emmie, do gaming w Dissapointed in Xbox Elite Series 2 Controller

Unfortunately so much stuff on the web is astroturfed it’s hard to form a good opinion nowadays.

Even the products reviews or maybe especially these it’s hard to tell what is true nowadays and what is fiction or misinfo

Id love to brush it off and say eh just paranoid but there’s real money and motive.

Reddit was relatively good for some time but then I heard it’s already full of marketing

AVengefulAxolotl, do games w What are some hidden indie gems nobody knows about?

Shadows of doubt is a sandbox detective game. You are a detective and you have to solve crimes, which are totally randomized. What makes this interesting is that the world does not stop:

  • the NPCs actually have daily routines
  • the murderer might not stop killing
  • you can talk with anyone
  • and so much more

It is truly a sandbox! I havent played it too much yet, but i feel if i really start playing it, then i will skip going to bed!


I bought that game a while back, but I couldn’t get into solving anything. Maybe I was just playing it wrong or something.

ICastFist, avatar

I mean, if Josh from Let’s Game it Out fucked around nonstop in almost every possible way and still “solved” a case, I doubt you could be playing the game wrong 😆

Invidious linkie -

ICastFist, do games w What are some hidden indie gems nobody knows about? avatar

Unciv for Android. It’s basically Civilization 5, but FOSS.

Shoutout to Iji, too. Amazing soundtrack and lots of replayability. It’s an old game by now, but it’s also free. Sidescrolling platformer, killing is optional.

Assault Android Cactus. Dunno how well known the game is, but it’s one of the best twin stick shooters/bullet hell I’ve played, with the android girls full of charm.


I was going to say Iji. Such an amazing game, it’s like the 2D version of an immersive sim. I wish there was a remake only so the dev could make the money they rightfully deserve.


I recommend Nex Machina if you enjoyed that one.

ICastFist, avatar

Uh, which one? I mentioned 3 games


Sorry, Assault Android Cactus. The formatting in my app made it look like two separate comments when I was skimming quickly.

farcaster, do gaming w Get the PS5 now or wait for the pro?

I’d wait. I feel like consoles must be getting close to a hardware refresh now.

HowManyNimons, do games w What are some hidden indie gems nobody knows about?

Griftlands doesn’t get as much attention as I think it deserves. It’s everything Slay the Spire offers, but better. With plot and characters and two decks to balance.


I bought it discounted because i remember that i have seen it before. I really did not expect it to be this good. The world, the storyline and the combat are just awesome. Highly recommended!

Possible_EmuWrangler, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

Checkers. You start with only one piece type and they go to the trouble to make all those squares and you only use half of 'em.

jlsalvador, do gaming w What games would you reccomend to someone who really enjoyed Industries of Titan and was immensely disappointed by it's incomplete release?
  • Factorio (currently best management)
  • Satisfactory (cozy Factorio)
  • Captain of Industry (try this one)



Just don’t tell em about the spiders


There’s actually a game option that let’s you censor them. I heard they built it in because one of the developers has arachnophobia. :)

bekopharm, avatar

@Namstel @RobotZap10000 the result is imho even more frightening. Mew mew 🤣


The other two are obviously good, but seriously try Captain of Industry! Nothing like watching your mining operations slowly but surely terraform the face of your island lol

Catastrophic235, avatar

I’ve actually already got a couple hundred hours in CoI lol, but it’s definitely something to check out for others reading this.

I will also say that it’s VERY dangerous to play while stoned lol.

EncryptKeeper, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

I would also choose Zelda: BOTW and RDR2.

Zelda: BOTW is a soulless Ubisoft game clone shamelessly inhabiting the dead shell of the Legend of Zelda franchise. It contains little to nothing that makes the Legend of Zelda games what they are. Gone are fascinating cities and towns, no colorful cast of characters, no real dungeons or temples, no progression system so the entire game is just 50 hours of the game exact same copy-pasted things over and over and over with no change in difficulty or approach. It’s like the first Zelda game in history without a memorable score, in fact there’s hardly any music in it at all. Theres no plot to speak of. It introduced some novel systems, and they deserve credit for that, but it’s just not a Legend of Zelda game at all.

RDR2 is a bland on-rails march from shooting gallery to shooting gallery, with an incredibly lifelike and immersive world that… doesn’t really give you anything to do. And what it does give you, there’s no reason to do. The game revolves around your camp and allies but the camp hardly serves any purpose. You can’t customize it in any significant way, keeping everyone happy and supplied does very little besides reduce the amount of audible complaining. And the game shoves so much money in your hands from the word go, that you never have a reason to do any money making activities, and it upends the plot of the whole game “We just need a bit more money” Dutch says as I have $10,000 stashed in my saddlebags. Everyone seems to love Arthur as a character but he’s just such a bland, indecisive milquetoast guy who doesn’t hold his own opinion on anything. He doesn’t have any personality to speak of until the last third of the game, and then they expect you to have an emotional reaction to him by the end. John was hands down a better protagonist and it’s not close.

yamanii, avatar

but it’s just not a Legend of Zelda game at all.

And that’s why I love it, just like Majora’s


Absolutely nothing like Majora’s lol. Majora’s Mask took everything expected about a Zelda game and put a put a twist on it. It switched up the formula while staying true to its legacy. It was a fresh new experience but everything you could want as a Zelda fan was there.

BOTW just abandoned everything good about the franchise and replaced it with insultingly generic Ubisoft inspired busywork. Whatever Zelda DNA that was left is just window dressing.

I WISH we could one day get a spiritual successor to MM, but I guess we have to wait for Nintendo to kick its Ubisoft / Fortnite phase.

Delta_V, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

ditto rdr2 - its less a video game than it is a graphic novel read by a semi-literate slow talker

the entire dark souls series is also ruined by clunky controls. give me a Doom, Quake, Counter-Strike, Unreal Tournament, Skyrim, etc . . . fps controls pls.

X4 fails because of its controls too. Imagine making a flight sim where you can’t invert the Y axis, or an FPS where the shift key can’t be bound to sprint.


Unreal Tournament

The fucking PINACLE of FPS games. Nothing can be more badass than rocket jumping across the map and fragging someone point-blank!!

All the hyper-realistic FPS we’ve had since like CoD and CS are shite in comparison.


Also, everybody started the round the same, and it was your skill, knowledge of the map etc. Which made the difference, not if you had unlocked some better scopes or weapons

nawa, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

Outer Wilds: too boring for me.

RDR2, Horizon series, probably many more others I don’t even remember: a lot of busywork in an empty uninteresting giant open world.

Souls-like: I understand why people like them but it’s not the kind of challenge I like.

Star Wars anything, Shadow of Mordor, Hogwarts Legacy: couldn’t care less about the setting.

I think these are about it for “generally liked” kind of games. There’s some more about less popular stuff but in general this is it.


I tend to agree about the souls like games, especially from soft ones. There have been some I’ve enjoyed (I devoured remnant and remnant 2), but most often they just feel clunky and slow to me. Not “hard” just annoying.


Star Wars anything

How would you know unless you've played them? I highly doubt you've played every Star Wars game.


Why would I play them if I’m not interested in the whole Star Wars world? I’ve watched a couple of movies, didn’t like them too much and didn’t watch the rest, so the games are automatically also not interesting.


the games are automatically also not interesting.

You don't know that.

For example, that's like saying you don't think you'll like the Dark Knight, because you don't like comic books and without ever having watched it. I'm not saying the Dark Knight is a particularly good movie, but it being part of a certain extended universe, having a particular setting, isn't necessarily relevant to whether you'll like it.

In a lot of genre stuff(westerns, scifi, fantasy, etc.), you'll have stories which aren't actually about a fictional future, but about the present or past. Often they'll rework them into science fiction stories, just like how a similar story would have been reworked into a western when those were popular.

For example, Red Dead Redemption could have been turned into a Star Wars game quite easily.

Hell, in the past acclaimed directors like Tarkovski made science fiction movies, so they could fly under the radar with subversive stories, exactly because critics underestimated the story they were telling because it was 'just science fiction'.

TLDR: don't judge a book by its cover.

This being said, I get why you wouldn't bother trying if you disliked much of the Star Wars you have seen.


Well if you are fundamentally uninterested in the setting, it may not be worth it to give the star wars games a try.


I was fundamentally uninterested in the setting of the Thor: Ragnarok, but I still enjoyed it.

I was also fundamentally uninterested in Barbie, but still found the Barbie movie fun.


I hated Shadow of Mordor when I got it. It was Linux native so I had to try it. Played past the return time so it sat in my library for a while. Got bored and tried it again. Didn’t really care for the story but the gameplay was awesome. I have SoW to try, but no real motivation currently


Well tbh I’ve heard a lot about the gameplay in Shadow of Mordor being great, so I played it when it was temporarily free on Steam. The gameplay didn’t feel like anything special so combined with the world I disliked, I didn’t last long in it.


May I ask why you dislike the world? Is it LotR in general, or just what they did to the lore in those games?

Because I do enjoy those games, and I’m a fan of Tolkien as well, so I can definitely understand why someone wouldn’t care for the Shadow games due to what the devs/writers did with Shelob and Sauron


Honestly, for some reason, I just strongly dislike everything set in the medieval fantasy setting. I tried watching Game of Thrones and dropped it because of that, I didn’t watch too much of Harry Porter or LotR, never played Skyrim for the same reason. I know I’m missing out on a giant chunk of cool media that’s great and interesting but I just can’t bear this time period + magic. Unfortunately.

I might try something that’s incredibly good and super popular but I probably won’t like it in the end, even if I’m coming in with no prejudices against the world.


So you dislike fiction/fantasy in general?


No, just medieval ones. Modern or future fantasy is generally really cool, with or without magic.

Buttons, avatar

As a big Outer Wilds fan, is there any other game in the genre you like better?

I believe Outer Wilds is one of the best games ever made, because it’s the best execution of it’s genre (exploration / mystery games). I accept the genre might not be for everyone, but I’m not aware any better games in the genre.

HeckGazer, do games w Is there any love for BAR (Beyond All Reason-FOSS RTS) on Lemmy?

Hell yeah, love BAR. The discord group slowly started falling apart as we all fell out of love with SC2 but we’re back to regular matches every night now that they’ve been getting converted to it.

I am more of an AoE or SC2 style RTS player, as opposed to the Supreme Commander/Planetary Annihilation/BAR style but BAR really just makes RTS feel so good it doesn’t matter.

june, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

Souls games, cod and most other FPS games namely the multiplayer, god of war, RDR2

hyperhearse, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them? avatar

Final Fantasy VII, honestly. And it's not like I haven't tried to like it but it's just not that good to me. I'm a long time FF fan and I have played all but XI, but VII misses me. The music is bomb, for sure, and I love a few of the characters.

It's also talked about SO much by so many in the gaming community and I'm really just tired of hearing about it. I wish Square gave this level of love and attention to some of their other FF titles.


I was “meh” about the original, but the remake was genuinely amazing.

hyperhearse, avatar

See, I played through some of the remake and it was pretty cool for the most part, I just can't make myself finish it. But I LOVE Crisis Core. I guess I'm the oddball out here.

BiggestBulb, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them? avatar

I'm gonna get a lot of flak for this...

I really don't like Sekiro. Like, at all.

I played the inspiration for years (Tenchu) and loved that so much, but Sekiro just feels hollow in comparison. I know it's not a stealth game, nor is it trying to be, but I can't help but feel like the cliffs and stuff are just "cheap" ways of making the game more difficult. Idk, maybe I'm just not ninja enough lol...

Speaking of stealth, Dishonored. I REALLY wanted to love this game. It's just not open enough for my taste. There's only usually one main walkway to the objective (I say walkway, but there are of course roofs and stuff you can teleport to - I'm just saying, I wish you could get on the actual roofs of buildings Assassin's Creed style or explore the city open-world style). Cool story, cool theme, but the gameplay falls through for me. I felt the same way about MGS4.

Also Red Dead Redemption was meh for me. Could have been better, could have been worse. Undead Nightmare was great though.

Omegamanthethird, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them? avatar

Uncharted. Dislike might be a strong word. But I don’t particularly like them.

The story is serviceable. Fine if you gameplay is great.

The fighting mechanics are serviceable. Fine if the story is great.

The climbing and puzzle mechanics are annoying. It constantly feels like you’re not doing what the game wants you to do, even if it should work.

The characters/character interactions are the highlight of the game. But it’s not enough to make the game great.

cloudless, avatar

Uncharted made me feel like being the protagonist of a movie (something like Indiana Jones). The production value was much higher than other games at the time.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

To be honest I got that more from the old Tomb Raider games. To me, Uncharted was like if Indiana Jones got superpowers.

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