I didn't understand, but so much of that game, especially at the beginning, is choosing an option with a high chance of success and shoving or throwing things that most games wouldn't let you shove or throw. The way the game lets you verb any feasible noun, coupled with higher production value, is probably why this one hit. It's going to continue to make other RPGs with even higher budgets stand out as dinosaurs; not just Starfield but especially BioWare's next couple of efforts, given their Baldur's Gate lineage.

    Shalakushka, avatar

    It's because people aren't idiots like developers have thought for years. People don't mind a game where you need to read and learn as long as there is a payoff for reading and learning. We have been paying the price for devs thinking everyone is braindead for over a decade now as more and more mechanics and features are removed to please people who were never going to give the genre a chance anyway. By way of example, Dragon Age II didn't get the Call of Duty audience to play Dragon Age, it just convinced most who liked Dragon Age that EA only accidentally published one of the best RPGs of its decade.

    superpants, do games w Microsoft expected to finally buy Activision Blizzard next week

    I only care if MS makes blizz bring back OW1

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Getting rid of Bobby Kotic would be priority number one if you ask me.


    The problem is, even if they get rid of bobby kotick, he still wins. He is going to walk a way with millions of dollars in a separation agreement.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Let me dream of some clause in this contract which he breached and no one dared point it out. Ruined reputation or something.


    Why do you want OW1 back?


    Because I paid for it


    I paid for Overwatch too but tbh I’d rather have Overwatch 2. There’s no loot box bullcrap and the playerbase now is actually pretty sizeable now compared to OW1 near the end.

    I do miss the free rewards but they’re just cosmetics. A bigger playerbase is more beneficial to the game than more free skins.

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