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AstralPath, w iRacing acquires NASCAR's console video game license from Motorsport Games

Fucking finally! Jesus christ that was a hot mess for way too long.

ipkpjersi, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

Ubisoft is pretty much the most evil gaming company so this is not surprising at all.


EA, Konami and Blizzard give good competition, I wouldn’t be so sure.


OOTL, Konami?


They rat-fucked Kojima towards the end of development of MGS5 and then raped the corpse of the FOX engine with that shitty MGS zombies game. When that didn’t work they decided to take a break from making video games and transitioned most of their development resources into making gambling house games for casinos. All their IPs went away for a while but I think they’re trying to get back into making games more recently.


Interesting. I guess one good thing about them not giving much of a crap about their IP is that we got the Netflix Castlevania series (although, Nocturne, so far, is kinda meh despite its Rondo / SotN era).

AceQuorthon, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

It’s simple. Stop buying crap products!


That’s the thing though - they deliberately made the product crappier after people already bought it.

Think this applies if Denuvo is included from the beginning, but it wasn’t here


Lesson is to make steps being even more patient and play backlogs and opt for older titles that are cheaper. Doesn’t even have to be super old. Could be just within a year. Very few games these days that are an absolute much play the moment it drops. Haven’t actually come across any of that caliber past decade, but maybe I’m too patient.


I’ve heard that Baldur’s Gate 3 was a massively successful launchday title, though it’s not my cup of coffee.

There are still good games around, just unfortunately not the majority of them


There were still a lot of bugs that they are still patching. But even on day 1 baldur’s gate 3 was amazing.


Baldur’s Gate 3 also was in Early Access for a few years so people had plenty of independent experiences to base their opinion on. The release content was more, true, but there were a lot of known factors.

RickyRigatoni, avatar

Yeah but it’s an assassin’s screed game it was crap before denuvo.


Only dummies buy games before they’re available to the public. I thought this has been known since Watch Dogs (another Ubisoft game lmao).

callouscomic, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

So even if they had sold it on Steam, this was likely not going to work on Steam Deck? Doesn’t this denuvo kind of stuff cause issues?


Denuvo doesn’t prevent games working on Steam Deck, but depending on how it’s implemented it can cause other problems like preventing a game from launching if it hasn’t been able to connect online in a while, or weird performance issues. It varies from game to game.


Denuvo works perfectly fine on the Steam Deck/Linux. IDK why people keep repeating this.


Good to know. I haven’t run into any issues, but I dunno if any games I’ve played had it. I had considered getting Mirage for Steam Deck, but I really don’t want to own it on ubisofts app.


This misconception with DRM making it unplayable on steam deck I think stems from 3rd party anti-cheat software flagging Linux players. Denuvo “works” fine on steam deck and Linux as a whole, same goes for anti-cheats. Developers always have the option to tune the anti-cheats to allow Linux players, but only some of them do.

BudgieMania, w Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam

I really really hope that the expectation vs reality of Starfield is the final straw that makes people pause the next time a game markets itself as having an scope and quality that is absurdly beyond anything else on the market.

We have seen this story time and time again and the claims never, ever, materialize on launch. Maybe they get closer to the initial scope over the next few years if they can afford continued development and support, but that's exactly the point, that you need way more man hours and budget than what is acceptable in a realistic development cycle to reach that kind of scope while maintaining overall quality of the game.

The next time that a game claims to have absurd size or whatever million planets or that you can be anything you want or whatever other immense thing like that, ask yourself what parts of the game have taken a significant backseat to achieve that. Because we are well past the point of the industry having proven that the limitations for the scope of a game are not technical anymore, but budgetary. And there's only so much that can be done in 8 years.

BaroqueInMind, avatar

Honestly, seeing this AAA game play like a shit-tier shovelware game on my pretty fucking robust Linux gaming PC makes me kinda fine with Star Citizen taking its sweet time now.


LOL star citizen is taking its time to vacuum up money, not develop a good game. They haven’t even decided on a flight model. In a flight game. After a decade.


Its more than that. Its bland. Fucking Skyrim had more going for it than neon. Tavern wenches shows more skin than Neon Workers. People actually bleed in skyrim. Drugs even, I think skooma has better writing tham Aurora.

SF is just corporate.

eochaid, avatar

Tavern wenches shows more skin than Neon Workers.

The fuck?

People actually bleed in skyrim. Drugs even, I think skooma has better writing tham Aurora.

Uh huh…

SF is just corporate.

Or…maybe just going for a different tone that doesn’t fit your dark gritty sensibilities?


Maybe, but it feels more corporate and sterile than just a different tone. Like they wanted more but had to reign it in.

eochaid, avatar

There’s literally no evidence they ever considered another tone. They were clearly going for a Star Trek tone, not a space opera.


Considering all their past recent games had those aspects at least somewhat… It’s odd that they sterilized it so much in comparison.

Compare that to BG3 where there’s like… Full on sex and people can explode into a bloody mess

eochaid, (edited ) avatar

Okay, but just because they’re not titillating the desires of teenage boys doesn’t mean they “sold out” or “got more corporate”. They’ve been pretty consistent about presenting their creative vision for the game since the beginning.

Also, you’re premise is wrong. I just shot the hell out of someone iin the game and there were absolutely blood splatters all over the wall and floor. Have you played the game, or are you meming influencers?

That said, I would never consider Beth games to be particularly risque. They’ve always faded out sex scenes. Oblivion and Skyrim aren’t particularly bloody games. Fallout’s bloodiness is more in line with the IP and considerably tame compared to Obsidian’s games.

Maybe you’re thinking of mods. I dunno.


There is blood splatter, but it looks silly, when you loot things off of dead bodies they still have the same suit/helmet/whatever left on their bodies you supposedly just looted.

I’ve put over a hundred hours into the game, I’m not a teenager, and the game is definitely more tame/sterile/corporate in many aspects compared to previous games. Remember bloody mess in Fallout? Or the fact you can goo enemies with laser weapons? Yes fallout under beth is definitely more tame even then compared to Fallout 1 and 2 but still Starfield has none of that.

There’s dibellla in Elder Scrolls, and cannibalism, and skeletons (im mot talking about like necromancer skeletons, literally bones for corpses of prior-dead, in Starfield there are corpses but it’s always the “frozen over” look, even on warm planets with atmosphere where decomposition should definitely have taken place instead)

Need I say more?

eochaid, avatar

The blood looks way better than vanilla Skyrim did…

Also you’ve gone from calling the game “corporate” to “tame/sterile” which seems to be an admission that you now understand this was a purposeful and consistent creative choice towards building a “positive sci-fi” world ala Star Trek. A choice they were pretty clear to market and a choice you disagree with. That’s fine. It doesn’t mean it’s a bad game, it just means you weren’t paying attention and bamboozled yourself into thinking this game was ever designed for your sensibilities. Not every game made by a studio will be the same - especially when it’s a new IP. Hell, Tango made Evil Within and Ghostwire then turned around and built Hi-FI Rush.

Oh well. But since it’s a Beth game, you can be rest assured that there will be a ton of mods to help your realize your dream of watching people die and decompose in the most realistic way possible. Heck, there are probably already a bunch that do.

Jakeroxs, (edited )

Lol alright bud

I disagree they said it was Star Trek like at all, this is most definitely not Star Trek utopia the game, you’ve got Neon as a shining example of the corruption and corporate espionage aspects (not that it’s a bad thing at all, just not in line with classic trek ideals)

I know newer trek has moved away from the utopia aspects a lot, partially why I don’t enjoy them nearly as much.

I do think (like with most beth games) the game itself is a great framework for modders to really make the game their own.

Oh, also, I never said it was a bad game, I just noticed they sanitized it a lot compared to what I was expecting, it was noticable to me as some who who has thousands of hours in prior beth games, modded and unmodded.

eochaid, avatar

Wait, so first you were complaining it’s not dark enough and now you’re complaining it’s too dark and not utopian enough? Bro…

Also, I said they were trying to capture the tone of a positive sci-fi story like Star Trek, not create star trek fan fiction. The game world shows significant progress towards solving various social, equality, and health issues, but we haven’t quite gotten rid of money, and as such, greed. For this reason, we still have economic disparity, corporate evil, pirates that do evil things for money, and a monopoly banking system that uses it’s power to use an abuse it’s opponents.

Furthermore, there’s plenty of people who have a problem with an overbearing singular government and want to do things their way - thus why the freestar collective and crimson fleet exist.

Its earth + 1, better, but still flawed. Which is honestly, a lot more realistic than star trek ever seemed to be. Perhaps they wanted to show a “missing link” between current humanity and star trek humanity. There’s progress, but there’s still work to do. Which, given the lack of aliens, its probably a good move to make sure humanity still manufactures drama.

Regardless, the theme and tone of the game can be best described as “hopeful and wide-eyed optimism”, which is very different from the distopian unease of Fallout and sweeping fantasy epic of Skyrim and, starfield was very clearly marketed as such from day one.

Jakeroxs, (edited )

No no no, I’m saying your claim that they said it’s supposed to be like Star Trek (which I never saw mentioned at all) doesn’t make sense.

Though I agree with your latter paragraphs 👍

I’ll add, I’m not a hater and have absolutely defended the game in many aspects (check my post history if you’d like), I do think there are valid criticisms and odd choices though. I’m at 177 hours with it, played through all the side quests I could find and started ng+, made it most of the way through again but now I’m already at the point of, “eh, theres not a whole lot left to do but rehash what I’ve already done for slightly better rewards”

I have high hopes for the mod community as they have been able to consistently breath life and add addition QoL fixes to Bethesda games for years, and I am massively appreciative of them giving me more reasons to jump back into some of my favorite games :)

eochaid, avatar

They never said “star trek in space” because, first of all, that’s redundant, and second of all, would invite lawsuits. I’m not even necessarily saying that they’re copying star trek in any way.

I’m using Star Trek as an illustration of the positive sci-fi genre and the tone they were putting out in their marketing. No, its not literally star trek - but unlike their other titles that are either distopian sci-fi or a semi-dark epic fantasy, this one has a more positive tone - there’s a sense of hope and compassion that even persists in more distopian areas like the well, cydonia, ryujin, and ebbside. And furthermore, the main story’s focus on the excitement and wonder of exploration, and traversing the unknown, is a love note for Star Trek and all the sci-fi novels strewn about the environment.

And though this clarification is quite separated from it’s context now, I only brought this up to say that this game is far more hopeful and optimistic than their previous games and I feel like their marketing illustrated it quite well. And the reason it matters is beacuse the lack of the “darkness” and “grittiness” you are looking for can be explained by this difference in tone.


Lol yeah I was derping when I wrote that first part clearly

Beefytootz, w CD Projekt appears to hint at more Cyberpunk content from Edgerunners studio Trigger

Please no, I can’t handle anymore heartbreak like that!

For real though, I’d be super excited to see more, especially as someone who hasn’t and won’t play the game

Cylusthevirus, avatar

Edgerunners was a better story than the game, honestly. You're not missing all that much if you don't enjoy the gameplay.

CancerMancer, w Video game makers aren’t catering for gamers with disabilities, study finds

Not sure how a dev can change fast-paced gameplay without seriously altering the nature of the game, but remappable controls should be the norm, and flashing lights have been known to cause issues for so damn long that it’s baffling that they keep doing it.

Unreadable text is something I know a bit about though. I’ve done some accessibility work for web UIs in the past and I can offer some guidance. Text should have good contrast with the background, said background should be static or even one solid color, text should be large and comfortable to read, and use normal fonts rather than dumb or fancy shit.


My eyes are shit, and I wish every game allowed me to make the text better. Even with glasses I have issues with newer games and tiny writing


UI elements and text should be made to be resizeable and customizable wherever possible. I don’t care if it becomes an ugly blocky mess so long as I can read it.

Personally I have excellent vision but I’m colorblind and sometimes I don’t even know what I’m missing lol.


Yeah, the number of games that list epilepsy warnings is way too high, devs should just not do it. I am not sensitive to flashing lights yet I still hate it.

So devs, if you feel like you need to put a warning, just fix the game to not do that.

bookmeat, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

Hardly anyone is streaming it. It’s the same cringy dialogue with the same boring game as its predecessors. I haven’t seen anything in any of the streams that would change my mind.


That ahould be a DLC.

lustyargonian, w Redfall doesn’t have enough Steam players to fill a team


snooggums, avatar


Blamemeta, w Redfall doesn’t have enough Steam players to fill a team

I kinda feel bad for some that worked on it. Theres places with passion, but a lot of it is just lazy bullshit.

Zangoose, avatar

To a degree I’d say this applies to anyone that works on a game except upper management. With games like these the devs/artists are almost always the passionate ones trying to put their best effort into their games but end up forced into incredibly condensed timescales by upper management.

MossyFeathers, (edited ) w Former Bungie HR Manager Is Suing for Wrongful Termination After She Reported Potential Racial Bias

Yet another reason to avoid Activision Blizzard. It’s amazing to me how their corrupt and broken internal culture is apparently widespread throughout the company and their subsidiarys, and no one stopped to be like, “hol’ up, we can’t act like this” while the culture was taking form. So now you end up with people like the article trying to fight against it and getting doors shut in their face.

Also, it should be pretty easy to prove whether or not she resigned voluntarily. The resignation form would either be missing her signature or have a forged signature. Dunno what Activision Blizzard is doing trying to claim she resigned voluntarily.

Edit: I thought Bungie was still owned by Activision.


All for avoiding Activision/Blizzard but they have nothing to do with this. This is all Bungie.


I had an employer try this on me too. I beat the claim in court by pointing out that people who quit don’t tend to bother showing up on time and ready to work at their next shift. Judge agreed with me. Shortly after I was offered about 80% of my claim as a settlement with the understanding that the taxes on the settlement would be paid by the company. Pretty good deal when I didn’t even have a lawyer ngl


Umm, isn’t this more on Bungie than ABK?

I mean yeah ABK has toxic culture, but Bungie has been with Sony for over a year now (Aug 2022), and Alm was hired just few 2 months before Sony acquisition and the issues followed up until September with false termination.

WarmSoda, w FRONT MISSION 2: Remake || Release Trailer

Damn the Switch is getting a lot of good re-releases.

If you’ve never played these games they’re turn based tactic mech games. Be prepared for an incredible amount of story. Like an insane amount of story everywhere. I don’t remember if 2 has “the Internet” in it though. That’s a whole nother layer of something.

hydrashok, w Telltale laid most of it's staff in September

Guess I better review the library before they get delisted in Steam.

DocBlaze, (edited ) w Epic Games to update Unreal Engine pricing for devs not making games

Evidently, all of Epic Games’ business had been “heavily funded by Fortnite” in the last six years, and different parts of the company became “disconnected” from their revenue streams.

Wait, so youre really telling me me Epic giving away a ton of free games on EGS every single month and free unreal engine marketplace assets to devs as well as regular epic megagrants was never a financially sustainable move?

Psssh. In other news, salt is salty. 🤭

I honestly believe Tim is not going to f–k this one up though, as a former one he clearly cares about the game dev community and as majority shareholder he isn’t needing to be driven by profits as much as publicly traded Unity head John Riccatello is.

Plus, fortnite is still a goddamn cash printer, just not printing as fast as they expected.

fibojoly, w CD Projekt appears to hint at more Cyberpunk content from Edgerunners studio Trigger

My body is ready. But my poor fluttering heart…

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