bionicjoey, do games w [QUESTION] What is the most realistic-looking game that can also run on Linux distros?

I’ll answer your question with another question: What is the most realistic-looking game?

UndercoverUlrikHD, do games w [QUESTION] What is the most realistic-looking game that can also run on Linux distros?

Alan Wake 2 is probably the best looking game running on any system, it works on Linux via Proton

unmagical, do gaming w List of really good AA games?

Sanctum 2 is a bit older, but it holds up as a solid FPS tower defense hybrid. It’s often on sale for around $4. The dlc is also well worth it, doubling the base game content.

Battle Bit Remastered

Children of Morta

Risk of Rain 2

Crab Champions


Gunfire Reborn


Hypercharge Unboxed

Journey to the savage planet


Scanner Sombre

Severed Steel


Strange Brigade



Thanks!I am interested in journey and severed steel from first look. Any recommendation for sci fi setting, like technomancer or chorus?


Maybe “Black Ice” or “Remember Me?”


Children of Morta has great storytelling and good Gauntlet-style gameplay :-) Risk of Rain 2 is real fun, and good to play with friends!

pelletbucket, do gaming w Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together?

it takes time for a company to become profitable. the intentionally make sure to pay us so little we never have any run out

Boozilla, do games w Does Arkham Knight get better? avatar

It is clunky and I am also old, slow, and uncoordinated. I did manage to finish it, and I ended up liking it overall. I didn’t care for the Batmobile stuff, and I was never good at it. But once I got “good enough” at the Batmobile sections and could solve the puzzles, etc, I have to admit I found it satisfying in the same way you feel after getting your taxes or colonoscopy over with.

If you decide to walk away from it, you aren’t missing anything super fantastic. I love the series, but there’s no requirement to complete all of the games. Life is short, there are lots of other things to do. No need to beat your head against the wall on it.

You might like the Spider-Man games better. The combo moves, power ups, suit choices, etc, are more customizable there and I think it ‘flows’ better. Zipping around a realistic map of NYC is really damned cool, too. (Though I did find myself missing the moody atmosphere and je ne sais quoi of Gotham and Bats). There is are the occasional nasty / annoying boss fights in Spider-Man (one of them early on) but once you face roll past them, the rest of the game is hella fun.

bjoern_tantau, avatar

Yeah, the Spider-Man games are a good comparison. A ton of different moves you can do but most of them are pretty easy and intuitive to pull of. I’m patiently waiting for Spider-Man 2 to arrive on PC.

I think I’ll invest a few more hours into Arkham Knight and if I can’t get into it I’ll try Origins. And if that one doesn’t do it for me either I’ll just play Asylum again.

Thanks all for your input!


Tacking on my unsolicited two cents - I gave Origins a very, very fair go (added an easy 30 hours to my playtime and even completed some challenge paths for my sense of accomplishment), and while it does try to emulate the success of its prequels, ultimately it falls short of its predecessor.

Arkham City is a perfect balance of all the elements introduced during the series; it doesn’t feel incomplete (although Asylum works great as an entry point) yet it’s not an overbloated mess like Knight. Its story also feels more emotionally involved and the plethora of characters is incorporated well.


Totally agree with this! Same thoughts about Spider-Man too.

HaywardT, do gaming w Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together?

Beyond just game studios, why aren’t there more employee owned companies?

When Starbucks was unionizing I made the comment that if I were the corporation I would just get out and let the employees run it. I got flamed for this attitude. What is so terrible about employee owned companies?


They don’t fulfill the fantasy of being a rent-seeking social parasite.


So you are saying employees in employee owned companies are rent seeking social parasites?


No? I said the opposite of that.

The question I was answering was “why aren’t there more employee owned companies?” And the answer is it’s a lot harder to get seed money for those, because the rent seeking parasites don’t want them to exist.


So what I am now hearing is it is hard for them to get seed money.


People literally buy into the idea that they wouldn’t know how to do anything if they weren’t being told what to do. They think that value comes from above.

They think that when a company sells them raspberries, that company invented the raspberry bush. They don’t realize that the raspberries were already there. They certainly don’t realize that they themselves are another kind of bush. Or that the labor bush operates without a company to own it and sell its labor berries.


What can be done to change this?

I think a lot of people need someone to blame for their own unhappiness, too. I would like to see this change, but I am not sure how it can be done.

millie, (edited )

Grow a bunch of labor bushes and make it incredibly clear that it’s not about them being owned, but about them being labor bushes.

To me the change from the current system doesn’t come by diving into the current system and trying to ask it nicely. It doesn’t come from asking permission at all. It comes from operating with zero concern or tolerance for capitalist bullshit.

Go help people who can’t afford to pay you. Make something beautiful and give it to the world in a way that gives them an opportunity to prop you up, but that also lets them enjoy it without having to be rich or emptying their wallet.

Internalize the idea that wealth is not a virtue, and poverty is not an ill. People who need help are an opportunity to help, and people who have value are in a position to use it to help, but holding onto that value and using it are mutually exclusive.

It’s not going to come from a politician or some big speaker or a revolution, it’s going to come from individual people in their own lives lives making different choices. Your choices matter.


This is kinda off the subject but do you live this life? Would you like to code something for no money that would help people?


I drive a cab and get paid very little to basically drive around and help people. Like, the job is to drive people from point A to point B, but I try to do more than that, and help people who need it along the way. I carry a lot of stuff around that I’m not really paid for and I try to go the extra mile for people.

If the projects I’m working on pan out and I manage to get to a place where I have more resources, I plan to use that as a way of making other small steps. Setting up a coop instead of chasing money, releasing a game license that allows independent producers to do their own thing. Things like that. Literally just leaving the door open for people instead of slamming it shut.

I don’t really have any intent to code software outside of games, but I’d like to empower others to be able to make the things they want to make and not just feed some big parasitic company with it.


That is great! Thanks for all you do for others.

p03locke, avatar

Would you like to code something for no money that would help people?

That’s open-source software in a nutshell.

acastcandream, (edited )



Employee owned companies are more stable in economic downturns but they also require much more diversification to replace the owner/manager roles where there is actually shit to do. Big item being the book keeping it’s simple enough in theory but in practice even smaller companies can take hours just to understand where you’re starting from.


I’m a better bookkeeper than I am a coder. I would join.

So many roles can be fractionalized that it seems doable.

Strategic leadership and consensus might be difficult. Design by committee could be the biggest enemy.

Seraph, avatar

I'm not following on why manager roles are different from traditional companies.

The book keeping? You mean splitting the profit? Why wouldn't you assume everyone has a % stake?


Not splitting the profits, tracking bills, making sure they’re all paid on time, making sure the company is getting paid on time depending on your business plan, tracking any special taxes you gotta pay, tracking price increases in long term contracts, list goes on


Probably because the owners want to take all of the profit and employees do not have the capital to make the investment.

It takes a certain benevolent capitalist to convert their business to employee owned (Bobs Red Mill intensifies). Such businesses only represent 12% of the private sector


That’s a much higher percentage than I expected.

Benevolent capital is out there, especially in the startup phase. I find it arrogant and ignorant, but available. It does require risk-sharing which I find doesn’t fit the vision of the borrower.


The system literally disincentives and makes coops less competitive.

Opening a coop is harder, more expensive, have less subsidies or tax benefits, less opportunities for investments/loans etc.

And all of this makes running coops more expensive, thus less competitive, thus the ones that do manage to open either can’t grow or die.


To me the opposite appears true. Beyond economy -of-scale can you give me some examples?


Like the literal law. In most places it’s a much more involved and expensive process to even open a coop compared to a traditional private company. It takes more paperwork, more fees, more capital funds etc. Also, getting investors in (when they can’t own the coop, as they are not workers) or even loans from private or state banks/institutions is much harder. There are several programs incentivising people to open private companies, giving them tax credits, making the application and approval process easier, giving access to funds and education etc. How many there are for coops? In most places around the world there are 0. In what ways does it appear the opposite to you…? Like this all seems very self-evident to me.


I don’t know where you are located. I am in the US and a co-op is just a corporation so all the things that apply to a private corporation apply to a co-op. When applying for grants there are no differentiators that I can think of. One advantage for a co-op here is that there are no passive investors.


For my city, just for a very specific example, it takes less than one afternoon and 80 bucks total (no fees and almost no capital fund requirements) to open a corporation. It takes weeks if not months to open a coop and it costs 2500 bucks PER member.

I don’t know the specifics of all cities and states everywhere in the world. But the system is built to benefit private corporations much more, as it’s a capitalist system where owning capital equals power, and workers are a commodity.


Can you tell me what city this is? For me this would be reason enough to move.


Sorry I would rather not :/

slazer2au, do games w Recommendations for Pacific Northwest Themed Games?

Good suggestion, already played though, twice in fact 😅

squirrel, do games w Controversy and Censorship avatar

How often does it need to be said? Do not preorder games based on what they looked like in the trailers!

popcar2, do gaming w Why do mobile games suck nowadays?

It’s a two part story:

  1. The mobile market mostly targets kids and boomers and their resistance to microtransactions has been basically non-existent, making the market quickly become predatory and full of spam
  2. Modern app stores have become abysmal, making it impossible for smaller games to see the light of day. 99% of google play is a dumpster fire, and the 1% that is decent isn’t published by a multi-billion dollar company so you’re unlikely to ever see it. There are good games out there, but the way the algorithms and ads work makes them constantly pushed down in the list. This isn’t “a problem” to a company like Google because they’re making bank off of all these ad spaces.

Anyways, most good games are paid, but here’s a list of stuff I’ve enjoyed playing on mobile:

  • Fancy Pants Adventures
  • Bloons TD 6
  • Dicey Dungeons
  • Dead Cells
  • Slay the Spire (but the mobile port is rough on small screens)
  • Knights of Pen and Paper +1
  • The Enchanted Cave 2
  • Let’s Create! Pottery
  • Data Wing

Probably a lot more I forgot. Have at it.


Yea. It was always bad, just got worse. Nowadays j just emulate old games. My main phone game is road rash for gbc


Don’t forget Plants vs Zombies 2. Which despite some micro transactions, definitely held up in its early days. Rather, I’d say it got do either dirty from balancing issues rather than greed.


Add slice & dice. But on itch to get it both on pc and android. It is great.

tiramichu, (edited ) do gaming w Taboo Question

This is something I know about.

The new ARM-based macs are actually very powerful, but as another commenter mentioned, the ARM architecture would normally be a bad fit for gaming as not much runs on it.

That said, there are ways around it.

I’m personally gaming on an M2 Macbook Pro, and am able to play almost my full Steam library of Windows games using a tool called Whisky

Whisky uses Wine (a longstanding Windows emulator commonly used on Linux) along with other toolkits to translate DirectX graphics instructions into Mac-native ‘Metal’ graphics instructions. There is a performance hit in doing this, but the end result is actually pretty good.

The result you get will depend on your hardware. I’m personally running a high-end M2 Max configuration and get 50 FPS on high settings in Deep Rock Galactic (a first-person shoooter game) but lower configurations would be okay for casual gaming.

There is another product that does the same thing as Whisky called Crossover. It is paid (unlike Whisky which is free) but is otherwise similar. You can watch this YouTube video on Crossover to get some idea on how it works, how to set it up, and the performance you might expect.

As for Minecraft, I personally play that too, and it actually runs natively on the new Apple Silicon macs anyway and doesn’t need anything special :)

cujo, avatar

Very compelling. I’m guessing Steam’s Proton work doesn’t do much if anything for Mac? I’m familiar with gaming on Linux, so I’m not afraid to get technical to get it all working, I’m just trying to get a feel for viability… It sounds like Sims 4 is the only thing up in the air, lol.

I need to find someone with a Mac willing to let me try it… 😂


Proton is actually based on Wine so there’s a lot in common. And Valve contributes back to Wine via Codeweavers (who also make crossover)

cujo, avatar

I’ve been gaming on Linux for a loooong time, lol. I follow Proton’s progress pretty closely since the beginning as it pertains to the Linux space, I just wasn’t sure if it was considered a “solution” in the MacOS world or if it requires some finagling…

Thanks for the insight! I’ll have to do a liiiittle more research, but I’m feeling more comfortable about it now.


Fair :) Glad I was able to share my experience if that helped a little.

I’d like to make the switch to Linux for my gaming desktop, currently still on Windows for that personally, but soon!

cujo, avatar

Just be sure to research your must-have titles on ProtonDB. It’ll tell you pretty much everything you need to know if there’s any tinkering to be done for your titles… And don’t make the same mistake I did! 😂

I upgraded from an AMD Radeon RX580 to an Intel ARC A750… Works perfect, except the specific setup of Linux + Intel ARC can’t play Halo Infinite… It worked fine (if subpar performance) on the RX580, but there’s some software issues between Vulkan and Intel that means certain DX12 games that make a very particular graphics call will NOT work with an Intel GPU… Otherwise I love it!


There have been a few cases where developers “port” their games to Mac by wrapping them in Wine.

Apple used Wine in their Game Porting Toolkit:…/Game_Porting_Toolkit

It will require some finagling, but it’s about as good as you will get for running windows only games on Mac.

Also games built for Intel Macs should be able to be run thanks to Rosetta.

CalcProgrammer1, avatar

Ooh, this looks pretty nice. I’ll have to give Whisky a try just to see how games can run on my M1 Mac Mini. I have it set up as a TV PC and I usually just connect a Linux PC or Steam Deck to game on the TV. If I could run Windows games on it that’d be great.

wccrawford, do gaming w Trying to Give Away Some Accounts

I’m betting that most or all of those have a TOS that doesn’t allow an account to change owners. You might be unsuccessful because people don’t want to end up on the wrong side of those companies and end up losing not only your account, but also their original account.

JovialSodium, do gaming w I just got a Playdate!

Link for reference.

optissima, do gaming w Feel like a weak year for games? avatar

You’re missing out if you haven’t played balatro yet, goty quality game.


It’s the perfect game for the Switch!

jordanlund, avatar

I’ll look into it!

AgentGrimstone, do gaming w Anyone else have a fleshed out game completion list or am I just properly insane?

You’re insane…for not using a spreadsheet! This thing can look so much more tidy.


IDK how spreadsheets work :( (thought I do plan to use this list to learn)


I recommend it, this would be a great opportunity to learn. It shouldn’t be too bad, you have a pretty basic document so you won’t need to use any complicated features. I would use it just to line things up so you can scan your list easier.

stardust, do gaming w What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to?

Skyrim for the mods. Every hardware upgrade I wonder how much more I can push it.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

What were the results of your most recent trial?


Aside from textures being able to run enbs more smoothly.


After my most recent upgrade i loaded up nearly a TB of mods with Wabbajack. It looked gorgeous. It ran smoothly. The gameplay mods made it less fun!


Wabbajack makes me regret not getting the nexusmods lifetime option.


Was definitely worth it. My biggest problem with it isn’t even Wabbajack.

The modding community send to have settled on making Skyrim hardcore these days. While I fine games that are meant for that fun, it’s not why I want to play Skyrim. So those mod packs end up ruining the game for me.

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