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Fjor, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

Ubisoft making themselves an even more loveable company…

PoetSII, w Cancelled loot shooter Hyenas allegedly "Sega's biggest budget game ever", new report claims

This was the most “design by trends the CEO’s son saw five years ago” game I’ve ever seen. From day one you could tell it’d be DOA since it would be arriving years late and millions of dollars short, with absolutely zero soul or intent. You could smell the cash shop and sandpaper one-liners from a mile away. I feel for the devs at CA that have been pushed into making this game, and are now facing layoffs for it’s inevitable failure. It’s really time the C-suite started getting consequences for their poor decisions. Let CA make Aliens Isolation already dammit.

praise_idleness, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

That’s a brand new way to fuck users’ ass. Very impressed.

CliveRosfield, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

Yeah I will never not dislike Ubisoft games on principle

ipkpjersi, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

Ubisoft is pretty much the most evil gaming company so this is not surprising at all.


EA, Konami and Blizzard give good competition, I wouldn’t be so sure.


OOTL, Konami?


They rat-fucked Kojima towards the end of development of MGS5 and then raped the corpse of the FOX engine with that shitty MGS zombies game. When that didn’t work they decided to take a break from making video games and transitioned most of their development resources into making gambling house games for casinos. All their IPs went away for a while but I think they’re trying to get back into making games more recently.


Interesting. I guess one good thing about them not giving much of a crap about their IP is that we got the Netflix Castlevania series (although, Nocturne, so far, is kinda meh despite its Rondo / SotN era).

ICastFist, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online. avatar

Offering a specific version of the product for reviewers to write about that buying customers won’t get? fry-im-shocked.gif

Sabata11792, w Diablo IV Coming to Steam on October 17 avatar

Can't wait to see the review dumpster fire.

CancerMancer, w Video game makers aren’t catering for gamers with disabilities, study finds

Not sure how a dev can change fast-paced gameplay without seriously altering the nature of the game, but remappable controls should be the norm, and flashing lights have been known to cause issues for so damn long that it’s baffling that they keep doing it.

Unreadable text is something I know a bit about though. I’ve done some accessibility work for web UIs in the past and I can offer some guidance. Text should have good contrast with the background, said background should be static or even one solid color, text should be large and comfortable to read, and use normal fonts rather than dumb or fancy shit.


My eyes are shit, and I wish every game allowed me to make the text better. Even with glasses I have issues with newer games and tiny writing


UI elements and text should be made to be resizeable and customizable wherever possible. I don’t care if it becomes an ugly blocky mess so long as I can read it.

Personally I have excellent vision but I’m colorblind and sometimes I don’t even know what I’m missing lol.


Yeah, the number of games that list epilepsy warnings is way too high, devs should just not do it. I am not sensitive to flashing lights yet I still hate it.

So devs, if you feel like you need to put a warning, just fix the game to not do that.

Pxtl, w Cancelled loot shooter Hyenas allegedly "Sega's biggest budget game ever", new report claims avatar

I don’t get it. The game looked completely unremarkable. Even its big hook of having some microgravity stuff was barely present in the trailers. This was their big play? Really?

a “total lack of direction” around the game, with one contributor stating many members of the leadership team were “asleep at the wheel but they never seemed to lose their jobs”. The same source noted an engine change and “not committing to doing anything adventurous with the game” were all part of Hyenas’ ultimate demise.

Yeah, we can tell.


and gravity was done in a bunch of games - notably Borderlands Presequel but it was present in the original Quake.

Pxtl, avatar

Well yeah, but there’s lots of ways to make that more interesting than just “set gravity really low in this zone”.

carl_dungeon, w Video game makers aren’t catering for gamers with disabilities, study finds

Video game makers don’t cater to most minority groups because they’re small. If video game makers really cared about gamers rather than than money, then loot boxes, micro transactions, launch day DLC, pay to win, annual fifa and madden releases, and multiplayer only games wouldn’t exist.

This is what makes the small Indy game makers that make games for the fun of it shine, and I bet they care about their players a lot more.

callouscomic, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

So even if they had sold it on Steam, this was likely not going to work on Steam Deck? Doesn’t this denuvo kind of stuff cause issues?


Denuvo doesn’t prevent games working on Steam Deck, but depending on how it’s implemented it can cause other problems like preventing a game from launching if it hasn’t been able to connect online in a while, or weird performance issues. It varies from game to game.


Denuvo works perfectly fine on the Steam Deck/Linux. IDK why people keep repeating this.


Good to know. I haven’t run into any issues, but I dunno if any games I’ve played had it. I had considered getting Mirage for Steam Deck, but I really don’t want to own it on ubisofts app.


This misconception with DRM making it unplayable on steam deck I think stems from 3rd party anti-cheat software flagging Linux players. Denuvo “works” fine on steam deck and Linux as a whole, same goes for anti-cheats. Developers always have the option to tune the anti-cheats to allow Linux players, but only some of them do.

ChaoticEntropy, w Cancelled loot shooter Hyenas allegedly "Sega's biggest budget game ever", new report claims avatar

SEGA spent the most money ever… on a game that was years late to an old sub-genre, while mimicking games that had already failed like Lawbreakers. Great job.


There are so many parallels to Lawbreakers that it’s kind of freaky. History has completely repeated itself.

shrugal, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

Reviewers should subtract points from the rating of every new Ubisoft game, for the real potential of something like this happening after the review.


Reviewers take bribes.


Review versions of games are kinda like bribes.

If you’re the only reviewer that doesn’t get one then you won’t have a review up for when people read them most, right on release day. So game companies can threaten to exclude you if you write something they don’t like.

Imo they should be an everyone or no one deal, probably even by law.


We need a Micheal Ficher for game reviews.

Buys his own shit and tells the truth without nitpicking like a douche or fanboying like a simp

MonkderZweite, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

Early adopters pay more for less anyway and they will remove Denuvo after a few months, because it’s a subscription service. Never understood the hurry of the crack groups.


Never understood the hurry of the crack groups.

You serious?

Obviously the sooner they crack it the sooner they can sell to impatient pirates. The market is only going to decrease over time, and if you’re beaten to the punch you lose out on loads of customers.


Lol pirates by definition don’t pay for software, there’s no profit in developing cracks beyond cred.


Paying for a pirated game? If I wanted to pay for it, I wouldn’t be looking into pirating it in the first place.

I also would not pirate anything at all because it’s illegal and I’m only speaking hypothetically.


Lol, no, pirates dont pay for anything. The cracking community is almost entirely clout based, its just for the bragging rights of being the smartest programmer out there.

Empress is an anomaly, and I dont actually think shes ever been paid her obnoxious “fee.” And even she is only claiming a fee for the clout, as a way to say “no one else can do what I do so its pay up or fuck off”

aniki, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.


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  • FinalRemix,

    Or, just don’t play UbiSoft or EA games. SEGA sometimes removes Denuvo after a time, so they’re sometimes good ib a waiting list.


    Yeah, at least if they’re not free-to-play. Publishers have shown time and time again that you can NOT trust them with your money. Only pay for something if you know exactly what you’re getting.


    Patient gamer all the way! I recently played dying light 2. Fun game but a year after release and it’s still buggy as hell.


    One reason I’m glad to be a pretty broke parent gamer. I can only afford to spend money on games a couple times a year at best so I have to be really patient and picky about what I do decide to buy. I end up having no choice but to wait a year or more to pick up any games I’m excited about.


    I’m happy paying for psplus and enjoying the free monthly games and whatever games get uploaded there. Aside from that, my city has a great library with a huge selection of games you can borrow for 3-6 weeks at a time, plenty of time to finish them.


    I quite liked DL 1, but reading the reviews made me stay away from 2. It’s not even about the bugs, but apparently the game is just meh.

    Maybe I’ll get it in 5 years when it’s 10$. Maybe.


    Patient Gamers FTW


    I started Fallout New Vegas last month. It’s pretty neat so far, glad I finally got to it after … holy hell, it’s been THAT long!!!


    FNV is amazing. I’ve gotten all the achievements on Xbox and I recently finished another playthrough on my Steam Deck. Absolutely amazing game

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    It’s okay you’re so late to the game. Mr New Vegas still loves you


    Hell, I’m still on Civilization III.


    i’m still on fallout 2


    Both of you are rocking awesome games, so no worries…


    Wizard of Wor will never be dethroned.


    do you still have to force children into the game to have someone play with the Richard Nixon doll?


    I just play unciv instead now


    Unciv is amazing, it’s insane that I can play it on my potato phone while my laptop struggles with civ5


    Unironically the best entry in the series. I play 5 occasionally, but 3 all the time.


    I’m still playing DooM. Nothing will ever top it.


    Now that’s pretty extreme. Quake II was the shit.


    Still is, my dude. The “All pods launched” sound effect from the first level will be stuck in my head forever, I’ve heard it so many times. If you haven’t played Q2RTX, I highly recommend it. It’s like a fresh coat of paint on an old classic.


    I’m learning this the hard way with Starfield 😢

    VinnieFarsheds, avatar

    I play Factorio, it was more stable at 0.8 alpha than the average €/$ 60 AAA game at release.


    I’m a patient gamer so I don’t normally preorder, but I made an exception with CyberPunk as a tribute for paying $5 for Witcher 3 (which was my first game of the series, I went in blind and I couldn’t believe how good it was).

    I wasn’t even mad with the shitshow but I decided wasn’t going to play the game in that state.

    Fast forward a few years, the game runs almost 3 times as fast (went from 25 to 70 fps on my computer) and they fixed a lot of problems people were complaining about for the DLC release. Now it’s ripe.

    Patient games keep being right


    Pretty much the same story here. Finally playing it now, and I can barely put it down. It’s story is nearly as good as W3, and my car doesn’t even take random hard lefts off the road for no reason whatsoever in this one. Actually, gameplay is a massive step up in general.

    TheSaneWriter, avatar

    I'm glad to hear the game's gotten much better! I purchased the game on sale but have left it sitting in my Steam library for a little while, knowing that it is playing much better means I'll move it higher on my playlist.

    RampantParanoia2365, (edited )

    Well, I meant a step up from the overall quality of Witcher 3. But, it is really smooth and solid combat with a real variety of styles/builds. I’m digging katana/guns/mantis blades/sandi. And I know the 2.0 skill revamp made a huge and smart impact on the gameplay.


    It’s because people weren’t patient that they were able to fix it

    But it still isn’t the game they marketed it as


    I pre-ordered Elden Ring for a slight discount off of the launch price. No regerts whatsoever about that one. Best game of the 21st Century.

    But yeah usually I get games well after launch on sale. Starfield looks cool but they can eat a $70 bag of dicks before I pay that much.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    The only game I’ve ever preordered is Animal Crossing New Horizons. I knew it wasn’t gonna be horseshit on release lmao. I wait until games are on sale and have been out for a while. My friends keep harassing me to buy Baldurs Gate and I’m not doing that until it has all dlc released and is on sale lol


    I’m the same way but I bought bg3 because of how not asshole they are. It’s a great game and honestly worth the money. This is the first game I’ve bought at full price since games came on cartridges.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    My thing is that I wanna wait until Larian comes out with all content for it. I don’t wanna get the game and immediately have to replay it because dlc came out. I’ve done that with games before and replaying just for dlc made the game feel like a chore. I’ve waited since the announce of cyberpunk’s expansion to even consider finishing the game. I plan on playing that one once I get myself a steamdeck later this year. My gaming computer became a total turd since 2020 lol.


    I get that, but that game is so big, you’re going to want to play over regardless. You’ll probably start over anyways after at least 40 hours of game play. The game is really insane on how much there is and how much every choice you make matters. You could play this game for the rest of your life and I don’t think you’d have the same game twice.


    Play Divinity 2 with your friend

    Then go into DM mode to run a DND campaign or into the SDK to build your own levels/quests

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