muse, do games w Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 Patch Notes avatar

Here let me save all you dead horse beaters some typing:

"The game was buggy 3 years ago, I see they're still fixing this mess. Still a bad game even though I've never played it".

There. You're free. You don't have to post. Go on and enjoy your day.

bridge_too_close, avatar

Whew, what a relief!

JK, though I have been waiting since before 1.6 to play again.


Legit, the 2.x update has been amazing. It’s a whole new game.

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

I enjoyed playing it on release, but having just started another playthrough after buying Phantom Liberty, I gotta say, the base game is still pretty buggy. Still fun though, would recommend!

bridge_too_close, avatar

It's next on my list to play!


Its a bad game, not because of what it is now, but because it helped popularize a “release broken, fix later” attitude.


And now a serious response: it ran, just before the Add-on dropped, on my 4790k and a RX6600 on 1920x1200 flawlessly with no bugs, at 60 fps on high settings. This game is now well optimized, and a fantastic experience. It took a while, but the wait was worth it!

Carighan, avatar

Although I will say that by now the goalpost has long moved from 60 FPS and you really want to be aiming at 144 or more. That being said, without raytracing on - which is mostly disappointing anyways - there are some really high framerates achieveable by now.

Coelacanth, avatar

I don’t know, I think it’s more down to personal preference than that. I get that competitive FPS players want to push frame rates as high as possible, but for me personally I have the exact opposite opinion as you. I have no real need to chase hundreds of FPS, at a stable 60 games feel smooth enough (maybe my eyes are bad). On the other hand, several games have a dramatic improvement in presentation with Ray Tracing on, in my opinion, which I value a lot. Both Cyberpunk and Alan Wake 2 for example look notably better with RT on.

fiah, avatar

the goalpost has long moved

I’ll decide that for myself, thank you very much


In what world is Cyberpunk’s ray tracing disappointing? Some shots I took while playing over the last month or so. I’ve never seen a better graphical showpiece.

Carighan, avatar

Pretty good examples for how disappointing it is, tbh aye.

If you told me both sides were different settings of baked lighting, I’d instantly believe it. Sure, the RT looks like it is the higher quality one, but it doesn’t feel like a cyberpunk game with raytracing should “pop”. Good scenes are for it when driving around at night with wet streets. That gives the proper cyberpunk feel. But that’s about the only scenario where I’ve seen it truly work magic.


Sounds like you’re more disappointed with CP77s lighting theme than RT, you could literally change the LUT or use ReShade in a matter of seconds and get what you’re asking for. CP77 has a permanent green filter that many (very much myself included) despise. Fortunately, this is extremely easy to change, and I definitely recommend it.


Although I will say that by now the goalpost has long moved from 60 FPS and you really want to be aiming at 144 or more.

This is more or less subjective, or an ideal. Most people agree that 60FPS is completely fine (or pretty good) for single player experiences, as long as it is a smooth and stable 60 and doesn’t have bad stuttering or the like. Naturally, almost everyone would say they would still be happy with more, but they’re by no means miffed. Multiplayer experiences on the other hand, you’d have a point.

That being said, without raytracing on - which is mostly disappointing anyways -

LMAO sure whatever you say. You can be disappointed in the performance cost, but CP77’s raytracing is undeniably some of the best around. The performance hit is definitely worth being bothered by, but real time ray tracing is a very new thing that is still being fleshed out, and we’re 3 (or 2(?) for AMD generations of it, or 0 for Intel) deep. Both the software and hardware are actively being optimised for better performance and features, and we won’t see the full fruits of the current cost for another few years yet.


Yeah, I still hear people saying “Cyberpunk is full of bugs” even now that everything is running pretty well.

Starayo, avatar

I started a new playthrough when phantom liberty released and I feel like I’ve had more game-breaking bugs than I did at launch. The ones I had at launch were mostly cosmetic, animation bugs, t-posing, Jackie eating his noodles with chopsticks that left a clone of themselves in the box, etc. This time I had to reload saves because, for example, Jackie just didn’t get in my car at the start and so it never unlocked the controls so I was just stuck in a car forever.

That being said, the gameplay systems are massively improved, even if it still can be a bit buggy, and it’s well worth a play. I just need to wait for mods to update for 2.1.

Poggervania, avatar

Thank you for your service, now I can go onto GameFAQs to say this exact thing 🫡

!deleted6508 avatar

Oddly enough, I had very few issues on launch and get more glitches now. Mostly in the form of cars falling from the sky at random.


Same actually. Sometimes the game runs into too much to load and will just freeze and crash. I crashed twice near launch and I’ve had a ton more now.

Voytrekk, do games w Cyberpunk patch 2.01 now available avatar
  • Automatic Love - The distortion effect caused by talking to Johnny and selecting a specific dialogue option at the end of the quest will no longer persist on the screen.

This bug was driving me crazy. I am glad they finally fixed it


Holy smokes. Finally

mp3, avatar

It least there was a mod on PC to quickly get rid of it, but that sucked for people playing on consoles…

FrickAndMortar, do games w Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 Patch Notes

We finally get to ride the train? That’s awesome!


But only sitting down (you can still look around) and with only two possible scenes playing out in the metro itself. Still, better than nothing!

echo64, do games w Cyberpunk patch 2.01 now available

I’ve never seen so many articles about a single games updates as this one


It’s because people desperately want this game to be good and the initial release was a train wreck.


this game IS good now so quit your bullshit


It’s nothing what they promised. Fuck CDPR


If you bought into clearly false marketing hype I’m not sure what to tell you. It’s a solid game that’s better than any other RPG released recently (outside of maybe BG3, which is so different it barely counts as the same genre)

It was never going to be everything promised in marketing, just like every other game released in the last 15 years.


I didn’t buy into the marketing at all. Haven’t even played it.


So you never played the game, but are angry about the content you didn’t get? Does that capture your experience well?


I’m pissed off for other players


Found the Daily Mail reader...


Whilst I’m not gonna act like the other guy. This “if you bought into the clearly false marketing then it’s your fault” crap needs to die.

It’s not consumers’ fault for thinking that a superman movie has a flying superman when they talk about how superman flies in the movie. It’s always the companies fault. I do not think it is at all helpful to blame the consumers foe cdprs faults.


I mean, anyone who’s ever followed video game marketing knows they’ll promise the moon and the stars and only deliver a spaceship that can maybe hit orbit.

We shouldn’t blame consumers, but we should also be skeptical of any claim a developer makes about their game. NMS, CP2077, CoD, etc are all examples of over promise and underdeliver, and those are only the few I can think of off the top of my head. This is unfortunately the norm, not the exception. Starfield is a great example too. It fell a little flat on release because it turned out to be another generic Bethesda game, which wasn’t what the marketing promised, but is exactly what was expected by many.

Wait for reviews from reputable sources (not ign) and make decisions then. Don’t buy into the marketing hype that is all non-committal and doesn’t promise anything.


i think it’s weird how outright immune software companies are from false advertising claims…

like, in any other industry, failure to deliver promised products would lead to a lawsuit…

StarServal, avatar

No Man’s Sky.


I feel like I only ever see it’s yearly major updates. Actual new content and changes that is newsworthy. not just small patches

SuiXi3D, avatar

…the link literally goes to CDPR’s website. Or would you rather they not post patch notes?


I don’t care if they post patch notes, I think it’s strange that communities like this post them as news. It’s not usual to see it. People don’t post news posts about some random games small patch. But cp2042? Every patch gets an article posted in places like this


Heh. Kinda related, but any competitive multiplayer game’s community makes way more content than a post out of even one line patch notes. This is normal.

It’s cool that someone passionate enough about Cyberpunk (or CDPR themselves) posted it to drive discussion about the efforts they’re making to continue to turn around that insanely horrible launch. The comments show that at least someone cared to see the post.


This is normal.

oh sure, for a specific community. it’s not for a wider community. you don’t see said competitive multiplayer game communities patch notes here, you see it in those communities

Jaysyn, do games w Cyberpunk patch 2.02 now available avatar

I really hope this fixes the bug where the reward for "Gas Gas Gas" doesn't show up & you can't complete the mission.

EDIT: it does not.

Talaraine, avatar

Weird, I got the car.

Jaysyn, avatar

I did on my first playthrough as well, just not this one. May have something to do with me completing all of the side missions I can before advancing the storyline this time around.

ashtefere, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 release notes

Auto scaling NPCs to your level is such a shitty and lazy solution to difficulty scaling. I’m so sick of it.

Why can’t they do an escalation system like the cops instead for each gang? The longer you aggravate them on their turf the heavier the guys are they send out. Much more realistic, and if you are getting your ass kicked you just scoot over to some other gangs turf.


I hated this in GTA (mainly 3 and SA). You’re doing an escort mission and suddenly 6 guys start shooting at you with AKs from nowhere because you pissed them off in an unrelated quest.

I prefer a Morrowind-like approach where enemies don’t scale and you have to take care not to venture too deep into some crazy gang’s territory early on.

But it’s much much harder to make this work properly, and scaling enemies have become an expectation by players at this point.

FilthyShrooms, do games w Cyberpunk patch 2.01 now available

They can’t keep getting away with this shit! 😭

ensignrick, (edited ) do games w Cyberpunk patch 2.01 now available avatar

Ah, yes a fix for the controller UI controls showing for keyboard/mouse. It was driving me crazy!

Edit: Confirmed. Is fixed!

synapse1278, avatar

Had the same bug ! Had to patch the .exe myself using some hex code given by a random user on the steam forum… wtf?!

ensignrick, avatar

I just suffered through it. Everytime it would be like press a, y, b I would have to figure out what it actually wanted. Lol. I finally realized. Right mouse button was “A” last night. 😮‍💨

Way to be resourceful!

synapse1278, avatar

I couldn’t play like that, some actions were impossible. But I found the fix quickly, it was easy enought to do. But still…

1bluepixel, do games w Cyberpunk patch 2.01 now available avatar

Made it possible to properly switch to Arm cyberware by cycling through weapons.

Oh, haha, I was wondering if I was crazy. The only way I could see to equip the Mantis Blades was to hold Y and select it there. Didn’t feel very intuitive.


Same with the monowire. I’m doing a netrunner playthrough and had to unequip other weapons to make it come up by default.


Can’t you just use the numbers? Or did 2.0 break that?


This was killing me! One of my favorite builds was pistols and fists, trying to replicate John Wick’s Gun-Fu. But it became impossible after 2.0 since I couldn’t switch to arms smoothly after my pistol clip was empty. Looking forward to this fix a lot

d3Xt3r, do games w Cyberpunk patch 2.02 now available

Looking at all those fixes makes me glad I haven’t tried the new 2.x update yet. The question now though is, should I wait for a few more months to see if they fix more bugs? 🤔

mp3, avatar

I didn’t really encounter any game breaking bugs, but I’m glad they’re readjusting the timers for the car retrieval missions from El Capitan. The time allocated was sometime ridiculous, for example having 1m30s to drive 3km from downtown in dense traffic…

Wisens, avatar

I played the game as soon as 2.0 came out. I noticed some bugs, but nothing game breaking. I’d say give it a go. They may be bug fixing this game for years, and it may never be “perfect”.


They did completely rework a bunch of gameplay systems, so bugs were to be expected. I tried a 2.0 playthrough, and while bug-wise it felt like the 1.2 days ( the death-on-boarding-delamain bug being particularly infuriating ) the gameplay changes are certainly interesting. I’m still holding off on getting PL just yet, maybe wait for a discount.


Its pretty playable atm. You good

vanontom, avatar

The patch notes are just super-detailed, no need to worry about game-breaking bugs IMO. Finished once on 1.63, then added PL and 2.1 and finished all at 100%. No infuriating bugs, 4-5 clean crashes to desktop. (PC, AMD Ryzen 2600, Radeon 6600 XT, 2K QHD res, high settings, RT off.)

It’s probably the best game I’ve ever played, honestly. Incredible work that is now well-polished, even 2.0. First 20-40 hours felt a bit underwhelming, but by the end I was blown away. And 2.0 adds a lot of fun. At 250+ hours now, new game and choices, still wanting to play every day.

Skaryon, do games w Cyberpunk patch 2.01 now available

How good is the game at this stage? On Steam deck?


In general very good, quite fun. No idea about steam deck.

If you’re eager for an action rpg it is a good buy even without the dlc. If you’re curious I’d say it’s a sale buy.

Note though that it REALLY needs a fast SSD or m.2 to run well. Don’t buy this if you’re using an HDD


Any typical 6Gbps sata SSD will do just fine. Doesnt need to be particularly fast, just so its an SSD.

kindenough, avatar

The game has a tab for Steam Deck settings so I guess yes.


Hated it at launch, loving it now. Playing between my PC and Steam Deck and having a great time.

mp3, avatar

I love how the cyberwares and crafting systems were revamped so that you can’t really become godlike too easily.


Funny you say that, I’m loving the new systems because of how much more powerful I feel. I guess it’s just more even overall now?

1bluepixel, avatar

I’ve played it in January 2022 on PC (so about a year after release), going through a second playthrough on Steam Deck now.

Compared to two years ago, the game is not that different IMO. I enjoyed it immensely the first time, and I’m loving it enough now to just play it again. A lot of very noticeable changes with 2.0, with the entire perks system rebuilt and such. Not a major game changer IMHO but it’s all good stuff.

As for Steam Deck, it’s 100% compatible and looks great. I’ve noticed very few frame rate issues.

I wish people could let go of their resentment towards the game’s launch woes, because this game is a genuine banger with an amazing setting, great gameplay, and a kickass story.


A consistent 40fps on medium settings

SuiXi3D, avatar

The game has a graphics preset for Steam Deck now, but I wouldn’t take that to mean much.


I played it a few months ago on my deck. It has default preset that holds an extremely solid (i think) 30 fps from my testing. Whatever the target was it held really well

So if you don’t mind 30 FPS the default is pretty good.

LouLimes, do games w Cyberpunk patch 2.01 now available

“A wrecked NCPD cruiser without wheels won’t be patrolling the streets of Night City anymore.”

Oh no there goes the headless horseman of night city


Finally got their budget approved

CaptDust, do games w Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 Patch Notes

Some really nice quality of life stuff here, favoriting cars and guns is great

Kosta554, do games w Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 Patch Notes avatar


poissonDistribution, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 release notes avatar

Anyone tried this on linux?


Started it an hour or two ago. Much smoother than before, which is nice. The input prompts switch to cotroller only when you jump into the game, which make ui navigation very hard with mouse and kbd. Give it a few days so they can patch it.


I haven’t tried 2.0 yet, but it previously ran fine on Linux. I’m hoping to play tonight.


Just fired it up. Runs good at 4k on medium settings with a 5600x and 6600xt. Getting 45-60 fps in the benchmark. The graphics still look great on medium. The control icons are showing Xbox controls instead of keyboard/mouse. Kind of annoying, but I imagine it will get fixed quickly since this wasn’t an issue before the patch. I’m playing via flatpak Steam.


At 4k?? That’s pretty damn good. Is that with FSR?



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