Never did I think I would see the day where a game gets majority positive sentiments but it’s the mainstream editorials that has the controversial lower scoring reviews. Will be interesting as we see more and more that it’s not the company but the reviewer matters more. Makes sense as a corporation doesn’t decide whether you like a game but if you know a reviewers taste, you can tell whether a game is good or not knowing their previous biases.
I would recommend applying for MAM then, they have an extremely helpful community, and special groups for different genres of books, which have recommended me a ton of books I’ve really enjoyed.
p.s. one of the easiest private trackers to stay in, so don’t let that intimidate you!
Agreed, and I have found some things that IRC and libgen/anna’s archive didn’t have. Then again a lot of the difficult to find epubs are extremely cheap but even so I would rather own the thing than have some shitty drm version that only allows my to use kindle or whatever
Yes so if you can’t find it anywhere, it’s almost certainly a really cheap niche ebook that can be had for cheap, just stay away from the DRM bookstores and I’m sure you’ll be glad you did.
Though I will say, de-DRMing your ebook is not for the faint of heart. Firstly Claibre doesn’t support it anymore so you have to through some somewhat difficult to trust back channels and yeah it’s a whole thing that I’d rather avoid it altogether.
Though if you find it trivial yourself, you would do us all a great good if you made a step by step guide for your mateys
Sounds kinda interesting, but the bar to live up to (to me) will be Elite Dangerous, which seems rather high. I might pick it up on sale, but I’m a bit worried at how close this will be to Skyrim; engine, dialog, and quest-wise.
Landing and taking off and all of that is all done in a menu. You don’t fly the ship at all during that time. The only time you fly is during those space combat parts. You don’t fly around systems and planets and stuff.
It’s nothing like Elite, or Freelancer, or even No Man’s Sky.
Damn I used IRC a lot 20 years ago but mostly for the lols and getting laid. I even met my wife on IRC and we celebrated our 8 years wedding anniversary a month ago.
But I didn’t knew you can find ebooks, that is great thanks a lot for saving this guide. I guess it’s time to reinstall an IRC client.
Yeah but I feel like Bethesda would be the kinds of people to to hide it until a day one update so they don’t have to disclose it to predorererererers.
They asked for audiobook sites online. They’d have to download for that so that wouldn’t work unfortunately. I saved your comment though because it’s still useful.
There’s quite a wide range of reviews. I tend to trust the ones who talk about how much fun the side content and faction quests a lot more than I trust the ones that were underwhelmed by the main questline. I’ve been playing these games since Oblivion and the only main questline I ever finished was Fallout NV.
That sounds pretty convenient, although I’m a bit worried about the privacy side, it would seem that making a guest account is a good enough compromise at least
if you login as a Guest User, no personal data is collected whatsoever.
1-2-Switch - Some game to show off new features.
Just Dance 2017
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Cross gen game.
Skylanders: Imaginators - Merch game.
Super Bomberman R
I Am Setsuna
Tokyo RPG Factory
Snipperclips - Another new feature game.
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove - Shovelware
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment - Shovelware
Fast RMX
I could see either a new Mario game launching on the Switch and Switch 2, maybe a Metroid game instead. Zelda will be too old and played out by then, but then Zelda fans love buying the same game over and over.
It’s worth noting, I think, that the definition of shovelware has slipped somewhat since it was coined like thirty years ago, and I think this is leading to you and niisyth talking past each other. Shovel Knight for Switch was maybe shovelware by the original definition, which was “shovel a bunch of old software onto a CD and resell it,” but by the Wii era people were using it to refer to software that is just bad, but exists to trick people into buying it by promising to be more full-featured than it actually is. The Wii had so many titles like this that it seemed like they were “shoveling” shit directly onto store shelves and calling it games. In this new definition, it refers to titles like My Horse and Me or Imagine Party Babyz. So if they are thinking of the newer usage, it sounds like you’re insulting Shovel Knight’s quality as a game.