Essence_of_Meh, do gaming w What's wrong with the Saints Row reboot again?

A lot of reviews and comments (in general, not here) went with a very surface level "critique" about the game without diving into what failed compared to previous titles.

For me personally, the new game missed a lot of what made the previous games special writing wise - characters are barely that, story is way more contrived and bland. Gameplay and activities are nowhere near what we had before as well. It's just a weaker game with a nicer coat of paint.

I know that might be a tough sell, but I feel like this video by Tehsnakerer gives a really good look into what went wrong while avoiding (and even calling out) some of the most common complaints. It's a good watch but it's also 2.5h long and not everyone has time or interest in that. If that's the case I might write a short summary when I have some time.

That said I already had some problems with SR3 and 4, doesn't mean I'm going to try and force people to hate them. If you had fun with the new one that's the important part.


Love that vid and Tehsnakerer. Big ups for a solid recommendation.

skullgiver, (edited ) do gaming w What's wrong with the Saints Row reboot again? avatar


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  • HawlSera,

    I liked the Hell and Alien Invasion one, but I understand why people wanted something more grounded, and tbh, I didn’t like the introduction of Super Speed. While the “Powers” idea is a good one, being able to fly and run REALLY REALLY fast make the vehicles pointless…

    Spuddlesv2, do gaming w What's wrong with the Saints Row reboot again?

    It’s OK but nothing spectacular. The further you get into it, the more repetitive the missions get though.

    pcjones, do piracy w Where might I get German (mostly tv) content?

    Usenet is the secret for German stuff. I have a German beginners guide:


    Danke Brudi, top gemacht!


    Heilige scheiße, danke!

    HiDiddlyDoodlyHo, do gaming w What's wrong with the Saints Row reboot again?

    Disclaimer: I also had a lot of fun with this game but I got it for free with a graphics card.

    Part of it was getting rid of the old beloved characters. Shaundi, Pierce, etc. were well loved among fans and sorely missed when the game out. People found the new characters boring and generic, but I don’t know if that criticism survived past the release stage.

    It also released with quite a few game breaking bugs which had to be ironed out. Par for the course with big budget games these days, frankly.

    As a fan of SR3 and SR4, I missed the zaniness of those entries, but that wasn’t a common feeling among fans of SR2.

    A lot of people hated it for how “woke” it apparently was by having… people of color in it? Commentary about racism and feminism or something? I don’t know, it’s been a while since I played so I can’t recall any instances in particular of it being “woke” enough to offend people who care about that. As a woke SJW myself, I felt it was pretty good on that front without being overbearing.


    For what it is worth. It is implied that this takes place in the Agents of Mayhem timline as you find the 3rd Street Saints symbol in an abandoned church, Johnny Gat is mentioned in the description of one of the weapons as being a famous person, and you can buy an Agents of Mayhem T Shirt.

    So the old characters not being present is explained.


    I remember that being a complaint as well so that seems to me to just be blindly trying to dislike things just to dislike them

    eutsgueden, do gaming w What's wrong with the Saints Row reboot again?

    Did you play the original? Most complaints I saw seemed to focus on that comparison. Itself in a vacuum, it sounded like it was fine.


    I did… but Saints Row didn’t really become what it was known for (being this wild crazy parody of GTA) until The Third and this is in line with that.

    Actually I like the overall story better than GTAV


    A lot of people would argue the second saints row is a masterpiece. Iand saints row is definitely never been about the story

    JokeDeity, do gaming w What's wrong with the Saints Row reboot again?

    Haven’t played that one yet, but I went into Cyberpunk 2077 with extremely low expectations based on what people online said. Ended up one of my favorite games I’ve ever played.


    Outside of bugs, the content of CP2077 from launch to the launch of the edge runners anime was minimal…it was functionally the same game still.

    People who generally hate didnt play the game.

    Send_me_nude_girls, do piracy w [PIRACY NEWS]Team MKDEV retires after releasing FIFA 23 as their final crack(Denuvo Crack). They also posted some stuff about cracking Denuvo on their discord that I am sharing below. avatar

    We need to start creating an AI for that as soon this might get too complex for a human to crack.


    i really dont think ai is the solution to this problem. if humans made it, humans can crack it


    No, any sufficiently advanced A.I can and will outclass humans. For example: there are chess A.I’s that have beaten GM’s as good as Magnus Carlsen on multiple occasions. The better an A.I gets at something the tougher it becomes to counter it. This is one of the biggest risks of A.I development that one day we might make something that makes us seem obsolete. On the positive side that day is really really far.





    i have my own opinions on ai, but all of that doesnt matter in relation to cracking denuvo because humans can and do crack it.

    i bet everyone with the skills to reverse engineer it has a nice job in cybersecurity (like working at denuvo), instead of cracking video games for some donations.

    whodoctor11, (edited )

    First: you’re comparing Chess, what’s a super simple algorithm, in what machines already “outclassed humans” like,, with anything humans can do. That’s is simplist and wrong.

    Second: until today, the so called Artificial “Intelligence” were only capable of, by consulting a human made big catalogue of many things humans did, reproduce some parts of it or resume a little, what is not that difficult if you have a good synonyms dictionary and tons of human people training you on what is a decent resume and what isn’t. In resume, A.“I.” doesn’t do anything that people didn’t did before, and, when it comes to write texts, it does something objectly worst, in a self-help level of writing. A."I. isn’t creative.

    Third: still, there are objectly a bunch of works that are under attack by A.“I.”. The thing about this works is that: or they were obviously possible to be automated before, or they are pointless, or they’ve been doing automatically (a.k.a. alienabally) by the workers, or all the above.

    Fourth: the big guys who are trying to sell everyone the idea that A.“I.” will “outclass all of us” want to believe that there’s no need for human work to generate income, what’s is materialistically and economically not true at all. They say they dream of a world without hard work, actually they mean a world without us, working class people. But they’re wrong, they are still depending on our existence as a class and always will be until the day there will be no classes anymore.

    Kissaki, avatar

    Where between being beaten in chess and making us obsolete do you think we are? Where do you think cracking games is between chess and human mind?

    I think your estimation is off by a lot.


    I don’t know if AI is technically better it’s just different and doesn’t play like a human. Humans hate lossing pieces but AI doesn’t care as long as the outcome is a win.


    Newsflash: Humans also sacrifice pieces in chess. Chess engines are mathematical beasts that are designed for these things only. But what is more important: Chess engines also needs to be made by humans.

    Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

    AI absolutely plays like a human as it’s trained by humans. The only difference is, AI will do the most optimal move, while humans might hesitate. That’s also the reason why it’s bad to put AI into fighter or bomber jets. The AI has a clear goal but a human might struggle to fire at an unknown target. Because the human has to life with the consequences.


    That’s false.


    how so? ignoring mathematically unbreakable things like encryption, given enough time, i think pretty much anything could be reverse engineered and cracked, its just a matter of how much time it would take


    ignoring mathematically unbreakable things like encryption

    That’s literally how it’s false.


    yeah but your cpu has to run the unencrypted game, and so i would think its currently impossible to have a local, 100% uncrackable game

    Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

    DRM already only does check for validity every other frame or even minute. There’s no use in a game that just closes because it recognized a violation. You do know what causes Denuvo fps spikes? It’s whenever it checks. Of course the software got better by now so it’s less of an issue but it’s still there.

    Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

    Look up RSA algorithms and project that to other mathematically complex DRM protections. You’re wrong because you don’t understand the tech.


    all im saying is that, if I own the CPU that runs the game, there are incredible advanced techniques for reverse engineering, and given enough time and effort i think it would always be possible.

    encryption isnt exactly the same thing here, because encrypted data just sits there until its unencrypted, but it NEEDS to be unencrypted for your CPU to run it.

    the CPU has to read code that it can execute, and if you can get that code, its probably impossible to have an uncrackable game. that doesnt apply to video game cracking, but I’m sure the NSA could crack denuvo if they wanted to, and could crack any game DRM.

    at the very extreme, if i know the state of all of the transistors and etc inside my computer, nothing is uncrackable. thats all I’m trying to say. yes denuvo will likely get too complicated for anyone to try to crack it, but given enough time and resources, it would be cracked.

    Kissaki, avatar

    Current AI is not smarter than humans. It needs supervised training, and then acts according to that. That’s inherently incompatible to novelty and correct exploration.

    Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

    AI is good in doing complex things but bad at doing easy things. Supervision is required at first for learning of course, there’s no AI that works out of the box.

    Kissaki, avatar

    That assessment entirely depends on what you consider “complex” and “easy”.

    What do you mean by it’s bad at doing easy things but good at doing complex things? I don’t see how something complex would work better than something easy.

    Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

    In short.

    Look up what AI does good right now, like finding complex solutions to mathematical issues a human couldn’t. Calculate stuff very fast, replicate natural language etc.

    Look up what AI struggles with at the moment, like drawing hands or recognizing objects or driving a car.

    This statement is only valid in this current state, as AI is advancing faster than most peoples mind by now. Most people have yet to understand LLM or generative AI models.

    That’s what I’m talking about. If you look at the process required to crack Denuvo, then you’ll notice that there’s a lot of guesswork done, something the AI is good at if learned properly. The amount of people who know how to and are willing to spend time cracking Denuvo is shrinking by the day. The amount of software DRM encrypted is rising every day. We need automation soon.

    AI will soon be mandatory for software security as malicious actors will use AI to find zero day exploits and you want an AI to protect you from those real time threats. Anti Virus software already work somewhat into that direction by now but there’s still much room.


    It’s not even real AI lol there’s no thought, just text transformation


    This problem seems like the sort of thing machine learning could be good at though. You have some input binary code that doesn’t run, you want an output that does, you have available training data of inputs and correct matching outputs.

    DaGeek247, do piracy w Newbie who wants to get into Uploading, but it confused about everything around video encoding avatar

    On top of the other comments, your private tracker will have a tutorial/rulebook on exactly how new content should be labelled. It's worth checking that out before you start experimenting with encoding quality options.

    retrieval4558, do piracy w What are good mullvadvpn alternatives with port forwarding

    I use proton with a decent amount of success, although I have had trouble with connectibility.

    meiko60, avatar

    do you find the protonvpn server is quite unstable?

    pbjamm, avatar

    The speed can fluctuate as users pop on and off a server, but in general I have gotten excellent speeds (100mbps+). If ever I am getting poor throughput I swap to a different random server until I get what I need. I do not torrent with it though so I am not sure how it fares with that use.


    I have not. Especially with the desktop client, which automatically will switch to another server if you get dropped. As far as speeds, I’ve also never noticed a problem but my bottleneck is my ISP so it’s hard to know.

    WigglingWalrus, do piracy w [PIRACY NEWS]Team MKDEV retires after releasing FIFA 23 as their final crack(Denuvo Crack). They also posted some stuff about cracking Denuvo on their discord that I am sharing below. avatar

    How come they’ve stopped?

    DARbarian, do piracy w What are good mullvadvpn alternatives with port forwarding avatar

    According to r/VPNTorrents, Proton and AirVPN are the only recommended VPNs since they are the only well-established privacy-respecting ones left that still have port-forwarding. New ones are popping up with promise, like Azire and a couple others, but time will tell. As for Proton, I decided against it because of its limited port forwarding and lack of IPv6 compatibility and settled on AirVPN But Proton has genuinely great products if you're interested in the full suite. AirVPN, in my opinion, is just the last great VPN. Open-source & fully featured client, run by activists, anonymous accounts, crypto purchasing, IPv6 compatibility, full port forwarding, great support, Tor integration, the list goes on.


    You can add Windscribe to that list. They’ve been shown to respect customers and offer port forwarding.

    wolfshadowheart, avatar

    They're super transparent with whatever they have going on with them. They had one probe within the last couple years but they don't keep logs so I'm not sure anything bad for the users is possible, and what VPN hasn't been asked for it's information lol

    Imprint9816, (edited )

    The issue is that authorities were able to retrieve the private key off the server. Yes, Windscribe adjusted afterwards but, it puts their security practices into major question. If you read their response to the situation it was a ton of side stepping the issue, trying to put blame on other VPNs, or trying to act like a government getting access to one of their private keys was not a big deal.

    Windscribe is fine, back when they were shit-tier I grabbed a lifetime pro subscription for $30. For the common user, who just wants to download their very legal Linux ISOs on qbit its a good VPN. I just think Windscribe gets a pass on its history more so then a lot of other VPNs.


    I think people forget how trash windscribe was for years or that they had one of their servers seized and private keys stolen in 2021.

    They have made a lot of progress but its still odd how people ignore their past history.


    You might want to add the proper context that the servers were siezed by authorities (so not stolen) and they were very transparent about the fact that it was a legacy system. They also followed with a plan to rectify, including third part audits. Every organization makes mistakes, it’s how they respond that matters.

    If you’re looking for a VPN provider that hasn’t had issues ever in their history, good luck. You’ll just end up with the ones who lie and cover up incidents.


    Did you read their comment?

    ’ they had one of their servers seized and private keys stolen in 2021 ’ they never said servers were stolen

    Imprint9816, (edited )

    “If you’re looking for a VPN provider that hasn’t had issues ever in their history, good luck. You’ll just end up with the ones who lie and cover up incidents.”

    This is the type of ignorant statement makes it hard to take you seriously. First of all its not true, and if you really believed it, why waste time stanning for Windscribe? What’s your pitch? “They all suck so go with this one”

    Sure, trustworthy VPNs are few and far between but they do exist. On the no port-forwarding side you have Mullvad, and IVPN and other newer ones that seem promising for now. On the port-forwarding side you have Proton and AirVPN with other newer ones that have some promise.

    Even OVPN, who now has dubious ownership, has a far better track-record then Windscribe.


    Well-recommended. Thanks for the information!


    Damn, I didnt have that good reasons, but I also got AirVPN (;


    Is Nord not considered privacy-respecting anymore?

    youRFate, do piracy w What are good mullvadvpn alternatives with port forwarding

    I use azire now. Works well so far.

    SexualPolytope, avatar

    I don’t really see people recommending Azire. How are the speeds?


    I like how they have an api for stuff like port forwarding etc (albeit with mediocre documentation), and how they use all their own servers.

    So far I could always max out my connection, it is only 100Mbit/s tho.


    Been thinking about trying Azire, do they provide static ports?

    youRFate, (edited )

    No, the ports expire, but you can script the renewal / new port process via their API. I want to set up a job that gets a new port like 1x per week and tells it to the applicating using the port. Haven’t done that yet. So far my port stayed active for like a month.


    Oh that’s neat. Yeah I use Airvpn currently, but would be interested in Proton or Azire if I could automate with a script like you said.

    Pulp, do piracy w Whats your preferred codec?

    h265 vp9 av1 opus

    dudemanbro, (edited ) do piracy w Newbie who wants to get into Uploading, but it confused about everything around video encoding avatar

    Here is some basic info…/Pirated_movie_release_types

    As someone has said it pretty much goes [Title][Year][Resolution][Source][Codec(s)-Video/Audio][GroupName]

    Title and Year: self explanatory

    [Resolution]: 1080p, 2160p, HD, UHD, etc

    [Source] Bluray, Webrip, Web-DL, Streaming-Provider, Cam, etc…

    [Codec]: This can be a lot but kinda depends on what the uploader wants to mention/bring attention to

    <span style="color:#323232;">         Video: x264 (AVC) or h264, x265(HEVC) or h265, AV1,  x266 (VVC), etc...
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">         May also include stuff like : 8bit (SDR), 10bit (HDR),  DV (Dolby), Hybrid
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">         Audio: # of channels (5.1, 7.1)
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">                     Codecs:  Will tell you if the audio is lossless vs lossy
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">                     Examples DTS:X, TrueHD Atmos, DTS-HD MA, TrueHD, LPCM, FLAC [lossless] vs. DTS-HD HR, E-AC3, DTS-ES, DTS, AC3 [lossy]]

    Group Name: Name of group or person that made the file.

    Finally there is the container file which nowadays is MKV (Matroska Video file) but you can run into MP4. There are older formats but you don’t see them very often so I wont really mention them.

    This is a quick run down but there is plenty of info out there that goes more into detail and you can just google questions like: what is lossless vs lossy?

    Hope this helps

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