Cris16228, do games w itch is hosting another Queer Halloween Stories Bundle for 2024

Genuine question: is it worth?

recursive_recursion, do games w itch is hosting another Queer Halloween Stories Bundle for 2024 avatar

Thanks, added to the description.

recursive_recursion, avatar



To add to this, the owner of this site, gamingonlinux, was a mod on the !linux_gaming community until they were caught abusing their moderator powers. Then they deleted their account and complained on mastodon that it’s stupid design that mod logs are public. [Screenshot]

ouch, do games w Oxenfree is being completely removed from in October

I sent email to and told them in no uncertain words that what they are doing is illegal, and asked how they are going to fix the situation.

If I can find time to, I’ll see about contacting the local consumer protection organisation.

ampersandrew, avatar

What law does this break?

NOOBMASTER, do games w Oxenfree is being completely removed from in October

Is it only getting removed from Because the game is also available on Steam and GOG…

ampersandrew, avatar

I only own the game through, which I got through one of those charity bundles, and they contacted me by e-mail. Then people contacted GamingOnLinux about it, and at least right now, it seems to only be limited to

EDIT: I actually do have the game via GOG as well, which is news to me, and I did not receive a similar notification about it.

ouch, do games w Oxenfree is being completely removed from in October

Someone should challenge this legally. I’m pretty sure this is illegal in EU, no matter what the ToS says.

AceFuzzLord, do games w Oxenfree is being completely removed from in October

Sounds like something I’ll have to look into before the takedown.


Sounds like something I might have to “demo” in the future.

ampersandrew, avatar

It’s still available via GOG if you want the game DRM-free.


Definitely gonna start looking there.

OhYeah, do games w Oxenfree is being completely removed from in October

Anyone know if it will be staying on gog for the foreseeable future?

LemmySoloHer, avatar

No announcement or confirmation from Night School Studio regarding GOG, Steam, the Playstation Store, or the Nintendo eShop as of yet. My guess is they would give a decent warning announcement if it were to leave those outlets as well, but regardless I did download my copy from GOG to my backup drive just in case.

Sibbo, do games w Oxenfree is being completely removed from in October

No reason has actually been given as to why. Most likely, this is coming from Netflix, who actually acquired Night School Studio back in 2021. Probably as they’re trying to pull in more people to play games under their umbrella directly on Netflix.

It’s sad that digital subscription services reserve the right to remove your subscription. If you are in EU, consider signing the Stop Killing Games Petition


Fuck netflix?


Fuck netflix.


This is the way

Stovetop, do games w Risk of Rain creators Hopoo Games join Valve

RIP this dev team, they can join Campo Santo in the “doing shit all” club.

deuleb_biezelbob, avatar

Release a mediocre special hat effect animation to keep a dying, starving fanbase barely alive

masterspace, do games w Risk of Rain creators Hopoo Games join Valve

Too bad. Valve’s not exactly known for making good games anymore, just for printing with money Steam.


Yeah, forget Deadlock exists.

fernlike3923, avatar

Deadlock seems to be yet another MOBA shooter.


And its hella fun…

Localhorst86, do games w Risk of Rain creators Hopoo Games join Valve

There will never be a “Risk of Rain 3”

Looks like the RoR IP belongs to Gearbox.


So just like other Valve projects, the third one is gone forever.


Don’t get your hopes up. Apparently the latest RoR2 expansion was made by the new Gearbox crew and that didn’t work out so well…

fartsparkles, do games w Risk of Rain creators Hopoo Games join Valve

I have a strong feeling they’ll be working on Deadlock given their experience with third person hero shooters with crazy items that change your build.

Which is a shame because Deadlock is destined for the land of toxicity most other MOBAs exist in unless they do something meaningful to change the game’s design.

spacedout, avatar

How so?

fartsparkles, (edited )


30/40min games where you’re unable to concede when loss is clear early on (causing other team mates to become stressed and rude). Games can sometimes be decided in 5 minutes yet there can potentially another half hour to go before you have a chance to requeue with different team mates.

One team mate’s mistake early on can lead to the opposing team snowballing and the rest of the team becomes toxic due to the first point.

The respawn timer increasing in length penalises the team further for being behind the enemy team, and the downtime as someone is waiting to spawn gives them time to type and be toxic. By mid-game, I’ve seen some players spend as much time waiting to respawn than they did playing.

Losing begets losing.

Macro and Meta

The volume of items leads there to be objectively better builds (and meta after each patch as items stats are changed) leads expectations on all team mates to follow that meta and know which build to play otherwise they get raged on.

Map awareness is more important that aiming and it takes the whole team to remain aware of the map for success.

The lack of transparency as to why a person is losing to another (item selection, ability upgrades etc) irritates players into feeling cheated.


As a competitive game, players are trying to prove themselves yet, as a team game, individual performance can’t make up for a weak team thus rage. Competition drives emotion.

Note: I played Deadlock for about 15 to 20 matches but all the typical MOBA issues emerged within a couple of games, I’ve already bounced off of it.


You write like an ai


Shud i rite bad then?


I haven’t enjoyed any other mobas, but I’ve put ~100 hours in to this one. The comeback mechanics seem fine enough, I’ve had a few games that have come back from a ~30k soul difference/

skulblaka, avatar

Same, I haven’t even slightly enjoyed any other MOBA I’ve played except for Smite, but I’ve fallen in with Deadlock like it’s an old friend. And we’ve come back and won from a couple really depressing looking matches. Just the other day I was at 0/12 running Bebop with a 25k team soul deficit and once I actually got my head in the game, and got a little lane assist, we came back and won it and I finished with a 10/14 K/d.

The comeback isn’t easy, and it shouldn’t be, but it’s doable. Especially so if your opponents get cocky. I’ve been on the other side of that coin as well, going 10/0 with Vindicta and fly out to snipe without a care in the world, to discover that every enemy is suddenly paying attention to where I am.

Virkkunen, avatar

I think we oughta wait for the game to at least leave the alpha, where huge changes happen from night to day, before concluding how toxic the game and mechanics will be


Totally, my comment is with regards to the current state of the game and so far they’ve fallen into the same pitfalls as other MOBAs.

Personally, allowing the team to vote to concede and to get rid of increasing respawn timers would help a lot in getting rid of the biggest causes of frustration noted so far however these were comments about DOTA2 and sadly Valve never implemented them there either.


Because that’s just game balance. Toxicity is a people problem.

It’s fine that you don’t enjoy that kind of game - there are plenty of others.


Deadlock is destined for the land of toxicity

I don’t think we should assume this right away. TF2 isn’t really all that toxic (that I am aware of). Valve tends to attract less toxic people in general. OW2 however, hoo boy… that game is agonizing to play. People will not hesitate to insult you.


TF2 isn’t designed to be as competitive as deadlock. It’s a goofy game that’s mostly just designed for fun. (Competitive TF2 does exist and I am a fan of it but it’s not really officially supported in any meaningful way.)

Deadlock on the other hand is designed to be a very competitive MOBA where individual decisions will greatly change a games outcomes. I would look at DOTA as a better comparison than TF2.


I play both overwatch and counter strike. While overwatch does a great job of making sure I don’t see slurs most of the time, the community is toxic af. I can’t go a single game without someone saying “tank diff, DPS diff, support diff” and whatever else directed insult they got.

Counterstrike on the other hand, surprisingly wholesome. Many games players will say good try after you fail and be pretty supportive. Sometimes you get assholes who just say slurs cause they can of course but that’s like, once or twice a month. Overwatch is literally every god damn match minus the slur part.


I’ve got a solution!

Just refuse to play those games and go dig rocks and stones instead!


Did someone say “rock and stone?

Ibaudia, avatar

My experience playing it so far has been pretty overwhelmingly positive. No one really cares who wins, it’s more fun to just make cool plays and do well individually.

Graphy, (edited )

That’s just new competitive games in general though. The best time to play a pvp game is the first month when there isn’t a clear meta yet and everyone’s having a good time.


It also helps that there isn’t a competitive mode yet. Until recently it didn’t even track your stats in a visible way. Also, people can only get in by being invited, so you have to have had at least one person who has vouched for you in some way, which probably selects against the most toxic personalities.


Except there is (of course) a mega thread on Reddit to get invites where people blindly invite anyone.


Sadly it’s pretty easy to get an invite. I got one from a few friends and they told me they just sat in a weird discord asking for invites.


I felt the same way about the finals. The beta was amazing and i played it every day. It was just good fun. When the game released it was all meta builds and abusing every mechanic known to mankind.

Sharan, do games w Dead Cells has its final update out now with The End is Near

Finally, I get to play it.

frigidaphelion, do games w Dead Cells has its final update out now with The End is Near

Much much much love for Dead Cells and the people who work on it. Fantastic game with devs who love it.

Ultraviolet, do games w Dead Cells has its final update out now with The End is Near

While there’s nothing wrong with a game being declared complete and stopping updates, the way this went down doesn’t sit right. Evil Empire (the studio that split off from Motion Twin specifically to maintain Dead Cells) had longer-term plans and the resources to make them happen, but Motion Twin then ordered Evil Empire to stop development because they thought an actively developed Dead Cells would be a competitor to Windblown that they could preemptively kill off.


It sucks because Windblown looked cool but now I don’t want to support it.


Just play the game

Banichan, avatar

I’d actually like my game to be complete and to not spend more money on the same damn game.

This is a godsend. Game’s already confusing enough as it is 😂


I get what you mean, but Dead Cells was already a completed roguelike on launch. The DLC’s add variety and additional story, but you can still get the full gameplay experience with just the base game.

It’s like saying you won’t support the Elden Ring because it has DLC.

Also, the Castlevania DLC is just fucking cool. The soundtrack for those levels alone are just -chef’s kiss-, and probably the closest we’ll get to a new 2D Castlevania 🥲

Banichan, avatar

Dead Cells shows impassible doors where DLC areas should be if you have the base game only. Full gameplay experience, my ass 😂


Yeah, it does, but what are you missing exactly? Can you not get to the final boss without the DLC? No, you can get to the boss no problem, and in fact going to DLC biomes sometimes means you can’t get to the final biome/boss. Is your playtime reduced to less chambers/run? Nope, the number of chambers and biome-bosses remain the same. Is the gameplay altered? Nope, all runes and weapons that you need to finish the game is there in the base game and unlockable.

I know, because I played the base game only until the Dead Cells Castlevania PS5 collection came out.

You’re being disingenuous in making it seem like they purposefully cut content and then added it back for $$$, when Evil Empire has been adding a lot of free updates to the base game since 2019.

Banichan, avatar

if I play a game, and while I’m playing, I run into a progression dead end that makes me buy my way past it, IT ISN’T A COMPLETE GAME

all-knight-party, avatar

I would doubt you'd hit a progression dead end in that game. you'd have to be god cracked at it and enjoy it enough to play that much and milk what's already there, and at that point you'd probably want to buy the DLC to extend the variety and experience, because it's that good to begin with.

I started playing this game before there was DLC. You know what? It was fucking fun.

Banichan, avatar

Yes, it was fun because the DLC dead ends weren’t there.

all-knight-party, avatar

Doors don't control my enjoyment. I played it at times without DLC installed. I can handle some inaccessible doors being around without letting it control my enjoyment.

Banichan, avatar

Your thinly-veiled attempt to insult me is trashy af.

all-knight-party, avatar

Definitely not trying to do that. To speak on the idea of visible, inaccessible DLC in a game, it is bad, full stop. I think it's certainly cynical of the developers to put the doors there and not completely remove them unless you have the DLC installed.

Seeing those seams is something you can't help but notice, and it absolutely does impact your perception of the game to have them there. What I am saying is that Dead Cells is so thoroughly well made and considered that I was able to tell myself "these doors are locked until I beat the game on a certain boss cell and feel justified to pay for an 'expansion' and access new content".

I can live with that specifically because the doors are not necessary, you just can't enter them and take a different path, similar to other locked zone doors that are instead locked because of boss cell requirements. The maps are also consistently laid out in terms of direction to get to a certain zone entrance, so once I know it's there I can avoid that path in the future until I decide to stop playing or buy more content.

If Dead Cells were a lesser game I would be much less forgiving about it, and to be clear, again, the fact that you can see DLC doors for DLC you don't have is bad design, full stop. It's just that the game is so good overall, I think it'd be sad for someone to pass it up for that reason, or to think that they're not getting enough because of it. It's a shame, but the game's still awesome.

I don't think you're wrong to feel the way you do, but try not to sleep on the game because of it. Even without the paid DLC the base game and free updates have a lot of mileage.


You’re wrong, some of those doors were always there, the giant was there from the start, the big door he smashes was there since before the DLC released. You just didn’t knew that was a DLC because it hadn’t come out yet.

Dead cells is still a complete game, the DLCs just give you more of the same thing, you can still get hundreds of hours from the base game alone. By your standards no DLC could ever be made.


probably the closest we’ll get to a new 2D Castlevania

Check out Gestalt Steam and Cinder and Aeterna Noctis. Both are great metroidvanias, especially with the size of Aeterna Noctis’ map.

As for 2d roguelikes Ravenswatch is pretty fun so far.


Thanks for the recs! I’ve played Aeterna Noctis and enjoyed it a lot, I’ll definitely check the other two out!



V Rising. I mentioned this in another post on this thread. Vampire castle building survival sim ARPG that, like Dead Cells, has a Castlevania DLC.

M137, avatar

As for 3d* roguelikes


Is there any reliable source for this information? Or is it rumours only.

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