comicallycluttered, do gaming w I used to be concerned about a game being too short. Now I worry that it will be too long.

It’s funny, before they were everywhere, open world games were my jam. Now there are only a few where I actually pay attention to the world.

I typically treat open world games as linear in some way. Go from one story/side mission to the next without really bothering to explore. Especially for large games. Some exceptions, but not many. I’ve become a chronic fast traveler and I have no intention of changing that.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate the work put into a lot of these games, it’s more that I simply don’t have the energy or time to actually get into it all and it doesn’t bother me that I’m “missing out”.

In general, I just crave linear and relatively short games. If howlongtobeat lists something as more than like 12 - 15 hours for a non-RPG/immersim game, I’m usually out. I’d have to really be enjoying it to stick with something for more than like 20 hours total.

Titanfall 2 is one of the best examples of a fantastic game that doesn’t overstay its welcome. Everything’s tightly packed into a linear, but incredibly well-developed game. It doesn’t stop being fun, and throws new shit at you without being overwhelming, can be beaten in a few days (probably like two if you’re playing in long sessions).

I do sometimes go over that limit with stealth games, often because I play them very patiently and can spend a few hours on a level. But they’re really the exception.

Hedup, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

A game like Stray, but with actual mechanics and that’s difficult where you actually need to git gud at. I’d like the world be even more like a maze, both horizonal and vertical (like Kawloon Walled City), that isn’t strictly linear, but has many hidden ways to be completed. Basically what I want is a Stray-Dark Souls hybrid.


Have you played rain world?


rain world

Thanks for suggestion! It’s a 2D platformer though, and not really the aesthetic of Stray.

goodhunter, do gaming w I used to be concerned about a game being too short. Now I worry that it will be too long.

Me too. Definitely comes from having less flexible free time now compared to when I was younger. Having a kid (and wife, and responsibilities) really sees me only having about an hour a day that i truly can kick back. And then I am too tired to do anything.

Backlog: finish Elden ring (I am 110h in). Finish BoTW (I am 100h in). TLOU2, God of War 2, Cyberpunk, finish Persona 5 (I’m in 50h in), crosscode, mass effect trio,

Want to play: Metroid dread, a plaque tale requiem , nier replicant. Armored Core, Hollow knight silk song

Look, I am not complaining, things are great. Just need to find a way to play all this inmensive quality. Maybe when I am stuck in a retirement home.


Kinda unrelated, but retirement homes will be way better in the future than they are right now. Imagine all the VR equipment, video game consoles, and PCs. With the right neighbors, it could be like a LAN party all the time

comicallycluttered, do gaming w Best "Lets Play" Series

TeamFourStar’s Pokémon nuzlocke was pretty hilarious.

Ultrawide1654, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

A new (and good) MMO on Xbox Series X.

CookieMom, (edited ) do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

Welcome to my favorite genre of game!

As they’ve already been mentioned before, I will second both La-Mulana (and though not mentioned, it’s sequel), and FEZ.

The Witness didn’t make me break out Pen and Paper, but it was definitely one I had to give my brain a break and come back to to look at things from a fresh angle.

Now for some previously unmentioned finds where your attention to detail will be rewarded. Not all will require notebooks. But there puzzles hidden in all of them.

Environmental Station Alpha is a Metroidvania.

Full Metal Furies is a side-scrolling beat-em up.

INSIDE is a side-scrolling platformer.

Inscryption is a deck-builder / puzzle room.

mouse, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist? avatar

I just want a vehicle game that is open world, with roads and trails, the vehicles don’t have to be licensed. I just want to travel and explore, basically a road trip simulator. The Crew, Forza Horizon, and NFS Heat/Unbound are the closest I can get, I don’t care for the density, just distance. This is why I know that it will never be a reality, because without having mechanics, would make the game boring to many.

Basically a remake or continuation of Fuel (2009), I really enjoyed the vastness of the world, it wasn’t anything really special, but to me I had so much fun exploring and seeing the distance of the massive world(5,560 square miles/14,400 square kilometers). The many regions around the map were diverse and there was 16 player multiplayer where others just popped in and out as you moved around, I didn’t really care for it much, but it was fun for group road trips or adventures.


The Long Drive? I haven’t actually played it, but it’s been on my steam wishlist for a while

mouse, avatar

That looks quite interesting, I will take a look at it further. It might just scratch my itch enough.


The Truck Simulator Series is pretty good

mouse, avatar

I hadn’t thought of that, I played Euro Truck for a little bit, it’s been a few years now, all the new expansions and areas, and I see there’s American Truck too. Thanks for reminding me!

SevenSwell, do gaming w Best "Lets Play" Series avatar

If you like Rimworld the Pete Completes series is pretty good. He puts a narrative focus on his playthroughs which makes them super watchable!

poyu, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

Games that lets you explore beautiful and fictional worlds in VR. Kinda like Minecraft but not with voxels, not a survival game but have some sort of game loop to keep you going. Or a puzzle game like Myst but with bigger and explorable maps, perhaps a “home” to decorate with trophies you found in other worlds (ACNH style?) I just want a chill game in VR…

Rinnarrae, avatar

Closest thing I can think of is No Man’s Sky VR? But I get the feeling that might not be quite what you’re looking for.


This might not be what you’re looking for, but Real VR Fishing is a really nice looking game and really relaxing. I have made some open lobbies and some of the chillest people join and we just talk until one of us has to log off

There is also a web browser in the game and I just watch youtube or listen to music while playing. It is really fun and relaxing after a long day

Dankenstein, do gaming w I used to be concerned about a game being too short. Now I worry that it will be too long.

Since getting married, I’ve been popping in and out of multiplayer games more often as well as more closely curating what single-player games I purchase.

I enjoy longer narrative-driven, single-player games; they’re like a good book and I aim to be just as bummed out when the game ends as I would be at the end of a work from my favorite novelist.

But I cook, I clean, I do the shopping, and so I end up with a lot of short periods of free time throughout the day. The newest (but not franchised) multiplayer game is usually what I’ll play if I can come and go at my leisure without provoking the ire of other players.

I’ve never really wanted to 100% a game, pretty sure that was just FOMO, but every now and again I will want to replay an old game.

MarauderIIC, do gaming w Elder Scrolls Online is free on Epic right now

Tried to play this with my wife some years ago. We kept getting sent to separate instances. That and the poor quality graphics at the time were a deal breaker for us.

Orionza, avatar

My sister and I had that problem when she started playing. What you have to do is group up and use the wayshrine to travel to them. Even if you’re in the same zone, travel away and travel back and then you should be able to see each other. Hope that helps!

The game is a lot better than when it first came out. Hope you’re able to try it again. Yhere are also reshaders that you can install to make your game look prettier. Give me a holler if you need help!

CMLVI, avatar

If anyone has any questions I run this magazine over on kbin! Its lacking content, but that partially cause no one is there to discuss with. I post PvP clips just to get stuff out there but would love further discussion. I do endgame PvE (no perfectas because I'm not a fan of longterm progs) and run with one of the (arguably) best ball groups on Xbox/NA in Cyrodiil.

VoxAdActa, do gaming w Elder Scrolls Online is free on Epic right now

I left right before High Isle came out, but nothing I’ve tried since has really caught my attention the same way. Even GW2, as awesome as it is, and as many QoL features it has that I deeply missed in ESO, just… isn’t the same.

Did they ever get the Champion Points re-worked into something that doesn’t suck? I hate the way the green constellations worked, particularly; whose idea was it to say “Nobody harvests, chest-hunts, fishes, and searches for crafting recipes at the same time, so obviously it’s silly to let players equip all those bonuses at once”??

Even if not, I think I might drop Netflix and re-up my subscription. If just to remind me why I left, maybe?


As someone who played GW2 a ton; what does it have that ESO doesn't? Just curious.


Getting access to all the weapon skills is so much faster, which makes trying out new builds a thousand times easier.

Not having to find and speak to the quest giver before I can do the quest is great. I like just having to get into their radius without having to track them down before and after.

I’m a big explorer, so I really appreciate the rewards for exploring the maps (and the compass pointing me towards the things I missed).

The jumping puzzles are amazing.

The free mount not being a boring-ass horse is pretty cool. Mounts having different abilities is also cool. Not having to spend 120 real days upgrading your mounts is really nice.

Getting experience from harvesting and crafting. Not having to spend real-time months researching things to craft them.

Underwater exploration. Yeah, underwater combat is kind of a pain, but it’s still cool to have the option.

The directed story mode complete with boss fights in instances that can be done solo.

Classes are all totally different from each other; there are no “meta” skills for a specific role no matter what class you’re playing (eg, unstable wall, aggressive warhorn).

Enough skill points in the game to learn every skill and every specialization, along with the ability to switch builds on the fly just whenever (without having to go back to a shrine and pay to do it).

I’m not sure how I feel about having a centralized auction house. A lot of my endgame in ESO was shopping and flipping valuable things from one trader to another, but I have to admit it’s really handy to just be able to go buy a bunch of crafting materials in any city for the lowest available price.

Like, I could just keep going; there are so many things, both little and big, that I love about GW2. But for some reason, I just can’t get into it. Maybe it’s that it levels me up so fast that I don’t get to really enjoy the view and learn the class. Maybe it’s because the elite specializations change the class so dramatically that most of what I did learn during leveling is immediately obsolete at 80. Maybe it’s because the combat feels kind of clunky due to being a weird hybrid of action combat and tab targeting. Maybe it’s how complicated the buff system is, that I can’t really wrap my brain around all the different boons and when I need them. None of those are really big deals, just quirks of the game that make it unique, like all games have. But it’s not doing the same thing that ESO did for me.

pixel, avatar

Yo! I love guild wars 2, if there’s anything I can offer to help you click with the game? Or answer any questions for you? Regarding tab targeting vs action, really you can play it almost entirely like one or the other and you don’t need to interact with the other system if you don’t want to. And I’m happy to give you a breakdown of boons, hopefully it’s not as complex as it seems as first blush? But I love helping people click with the game because it took me a while and I’m glad I finally stuck so I’d love to pay it forward

CMLVI, avatar

I can't speak on that specific timeline, but CP has had a pretty large makeover recently. You still only have 4 slottable abilities, but quite a few have moved to passive status. Unsure if the ones you reference specifically are though, green tree is usually a throwaway tree for me.

bijuice, do gaming w A love letter to Threes!

To add to this discussion, what do you all think of the controversy surrounding 2048 and Threes? I think 2048 is different enough to not be considered a copy; it has nowhere near the depth or the polish of Threes! I just think art is iterative. We should have the freedom to take ideas from other works of art and build something new.

macgyver, avatar

2048 is only more popular due to being free and “easier”

My advice on your little issue is sideload the app from


I agree with you on the first point. I just don’t think the creators of Threes! had a valid reason in trying to get 2048 taken down from the app store.

Do you have an Android alternative to appdb?

macgyver, avatar…

Android should be a little more difficult but it’s more permanent

Mars, do gaming w Where to even start with Final Fantasy? avatar

They are completely disconnected, with the exception of the occasional spinoff or direct sequel, but those are easy to identify. The last game is probably the easier one of the series to pick up and play (this statement has been true for the whole existence of the series)

Where to start? Depends. Everyone of them is a huge game and a big time investment.

Taking into account you have no nostalgia for the series, I’d say your options, in order of what I think would stick are:

  • Option 1: the last one. If you just want to play a modern action/rpg game with AAA sensibilities but weird enough, is not a bad option. You have no need for any previous knowledge, the gameplay is completely different to the one in previous entries, etc. Haven’t played so I do t know if it’s any good.
  • Option 2: the 7 remake. One of the biggest milestones in the series retold for modern audiences, with updated graphics and narrative.
  • Option 3: 16bit retro experience: FFVI, SNES or GBA version. The pinnacle of the formula for the 8 and 16 bit consoles. Upcoming titles in the series are way different. Great in every way a game can be good.
  • Option 4: the 7 vanilla. The first international massive mainstream success for the series and one of the more influential video games in history. After this one, if you loved it:
    • Option 4a: the PSX trilogy. Go for FFVIII and FFIX for the full pre-render backgrounds and 3d models god killing trio.
    • Option 4b: the complication. If you are really into the setting and characters you have a few games complicating this one under the “Final Fantasy VII Compilation”. Some aren’t even RPGs.

If you go completely Final Fantasy insane after any of those, start with FF, the first one from the NES and make your way through them all. Prepare a couple thousand hours.

nottheengineer, do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

Elite Dangerous. People have guides on how to do things like earning money fast, but those methods usually require a lot of thinking and planning with a notebook.



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