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FoundTheVegan, w Steam Strategy Fest 2023 avatar

My ADHD prevents me from focusing on just one thing. Does anyone have a good game to play in tandem of watching a movie or show? Ideally something turn based or strategic, but not something complicated enough to require undivided attention.

Slay the spire and crafting in MMOs has been my go to lately, but I'd love something tower defensey.


Riftbreaker isnt really turn based, but it has a lot of base building tower defense style gameplay and its 40% off right now. Super fun and addicting gameplay and a pretty extensive tech tree. Also they have a planned multiplayer patch coming out eventually

FoundTheVegan, avatar

Oooh, that looks interesting as heck! Really good suggestion. Thanks! ♥ 💕

ADHDefy, avatar

Seconding, Riftbreaker is an excellent game.

Eogram, avatar

I've put way too many hours into Kingdom New Lands.
It's a satisfying tower defense game, with a very simple loop once you're used to it. Great to keep your hands busy while watching something.

FoundTheVegan, avatar

Yesssss! You are very much in my wavelength, I have played a ton of kingdoms! Super clever game, I never thought side scrolling city builder would be a thing.... But there it is! Great background game, another good suggestion.


This is one of my gaming needs, so I can help with some I’ve used. They don’t require enough focus to break your focus on your show

  1. Vampire Survivor - has some things in common with tower defensey, but ultra-addictive
  2. Factorio
  3. Cultist Simulator (not like anything you asked but worth the checkout)
  4. Luck be a Landlord (slay the spirey, but simpler)
  5. Mindustry (serious tower-defense vibes here, and FREE)

If you haven’t already tried them, I had a great time with Vampire Survivors and Loop Hero. Both give the player the ability to check out a little bit, though in different ways. Loop Hero is easier to walk away from than VS, but both games require the player to do little to nothing in order to engage in combat. Loop Hero is a little more involved while VS is a bit more arcade-y. Both very fun

Fiivemacs, w Microsoft has apparently eliminated the $1 Xbox Game Pass trial once again, just before the release of Starfield

Another reason why anything subscription based is bad



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  • Kolanaki,
    !deleted6508 avatar

    Well… Yeah. Wouldn’t you rather not pay for things? /s

    Dindonmasker, avatar

    I would say subscriptions are bad because they are proven to make people spend more money then they would have normally. That’s why most big companies do it now. Someone buying a game for 30$ and playing it for 1000 hours over a couple years isn’t very interesting for the big guys.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    But then how would you apply that logic to things like GamePass, where you will end up spending way less if you are a prolific gamer? I spent $120 for a year of PS+ Premium and it paid for itself in 2 weeks with the cost of buying the individual games vs just having access to the catalogue. And not just things I downloaded, played for 10 minutes and removed. There was plenty of things I would have out right paid $40-70 for and have put 40-100 hours in that I didn’t have to buy because they were on the subscription service. It would have cost almost a $1000 for the value of time spent playing games I got access to for only $120.


    For something like a gamepass it’s debatable.

    You probably pay more if using a gamepass, but you also try a lot more games.

    If you played as many games without a gamepass as with one, you’d pay a lot more.

    But without a gamepass, you usually restrict yourself to fewer games.

    Whether removing such restriction is worth the (not as significant) additional cost is subjective.

    So there’s an actual case for subscription in cases like this.

    (The reason subscriptions make some sense here is because digital items are artificially limited. With physical items or services subscriptions are almost always a money grab. But with artificially limited things, such as digital items, subscriptions can definitely be reasonable.)

    halcyoncmdr, avatar

    The subscription service is bad because a trial period that has no bearing on subscribers is changing? Okay.


    Found another subscriber that shells out money monthly for items they will never own then complains they can’t afford housing/food.

    Subscriptions help no one but companies profits.


    If you only ever play games or watch movies/shows once regardless, it’s just a cheaper way to get content. The only reason I don’t use Gamepass is because it doesn’t work on Linux. That’s it.

    I have Netflix and Disney+ because it’s way cheaper than buying the movies and shows I watch on it, movies and shows that I’ll only ever watch once.


    complaining about housing and food? are we reading the same comment or is lemmy broken again lol

    mothersprotege, w Baldur's Gate 3 "feels so alive" because it used mo-cap and 248 actors to bring its characters to life

    While this headline is true, I don’t think it’s the fundamental reason for the game’s success. Having characters that feel alive is awesome, and part of what elevates BG3 over D:OS 1 and 2 for me. But what makes it great is the amount of control you have over the narrative; how the game responds to your choices. There is nuance. There are permutations. It ain’t perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better than any rpg Bethesda ever put out (fite me).


    A lot of Bethesda content is quasi-procedural. TES and FO maps are littered dungeons/encampments that are pretty formulaic. Re-used passage & room artwork, generic antagonists, just little opportunities to engage in combat mechanics. And they respawn periodically, so you can go back and get your mechanics fix.

    Everything in BG3 is scripted. There are no random encounters, wandering mobs, or replayable dungeons. Everything in the game is there intentionally, and everything in the game has been hand crafted.


    Yeah, this is true. I think Bethesda games have just felt really empty and lifeless to me for a long time. I enjoyed Morrowind a lot. Oblivion I played for a while, but never finished the story. Don’t even remember if I ever finished Skyrim, which was obviously massively popular. Same with their Fallout games, it’s just been diminishing returns for me. Different strokes, and all that, obviously, they just don’t have that secret sauce I crave.

    I think part of it is that your character doesn’t have any personality; you’re some total cipher of a Chosen One, which makes it difficult to form an emotional connection to them, and by extension to any of the NPC’s. Some of their NPC’s have well-written dialogue, but I sure don’t remember any of them.

    all-knight-party, avatar

    Bethesda's "good stories" have always been moreso the player's stories of cobbled together mechanics as a a result of their playstyle/current abilities, gear, and motivation.

    Most of the time it might be rote open world questing with some enjoyable grind loop, but there are a lot of particular memories I love, like robbing the Red Diamond jewelry store in Oblivion's Imperial City, "casing" the place by day as a customer and purchasing a necklace, purely to experience the joy of breaking in at 3 AM and robbing it blind.

    The joy and hilarity I felt when I came back the day after I'll always remember. Entering the store to see the shopkeep, beaming at his new customer, all of his shelves and cases completely fucking empty, as he vacantly grinned at me, buck naked as id stolen the clothes right out of his sleeping pockets.

    I've stolen a lot of shit in that game, but that one was good. It's incredibly rare for me to remember Bethesda's actual character moments that fondly, as they've always come off plastic and rehearsed in some combination of writing, voice acting, and rigid animation. Sometimes they almost reach a good story, like some popular side quest chains, or Paladin Danse's personal quests.

    So, I think these two games tell their best culminational "stories" in different fundamental ways, and I think it's neat how each one's best potential narrative, whether written or otherwise, is a marriage of the game's possibilities and the player's motivation and intent. But you're probably right, BG3 can tell a lot more, better stories than my idiotic repetitive Bethesda adventures, but I do like some pulp.


    Yeah, I think you’re right, and maybe my waning enjoyment of that style of rpg says as much about my lack of imagination as anything else. I’m just a sucker for a story I can get caught up in, with characters that I can somehow relate to, and I’ve nearly always felt let down by Bethesda games in that regard.

    BowtiesAreCool, w Microsoft has apparently eliminated the $1 Xbox Game Pass trial once again, just before the release of Starfield

    Yes it’s called “making sales”

    conciselyverbose, (edited ) w Baldur's Gate 3 "feels so alive" because it used mo-cap and 248 actors to bring its characters to life

    I mean, it definitely helps. The production quality is insane. But the fact that the choices (or mistakes) have actual real impacts on the game going forward are as big as far as I'm concerned. I ended up with my hand being forced into combat early that made an encounter with a potential party member immediately hostile. That sucks, especially since I wasn't trying to do what happened in the earlier encounter. But in terms of a world feeling alive, having it actually react to what you do is pretty damn significant (unless "you're small and irrelevant" is intentional).

    Talaraine, avatar

    It's time developers come to grips with the fact that making choices matter is what makes it a successful game. I'm tired of storylines that don't make any sense except to give you a world to kill people in. Sorry folks, lore is important and that takes writers.

    Stop treating them like afterthoughts.


    I personally am perfectly happy with a game that's all about mechanics and gameplay.

    But the extremely rare game that actually is well written is nice to see.


    It definitely depends on the game, I’m perfectly happy with a game that has a story to tell, and tells it well. Not everything needs to have branching options and 50+ hour playtime. Some of the best stories I’ve played are short and railroady, WaW and BO1 campaing’s are fantastically interesting and you don’t make a single choice in them.


    I don’t think the lack of choices is necessarily a bad thing. The original Doom had no story choices (it barely even had a story) and it’s still pretty good even by today’s standards. Half-Life 1 and 2 pretty much had no story choices as well (there was 1 at the end of the first game) and the first one in particular is considered revolutionizing how stories are presented in games.

    What I do think is an issue is when the game presents you with a choice that doesn’t matter. Bioshock Infinite is the first that comes to mind as the game puts quite a few options front and center, but really none of them matter (except the very last one) and the game even implies that the choices deliberately don’t matter because “constants and variables”. Thus those choices, at least for me, detracted from the story because there was never no need to make me make a choice.

    In that sense I agree that choices should matter, but I think a better wording is that if you’re going to have choices make them matter or don’t have choices in the first place.



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  • Dragonmind,

    Remnant 2 is brilliant at this and bad at this at the same time! The in-world stories that are told along with the environments are absolutely STUNNING! Everything clicks together so well and a slightly different story is told when re-rolling the map!

    Main story cutscenes tell the worst story I’ve ever seen executed. (Worse than Monster Hunter World’s Handler story stuff) I’m glad they’re skippable on another run. Because literally everything is is some of the most classic gaming experience one could have.

    Talaraine, avatar

    There was so much promise in their lore!! I liked N'Erud the best but the rest didn't really lead anywhere other than that you visited, you did something notable, and then you left. Nothing really changed.

    snooggums, avatar

    I would say if it is all about the gameplay, like Serious Sam or Doom, then the story doesn't need to be that important and dexisions don't need to matter. But if the story is front and center, like Baldur's Gate and most similar RPGs, the story and how choices impact the story need to be well done so it doesn't feel on rails and replaying it is enjoyable.


    It gets super confusing when you do stuff in the wrong order though. Missing a clue because you didn’t read the right book or something but then randomly finding the end of the quest and everyone is talking like we know all about it.


    Usually it recognizes it. Sometimes it doesn’t though. I’d hope those instances get patches eventually. Even worse though is when something triggers for something you didn’t even do. I’ve had a party member get angry at me for something that I did the opposite of. It’s a pretty solid game, but it’s not totally bug free, which is expected with so much complexity. Who knows, it could have just been a cosmic ray that flipped a bit and not even their fault (though I doubt it).


    You also miss out on Minthara? I’ve been hearing she’s great but I merced her ass


    I doubt that they’re referring to Minthara; you have to make an intentional series of decisions to >!murder a bunch of people!< in order to get her in your party. It’s relatively easy to miss several origin companions if you’re not the type that explores the whole map. And one of the origin characters starts with >!a quest to kill one of the others!<.

    bitwolf, w Starfield is Bethesda's Least Buggiest Game to Date, Say Sources

    Least buggy?

    Guess journalists are forgetting how to grammar.

    DosDude, w GOG Autumn Sale 2023 avatar

    Why even call it autumn sale if it ends 2 weeks before autumn even begins? I always appreciate a sale though.

    Blackdoomax, (edited ) w Looper Tactics | Launch Trailer

    I like deck building games. It lacks on Playstation, or maybe i’m just unaware of them. Edit: I was unaware :) They are a few that seem interesting.

    underisk, (edited ) w Baldur's Gate 3 "feels so alive" because it used mo-cap and 248 actors to bring its characters to life avatar

    A lot of games do mocap on the face but what strikes me most about BG3 is how much body language the characters use. They aren’t an emotive head on a stiff body switching between obvious static poses. Dame Aylin isn’t just shouting at me she’s leaning into it, arms up, fists clenched and shaking. It really adds a lot to the character performances.


    The other day Astarion jutted his chin up and out (very smugly) and his neck stretched and the Addams apple moved correctly. Games have come so far

    harmonea, avatar

    Astarion's mocap in particular is just excellent. He's so deeply weird and it's completely appropriate. I love how during most normal gameplay, his whole body is constantly on the edge between breaking into raucous laughter or total exasperation. Kudos to the actor(s) and techs that put the whole package together.

    thedrivingcrooner, avatar

    I knew having a Lucifer type character would be one of the more entertaining features of having a vampire as a party member before I even knew he was a vampire

    I feel dumb not seeing that one coming.

    RIPandTERROR, avatar

    Man, I felt like I was supposed to already know he was a vampire day 1. Aside from his give away physical features, he straight up sleeps like one.


    Similarly, I feel like they did a great job in Horizon: Forbidden West. A lot of the animations are rote, sure, but then there’s facial expressions, like Kotallo thinking about Zo’s abilities, that are just amazingly human.

    Gaming has stepped up the production in recent years, and the standouts are obvious.


    Saying “gaming has stepped up” while praising the most over-hyped, bland-ass open-world action series in recent history doesn’t lend much credibility to your comment.


    Guess you haven’t spent time with the game.
    Too bad, missing out.


    I agree with you. It hit a good niche that hasnt been beaten into the ground yet. It had great world building, acting, story and soundtrack


    You mean Horizon?


    Horizon hit a niche that hasn’t been beaten into the ground? An Ubisoft style open world game with far too many collectables and garbage to waste time?


    It’s not treading new ground from a genre standpoint.

    But the combat is a style that isn’t really very common in open world games, and the commenter you are replying to specifically was talking about the story, characters, and world building…all three of which set Horizon apart from other games, IMO.

    harmonea, avatar

    Calling DnD bland always strikes me as funny. It's bland compared to most modern fantasy for the same reason Seinfeld is bland compared to most modern sitcoms: it's one of the the foundations upon which most of the rest of what we've consumed since its inception is built. We've seen all the innovations upon its formula, so going back to the original can feel lacking if you don't bother to think critically about why it feels that way.

    The important thing is that even without all those innovations, they nailed the source material and created the richest experience they could within its boundaries. If it's not for you, it's not for you, and that's fine - no game is for everyone. But it's a pity you dismiss it so flippantly, and I hope one day you can grow to see what's executed well in a project even when its end goal isn't to your tastes. Or just grow out of trolling, whichever applies. I'm not going to pick that apart.


    I think they were talking about Horizon, not DnD or BG3.

    harmonea, avatar

    Oh, you might be right. That's even odder to me then; I haven't played any of the Horizon games myself, but I find their setting premise fascinating. Is it so poorly executed?

    If I misunderstood, my bad, but I'll leave it since there are people who rant about BG3 in a similar direction.


    I have to say that I played Horizon: Zero Dawn, and after the first couple hours it felt very samey. Basically a Ubisoft open-world game with slightly better movement and combat. Haven’t tried the new one, but I don’t think any open-world will ever really catch me again like Elden Ring did.

    harmonea, avatar

    That's a pity. Still, the setting (time period/tech levels/world population composition etc) is worth taking away as something good that people can learn from, I hope, even if they messed it up so badly.


    It took me several hours to get into HZD, but once it hit its stride it really hooked me. The opening few hours are quite weak, IMO. It takes that time for the story to start to reveal, and for the more deliberate pace of combat to make itself apparent.


    I personally haven’t played Horizon myself; but from what I saw if it, it doesn’t look poorly made; it just looks by the numbers. Over the shoulder “cinematic” open world game with that Sony trope of the protagonist telling you the solution to a puzzle upon seeing it.

    If my impression is accurate I would compare it to Quake II or Blue Beetle, if you are already a fan of Sony’s style of games you’ll most likely love Horizon, if you don’t like that kind of game then there isn’t much Horizon can offer you.

    Blaze, w Steam Strategy Fest 2023 avatar

    Do you guys recommend anything?

    FoundTheVegan, avatar

    For The King is a total steal for 5 bucks. Not a ton of repeatability but I lost about 4 weekends beating it. Great game, mixes a lot of genres and it totally work. Worth a look, especially at that price.

    Blaze, avatar


    nanoUFO, avatar

    Age of empires definitive edition is going for $5, though they broke linux compat a few months back.


    According to ProtonDB, it seems to work fine. AOE 2 seems to work after tweaks. AOE 3 seems to work fine if you disable Steam overlay.AOE 4 seems okay for single player, though it seems YMMV with a multiplayer fix.

    If in doubt, check proton DB for tweaks.

    nanoUFO, avatar

    AOE2 DE doesn’t work fine scroll down to all the people saying it doesn’t work on their flavor of proton. I would know I bought it couple months ago and refunded it because it just wouldn’t work. It doesn’t seem they fixed anything either.


    The most recent comment that claims it works is from 3 days ago, and it seems you need a startup command. So it seems to have been completely broken as of a week or two ago, but potentially there’s a workaround on the latest Proton experimental.

    So your experience from a couple months ago may no longer apply.

    nanoUFO, avatar

    Nope still doesn’t work, it used to work on proton 5, 6, 7, 8 flawlessly. Now you have to install a custom proton that includes a simple fix to be able to play the game (this fix only works on proton 7 and 8 and your performance its questionable). Also this isn’t official so you can get banned at any moment. Having to use bleeding edge proton for something that used to work on proton 5 flawlessly is not a fix.


    I just picked up the homework bundle but I’ve never played them. I also picked up Warhammer 40k mechanicus, which I own on PS5 but I’ve switched back to PC with the steam deck.


    Civ 6. If you have like a thousand hours to waste. Else don’t


    The problem with these games (like Stellaris, which is also on offer and I would recommend with the same warning) is that the base game lacks many interesting features, which you only get if you buy all the DLCs.


    That’s true, sadly.

    On my tablet I only bought the two large DLCs and not the leader packs and my city planning looked really bad when I realized that not all wonders are available without them.


    I’ve had a great time playing the Stellaris base game but stopped playing after I felt like I was being locked out of a bunch of new content in DLC. I’ve been keeping an eye out for a complete pack of the DLC but even on sale I’d need to pay way more than I paid for the base game.

    stormesp, w Microsoft has apparently eliminated the $1 Xbox Game Pass trial once again, just before the release of Starfield

    Thats a bullshit of a headline if i have seen one, “eliminated again”, its just not always active, thet bring it back every few months


    Yup, it’s a promotion, so it’s available when they want to increase user counts.

    RizzRustbolt, w Starfield is Bethesda's Least Buggiest Game to Date, Say Sources

    I feel bad for the teams that had to go into “double crunch” mode after BG3 came out. Just so they can get the game into not embarrassing shape for launch.


    Or they could, you know, wait for it to be ready to release. How about they wait to announce it until the game is done, and then spend the last few months polishing it?

    nanoUFO, w The Darkness Remaster Might Happen, Says Nightdive CEO avatar

    God bless Nightdive and almost everything they do.

    all-knight-party, avatar

    They know how to pick 'em. I would love to see the Darkness return.


    For real, their Quake II and ROTT remasters are top tier.

    Mr_Reach, w [DF] Immortals of Aveum PS5/Xbox Series X/S: Unreal Engine 5 is Pushed Hard - And Image Quality Suffers avatar

    This game had a launch peak of nearly 800. Not thousand, hundred. That’s all I need to know.


    Then you really don’t want to know a lot I guess. This indicates nothing about the quality. Could be marketing failure, overly high system requirement targets, financial crisis lessening buying power or simply one of the best games nobody has played like Psychonauts 1, because they were out of the current trends.


    Marketing failure. Everything from the name to the lack of ads.

    Also stupid high system reqs. A game that looks that bad should not require a 2080.


    If it’s got a good single player then what does it matter?

    There are plenty of good games out there that fewer people have played.

    Blaidd, w Starfield is Bethesda's Least Buggiest Game to Date, Say Sources

    For anyone who may have forgotten or may not know: the game is a day 1 launch on game pass. I already have it preloaded and I didn’t preorder. You can easily see how buggy the game is for yourself next week.

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