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XbSuper, w Yes, Phantom Liberty and patch 2.0 really are Cyberpunk 2077's 'last big updates' and it's finally time to start the sequel, director confirms

So when’s the next sale for ps5? I still won’t pay full price, but might pick it up for $40 or so.

loutr, avatar

Same, waiting for a discount on the definitive edition or whatever before finally picking this up.

BleatingZombie, w Thanks to a bug, players have found a 'realm of naked men' in Baldur's Gate 3

“Naked! Naked, naked, naked!”

HubertManne, w Thanks to a bug, players have found a 'realm of naked men' in Baldur's Gate 3 avatar

You should see it when it rains.


“It’s Raining Men” and “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” are about the same event, but from different perspectives.

Sanctus, w Thanks to a bug, players have found a 'realm of naked men' in Baldur's Gate 3 avatar

I fed Gale his robe when he was bitching about magic items once, had to have the whole deep.lore conversation with him suddenly naked. My point being Gale is a great thumbnail for this article about naked men.

JoMomma, w Thanks to a bug, players have found a 'realm of naked men' in Baldur's Gate 3

Gross… where exactly?

Sanctus, w Embracer and Sony Are Removing Every Trace of Knights of the Old Republic Remake They Can avatar

I forgot about this the minute there was drama with it and the writers were changing the story. All they had to do was remake the models and textures for it to be a masterpiece for the second time. Sad, but glad it wasn’t turned into a dumpster fire.

Molecular0079, w AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 3 First Look

They still have not fixed the absolutely terrible dis-occlusion artifacts that were present in FSR 2 and, in fact, it seems to have gotten worse with frame generation. Here’s an example of what the artifacts look like:

FSR’s lack of AI reconstruction is still keeping me on DLSS and team green despite Nvidia’s price-gouging and mediocre Linux support.

lustyargonian, w Embracer and Sony Are Removing Every Trace of Knights of the Old Republic Remake They Can

Do all cancelled projects get wiped off of internet?

woelkchen, w Hatoful Boyfriend dev has not received any royalty payments from Epic games since Spring 2021 avatar

They seem to claim it was all an innocent mistake:

@EpicPublishing We are looking into this and the team will be reaching out to you directly.


Not replying to the dev’s messages and not paying them for 2 years is not an innocent mistake.

woelkchen, avatar

Not replying to the dev’s messages and not paying them for 2 years is not an innocent mistake.

Yeah, they only announced to reach out in the future after bad press.

Chailles, avatar

Or you can look at it as for what it is rather than some ulterior motive behind it, the emails may have just not been getting to the right person regardless of fault. They’re only replying now because it’s only just now they heard that something was wrong.

Now on the other hand, I generally find it hard to believe that for a business as large as Epic, nobody would follow up on money that’s just been sitting around for over 2 years.

cyberic, avatar

Agreed, all it takes is for one or two employees to leave the company after the handoff and information can be forgotten.


Is there more to the thread? It’s just showing me the one message linked, and it doesn’t say anything there about reaching out to Epic / not hearing back.

harmonea, avatar

No, there was absolutely no claim that it was an innocent mistake, I'm not sure why that was written there. It's just a promise to look into it, no more no less.


So we also don’t know if the developer had reached out to Epic besides this post? Isn’t it possible, then, that this is the first Epic has heard of this as well?

harmonea, avatar

Huh. I guess you're one of those that waits for people to tell you things in the comments, makes weird extrapolations about it, and jumps to conclusions rather than just clicking the OP link and absorbing the information there?

How did you even get that from what I said?

And literally the second tweet the dev made was "they've never sent any replies to me" so he's clearly been trying?

I'm usually more understanding of people missing information, but it took you more time and effort to jump to these conclusions and write a totally incorrect defense of Epic than it would have to just see that the info is right there.

mammut, (edited )

I don’t know if it’s because I don’t have an account on Twitter, but literally the only Tweet it shows me is the one linked, where she says that she hasn’t gotten royalties. It says this:

btw I’ve got no royalty payment for Hatoful Boyfriend from Epic since they acquired Mediatonic back in spring 2021. I don’t think the sales have been zero for two years?🤔

I noticed people in the comments saying that Epic didn’t respond to her, but I didn’t understand why people were saying that – from the only Tweet I can see, shown above, there’s nothing saying that she reached out to / didn’t get a response from Epic.

So, I asked here in this thread if there are more Tweets, thinking that there must be more but Twitter just doesn’t show them to me. Because otherwise it makes no sense to assume that she reached out to Epic / didn’t get a response, based just on the Tweet linked. So, I posted,

Is there more to the thread? It’s just showing me the one message linked, and it doesn’t say anything there about reaching out to Epic / not hearing back.

Then I got a reply, from you, that opened with “No.” I read that as you saying that aren’t any more Tweets, and so I asked why everyone was assuming she’d reached out to Epic / hadn’t gotten a response. Because that’s not a logical assumption to make based on the text contained in the single Tweet linked here.

Now you’re telling me there are more Tweets. I still cannot see them and do not know what they say, though, which is why I was asking in the first place.

(Edit: I see there is now an image of the thread in this post. That was not there when I asked the initial question about if there were most posts.)


Why not? Dev’s email might have ended up in the spam list and no one ever saw their emails. Shit happens. All the time.


I agree- I work as a data scientist, and internal data is messy as shit. When you’re talking about data from an acquired company, that’s doubly so

Eylrid, w Factorio Friday Facts #378 - Trains on another level

Between this and the new more flexible curves rail spaghetti is going to be off the chain!

Swim, w GameStop's New Billionaire Boss Calls For 'Extreme Frugality' In Email To Staff

love how the drs your gme was calling this a fake tweet earlier


Superstonk mods have been compromised for a long time, silencing discussion of various topics and derailing discourse. Not to mention thousands of bot accounts manipulating what gets seen. The original members have partially moved to other forums and lemmy

DarkThoughts, w Thanks to a bug, players have found a 'realm of naked men' in Baldur's Gate 3

Damn, even the bugs are woke now! /s

Kongar, w Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam

I got it for “free” with my new cpu purchase. I played about 5 hours. It was a total slog. Put it down and have zero regrets. Bethesda has been making some very boring games lately imo.


Skyrim was one of my favorite games for several years.

I tried watching my husband play Starfield but I kept zoning out, using my phone, or getting up to do something else. I’d rather do laundry. Starfield is boring A.F to watch, and I have zero interest in playing it


I think Skyrim is also boring to watch, they’re definitely better to play


Fair point on Skyrim being more fun to play than to watch. I agree. And if you like Starfield as it is- then so be it! I’m not trying to shit on anyone’s enjoyment of the game

BUT…my husband likes to try to optimize everything. So we’ll spend time looking at different aspects- some of the graphics just infuriated me. Some things looked so amazing, but others… meh or… wtf. The facial expressions are way behind the times, and everything he showed me seemed lacking in one way or another. Like that Aurora nightclub. The NPC’s are talking about what an amazing experience they are having, meanwhile it’s like 15 of them badly dancing or just standing around. They certainly didn’t look like they were having fun and they moved around like a group of homeless methheads

He ended up playing some more of the game once I went to bed, and then conceeded that it’s lack-luster and moved on to something else


Yeah, I got about 150 hours in, did all the side quests I could find, went through NG+ did almost all the things needed to ng+ again but now I’m just like… Meh why?

I’m sure it’ll be a great game for modders, there’s already a good bit that help with some of the basics (UI, beth wtf) so I got pretty good moneys worth from the game and here’s to hoping I can take many more trips in like FO4 and Skyrim with mods to vastly improve things :)

On the Aurora thing, I mean… You ever been in a club with people on Molly? They look out of their minds so… Doesn’t seem too far off lmao

Bout to start a fresh run on New Vegas, been many many years so I’m excited :D


I bought after it released.

So far I’ve seen a lot of Bethesda typical bugs, but nothing game breaking yet.

Yes the first few hours of a play through are a slog, after it opens up more it becomes much more enjoyable. A live another life type mod would make me immensely happy.

That being said, Bethesda does a good job of making a platform for modding, and thats the KEY thing that keeps me buying, and playing again and again, Bethesda games.

For that reason ESO just never had the magic to me, I understand a lot of mods found for single player games would be highly unbalanced and its not an option for an MMO. That said, without mods Bethesda games are lackluster and I quickly lost interest despite trying to enjoy it a few times. I like MMOs too, don’t get me wrong, I’m not someone who only plays shooters being introduced to an MMO.

I’m excited to see what the modding community can do once the tools are released in 2024.


Same got it free with my 7800x3d, played it for 15 minutes saw it ran like dog shit even on that CPU with a RTX 4090 and said fuck this.

Cyberpunk 2.0 has been incredible though

eochaid, w Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam avatar

Overblown and knee jerk.

I’m enjoying the absolute fuck out of this game - hundreds of hours already and no regrets. This game is a lot deeper than anyone gives it credit for, it’s fantastic, and I’m looking forward to more of it.

No Man’s Sky bores the hell out of me and yet I’m having so much fun exploring planets and raiding pirate bases and being surprised by handbuilt content in what I thought would be a procedurally generated dungeon. Not to mention the surprisingly deep side and faction quests. Oh and so many hours playing with the shipbuilder.

I’m sorry you’re not having fun guys. But maybe you should focus on things that are fun for you?

BallShapedMan, avatar

Agreed, at first I wasn’t excited about it but as the quests opened up I was in. I’m on the “new game+” right now and seeing what else I can mess up lol.

My quests tend to end in a lot of shooting innocents… I don’t know why that keeps happening. It can’t be anything I’m doing…


Sorry, to clarify, after you mention NMS, all those funs/positives were about Starfield again, right?

SinkingLotus, avatar


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  • CraigeryTheKid,

    It was genuine! I’m also trying to gauge which to play next with the little time I have!

    The other one in the mix is The Outer Worlds, which also looks like “Skyrim in space”, even though it doesn’t get as many mentions.

    eochaid, avatar

    The only thing I said about NMS was that it bores me. The story is thin and nonsensical, characters are nonexistent. It’s a great sandbox with impressive technical merit, but that’s not enough to keep me engaged.

    Outer Worlds is pretty good but it’s an Obsidian title, for better or worse. The game world is bleak and terrible and it’s not any better at the end. Their writing is good and their characters are fantastic, and I enjoyed my time with the game but once I was done with the story, I couldn’t find much reason to keep playing.

    Starfield, on the other hand, is really big and really deep. There is a crap ton of hand-built content - seriously, hundreds of hours in and I’m still struggling to see it all. The four faction quests feel like separate games in themselves. Starship building is awesome. Outpost building is overwhelming and little pointless, but still fun if you like that kind of thing. Yes, there’s a bunch of planets with generated content, but it’s surprisingly varied. There’s a ton of variation in flora and fauna and even the generated dungeons. There’s a few times i went to an abandoned something or other expecting just some pirates or something and ended up with a huge cinematic fight and loads of what seems to be hand-built content. Best of all, you can play the game how you want.

    Don’t like planet scanning? You don’t have to. Hate the UC or Freestar Collective, fine you don’t need to do theor quests. Hate the ship builder? There’s plenty you can buy. Hate outpost building? Great, you can ignore it. Want to ignore the main quest and go be a pirate for a while? Go for it. The Crimson Fleet even gives you a couple of companions you can use if you hate how goody goody the Constallation folks are. This game rewards roleplaying choices more than any other beth title I’ve ever played.

    Also, no spoilers but the New Game + mode is legitimately innovative. The story actually continues through it in wierd and wonderful ways. This is a game I’ll easily still be playing for years.

    But my only advice is that you have to give it some time. It has a slow start and it’ll take a few hours to really start to click. So if you don’t want a game you have to spend a lot of time on, Outer Worlds will be a quick romp.


    Sadly I’ll never get to enjoy it, I’m not gonna buy an Xbox just to play it. Really really stupid that we’re still doing exclusive games in 2023. I’m a PlayStation user literally wanting to give Bethesda my money, but they don’t want it.


    Same. Can’t imagine the logic behind denying a product to a console that outsells yours 2:1. It’s fucking dumb.

    Never_Sm1le, avatar

    Of course they do, games are bloodline of a console and you think M$ gonna give a game made by it to a direct competitor? It’s like Apple allow other phone OEMs to use iOS


    I think it’s dumb to deny themselves the fuckton of money that PlayStation users would have paid to buy the game, and that I would guarantee you that they didn’t sell even close to enough consoles to make up for it considering it’s a pretty shit game to begin with.

    They could have recouped some of their money from it, but no- it’s a flop now.

    Never_Sm1le, avatar

    Most of the “sale” of this game comes from xbox pass and that’s enough for M$. Xbox is already being outsold so giving Sony more advantage for a little recoup is stupid strategy.

    Lev_Astov, avatar

    Just think of it as a PC game that happens to also have an Xbox release holding it back for some reason.


    As a PS person myself I don’t feel like we have the right to complain about exclusives! I’m pretty sure Sony has had way more than Xbox ever had and I am fine with it. In today’s market the only thing a console may have as an upper hand is an exclusive game. At least with Xbox games these days you immediately have the option to play on PC, which is what I do if I really want to play one, unlike Sony which has just started doing pc for exclusives but you are going to wait 1 or 2 years before it drops.

    I like buying a PS every generation because I know it will have the best exclusives to play just like I have a switch because it’s the only place to play a Nintendo game. If they didn’t have those games why would anyone even bother buying a console at all? If they all shared the same games 100% it would be a coin flip to whatever platform you invest in at that point.


    Since the starfield exclusivity thing started, this point has always stuck with me: PlayStation owners buy PlayStation because of the expectation that they will get the best exclusives (and even most other games first). It was so bizarre to see them so brazenly attack Xbox over making starfield exclusive. They couldn’t see that they were beneficiaries of these same tactics for so long that they just accepted it as “the way it is.” Logically, why would you ever buy an Xbox if PlayStation gets better exclusives and the other great games first? No one should be surprised when TES6 is Xbox/PC exclusive.


    You can see how those two things are a little different though, right?

    PlayStation buys smaller studios, usually that they have history with, and helps them to build games from the ground up - even new IP’s.

    Microsoft bought a major studio that had a game near completion, a game that the studio fully intended on releasing on all platforms, and Microsoft exclusified it.

    To be clear, I actually don’t like exclusives at all. But there’s still clearly a difference here, and I can understand where people are coming from when they criticize Microsoft and not Sony.


    I don’t understand the difference honestly. Investment is investment. I think it’s stupid to do exclusives, but if one is going to build a walled garden then the other needs one too.

    I’m PC only so I don’t give a fuck. I can emulate a Switch and eventually I’ll be able to emulate a PS5. If they want exclusives, they don’t want my money. If they stop building walled gardens then great.


    I think it’s stupid to do exclusives, but if one is going to build a walled garden then the other needs one too.

    I agree, but how you go about that is important imo. I’m on PC too, so let me use a better example that might hit closer to home.

    Epic games. Their use of exclusives has garnered more hate then almost any other storefront in the pc space. But it’s not the exclusives in and of themselves - after all, people never cared when Fortnite didn’t come to Steam. Similarly, nobody lost their minds when The Sims was exclusive to Origin, or Assassins Creed to Uplay.

    The difference between these games, as opposed to other Epic exclusives, is that these games were built by these companies from the ground up. Nobody cares if Fortnite is an Epic exclusive because Epic made that game - it’s their right to keep it to themselves. The same goes for the Sims with EA, and Assassins Creed with Ubisoft.

    It’s only when Epic snatches nearly completed games that they had nothing to do with, that people get angry. So in this way, Microsoft is the Epic games of the console scene, while Sony is more akin to Ubisoft or something.


    You can see how those two things are a little different though, right?

    No, not really. Contrary to your point, Bethesda has worked quite closely with Xbox a number of times (especially back in the oblivion days) and Sony has never been interested in Bethesda’s ideas about games (support for Skyrim was abysmal on PlayStation and mods on PS3/4 were a joke).

    Is MS a huge jerk for yanking starfield out of the hands of the majority of console gamers? Yeah totally, but Sony is also a huge jerk (and has been) for a long time when it comes to negotiating exclusivity deals, which they have been able to do because they are the number 1 console. It’s really not hard to extrapolate how much leverage Sony has over the industry when you see that they have sold 75% more consoles than xbox (35 vs 20 million units sold PS5/XS). I believe the previous gen was even worse. The outcry over this would have been much smaller if the roles were reversed, because it would have just been business as usual for every gamer.


    And I’m not going to buy a Playstation just to play The Last of Us, Spiderman, Detroit: Become Human or any of the other games Sony refuses to sell Xbox users.

    I’d love to play those games but Sony just doesn’t want my money.

    I’m not going to whine about it either though.


    Same. I’ve got thousands of hours in Skyrim. It’s my favourite game of all time. But I’m more into sci fi than fantasy generally and Starfield is shaping up to be everything I would’ve asked for. It’s taken over my life and I have no regrets. Bethesda smashed it again.


    Hand made? I found a lot of copy pasted bases and ships between systems, to the point of thinking that I already visited those


    Those are handmade, and it’s honestly the issue. If the bases were procedural out of descrete hand made chunks, it’d be less repetitive. There seems to be about five bases for the procedurally placed content, and once you’ve done it once it gets dull. It’s not even like they made furnature procedural or anything like that to change up the looks. They could have at least made different doors locked procedurally so you have to take different routes each time.


    Yeah people really need to calm their rage boners. It’s a great game.

    mateomaui, w Hatoful Boyfriend dev has not received any royalty payments from Epic games since Spring 2021

    Just waiting for people to come in here and bash the dev for still being on Twitter.

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