Plenty. It’s just that it’s not often used because it’s more computationally expensive.
Usually it’s just collision hulls for hitboxes instead of per-face collision. But even if your sword passes right through the enemy, it’s still doing collision detection to identify that it’s passing through the enemy. It’s just that animations are rarely complex enough to account for all the possible ways you could hit an enemy.
It’s a little janky, and the blocky aesthetic may or may not be your thing, but it handles the idea of detective work better than any other game I’ve ever played. It’s not just “Walk around in detective vision until you assemble enough clues for the character to tell you the solution.” You have to actually think about things, examine the evidence, assemble a theory of the crime. Which is doubly impressive given that every crime is procedurally generated.
Honestly… I would say that the game fits with the theme of the original post, and explaining it would ruin the magic.
I will say that not only do the mechanics change based on the story, but there is an entire asynchronous online system where users help other users (that they will never see or meet in game) to construct be infrastructure to make travel for others (they will never see or meet) easier.
Then those mechanics feed back into the actual story. It’s kind of wild.
I know it’s a divisive game, but I will say it’s a masterpiece imo. Even if only for those mechanics.
And yes, the controls change based on how the load you’re carrying is balanced. I believe the definitive way to play is the Definitive Edition on PS5 with the DualSense controller since the adaptive triggers become harder to press as your load increases.
sorry, badly phrased-- I was trying not to give away the mechanic. In the game the literal controls on your keyboard/controller get altered in order to advance the story
I take my phone data offline after about midnight and if I can’t sleep I’ll do Solitaire or crosswords.
If I’m really wanting a good game, Zen Pinball is my poison. One day I plan to get an old TV and turn it into a Zen Pinball machine, as others have done on YouTube.
I think pool would be harder to emulate than pinball unless using a real cue and VR. It’d be hard to have a one to one user interface for this whereas pinball is mostly binary since flippers went electronic.
That said, I’ve fond memories of some pool games in the DOS / '95 era. The duration of the mouse click being the analog to the cue force.
There’s a cheapo pool game on Switch that uses the gyros in the controller for moving the stick. It’s pretty cool at first. But then you realize it’s a cheap game that’s not worth it.
The possibility is there.
The pinball games are DLC money sinks, unfortunately.
I mean, it's a 22 year old game, but since you asked nicely... 🤷♂️Seeing that silt strider just outside Seyda Neen after the intro to what looked like your run of the mill D&D style fantasy RPG was a surprise, to say the least…
… and it was just the beginning.
It’s a real shame later Elder Scrolls games mostly lost that otherworldly feel.
It’s almost impossible to have not been bombarded with the main story and setting of Morrowind by this point. But when this game came out, it was an experience and a half. Unlike anything I had seen before at least. Sure, Ultima, TES 2, etc all existed. But none of them had never sold their world so effectively if you ask me.
You’re getting bored from playing the same thing constantly and need to try new genres. Spend some time away from live service / AAA and the fun should return
Did you attempt to close your account following the HK tournament controversy?
I stopped playing Blizzard games after that incident, because I’m not willing to populate the servers of a game company that punishes people for saying a few words in support of human rights. (I might eventually return, since Microsoft has replaced their upper management, but I’m not in a hurry.)
I never deleted my account, though, so I’m afraid I can’t offer another point of view on your situation.
Man I’m the same. I have a couple hours screen time after work but often I’m tired an just wanna read a book.
I’ve only just started gaming again after a twenty year gap so I’ve got a big wishlist. I get excited about games that I want to play, buy them on sale - and then don’t have time to play them.
I started gaming when pong and space invaders were cutting edge. There’s just so much cool stuff out there these days, damn we’re lucky, I just wish I had more playtime!
Master of Magic. It's basically the Civilization gameplay loop, but adds fantasy creatures, magic spells, hero units and loot. There's a recent remake but it just doesn't capture the same vibes as the original, at least for me.