Elbullazul, do gaming w What are some of your favorite game mechanics?

wallrunning from titanfall 2, driving a mech like in titanfall 2, basically every mechanic from titanfall 2


Titanfall 2 was so good, I miss it. A lot of it’s slick movement mechanics show up in some of those modern “movement shooters” like Ultrakill for example.

Tenkuucastle, do gaming w Your favorite board games?

I’ve been getting into Go/Baduk lately, it’s a shame how few people there are playing it in the US! Would love to play in-person instead of always online


Go is the most amazing game I know. I often regret not sticking with it as a kid. And IRL games are wonderful. The feeling of the stones on fingertips, the rattle of prisoners, the clicks and clacks when placing stones on the goban…

hikaru755, do gaming w Comfort games? avatar

XCOM 2 on the lowest difficulty. Sacrilege, I know, but there’s just no better feeling than waltzing through some aliens with my whole squad intact at the end while feeling like a tactical genius. And even the weird Chimera Squad is just fun at times for a bit of a changeup.


I am taking this as my permission to play on rookie!

hikaru755, avatar

You play however is the most fun to you! Gaming can become so much more fun when you realize that different difficulty levels are there to serve you and your enjoyment of the game, not the other way around!

kethali, do gaming w Modern Pokemon games hold your hand too much.

I think modern games in general hold your hand too much. Some small level of hand holding/tutorial is fine, but so many take it way too far. I’ve gotten bored of a lot of games before they actually started because of that.


I am having trouble thinking of an example, but I know for sure that I have turned off a few games because the tutorial was just long and boring.

One of them was Pokemon Arcus, or however it is spelled.

emilygage, (edited ) do gaming w Comfort games? avatar


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  • Thrashy, avatar

    For all the hate it gets, Inquisition was this for me as well, when I wanted a relatively simple primary plot where the problem of evil could be solved by hitting it with a sword. The musical interlude “The Dawn Will Come” that happens after the player’s party suffers their first big setback has stuck with me as well.

    nikmis, do gaming w Modern Pokemon games hold your hand too much.

    Look I’m drunk I don’t understand what you’re talking about. I live in Japan, but pokemon has always been a mystery to me. There’s the Pikachu, there’s pokemon Go. It’s just a game. I also don’t understand this Lemmy business, I’m trying

    jack, do gaming w Comfort games?

    lately: against the storm. making a city builder into a roguelite was genius.

    KuudereEnthusiast, do gaming w Comfort games?

    It’ll be an odd one compared to everyone else, but DiRT 3 with some good music playing in the background is awesome.

    The physics are awesome, a bit arcady but reasonably realistic and manageable even on keyboard and the replay mode is amazing, makes even the shittiest driver look pro with its camera work.

    And the rallycross modes and the montecarlo track are amazing.

    With rally cross being high speed dirt circuit racing. Constant bumping and AI cars losing control and messing up if you pressurise then enough makes it a fun experience. Dirt 2 is indeed better in all areas like voice lines in rallycross ,except for the handling and rally but I started with dirt 3 so that’s what I am sticking with

    Zymii, do gaming w Comfort games? avatar

    Morrowind and Mario Maker 2.

    fedtemis, do gaming w Comfort games? avatar

    I can always go for a game of Age of Empires 2. That game takes me back to my childhood.

    setsneedtofeed, do gaming w How are you feeling right now (gaming-wise)? avatar

    I’m kind of in a spur of playing or replaying older games. Replayed Fallout 1 recently and I’m doing a low intelligence build for the first time ever.

    Debating playing VTM Bloodlines or the original Deus Ex, because this is a sin- I’ve never played either.

    idiotexe, avatar

    I would like to hear how your low int build goes! I have heard that it will lock you out of most quests.

    setsneedtofeed, avatar

    So far I am locked out of the Killian/Gizmo quest because both characters think I’m too dumb and dismiss me.

    And big problem: I’m too stupid to use a slot machine. I had planned on using gambling as my money maker so this is a problem. Even with Mentats I’m still too dumb to gamble.

    CookieJarObserver, do gaming w Diablo IV has been disappointing so far avatar

    I mean its working at release… Thats a great thing nowadays for AAA titles you pay 70 bucks for…


    The bar is so low now…

    CrimsonOnoscopy, do gaming w Diablo IV has been disappointing so far

    Does it have that boring cartoon look of III, or is grit at least back?

    Errant, avatar

    Cartoon look is gone for sure. Art style really seems to nail what most people were looking for in a Diablo game.

    whiiiskey, do gaming w What daily games, like Wordle, do you play regularly?

    I still play Wordle daily, but I’m also a big fan of Cell Tower and Worble

    ving_thor, do gaming w Tell us about unpopular games you love, or even just appreciate some aspects of, contrary to the inteenet hivemind?

    Giants: Citizen Kabuto

    It was a kinda janky 3D Action Adventure from around 2000. Back then it had really beautiful and colorful graphics. I remember playing it on my first “real” PC and being amazed by how it looked.

    It also stands out to me for being actually funny and comitting to being a comedy game.


    I loved this game! The humour was my favourite part - very dry and very British. A fun shooter with a lot of variety. Amazing soundtrack by Jeremy Soule. I found the game very difficult, though - I doubt I ever got close to finishing it. How about you?

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