Finally finishing gears of War 5. Bloody good gears game, bit I had a big break in playing and can’t quite remember what the story was. Still enjoying it.
I always hate it when certain characters and quests in games don’t have as many options as other ones. It feels bad when you can’t save or help a character you really like, especially if there’s 100% a way it would work in the story, if it had been written in.
It seems to happen more often with animals and beasts. I really like dragons too, so it sucks that the only dragon isn’t able to be saved. I haven’t played BG3 yet. I remember being able to help a dragon in Divinity II, and not too far into the game either. If you haven’t played that, you could give it a try.
I feel you. I REALLY feel you. I’d say more to commiserate, but everything I’ve got to say on the matter is already up there, and while I’m upset, I don’t want to rant everyone else into being frustrated. Best of luck to you finding someone you can save in your games?
I could, but after getting burned so badly in BG3, I’m very much feeling cautious about touching anything else this studio’s made.
Bethesda: Serana will refuse any marriage proposals because she's a vampire. You can turn Serana back into a human, she's still going to refuse, because fuck you.
Whatbox (and a few other seedbox companies) offer seedboxes in the US. How can they do that without being immediately shut down? Do they have some kind of restrictions that could cause problems with using a US-hosted seedbox?
AFAIK they do honor DMCA removal requests so if you happen to load a public torrent there & receive a notice Whatbox staff will ask you to delete that data. You could contact their support on that if you’re not sure on their procedure.
How safe is paying via your real payment details?
I’ve only used crypto for those things. But presumably if you find a pre-paid credit card they accept you could buy it with cash & then pay the seedbox provider with that.
How safe is connecting via your real IP
The seedbox service itself is essentially a VPN so you either trust it, or you don’t. You could just as well ask how safe is it to connect to your VPN, or if you need to use another VPN to connect to your VPN :P
One thing to keep in mind is that seedbox services probably do log more data than the typical no-log VPN.
That’s not the total subscriber count. Sounds like you’re viewing the subscriber count from your specific instance at - The 3 subs you mention are subs from users at specifically.
To see the total subscriber count you’d have to view the communities home instance directly e.g.
I used a seedbox some time ago to download a specific big torrent (at the time). I payed using Paypal, as I don’t consider seedboxes a low-hanging-fruit for rightsholders to persecute at the moment.
There’s too much redundant data on these services, so if they takedown one user’s data, there’s still lots of the same torrented data on other user’s. I don’t think rightsholders are willing to play wack-a-mole for such infractions.
They’d rather invest their resources on more centralized file sharing, such as big public torrent sites and cyberlockers.
Stray is such a weird game, it’s extremely popular and underrated at the same time. People who like/hate it bc it’s a cat game, but it’s much more than that. The art style and story are both top notch, and the game runs great, looks fantastic even on potato machines. It got nominated as game of the year nominee, but even people who like it written it off as just a cute cat game.
Yes, but easier and, imo, more “dynamic”. I’m having a ton of fun in combat sections and usually they bore me to death. I mad a character with high strength who fight unarmed, and then installed a cyberwar-razor-hands thing and it’s SO good and fun to play with it.
The only downside is that the game(s) are packed with content, but the campaign is very short which annoys me to no end
Yes you are making an unreasonable complaint. You’re complaining that the story doesn’t include one particular niche element of interest to you and comparing it to having shit thrown in your face.
Yes, but I was under the entirely reasonable expectation that I would indeed get my niche thing (that being three or four lines of dialog), given the game’s overall setup, mechanics, advertising and franchise. It wasn’t just not included, it was actively averted as hard as possible.
Would you not be disappointed in the same circumstances?
Gotta admit, I only went looking for the dragon because everyone in game said it’d be super helpful, and there’s a quest called “Gather your allies.” My talker had like 20 charisma and expertise in all the charisma skills…I resolved a lot of conflicts without violence. Disappointed to be forced into combat with the dragon by our guardian angel.
Kind of disappointed with all the interactions with our ‘guardian angel’ once their true nature was revealed. Maybe I made wrong choices, but their guidance just seemed…off. Not wrong. Not evil. Just somehow not quite right. Maybe somehow inconsistent with their revealed nature, and pushing towards ex machina, like a number of things I don’t see how I’d have discovered if they hadn’t outright told me. The dragon interaction is part of that not-quite-rightness.
I definitely found the ending to be the least satisfying part of the game. I went straight from the dragon to the final battle, and I think that sequence intensified the less-than-satisfying feeling.
Boy he literally murdered his closest, oldest, and most well-intentioned friend in cold blood, threw the body in a dungeon, and let their soul find no rest for several centuries.
In the case of Linux I strongly recommend that you never use installers or repacks, which usually have a high probability of failure with Wine in my experience.
I can’t confirm right now because I haven’t downloaded Starfield yet, but try to only use portable versions of games, like the ones Steamrip offers, where you just download a .zip and you’re all set, just run the .exe in Wine and play as if it were Windows.
Although Starfield is currently not available on Steamrip, you can find a portable version of Starfield on Rutracker.
The only problem I have encountered using installers/repacks with Lutris is that they sometimes can’t create the installation folder. Creating it manually in the .wine folder is the only workaround I have found.