SuiXi3D, do gaming w Microsoft’s Xbox Is Planning More Cuts After Studio Closings avatar

What in the hell is the point of buying up a bunch of studios just to close them all. Microsoft turning into EA over here…


Money. They are buying up IP instead of making it on their own merit.


For what? They can’t even use a lot of these IPs anymore. Fallout is now associated with 76 unless you’re thinking of Obsidian. Bethesda as a whole is not trusted for big RPGs after Starfield. Blizzard is a shell of its old self, cutting interest in Warcraft, Starcraft, and Overwatch. Id has been doing okay, but has had a lot of brain drain, and they definitely don’t produce the “live service hits” MS appears to be looking for - just things people would love to see on Game Pass and discard. There’s rumors even Call of Duty is struggling to retain relevance in new releases.

…We about to see Crash vs Spyro Autobattle Royale?

ZeroHora, avatar

I don’t know if Fallout is still associated with 76 after the show and Skyrim still is a huge thing even after Starfield.


They can’t even use a lot of these IPs anymore.

That’s the thing though. Gamers have a special kind of amnesia that gets triggered every time BIG_IP_OF_THEIR_LIKING releases a new sequel or edition. The communities on Lemmy and reddit are unfortunately not indicative of how the wider audience actually perceives games. We’re a fringe group, and the publishers/studios bank hard on that. The uneducated and apathetic masses are their target audience. If the gaming world listened to the likes of Lemmy and reddit users, micro/macrotransactions, early-access hell, and half-finished releases wouldn’t have become common practice. But here we are.

Fallout is now associated with 76 unless you’re thinking of Obsidian.

You may be right. Fallout 76 has however seen a record number of players since the show aired. That’s commonplace with most gaming franchises when a film or TV series comes out. See also: The Last of Us, and SWTOR when The Mandalorian came out.

(I personally think of Neverwinter Nights 2 when thinking of Obsidian. t’was peak gaming)

Blizzard is a shell of its old self, cutting interest in Warcraft, Starcraft, and Overwatch.

I agree with you here. In reality, Blizzard still consistently has queue issues when releasing a new WoW expansion or game, even after all this time. They know it happens, and won’t scale up for launch day on WoW retail AND Classic. Their target audience eats that shit up and I’m saying this as a former player that quit during Battle for Azeroth. No comment on Starcraft as I quit when the OG Starcraft scene died down on aus-1 back in the day. Overwatch 1 was seeing incredible numbers when I played from launch until Moria was released. OW2 being a pay-to-win shit show ate into their numbers until they gave up the pay-to-win bullshit. I see more and more of my friends and streamers playing it again now that Bobby Kotick is gone. I’m quite disappointed in some of them, but it is what it is.

There’s rumors even Call of Duty is struggling to retain relevance in new releases.

Good thing they’re just rumours until the earnings report comes. Sony has poorly-redacted court documents stating that CoD is their bread and butter on the playstation. There’s no way that’s changing in the forseeable future (at least not in the billions of dollars range), even with the absolute shit-show that was MW3. When MW4 comes out, the diehard fans will forget it even happened, as they have with every single release since its inception.


The reason is simply getting rid of competition.

flux, do games w Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome avatar

Rollerdrome was very solid concept but the difficulty curve was pretty intense. One second you feel like you have the hang of it the next you can’t get to the next arena.


Yeah I absolutely adored the concept and would see it picked up. I discovered it after pitching to a friend Tony Hawk’s Borderlands 4 and gradually realising the proof of concept existed.

Caligvla, do gaming w Embracer Group Cancels ‘Deus Ex’ Video Game avatar

I never thought I’d hate a gaming publisher more than EA or Ubisoft, but here we are…

ampersandrew, avatar

I mean, was it better when these devs were put to work on an Avengers game that no one wanted?

MudMan, avatar

Hey, at least that game came out. Plus Eidos Montreal also made the actually really, really damn good Guardians of the Galaxy game nobody played. I'd make that trade.

Man, these guys really can't catch a break. That sucks, they make pretty solid stuff.

ampersandrew, avatar

Hey, at least that game came out.

Hindsight is 20/20, but they would have saved a lot of money if it hadn't.

MudMan, avatar

Well, it depends on when they cancelled it and on how much it cost. That thing didn't sell THAT poorly, but Square, as usual, was aiming way above what's realistic. Estimates on Steam alone put it above 1 million copies sold. You can assume PS5 was at least as good.

Based on those same estimates it actually outsold Guardians. Which is an absolute travesty and I blame anyone who hasn't played it personally.

ampersandrew, avatar

Personally, I didn't play Guardians of the Galaxy because I'm very, very Marvel-ed out, and I didn't like Guardians Vol. 2.

MudMan, avatar

Well, then you're my enemy, because that game is great, Marvel connection or not. In fact it's a fantastic companion piece ot the third Guardians movie, because they're both really good at their respective medium but they are pushing radically oppposite worldviews (one is a Christian parable, the other a humanist rejection of religious alienation).

And yeah, holy crap, they made a Marvel game about grief and loss and managing them without turning to religion and bigotry and it was awesome and beautiful and nobody played it and you all suck.

ampersandrew, avatar

Sorry, man. I didn't watch Andor either, for very similar reasons. Sometimes I've just had too much of the thing.

MudMan, avatar

Nah, I'm mostly kidding. About the being my enemy part. The game is, in fact, awesome, and you should fetch it somewhere before the absolute nightmare of licensed music and Disney IP bundled within it makes it unsellable on any digital platform forever.

Seriously, I bought a physical copy of the console version just for preservation, beause if you want to know what will be in the overprized "hidden gem" lists of game collectors in thirty years, it's that.

ampersandrew, avatar

Some day my Marvel fatigue will have worn off, and I'll be in the mood for it. If it's still for sale, I'll buy it. If not, maybe I'll pirate it. I'm glad they made a good game; it just wasn't a game I was looking for when it came out, and I don't think I'm alone. If you want to see this cycle happen again in real time, keep an eye on Suicide Squad over the next few weeks.

MudMan, avatar

Oh, big difference there, though. Suicide Squad actually IS a looter shooter driven by a wish to chase a business trend from five years to a decade ago. Guardians is a strictly single player Mass Effect-lite narrative action game (which yeah, given the material that fits).

I'd be with you in the argument that it would have been an even better game without the Marvel license, because then they could have skipped trying to rehash bits from the movies' look and feel, which are consistently the worst parts of the game. But then, without the license it would never have been made, so... make mine Marvel, I guess. Well worth it.

ampersandrew, avatar

Oh, sorry, I meant the Avengers cycle, since that article I linked was about a combined loss between the two games, but really...Avengers was the more expensive game and did the brand damage. Suicide Squad will be that again, even though WB had several years to see this coming.

MudMan, avatar

Oh, yeah, for sure. The marketing they did for Guardians was also very bad, it really made it seem of a kind with Avengers, which it really wasn't.

There will be a lot to say about why Rocksteady is getting to the looter shooter space so late and why it was the exact wrong move for the studio and the franchise. Unless the game is great and everybody buys it, I suppose.


I might recommend going and taking a look at Andor. It is IN Star Wars, but it is not Star Wars. It felt like Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy, but better pacing.

MudMan, do gaming w Epic Games Is Cutting About 900 Jobs, or 16% of Staff avatar

Yeah, so... being in the gaming industry really sucks right now.

Go give a hug to your local gamedev. They probably need it.


I’ve been 10 years in the industry and honestly. This feels familiar. I feel like there was mass layoffs about 4+ years ago. There was also the Boston Games collapse around 2013. I’ve been told this industry has a very direct pattern. Expand, contract, expand, contract. What you want to do is to get into it when it’s expanding and hope by the time it contracts you have enough experience to be vital to a project.

MudMan, avatar

And before that in the big 2008 crisis, sure. And, to put forth a silver lining, layoffs tends to get a lot of press and happen all at once, while people start new projects and get new jobs all the time without making headlines.

It still sucks to see social media erupt in lost job notifications every so often, though.

I think this time bothers me more because... well, there isn't much reason for it. Mostly everything blew up during the pandemic, a lot of money was made and now things are going back to baseline. But public companies will NEVER report they're shrinking if they can help it, and if they do they will try to appear to be becoming cheaper to compensate, so the obvious call is to let go of a bunch of people you were mostly hoarding anwyay.

The takeaway here, if you ask me, is to never have loyatly for an employer, at least when it comes to moving on to a different job or ask for better conditions. This sort of thing happens all the time and especially publicly traded companies will not hesitate to cut you loose if it makes business sense. You have less leverage, so the thing to do is a) bargain collectively to get more of that leverage, and b) treat your labour negotiations with the company with the same business sense they do.

In the meantime, I still recommend hugging a developer. Patting lightly the back of the head could also be acceptable. Just ask for a preference first.


Loyalty to a company is silly. A lot of people in games learn that quickly in their career because they want to go work for some huge name-brand company that they grew up with just for them to either harshly reject or if they actually get the job, they end up in a crunch cycle trying to prove themselves.

That said people do have loyalty, to other people and to projects. People are passionate about working with people they like and on projects they care about. You only get to make like 20-30 games in your career. Even then that includes all the games that didn’t release. It only really allows for 2-3 years per game whereas lots of games are 5+ years. Projects and people matter a lot and it’s important to not just chase money. Otherwise, you end up working at Google Stadia or Amazon.

MudMan, avatar

Well, yeah, but that bit comes in between the buisness bits. Most managers do care about the people working there, too, but ultimately that will not drive the decisionmaking when it comes to the business, paritcularly in public companies with an obligation to shareholders. It's only fair to reciprocate.

So absolutely be loyal to your team and your project, but never at the expense of your working conditions or compensation.

That's one of the reasons why collective bargaining is important. Short of having representation, like they do on the film business, you want to compartimentalize somehow, and having a designated representative to negottiate with everybody else behind them is a way to get there.

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

My local game Devs are Creative Assembly.

MudMan, avatar

Yikes. You're gonna need a bigger hug.

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

Yeeeaaahhh… >.>’

Aurenkin, do gaming w Video-Game Company Unity Closes Offices Following Death Threat

Death threats are not ok. Maybe just switch to Godot instead.

SatouKazuma, avatar

Do you really believe they received a death threat? I’m calling bullshit on this one.


No idea if it’s real or not to be honest. It seems pretty believable to me on its face but that doesn’t mean it’s legit.

SatouKazuma, avatar

I’d say it’s suspiciously-timed. My guess is Unity were tired of the shit PR, then tried to flip things around and use this to cast themselves as the victim. So I’m taking this one with about a planet’s worth of salt.


Given current events, it seems very plausible to me they got at least one - but let’s not pretend it means the backlash is all wrong and we should start giving up all indie revenue to the great lord engine provider.

UrLogicFails, do gaming w Why Dave & Buster’s Is Transforming Its Arcades Into Casinos

I remember when this news first leaked, people online were joking about getting into fights over a 200 dollar bet on a kid’s game if skeeball.

While I’m not sure how common that type of phenomenon would be, I have to agree with the author of this article that I would certainly think twice before bringing a child to a location where gambling is encouraged (especially in conjunction with drinking).

kworpy, do games w Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome

Can someone copypaste the article? I’m not making an account.

DoucheBagMcSwag, (edited ) do gaming w Embracer Group Cancels ‘Deus Ex’ Video Game



I did NOT ask for this.


I know people like the originals more than the newer ones, but I really enjoyed those too, I really love Adam Jensen and all the stereotypes on him, and Mankind Divided ended in a huge cliffhanger. I guess I'll never know how it ends =/


My PS4 copy of Mankind Divided is still wrapped. I refuse to have blue balls on the cliffhanger

QuentinCallaghan, do gaming w Embracer Group Cancels ‘Deus Ex’ Video Game avatar

The group isn’t certainly an “embracer”, this is disappointing.


it’s literally in their name

“Embracer, extend, and extinguish”


I don’t think they do the second part.


They’re extinguishing a lot of acquired IPs though


My ass is what they can embrace.

gusgalarnyk, do games w US FTC Revives Microsoft-Activision Deal Challenge

Large Corporate mergers are almost always bad. We should be breaking up companies right now, not letting them combine!

babyphatman, do gaming w Epic Games Is Cutting About 900 Jobs, or 16% of Staff

Just a quick reminder that Epic is owned by Tencent.

CatUser, avatar

For real??

Shadow, avatar

No, they own 40%.


Tencent has a minority stake in the company. Along with Sony and Kirkbi. Epic is controlled by Tim Sweeney, who has over 50% of the ownership.


Thanks for the clarification!

dustyData, do games w Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome

I predicted KSP2 was going to be eventually abandoned and IG closed around the time of the launch, when the first industry layoffs were starting to happen. The mildest thing I was called for suggesting this was pessimist and it only got worse from that term. I suppose I was half right…so far.

gaael, do gaming w Blizzard Makes Big Changes as ‘Overwatch 2’ Struggles

So if I read this correctly, big changes means doubling down on breaking the pve promise and (finally!) decoupling the available characters pool from mtx.

fckreddit, do gaming w Blizzard Makes Big Changes as ‘Overwatch 2’ Struggles

More microtransactions? More battle passes?

thingsiplay, do gaming w Blizzard Makes Big Changes as ‘Overwatch 2’ Struggles

The article is mostly a recap and does not talk too much about what changes are done. It is explaining why the game and Blizzard in general struggles.

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