gofsckyourself, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop?

Shattered Pixel Dungeon -

It’s free and open source.

ALERT, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop? avatar


Intergalactic, do games w Palworld announces Terraria crossover

I beg your exquisite pardon?



ProdigalFrog, do gaming w 7/7 of Required Countries Have Met the #StopKillingGames EU Petition Threshold.

If you’re an EU citizen, you can massively help by joining the petition over at

JTskulk, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop?

Inscription! FTL faster than light! Dicey dungeons!

stevedice, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

If we’re counting every Pokémon game as a single one, then that. Otherwise, probably Skyrim. I must have like 2000+ hours across all of its versions.

Masamune, do games w Palworld announces Terraria crossover

“Looks like <Terraria> & <Palworld> are throwing a party!”

HipsterTenZero, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop? avatar

CDDA: it’s basically an immersive sim with zombies and mutants in an ascii new england. Sprites optional;

Stardew valley: haha ancient fruit wine go brrr;

Morrowind: whiff. whiff. cliff racer screech. the sounds of a wood elf screaming from the heavens and splattering on the pavement;

An SNES emulator: there’s like an entire library to play here;


Seconding to emulation, for open world RPG you may find a lot of them on older consoles like pre-Gen 7 consoles (PS3/X360). To OP, assuming emlation is compliant with law on your country, older games are great too if you don’t mind delving pre-2010s games.

AceFuzzLord, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

On and off for over a decade I’ve played the original Borderlands on xbox360, so definitely that.


I think that Borderlands still had the best gameplay loop because of its more random loot system.

You didn’t have the legendary items dropping from specific enemies, so instead of farming bosses for a specific item, you just run around playing the game. Every time you opened a chest it was exciting because there might be something good inside.

Oh, and the legendary guns could be stupid powerful. I got a Hellfire with my Lilith at level 25 or something, and it still melted enemies at level 70 because of the elemental effects.

If I could get that loot system with BL2’s story and level design and the Pre-sequel’s OZ kits I think it’d be perfect.

Konraddo, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

MMO wise, it has to be World of Warcraft. Played it nonstop when I was young.

2nd place is Oxygen Not Included.

Blackmist, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

World of Warcraft and then Final Fantasy XIV.

And it’s not even close.

the_radness, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

I have over 1500 cumulative hours invested in No Man’s Sky and Minecraft respectively. I am a casual gamer. I started playing Minecraft in 2012 and NMS in 2017.

ChillPenguin, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

Kerbal space program

glimse, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

The game in my Steam library with the most hours played is…PAYDAY 2.

But I didn’t actually play a thousand hours of it. In the late 2010s, the heat in my condo barely worked and our self-managed association refused to acknowledge it because “nobody else [was] having problems with their heat.” I had all the windows plasticed up with heavy blankets literally nailed to the wall. I had to abandon the living room and bedroom entirely. I emptied the smallest room (12x10) and moved my mattress and desk in there…In addition to the playpen for my two rabbits that took up the rest of the free space.

You might be wondering what that has to do with PAYDAY 2. Well…the game revved up my video card to max on the main menu so my PC became a supplementary heat source at night…

Good times. Thanks, PAYDAY devs!

ETA: In the spring, the guy who handled yardwork noticed the flowerbed was kind of sinking on one side of the building. That’s when they discovered a leak in the radiator line…small enough that 11 units didn’t notice but big enough for the water pressure to not reach the farthest unit from the boiler…the unit I owned…


Aren’t space heaters pretty cheap? Probably didn’t need to add wear and tear to your GPU.


I had a space heater in there, too. It was not enough.


The solution is always more space heaters. There are 0 safety issues with this plan.


Or just use use your PC like a normal person.

missingno, do games w What are the best games you can play on a laptop? avatar

Almost everything I play is just 2D indie games, practically any 2D game should run just fine on that.

There are so many great 2D games I could rattle off that I almost don't know where to start. But since you mentioned RPGs, I am legally obligated to shill CrossCode at any opportunity.

superkret, (edited )

Thanks for the recommendation! Feel free to rattle off your top 3 2D games, too.


I really should go back and finish it… I played CrossCode up until after the ice dungeon but never got around to going further. It’s an S tier game for sure.

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, avatar

Aw YESS! CrossCode rooooooccckksss!! flails excitedly to emphasize this fact! \ö/!!

Double Cross is neat too :3 Not as <3 as CrossCode, though. Not much is :3

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