Redacted, do games w Got any must-play games for strategy fans? avatar

For old school RTS, Total Annihilation or if you fancy something a bit different then The Settlers II (Pioneers of Pagonia is a more modern remake). I grew tired of RTS and moved on to turn-based but Stellaris is one that recently drew me back in.

For tactics I’d say Advanced Wars, Fire Emblem and Disgagea are decent shouts. Into The Breach is probably my favourite indie of the genre, a lot of strategy packed into a small game.

If you like turn-based then Civ has always been top of my list.

tal, (edited ) avatar

For old school RTS, Total Annihilation

If you don’t care about the campaign, probably the much-newer games based on Total Annihilation that run on the Spring engine.

EDIT: Yeah, another user already recommended

bjoern_tantau, do games w Got any must-play games for strategy fans? avatar

Warcraft and StarCraft. StarCraft 1 is free and the first campaign of 2 is free as well.

Others are Command & Conquer and Age of Empires.


I should play StarCraft again. BroodWars would be nice.

bjoern_tantau, avatar

I usually don’t play strategy. But damn, Broodwar is great!

AmosBurton_ThatGuy, avatar

Even as a Protoss main, Wings of Liberty (the free Terran campaign in SC2) is by far the best in the game. I’ve replayed it at least once a year since it first released. Mass marine/marauder/medic backed by tanks is so much fun to play with.

JoeKrogan, do gaming w I ain't got time to worry about your sleep schedule. avatar

If the game lets me I kill them afterwards for the inconvenience.

dmention7, do gaming w Now what?

For me anyways, it’s less “what was I doing?” and more “how do I not be an incompetent combat derp?”

I recently fired up God of War after a few months on a different game and promptly got slaughtered for the next 90 minutes straight until I could re-learn all the combos, special abilities, and enemy attack patterns.

refurbishedrefurbisher, (edited ) do games w Favorite retro games?

Chrono Trigger (Probably the best JRPG ever made, or even the best game ever made)

Terranigma (Very philisophical action RPG that also happens to be a lot of fun)

Silent Hill (The vibes alone make this one, but it also has a great story)

DOOM (This one should be obvious)

Majora’s Mask (An emotional powerhouse of a game)


Also pick any mainline console Mario game that came out between 1985 and 1996 (not including The Lost Levels, but including US SMB 2)

Super Mario Land 2

Pokemon 2nd gen

All GOAT, but all for different reasons.

JRaccoon, do games w Favorite retro games? avatar

The original Super Mario Bros. and SMB 3. The first console I got to play as a child was the NES at my grandparents’ house. Every couple of years I get a nostalgic craving and it’s usually those two games I return to. Also, there are many great rom hacks available if getting bored of the originals.


That’s awesome! I was born after the NES era, so I’m just now going back and checking out more 8-bit and 16-bit era games. I did of course play Super Mario Bros. and SMB 3 on my 3ds though, the platforming on SMB3 is still solid today.


Smb3 is definitely my favorite classic mario, it’s simple and fun, smw seems much more complicated tbh.

Still haven’t beat it though.


…can’t help but notice you didn’t mention everyones favorite turnip throwing mario game!

shadowedcross, do games w Are there any games like Starfield? avatar

Perhaps Starsector? It’s a top-down sandbox rpg. I personally find the lore and world-building interesting. Has great mechanics, and you can really get into the nitty-gritty when it comes to ship and fleet builds, you can basically do anything you want, whether you want to do solo stuff or form an empire. It also has a fantastic modding community.


Came here to suggest it and here it is, the newest comment! The modding scene is insane, too, for such a relatively small and unknown game.

I love Starsector. I just wish it was written in something more performant than fuckin’ Java. But, if it were, there probably wouldn’t be the mods for it there are today.

One of these days, I’m going to get around to writing a quest line of my own. Honest.

shadowedcross, avatar

Yeah, Starsector is probably my favourite lesser known game. There’s a mod/tool called “Mikohime Java 24” that’s supposed to help a lot with the performance, but I haven’t had a chance to test it myself. Would be great to see another quest line, if I had the skills I’d love to make a mod myself lol.

UltraGiGaGigantic, avatar
herrvogel, do games w what was the last game you played in 2024?

Stellaris. As a hyper-aggressive, warmongering, Rome-obsessed species of lovebirds. All the organic aliens have been turned into GMO livestock and all the machine aliens have been forced into slavery. I bomb the planets into oblivion not because I need to, but because I imagine my pretty birds would enjoy doing it.

overload, do games w Longtime buddy of mine just got a gaming PC. What games would make up a good "welcome to PC" care package?

You could add them to your steam family to give them access to your library?

Otherwise, seeing as he’s played a lot of console games, maybe an RTS would be a good option? Something where kB+m is a better controller layout.

danciestlobster, do games w Developer of WalkScape (the fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL) here again. We're accepting new players and have a Lemmy community!

The game is great, eagerly looking forward to smartwatch support as someone who doesn’t bring their phone on runs but otherwise having a good time with the game


Same! Without smart watch support, it’s a great game. With it, it will be incredible.

Kolanaki, do games w We all need Seaman back in our lives!
!deleted6508 avatar

What I really remember about the game was how fucking shitty the microphone was. I literally went through 9 of the fucking things before I just gave up on it. They would just stop working for no good reason. Quite possibly the worst hardware accessory for the Dreamcast.

Maybe if they made it for PC I might actually get to have some fun for more than an hour or two with it, since I’d be able to use a good microphone.


…I think you might have just been thinking a game released in 2000, so probably in development in 1996, and running on dreamcast hardware would ever do great things with human voice translation.

I’ve only ever had 1 mic. It still works today. I mean the software was never great at understanding, but you gotta remember it’s essentially a glorified tamagachi with hardware ambitions that were probably pushing the breaking point of technology of the dreamcast.

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

I know it was the mic itself in my case, because the accessory also could be used in Quake 3 Arena and a few other online games for voice chat and it literally just stopped picking up sound after some time.

It wasn’t that seaman would just hear me wrong. The thing was cheaply made so it doesn’t really surprise me. But it also sucked that there wasn’t any other mics for the system, like there were VMUs.


Did you live in a home with smokers? Or with pets that might shed hair?

moonlight, do games w Developer of WalkScape (the fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL) here again. We're accepting new players and have a Lemmy community!

Looks cool, and I'll check it out on release. If you want beta testers though, make it easier to sign up. I'm not going to write an essay just to maybe get beta access.

bjoern_tantau, do games w Switch game recommendations avatar

Maybe Minecraft in creative mode without monsters.

For kids this young Gcompris on a PC or Android device is always great.

aeki, do games w What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale?

Finally got Tunic. I’m pretty happy 6 h in!


Same. That and Pizza Tower.

garretble, do games w What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? avatar

I don’t use steam too much, but I did get Minishoot Adventures, and it’s excellent.

It’s like if Zelda was a bullet hell. The base difficulty isn’t too hard, but it’s challenging enough. And you get to explore and do dungeons. It’s really fun.


Thanks for the recommendation! I hadn’t heard of it before but bought it on sale today. Looks pretty good and I appreciate they have options for people who suck at bullet hell games 😆

garretble, avatar

You’re welcome!

When you die in this game there’s no real penalty other than going back to the last checkpoint. So even if you leveled up or something you keep that, you just might go back a few screens. It’s great!


Oh that sounds right up my alley! Looking forward to this on the Deck

garretble, avatar

It’ll be perfect on that!


It was! Just beat the true boss and got all the powerups. I don’t think I’ll do all the arena stuff, but it was super worth playing, especially for the price.

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