variants, do gaming w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99

So it only works if you have a console? On local wifi? I’ll stick to my phone streaming from my PC anywhere there’s decent cell service


No you can use it to play anywhere as long as you have an internet connection.

UrLogicFails, do gaming w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99

Personally, I don’t see any draw over just using a Kishi style controller with your phone.

Even if you wanted a standalone device. It would be cheaper to buy a cheap phone to go with the controller, and then you could use it for local emulation.

I wish it had the WiiU style connection (instead of going through WiFi), since at least then it could be used for interesting asymmetric multiplayer games, or multiplayer games without screen splitting. Maybe they’ll add that down the line, though…


This thing has the haptics. Your phone will at most have rumble. Not saying that’s a $200 issue worth solving lol but it is all the haptics of the controller as well as a remote player. If it also has virtually no latency then maybe I’d consider it. But I have never seen a device besides the Wii-U tablet pull that off.


I think it has the reactive triggers too, but as you said, that doesn’t feel like a 200USD feature.

I am hopeful they might introduce a WiiU style connection down the line, since if I recall correctly it just needed a 5GHz WiFi connection and I am fairly positive both devices have the appropriate antenna for that (though it would limit their 5G WiFi connectivity while in use). Maybe they could implement it through a wired connection, too. This would be less convenient than wireless, but would certainly have lower latency. Having said that, until they announce a low latency connection, I wouldn’t count on it.

hogart, avatar

The WiiU tablet wasnt very portable. Once you left the room where your WiiU Base was plugged into a TV it started acting up. You basically had to be in the same room but not he allowed to use the TV. I’m afraid that type of technology probably hasn’t moved forward fast enough to try anything else but wifi. It’s a sad day.

At least you can use these as a more expensive controller as well, right? To play with your friends on the tv. Surely? Right?


Oh i know the range isn’t great but it’s easily good enough for you to play, for instance, in your bed or somewhere comfy. I was just speaking to latency.

hogart, avatar

I actually couldn’t. Oh well, it’s in the past anyways :)

UnixWeeb, do gaming w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99 avatar

Waste of money. Why not compete with the switch/steamdeck? Make the remote play an option like you’ve done in the past. A digital ps5 is $400 and the portal is $200. I’m paying $600 and can’t take the device anywhere. Steamdeck starts at $400 and the switch is $300. Hell, I can install remote play on the steam deck and do the same thing the portal does. Sucks this is how sony is getting back into “portable” gaming.


A handheld digital only PS4 could move some units at $200 pretty easily IMO.


if it was that easy, we’d have a Switch 2 by this point. The Steam Deck is basically a mini-PS4, and that starts at $400.


The steam deck is significantly more capable than the PS4. Jaguar's CPUs were absolute dogshit when they launched, let along compared to anything Ryzen.

The problem with a switch 2 is nvidia can't make competent CPUs.


The steam deck is significantly more capable than the PS4.

Not according to Digital Foundry. In real gaming performance and tuned to PS4-level settings, you’ll see framerates slightly higher than the PS4. Tuned to Xbox Series S settings, you’ll see framerates slightly below the Series S. And all of this is mostly only possible because the Steam Deck only needs to output 720p, which is easier for a GPU than the 900p-1080p that those comparable consoles are usually targeting.

The PS4 CPU was garbage, yes, but that usually didn’t matter because most console games are not very CPU-intensive.


They're only not CPU intensive because the hardware was fucking pathetic and they had no choice. AMD held the entire gaming space back for a decade.

If you're OK with a dumpster fire CPU the cost of chips goes way down.


also worth going further on library size. There’s twice as many steam deck verified games, than there are ps4 titles. Not counting any titles that work in steam deck but haven’t bothered to be verified.

hogart, (edited ) do gaming w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99 avatar

Quite the jump from 199 but add another 140 dollars and you get a machine that handles Ps5 remote play, emulation, playing games locally and streaming from your PC. Sure the screen is worse but a Steam Deck is so much more value for money. This seems like a small return for quite a lot of money.

Edit: I forgot about Game Pass. Beep.


It’s really ridiculous. It costs $273 (without VAT) in Germany. And for what? You can’t even play Playstation games from their cloud service.

hogart, avatar

273!? Oh crap. I didn’t even realise pricing will be off for us in europe. I’d be surprised if they sold more than 1000 units to Sweden.


It costs $273 (without VAT) in Germany

The European price is VAT-included.

Not that that makes it a good price by any means.


Yeah, that’s why I removed the VAT. It’s 300€ inclusive VAT, that’s 325 USD.


Nope, not sure where you got that from but it’s incorrect. It’s 220€ VAT-included.


They’ve changed the price in the blog post. There ist still the old price in my feed reader.

220 € is more reasonable.

Moonrise2473, do gaming w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99

Wait so it costs like a PSP but it can’t do anything without WiFi and another ps5 active on the network?

Seems insanely expensive for what this is

PSP and PS Vita allowed remote play but also could work standalone

tamlyn, (edited ) avatar

Yes it has about the same components as a PSP, so of course it cost the same. It’s such a big insult to a PSP having the same name.


But it doesn’t have the same name…

tamlyn, avatar

I’m able to read that remote Player, but the first part is the same.

HalJor, avatar

Portal != Portable

tamlyn, avatar

my bad. Seem i’m indeed bad at reading.


It sounds mental, and I suspect there’s a key piece of the puzzle missing for now which is cloud play.

I mean, that has to be the plan, right? They can’t possibly be releasing a £200 remote play solution just for people who want to play in bed or on the toilet… The market for IBS sufferers with a PS5 can’t be that big.


I’m a dad. This is pretty much perfect for when my kids are watching TV. But $200 is a bit steep.


the article not only says

games that are streamed through PlayStation Plus Premium’s cloud streaming, are not supported

but also says

Games that must be streamed on PS5 using a PS Plus Premium membership are not compatible

hopefully it can be hacked and reconfigured to be used with a PC, so i can get it for $50 when they will do the fire sale (i still regret not having bought the ps tv when they got rid for all the stock at 20 euro)


Yes, that’s what it says.

But PS5 streaming is in beta, PS3 and 4 streaming have been a thing for ages, and I can’t think for a minute that Sony are dumb enough to release a streaming only handheld that they don’t plan to connect to their cloud streaming services in the future.

Especially since the PS5 is unlikely to come down in price any time soon. Could be a decent way to get poor/casual gamers paying for a gaming subscription they’ll barely use.

SenorBolsa, avatar

“let’s see, we’ve sold one to a Mr. Griffin McElroy”

“Anyone else?”


windowsphoneguy, do gaming w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99

Have they forgotten about the PlayStation TV?

HalJor, avatar

I haven’t. I had one. Too much lag. Maybe this will be better but I’m skeptical.

kadu, do games w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99 avatar


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  • TheAlbacor,

    If you at for the sub they should let you play those games on the new device. It’s otherwise $200 to do nothing unless you get the console.


    local streaming

    WTF? This is worst than I anticipated, because cloud streaming was meh, but this? Are they serious? Who’s going to buy it? Honestly this is so lame, I’m speechless…


    So it isn’t even a real handheld, then? Seems like it’s just a thing for people who can’t put a game down long enough to take a shit, and can afford a PS5, but not therapy.

    Shadow, avatar

    They’ll be targeting ibs sufferers in their marketing.

    llii, do gaming w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99

    PlayStation Portal remote player

    That’s a really long name. PSPRP


    cats ears stand up because it thought you went pspspspsps

    theOneTrueSpoon, do gaming w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99

    They really missed the mark not supporting cloud streaming. I was considering getting one if it could do that, as it would be pretty handy while away from home. But £200 for a remote play device is way too much. Playstation just can’t seem to do portables very well


    Cloud streaming would be a nice feature, especially since you can get it using the unofficial PSPlay app; but it would probably require a mobile data connection (and I’m not sure how much data it would use, honestly).

    So I see why they wouldn’t include the cloud streaming feature, but as you said, it feels pretty feature light without it.


    Am I reading it right that it has to be on the same wifi network as a PS5? So it isn’t even portable beyond your house?

    eric5949, do games w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99

    “Let’s charge full on handheld console money for a device that can’t function away from a PS5!”

    This should be doa but it’s a PlayStation, it’ll probably sell 30 million.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    I suspect they may have chosen just the right price. People have paid more than this for controllers that don’t come with a screen attached.


    That’s more for enthusiast hardware. People pay $1000 for keyboards, but that doesn’t mean they’ll drop $200 for a remote streaming device.

    MentalEdge, (edited ) avatar

    It’s literally the same price as the dualsense edge. You overestimating the capacity for reason among “console enthusiasts”.


    Like I said, I’d consider that enthusiast level hardware. People who game “professionally” or love real flashy things. You can also spend $1000s to make coffee, or get a $10 French press.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    So what’s your point? That people who will pay this price do exist, or that they don’t?

    Because now I feel like you’re trying to claim the former, to argue the latter.


    A streaming device is not enthusiast hardware.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    Again, I’m confused, are you saying there are people who will buy this, or not?

    And that’s a subjective and arbitrary claim. It has no logical merit in arguing for or against whether people will consider this thing worth the price.


    Not, but I think the point has been lost at this point so let’s just move on.

    MentalEdge, avatar

    Ok. I was confused because then your argument essentially becomes “there are people who will spend a lot of money on their hobbies and professions due to intense emotional investment, but not on this”.

    I agree that the device, based on what we know, is dumb as hell, but I am also pretty sure, that a lot of playstation players will buy, and even enjoy, this thing.

    I mean, I use my SteamDeck ten meters from my PC, just so I can play on the sofa instead of an office chair for a bit.

    dan1101, do games w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99

    I found that Steam Link didn’t work very well over wifi, hopefully this does something different. Still, $199.99 to play your existing PS5 on a smaller screen seems like a lot to ask.

    notst, avatar

    Remote play on Steam Deck (and previously on the Steam Link) works fine for me, if the PC is connected via Ethernet while the Deck/Link is connected via WiFi. There’s no discernable inlut lag for most games. But half the time I run into random issues with controllers not being recognized properly or sound cutting out. It’s such a disappointment.

    thedrivingcrooner, avatar

    I tried playing the Ascent from wired in computer onto my Steam Deck and it was laggy AF. I had everything on the lowest settings and it was barely playable. Idk if the Steam Deck is expected to be plugged into the router too but I was sitting right next to it.


    A good WiFi 6 mesh network can do wonders here! I can stream steamvr games to a quest 2 on the other side of the house with really very minimal latency. Regular games to the living room TV are even better (both the host and client see the WiFi mesh pods as Ethernet)


    I’ve always had a good experience over WiFi. You might just need a better AP or less interference


    My main issues with Steam Link is that I have to adjust settings when I swap platforms. If I go from my 34inch screen to my Steamdeck, I gotta change everything manually to fit the Steamdeck’s diminished capability.

    NotSteve_, do gaming w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99

    Man the US price is so much cheaper than everywhere else. And even at the US price it seems way too expensive.

    lazycouchpotato, (edited ) do games w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99 avatar

    I don’t doubt there’s a market for this, I just wish for $200 it had more use cases than just “PS5 controller with a screen”. I have a Steam Deck with Chiaki4deck installed for this and while it does cost 2x, it’s a proper gaming machine and a computer.

    I wonder what the internals are, and if it’s moddable.

    games that are streamed through PlayStation Plus Premium’s cloud streaming, are not supported.

    Would have been cool if they figured out a way to stream those games directly to the Portal.

    EDIT: Looks like it runs Android, with Google’s services removed.…/110939834517107216. Wasn’t aware that there were leaks that confirmed this.


    I am pretty sure they know how to get proper cloud streaming going. Even the Vita has it. But why would they? So some people who don’t own a PS5 get this thing and then don’t buy more games and just stream their PS plus games? I can’t imagine they would make much money that way!


    Isn’t every company making most of their money off their subscription services anyway? Why do they care if I buy a PS5 or not, they literally lose over $50 every time they sell a console. Maybe I am just weird, but I have a PS subscription and have only bought two games… COD for my wife and GTA.

    If anything, the smartest play would to require an extra subscription for the device to stream.

    storksforlegs, do gaming w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99 avatar

    So its as capable as a WiiU screen?


    When faced with the success of the Switch they decided to make a Wii U. Who can understand what's going on in their heads...


    Oh, no. The Wii U connection was far, far more responsive.

    impiri, do games w PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99

    I am absolutely gonna spend $200 and countless hours of frustration to get this thing to run Yoshi’s Island at ~20 fps

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