Can get to the 7 countries minimum with less than half of the other requirement met? Feels like the total signatures number shouldn’t be more than double the smallest possible 7 countries minimums combined
All minimums taken together only sum up to 497025. The million signatures is the actual hurdle, any campaign that is not horribly lopsided should easily get the seven countries.
The idea is that if your initiative is excessively national it has no business being a EU initiative.
A strange wibble is that small countries need more signatures per capita to count towards the minimum because they have more MEPs per capita. Which brings me to putain de merde où es-tu France.
Nintendo are suing them, but Nintendo sue everyone.
The Japanese copyright courts are stupid, it doesn’t matter how clearly something isn’t a case, it still goes to trial if one of the parties is big and important enough. They don’t seem to have proper separation of law and government. So political bigwigs can get involved.
The Total War series, I have 300+ hours on Shogun 2, Rome 2, Empire, and Warhammer 2 each. Almost 100+ on most others. Probably have 1000+ hours on League of Legends too.
You pretty much know that I had no racist intention. If I had racist intention, that would be bad, yes. There are too many people who go against other people on the basis of race, it is ironic that a person who is not racist has a comment pointed out as racist. I confirm, I do not have any racist belief. Kindly take your concern to those who really use concepts such as ‘race’ to talk about concepts like ‘superior’ or ‘inferior’, or any other form of statement saying any particular person is bad because of something which wad not done by them—no act of harm intentionally caused.
That said, I shall delete the comment which uses the name of the main character of the game series ‘Shadow Warrior’. Specifically, “It is (character name), sir. (First name) is (last name)”.
Joke as old as the first maps of Europe. Even before modern borders, people knew the Apennian Peninsula as “the boot” and the Scandinavian Penisnula as “dick and balls”.
I have crazy high hours on Skyrim because I replayed it in French and Spanish. It is a very fun way to get the cheapest language immersion ever (though your vocabulary becomes a little, um, specialized)
Votre français est très bon, mais vous avez un accent étrange. D’où venez-vous ? (“Your French is very good, but you have an odd accent. Where are you from?”)
Seconding to emulation, for open world RPG you may find a lot of them on older consoles like pre-Gen 7 consoles (PS3/X360). To OP, assuming emlation is compliant with law on your country, older games are great too if you don’t mind delving pre-2010s games.
Over time: probably Contra on the NES, Tetris and Bionic Commando on the GameBoy, Operation Wolf and Sinistar in the arcade. DOOM, Duke3d, and XEvil on the PC. CS 1.6 and CS:S in college. The Gears series on the 360.
Then I had a decade or so gaming drought. More recently: Batsugun, Ketsui (Deathtiny and Death Label), Danmaku Unlimited 3, and Battlefield 2042.