Meltrax, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

You’re like 5 years late on this realization. Unfortunately not much is changing.


It seems the EU is moving on this issue with their usual tectonic speed.…

Let’s hope they also hit with their usual tectonic force.


Compared to the US, the EU is lightning fast. California probably beats them sometimes, though.


Cali is a hit or miss, the Cali privacy reg has been so watered down compared to the GDPR it feels like the ad industry got it in to prevent future harsher regulations.

Whopraysforthedevil, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 15th avatar

I got back into BG3. Gonna finally get myself to Moonrise Tower.

hisao, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 15th

Finished Pseudoregalia yesterday. Really a special platformer with iconic goat-bunny-cat lady mc, a lot of gradually unlocked trick moves, parkour puzzles, and zero hand-holding in freely traversable non-linear interconnected game world. It’s only like 10h of gameplay in average, but it’s perfect size for its format really. Not too small to feel really small and not too big for wandering around to become annoying.

hook, (edited ) do gaming w Shmup suggestions avatar

@bbbhltz, depending on what you’re craving.

Here’s a list of horizontal ones…

• Aqua Kitty UDX – cute, fun
• Black Bird – dark-cute

• R-Type Dimensions EX (and the others)
• Rigid Force Redux – ❤️

• Blazing Star
• Thunder Force IV
• Cotton Fantasy

Other hori:
• Azure Reflections – Touhou fan game
• Sine Mora – time-mechanic ❤️ , not for everyone though
• Astebreed – switches orientation flawlessly ❤️
• ProtoCorgi – cute, hard
• Rolling Gunner – ❤️

hook, avatar

@bbbhltz, on the vertical side…

• Batsugun
• Dragon Blaze ❤️
• Gunbird 2
• Anger Force – kinda
• Missile Dancer
• Moon Dancer – ❤️
• SophStar – ❤️

• Crimzon Clover
• Caladrius Blaze
• Espgaluda II
• Mushihimesama – ❤️
• Danmaku Unlimited 3 – bullet grazing ❤️

with a twist:
• Pawarumi – rock-paper-scissors mechanic ❤️
• Dimension Drive – teleport
• Sisters Royale – ❤️
• Eschatos – ❤️
• Shoot 1UP – multi-ship
• Cosmo Gang the Video – Galaga-like
• (Downwell)

hook, avatar

@bbbhltz , oh and on the Switch, several vertical shooters support TATE mode, for which you can e.g. use the FlipGrip.

Here’s a maintained list of the games that are FlipGrip-compatible:

hook, avatar

@bbbhltz and neither hori nor vert really…

• Zero Gunner 2 – proto-twin-stick arcade
• Galak-Z: the Void – strategic zero-G twin-stick, rogue-like-elements ❤️ (not to be confused with Galak-Z: Variant S, which is to be avoided)
• Assault Android Cactus – one of the best twin-sticks ever ❤️
• Jet Lancer – like Luferausers, maybe better ❤️
• Nitro Ball – classic proto-twin-stick arcade

bbbhltz, (edited ) avatar

Someone is selling Mushihimesama on my local marketplace. I know it is no longer in production or on the Switch estore. Is €55 worth it for this game? It is used of course.

Update: I see that it can be purchased new for 43 on different sites, so I suppose not…

hook, avatar

@bbbhltz , it is my favourite CAVE game so far.

That said, personally I am not willing to pay that much for a STG (sorry). But I know others would and do pay even more for a PCB of it.

It is a very quality game and has several modes. If that is worth it for you, it's up to you.

Several other Cave games (and Crimzon Clover, which is not by Cave, but like a spiritual successor) have similar modes, so perhaps try one of those first.

bbbhltz, avatar

I was thinking of getting it, trying it, and holding onto it to resell. But, someone might be able to talk the seller down. Judging by the other items they are selling, not just games, it looks like this person caught the “import stuff from abroad” bug and it now unloading loads of merch at rather high and prices. I’m not going to barter though since it is available on play-asia for less.

hook, avatar

@bbbhltz, that’s always an option, yes. I did that with a few other games. I remember Teslagrad not being my jam.

I only have Sine Mora and Pawarumi physically from STGs and am fondly keeping both :)

hook, avatar

@bbbhltz Oh, I forgot to mention, the M2 (esp. ShotTriggers) ports of other Cave games have more bells and whistles than the more basic Live Wire port of Mushihimesama. Still a perfectly fine port.

hook, avatar

@bbbhltz so, what did you get in the end and what are your thoughts so far?

bbbhltz, avatar

I’m tracking sales on dekudeals for the moment but I did get copies of Raiden IV (which is definitely something I enjoy), Ando Dunos II ( still can’t beat the boss rush to unlock the last levels) and GreyLancer.

I’ll probably pick up Strikers 1945 II this week since it is on sale.

I’m just patiently waiting and also considering grabbing some physical copies of games that I’ve seen for sale on local marketplaces (Sophstar and Mushihimesama).

hook, avatar

@bbbhltz , some sweet choices. Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself 😸

I just grabbed Andro Dunos 2 digitally as well. It was just too good of a deal.

Hundun, do gaming w What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty

Uncharted, especially the final installment. On normal and higher difficulty dealing with the enemies becomes a bit of a chore: they force you to hide a lot, as well as waste entire clips of ammo on a single guy. On easy the game becomes forgiving enough food you too start pulling off cool stunts: swinging on ropes, shooting during a climb/jump, etc.

It’s just more fun on easy.

CharlesReed, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 15th avatar

I've kind of been needing a "gaming reset" since lately I've just been dabbling here and there without really committing to anything, so I decided to check in on my current save in Sims 3. I forgot how addicting this game can be lol. I'll probably play this for a few days and then finish my second playthrough of Lies of P that's been sitting for weeks now.

IsThisAnAI, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

I’m so tired of this shit. I don’t care if people can’t handle their shit. Their problem, not mine. If I want to gamble I can gamble. I don’t care if some shitty parent is letting their kids gamble. Nanny state bullshit.


Gambling is heavily regulated in most countries, often including requiring the odds of winning being clearly listed and regulating the profit margin that The House can take (usually limited to less than 10%)

Many casinos and developers of addictive games will hire psychologists and other experts on human condition to help them find ways to make the game more addictive and make it easier to seperate players from their money. These “dark patterns” both make gaming worse and make it more dangerous for anyone unfortunate enough to develop an addiction.

In short, I welcome regulation on the worst aspects of the game industry to keep the worst aspects from become too financially successful to not implement (see the $60 AA and AAA games that launched with lootboxes and predatory micro-transactions like this one about 10 years ago before some countries announced they were investigating regulating such practices)


I don’t give a shit other than proper labels. The rest is nanny state bullshit.


If you think preventing predatory practices through legislation is a “nanny state” then I think you fail to understand the purpose of a government in a society with profit-driven companies


Do you think seatbelts should be banned because you’re a careful driver? Do you think use-by dates should be removed because you’ve never got sick? Do you think stupid people should suffer because you’re more clever than them? Are you an empathy-lacking sociopath?


I do empathize but your mental health isn’t my responsibility. If you don’t wear a seatbelt I didn’t give a fuck. But let’s take your strawman a bit further, video games have been shown to cause agressiness and anti social behavior. Do you support banning them all? What is, in your opinion, where the state should step in to protect people from themselves.….

GammaGames, do gaming w I have been getting into emulation (discussion)

What games have ya been playing?


The first two ratchet and clank games. I also copied the iso for the third game from the disc so I will be playing UYA next. After that I am going to make a copy of Gladiator/Deadlocked and play that.

Moonguide, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 15th

Prepping, still, for a DnD campaign. Pulling all the stops, with music (ripped from Cyberpunk 2077 and looped), art (done by me), branching narratives when my players do something unexpected, custom homebrew mechanics (it’s cyberpunk red ported into 5e, so as best as it can be ported), etc. I really want to start it soon but I have to migrate all the stuff I had made on a foundry server to my computer, and that’ll take time since I’m cleaning it up as I go.

Apart from that, killing bugs and heretics on Space Marine 2, killing bugs and heretics on Rimworld, and killing imperialists and fascists on Squad.

paddirn, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

I started playing one of the Gacha games a few months back now, Watcher of Realms, I think the only reason I started was because it showed jiggling boobies in a trailer. The name is goofy and the story is almost non-existant, the gameplay isn’t terribly deep, but has some nuances to it, it’s like a tower defense RPG game. It’s kind of dumb as a game because it records your playthroughs of scenarios that you can then use later on to “Auto-fight” for you as you frequently have to grind for different shit. So you basically set the game on auto-pilot and stop playing the game. I’ve been playing for something like 6 months now, but I’ve been committed from the start to never pay a single dime for it and I’ve stuck with that the entire time. Granted, I’ve put way too much time into the game and, if time is money, I’ve wasted a bunch that way, but I’ve never actually paid for anything in currency. Cheap skate 4 life. I honestly don’t know why I keep playing, knowing what the game is setup for, but I still log in day after day.

I can definitely see how it encourages players to spend money, there’s so many mini-currencies within the game that obfuscate what you need to do to earn this or that hero or get whatever thing you’re trying for, but ultimately the incentive is to buy shit to get further along. In this game though, the rates are so goddamn ridiculous that you’d have to be an impatient jackass to pay the rates they want for simple things that don’t even give any guarantees of better performance in the game. On the one hand, I thing games like this are evil for trying to take advantage of people, but on the other, if you’re that stupid and that rich that you have money to burn on a game like this… maybe throwing your money away on digital stuff isn’t the worse thing you could be wasting your money on (like real world drugs or donating to Trump or something stupid like that). But yes, for kids who haven’t mentally developed yet, there probably should be some sort of protections for them, since they’ll pay for dumb shit at the drop of a hat.

peopleproblems, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

Sure, but, technically, without Gacha games I would t have discovered my ex wife sexting another dude. Because she was attempting to hide the money she spent in credit cards I didn’t have access to, then wanted me to pay.

Which led me to digging around, discovering the unaltered statement, then she got drunk and the phone was open in her hand playing some stupid virtual bingo and a snap popped up and wouldnt you know it



_Lory98_, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 15th

After enjoying Ys I and II, I played Origin, which was hugely disappointing. It just felt so unsatisfying to play, and the single dungeon was boring af. I pushed through hoping at least the story would get interesting, but after almost finishing it again with the second character it never did, so I gave up and dropped it. I’m not sure if I want to try the other games in the series, seeing as this is considered one of, if not the, best.

Literally just started playing Tales of Vesperia (~30 minutes). First impressions are that it looks really nice, the combat feels better than the other Tales I tried (Arise and Berseria) and I’m linking the setting and character designs.

Fleur_, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

Don’t gamble please for the love of fuck, all gambling is mathematically designed to never pay off for the one gambling


It’s a lot easier to design when the only payout are pixels on a screen.


I generally agree, but poker is an exception where, if skilled enough, you can actually make money.


The problem is that everybody sitting around that table thinks they’re skilled enough.


Plenty of times I agree. However, no other game in the casino is one so heavily reliant on skill, and if you are skilled in it, it can pay off.

xavier666, (edited )

Excuse me but I heard that the real problem with gamblers is that 99% of them quit before winning big.


You are 100% sure to win if you play long enough.

Sanctus, do games w Games like Splitgate? (Halo?) avatar
Sanctus, avatar

And just to actually add something:
Halo Masterchief Collection,
Friends vs Friends (you actually do need friends for this one its kinda dead but fun as hell),
Unreal Tournament 2004 (large private server scene),
Any entry in the Quake series really.

Tarogar, do games w Games like Splitgate? (Halo?)

Right… Splitgate and splitgate 2 are lies. What you experienced are probably mostly if not all bit matches instead of playing with and against other players. But that is besides the question.

Realistically there have been no actual good games in that niche in recent years (less than 10 years old) and the old ones are either dead unless you like botmatches or have a tiny community that is really REALLY good and will wipe the floor with you.

Anyhow Quake 3 (good luck) Tribes 2 (good luck) Unreal tournament 2004 (good luck obtaining legally, also good luck) Halo (LoL last decent one was reach on 360) There’s more but those are even more niche than the big ones already listed.


Idk… lotta people on mics in pre/post-game lobbies in Splitgate for it to be bot matches

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