I’ve had good luck with overtakefans in the past, both for live broadcasts and archives. It’s been a minute since I’ve watched F1 but I remember them being really solid
I dont use Tdarr because of its lack of more complex rules, but I do use fileflows to re-encode old videos on my server based on some rules considering its overall filesize, current format, and which library it is in. If the flow decides the file should be encoded it is converted to h265 10bit at a high bitrate, if it somehow ends up bigger than the original it does it again with a higher reduction factor.
I mainly stick to x265 for the size. I’m not too snobby with quality and for the size its fine with me. I want to like AV1 but have issue with playback on some of my devices. Usually i just play locally off a HDD on xbox (Kodi) . This may not be an issue if/when I get a NAS. Not sure if there are issues with transcoding as I haven’t really looked into it
Mam Siałomi i nie mam z nim większych problemów. Jeśli chodzi o prywatność to nie martwię się istotnie bardziej niż gdybym miał samsunga, Mi się nie chce bawić w customowe OS bo nie każde urządzenie jest wspierane, a ja sobię cenię dobry stosunek cena-jakość czyli raczej nie będą to flagowce.
Minusy na siałomi to bloatware, natomiast doszły mnie słuchy że zachodnie marki nie mają go istotnie mniej.
Minusy na siałomi to bloatware, natomiast doszły mnie słuchy że zachodnie marki nie mają go istotnie mniej.
z tym się zgodzić nie mogę, jedyną zachodnią marką, która dorównuje w ilości bloatwaru do xiaomi, czy innych oppo i vivo, to Samsung (tak, wliczam Koreę, tak samo Japonię, do krajów Zachodu). nawet Apple ma mniej zawalony system
a, no widzisz, dla mnie Samsung to “default zachodni telefon” :) Po Apple akurat bym się spodziewał ich bloatware i “bloatware” tylko gustowniej zrobionego. Na moim chińczyku nie jest aż tak źle, ale może jestem już na etapie akceptacji i przestałem zauważać, ew. zmieniło się na gorsze odkąd mam ten telefon.
Proton is a great company with a pretty good record, but I wouldn’t recommend them for passwords when Bitwarden exists. Proton only open-sources their clients, and for service based offerings like mail or VPN I don’t care about the servers being open-source, but for password management I want to be able to host my own (making sure that self-hosted mail gets properly received by Gmail is pain and self-hosting a huge VPN network is basically impossible).
Damn I don’t know what’s different tonight but I found it already. It was Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions on PSX. I swear I already checked this before, and I thought it wasn’t it.
But upon watching some videos of it again (now with sound), I think this it. I vaguely remember the sound it makes when succeeding.
another thing that kind of threw me off was that I remember the 3rd-person view was a lot closer than from the videos I’ve watched. Like it was 3rd-person but the camera was like a feet or two above the person. The videos of the game was like the camera is placed on a ceiling.