JusticeForPorygon, do games w Splatoon 3: After 2 INK-redible years, regular updates will come to a close. avatar

I’ve still never played a splatoon game, mostly because I don’t wanna have to re-purchase it after a couple years


You can keep playing it tho?


The second game was around for well over two years.

Needing to buy an online subscription is a far better complaint than a misinformed timeline.

missingno, avatar

S2 was 2017, S3 was 2022. Five year gap is pretty reasonable for sequels.

S4 likely won't happen until after the next Animal Crossing, since it's the same team working on both IPs.


My issue with that is that Splatoon basically dies off for a few years until a sequel comes out. I’m not playing for switch online for a game that won’t get any new content.

missingno, avatar

How many years do you expect them to keep pumping out content for the same game? They've gotta wrap it up somewhere. Two years is plenty.

Back in my day, games were released and we played them for what they were.


I would be happy with that if Nintendo didn’t charge a yearly fee for online.


Are you imagining that this game should be like those constantly updating online games that rely on micro transactions or monthly subscription? It was a game to buy full price, but got updates and events for free for 2 years plus DLCs. The servers and game will still be online getting quality of life and security updates. Splatoon 1 servers were online for 9 years… On Wii U no less.

ampersandrew, avatar

It does rely on a subscription though.


As do nearly all console online games

ampersandrew, avatar

I don’t think that’s a great excuse.


Maybe it isn’t, but it’s hardly a reason to single out this game for it.

ampersandrew, avatar

I don’t think it’s singling it out to say that the just-about-required subscription makes it less appealing to purchase, whereas most multiplayer games have the PC version as an option.


I didn’t know we were playing the PC vs console argument. Nevermind, someone did that in another thread already. Yes PC without subscription is better. But anyone playing anything on a console buys the sequel every few years of whatever the game may be. Which was what I was replying to

ampersandrew, avatar

We weren’t per se. Only that a predominantly multiplayer game is a harder sell when the subscription is damn near mandatory, which is why there are so few multiplayer-only games on consoles that cost money up front anymore, and free to play games get an exception to the subscription service on PlayStation and Xbox.


I still have yet to understand what is new in Splatoon 3. I play 2 casually, just for a few pvp matches every so often, and it’s good as is

ampersandrew, avatar

The second game even repurposed large parts of the not-particularly-impressive campaign of the first game. They weren’t going to fool me again by making me buy the same game a third time.

missingno, avatar

Large parts? It's been a while since I played Octo Canyon, but I'm pretty sure the only thing that reappeared from Valley was the Octostomp boss, but it's a different fight anyway so not really.

missingno, avatar

It's an iterative series, each game building on the predecessor's mechanics, so there's not any one major twist. But there are a lot of little things that add up. The new movement techniques are great, Salmon Run has been significantly expanded, and just in general the QoL is night and day.

Also, the fact that Ink Armor, Sting Ray, and Main Power Up are not in the game might be the true biggest step forward. S3's meta is in a pretty good spot now.

sleepybisexual, do gaming w I have been getting into emulation (discussion)

Ooh. What systems you playing? I mostly playing GBA rn


Ps2 at the moment but I have played NES/SNES and ps1.


On PC? Or what hardware? :3


On pc though I still have a ps2 if I wanted to play on the actual hardware. But I do find Emulation is easier to set up no plugging the AV cords into the tv or constantly having to change discs to play different games. I also use Aethersx2 if I want to play ps2 games on android.


Ooh :3

I mostly play on dedicated machines,

Also try nethersx2 its a aethersx2 patch that removes ads and shit


I don’t mind as long as they don’t make the ads intrusive. If the ads become intrusive I will try nethersx2.

sic_semper_tyrannis, do gaming w GBA suggestiongs?

I know of Gradius Galaxies and Iridian II

missingno, do gaming w GBA suggestiongs? avatar
  • Boktai series: These games were so near and dear to my childhood, especially 2. Really though you want the Solar Sensor hardware for the full experience, but I love these games too much not to plug them anyway. Emulating them is worth it over not playing them at all. And for the third game, you'd have to pick between original hardware or the translation patch anyway.
  • Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - It's Castlevania. Also play Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance, but Aria is by far the best of the GBA installments.
  • Golden Sun 1/2: These games were way ahead of their time for how they designed a combat system that encourages you to use all of your tools and not just click basic Attack as if you gotta hoard your MP for a rainy day. Fantastic puzzles too.
  • Mother 3: Surely you have already heard of this game and do not need me to tell you to go play it. Have you not played it by now? Why not? Well, okay, if you haven't played Earthbound first, go do so, then play this.
  • Rhythm Tengoku: A wonderful game about pressing the A button. Sometimes you press the d-pad too. Translation patch.
  • Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 1/2: If you've ever played the classic 2D Tales games, these are excellent spiritual successors to those. There's a third game that's JP-only, translation patch is being worked on but it's been stuck in development hell for years...

Golden Sun is still one of my favorite RPGs!


Playing the first golden sun. Can’t do boktai for hardware reasons.

Will remember this list :3

missingno, avatar

FWIW, all three Boktai games do have patches if you can't play on original hardware.

chloyster, do gaming w GBA suggestiongs?

For homebrew shooter stuff you can check out

It’s bullet hell but pretty simple and fun

For other homebrew stuff definitely check out Apotris. One of the best Tetris clones out there.


I has apotris. Also I saw bullet gba is sorta flipped. Would it work in an sp form factor?


Ah, yeah it might be kind of rough on an SP. You could play it normally though tbh. The menus are flipped but once you’re in the game there’s not much difference playing it flipped on its side


Oki :3

You know any good places to get it and other GBA homebrew?



Varyag, do gaming w I have been getting into emulation (discussion)

Welcome! Emulation is probably my favorite method of gaming nowadays, giving me access to most of the classics of gaming from over 20 years of history all at once. If you have a decent computer you get get everything up to the PS3 generation easily, and a less powerful one or a phone can go up to the PS2 or PS1 gens, still giving you plenty of gaming options. I have found so many games and genres I would normally not get into, by trying them out via emulation. Arcade games, especially. I love arcade shmups of the 90’s and early 2000s.

there is an emulation community on and another at but I would understand if you don’t want to interact with those. I am kinda surprised dbzer0 doesn’t have one.

db0, avatar

Well we don’t “pre-open” the communities😅 . The hope is that emulation enthusiasts would naturally realize our instance is the best fit for that sort of thing.


Hm. Maybe I’ll do it, then. Don’t know if I got the patience to admin a community but I am an emulation enthusiast.


Awesome, If you decide to make a community I will definitely be interested in joining!


Thanks I did do a bit of playstation emulation a few years ago but pcsx2 was a lot less stable back then.

Telorand, do gaming w GBA suggestiongs?

Not a GBA game but a GB game: Solar Striker

Still have never beat it to this day.


Isn’t that the one that relied on the DMG screen for visuals?


No idea! It certainly had that screen, but I can’t recall if it was necessary. I’ll have to get my GBC out and see. It’s pretty smeary on my GBA.


Oki :3

Caesium, do games w Splatoon 3: After 2 INK-redible years, regular updates will come to a close.

I hope they never try this 3-way team thing again. Made Splatfests feel so unfair. Especially with the arbitrary point system they used for calculating things. Kind just felt like they slapped whatever number they wanted to on a category and called it a day.

Last night I took a look at the (US) Splatfests for both 2 and 3. In 2, our of the 25 fests I partook in, my team won 14 teams. Pearl and Marina had an even 15 wins between all the fests.

in 3, I only participated in 16 fests, and my team won 3 times. Not only that, but Shiver’s team won 9 fests, Big Man won 7 and Frye a whopping 3. The balancing in this game felt fucking atrocious and I feel like that killed a lot of my motivation to play.

Now ofc Nintendo can’t really predict what team is gonna win when they make choices, but whatever changes they made to the point system did jack all in fairness in my opinion.

I think I’m just gonna go back to splatoon 2 after this

missingno, (edited ) avatar

It'll never happen, but I'd honestly prefer for S4 to move on from Splatfests and do something else entirely. They've run out of ideas, a lot of the themes feel like filler just to keep it going out of obligation. At this point I just see Splatfests as a weekend where they take away Ranked and make everyone play the worst game mode.


I like turf war, but I definitely agree. Some kinda big change needs to happen.

I don’t know what would be a cool replacement but then again it’s not my job to think of one lol


Imagine something like D-Day/Operation Overlord in WW2, but you’ve got 2/3/4 teams trying to fight up a Salmonid beach, big PVE event, but whichever team takes their beachfront first/gets the furthest in within the 3min timer, wins.

NIB, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

World of Warcraft and Diablo are gacha. Every time you play, you are “pulling” and hoping for a good drop(item). What modern gacha games did, is take that gameplay/psychological feature and directly monetize it(instead of indirectly monetizing it through a subscription/1 time payment).

But both are gambling. I am ok with having age restrictions but we need to be honest with ourselves. And what is “fun” is whatever makes neurons activate. Gambling(ie rpg elements) has always been a core mechanic for many games.


But both are gambling.

Nah, they are not comparable in a meaningful way. Sure, at a high level, you can apply aspects of “gambling” to both examples. But the biggest and most important point is the ability to spend actual money for additional changes at “winning”.

People are against gaming because of some deep-seating fear of Random Number Generation by itself. They are against it because of how easy it is to lose money.


It depends on if you value your time or not. That’s what you gamble in WoW. If you don’t get your drop at the end of the raid, you lost time. When a new expansion obsoletes your gear, you lost time.

Oh wait, you literally have to buy play-time to even do the raid in the first place and roll the wheel. Not to mention the (sub)time it takes to level up and gear up.

Yeah. Just because you are not pulling out your wallet at every kill doesn’t mean you aren’t gambling and losing, both time and money.


In that case aren’t most games gambling? You fight a boss and you die. You have failed and you lose progress of the boss fight which means the failed fight was a waste of time. Gambling.

My actual point is that despite us having a relatively good intuition on what is gambling, defining what gambling really is is pretty hard. Be too broad and you will end up marking non-gambling things as gambling, be too narrow and you get things like lootboxes that definitely feel like gambling but don’t actually fit most legal definitions of gambling.

Your definition is so broad it encompasses almost all games and as such is useless when you want to use it to regulate gambling on games.


It is gambling becaae there is a “house” you at playing against, whoever sets the odds and has a financial interest in them.

If you’re playing a singleplayer game, you are still triggering the same mechanisms, but no one is profiting from you staying up until 3am playing a singleplayer game you already paid for.


So all subscription games are gambling? What about Fallout 76? It’s not gambling if you just buy the game but if you buy the subscription the game becomes gambling despite the game fundamentally stays the same and the subscription doesn’t add any RNG to the game?


If you value your time, you wouldn’t be playing video games at all. As they are nearly an entertaining way to waste time.

All games waste either time, money, or both. So I guess we just have to make video games illegal now. Oh well. Was fun while it lasted.


I stopped playing WoW because it didn’t value my time. There is a limit to how much you can spend on WoW. Sure, you can buy gold, but it honestly won’t help you that much. The upgrades come from the weekly content, mostly.

And then there’s the mobile stuff where whales rule the day.


Modern gacha games are more exploitative and effective. But there is a reason why almost all conventional games have “rpg elements” nowadays. I am an old gamer and i remember when this happened.

Game devs realized that if they have “number goes up” mechanics in their games, those games will be more popular and they will sell more. Thats how all games, including multiplayer competitive games, started adding temporary progression(session based, ie buying items between rounds in counterstrike) and then permanent progression(unlocking attachments and prestiging in call of duty).

Quake and unreal didnt have any progression, yet they were very popular multiplayer games. Many people blamed the lack of “parallel progression” systems in starcraft 2, for its failure(sc2 eventually added more parallel progression). Mechabellum, an autobattler(the modern equivalent of an rts), has like 3 different numbers that go up, on top of unlocking unit abilities and skins.

The mobile game market is very competitive and game development is extremely fast and iterative. So they leapfrogged ahead of conventional gaming when it comes to all kinds of user metric manipulation(addictiveness, engagement, etc). Dont hate the player, hate the game.

Funnily enough, the most popular mobile games atm are by Hoyoverse and they arent even that exploitative. They are AAA games, with decent story, graphics, gameplay and the gacha is just there for the more vulnerable/rich people. IMO playing them as f2p is not only viable but actually more enjoyable(ie challenging instead of rolfstomping everything).

If only there were more conventional games as a service that could pump the amount and quality of content that Hoyoverse creates for their games. But Hoyoverse is a private company, probably funded by the chinese government, so they can afford to reinvest all those billions back into the game development, unlike other games. And it shows.

So ultimately, gacha is kinda like real life gambling. I am kinda ok with it, as long as it isnt promoted and its profits go to a good place(funding education or creating decent games).

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

World of Warcraft and Diablo are gacha.

The original versions of the game wouldn’t allow you to simply spend real money for in game benefits.

That’s since changed, as in game marketplaces have given users the ability to buy up their level, their gear, and their various grindable ranks.

But this is a relatively new iteration of the franchise. They also don’t use the “stars” power curve, wherein characters need to spend exponentially more in game currency to achieve linear power scale.

Katana314, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

It’s a small measure, but I’d really like to see a law where gacha games need to publicly advertise their odds and allow independent verification.

The biggest effect it would have is, the odds would need to be static. Many gacha systems have been accused of putting a hand on the wheel, assuring someone “so close to their needed item” must keep going through a series of failures.


This is already a thing in most gacha games due to laws that already exist in certain countries.

The way the gacha works is very public knowledge for every popular one, and can be verified by the players.


the only gacha i play is limbus company ^(glory to project moon)^ so i dont know if this is true for other gachas but yeah, in limbus you’re always just one click away from seeing the % chances of getting a specific identity/ego, although this is done in compliance with some korean laws about online gambling (its the first thing you read when you open the probabilities menu)


I don’t really know a lot about gatcha games, the only one i played was some DBZ game, because i wanted to get back into DBZ, and shiny things. I never payed money for it, because honestly i didn’t really see the point, aside from it being an obvious waste of money, and at the end of the day, i never felt like i missed out of anything, because of maybe luck or just grinding or not caring enough.

anyway, i’m pretty sure they said what the odds are of pulling a specific card, and that it’s like in the 1% or 0.5% or whatever. But i don’t think that helps at all, because people who gamble like to game, no matter the odds.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Without spending money, a lot of these games simply become boring and deeply repetitive over time.

The system for farming “free” in game currency feels more like a chore than entertainment. The benefits of each upgrade is more marginal while the adversaries progress rapidly.

There’s a “git good” angle to this kind of game, as it drifts from an FF-on-easy-mode to Dark-Souls-on-Legendary. But if I want that experience, why not just buy a copy of a Souls game?

Certainly Eldin Ring is worth a few hundred hours, has a much richer experience, and won’t immolate my wallet inside a month.


publicly advertise their odds and allow independent verification.

The biggest effect it would have is, the odds would need to be static

i mean, genshin kinda does this?? ingame on the wish screen they tell you about their pity system, where 75-100 is a guarenteed top-tier drop

texasspacejoey, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

Also it should be required to display prices in local currency. I spent 2.99usd on that fox card game. Ended up costing me 5 bucks canadian

zerofk, do gaming w Is Dragon's Dogma 2 worth it if I already have the first one?

I suggest you play the first, then decide whether you want more.


that’s pretty much it. if you don’t like the first, you probably won’t like the second. if you DO like the first, you might prefer the second one. personally i bounced off of both of them around 10-15 hours in, for similar reasons, but I did find the 2nd game a little more exciting.

the_white_wolf, do gaming w Is Dragon's Dogma 2 worth it if I already have the first one? avatar


If you can live with the outdated engine and the performance problems due of the engine then yes.

SlopppyEngineer, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

Government should set up a site where companies using loot boxes have to open a tax box to know what tax they’ll pay that month, to keep things exiting, with the option to buy more tax boxes for a few million per box.


That’s hilarious. Unfortunately that is what is happening already. Large corporations are buying ridiculously low taxes by spending a few million up front.

Blackmist, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

Quite a few years ago now I went to my nan’s house for Christmas.

My cousin, I think he was about 13, had got a £50 Steam voucher for some games. Him and my other cousin who was a couple of year older went to Steam, swapped the voucher for something, and then took that to a gambling site. I don’t know if they’re still a thing. It was something to do with Counter Strike drops I think. Heavily advertised by YouTubers who ran them, with a bunch of videos showing them winning. The sort of thing they’d be sent to prison for in any right thinking society.

They took that £50, put it in, and clicked. The younger one went “what now?” and the older one just went “oh, nothing. It’s gone.” A couple of games worth of money, gone. For nothing.

He looked like he was about to cry, and only didn’t because he was going through that acting tough phase.

He’s an accountant now, and plays crown green bowling. I like to think that was a relatively cheap lesson in why not to fuck around with gambling.


That’s so devastating. I feel awful when kids are let down like that.


At least that lesson cost mere £50 and not thousands of pounds if he won and wanted to chase that dopamine hit of winning.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

It sucks, but in a world we’ve chosen to litter with landmines, it’s a relatively harmless experience.

I would be more worried about the kid winning and internalizing the feeling of instant gratification.

lorty, avatar

Seems about right. CSGO skin gambling was all the rage 10 years ago.

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