I’m not involved either. I definitely would never do anything so abhorrent and inconsiderate of rights holders who purchased their copyrights fair and square.
Ja parę lat temu postawiłem panel (jakiś wielki stary cienkowarstwowy z demobilu) na altanie na działce. Zasilał Raspberry Pi najpierw z telefonem androidowym jako modemem, potem z modemem LTE, i zawór do nawadniania kropelkowego. Po dwóch latach już ledwo dawał radę, na zimę w ogóle. Potem dołożyłem wiatrak. Fajnie wygląda, ale inwestycja kompletnie bez sensu. Na takiej działce w środku miasta, metr nad altaną to rzadko kiedy wieje tyle, żeby wystarczyło chociażby na potrzeby regulatora ładowania.
W tym roku kupiłem nowy panel 100W. Znacznie mniejszy i lżejszy od tamtego i bez problemu utrzymuje całą tą elektronikę. Teraz doszedł jeszcze mikrokontroler do monitorowania warunków pod tunelem foliowym (lepiej było nie wiedzieć… teraz jestem ciekaw ile Rasberry Pi Pico wytrzyma przy wilgotności sięgającej 100% w nocy).
W każdym razie zabawy w off-grid są bardzo fajne. Przynajmniej dopóki się nie myśli „czy to się opłaca” (finansowo). :-)
@Jajcus@m0bi13 Otóż to, w miejscu gdzie nie ma dostępu do sieci elektrycnzej, spoko, natomiast jeśli jest dostęp, to chyba wychodzi jak z samochodami elektrycznymi. Za samą różnicę w cenie modelu elektrycznego do spalinowego, spalinówką ok 5 lat za darmo można jeździć.
I haven’t finished it yet but i absolutely love Harvestella. It’s barely a farming sim, more like a Final Fantasy game with farming elements inside it, but I really really enjoyed it.
My favorite of all time is Rune Factory 4. God the amount of time I spent on that game is obscene lmao. I dunno what really makes it unique that I love it so much, maybe the bigger focus on dungeon crawling to go with the farming, but yeah, huge huge fan. Also Forte was so cute.
I didn’t like RF5 nearly as much, but I bought it twice (Switch and PC) because it’s a miracle it even came out and I wanted to support that. For those who don’t know, Neverland Co., the company that developed Rune Factory (and Lufia!) went bankrupt after Rune Factory 4. But then Marvelous hired most of the people on that team, which led to Rune Factory 4 Special, then Rune Factory 5, and now Rune Factory 6 and a spin-off that just got announced! Those sorts of comeback stories make me very happy. I’m really hoping these next two games allow them to refine their 3D engine.
So that’s why RF5 is so janky? Don’t get me wrong i’m playing it right now and deeply enjoying it, especially getting to see Doug and Margaret kicking around town again, but I have so many issues with this game lol.
The camera lags when you rotate 360 degrees around your character, sometimes the rocks that spawn on your field will be totally invisible until you save and reset, preventing you from tilling certain areas. I’m having some weird lighting issues too but that doesn’t bother me really.
On the bright side, they give you a lot of farming room quite fast if you play through the dungeons, and they finally made it possible to be a lesbian! How cruel fate is that allowed me to not get married to Margaret in RF4… For the record, I ended up with Vishnal.
Elegancko! Dawno dawno temu, jako pionier fotowoltaiki 😁, wykorzystałem palące słońce do chłodzenia - kilka ogrodowych lampek solarnych i wentylator na silniczku z jakiejś zabawki 😉
Powoli też przymierzam się do zbudowania stacji solarnej ładującej urządzenia przenośne. @m0bi13
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. After playing it for a while I couldn’t stop until I reached the end. It looks aged now but controls are generally nice and the story is amazing. And I think the character feels feminine, it’s not just a neutral character with a female skin.
That is a good game, agree. My one complaint is that there’re a few moments of drive-by transphobia in it. And some puzzles are obtuse or require items that can be missed, but a quick google solves that frustration easily if need be.
algitht than if you like a nicely structured story than stay away its purposely confusing to “portray a certain type of mental illness”, which i call bullhog on, a confusing mess is a confusing mess
combat i find too slow the game is generally boring to actually play
like it wanted to be an art project so bad bad just had to attach a game to it
They don’t advertise it, just message support from your .edu email and tell them your username. They’ll apply it and let you use the STUDENT promo code. It’s 50% off the year plan so $5 a month.
Sonarr and radarr manage downloads for TV and movies in a nice way for Usenet and actually torrents as well. You can set up quality profiles and choose which shows and movies you want to download and they will grab torrents/nzbs that meet your preferences, automatically start them in your torrent app or Usenet downloader, and then organize them in folders with appropriate metadata for Kodi/Plex when the downloads complete. They automate the process very nicely.
Edit, I’m a Usenet guy if that wasn’t already clear lol
How is Usenet for privacy compared to torrents, e.g. if a usenet service you are paying for is compromised at some stage are they likely to be able to identify you based on payment data for example?