LaserTurboShark69, do games w Kingdom Hearts is coming to Steam - June 13

Do I need a calculator to figure out which order to play these games in?


If you boot it up they give you the order to play it in. There is only 1 problem and it’s at the beginning. They tell you to watch 358/2 before playing 2

Play it in this order


Chain of memories


358/2 days

viking, do games w Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review in order to access the playtest avatar

It says not to leave “subjective bad reviews”. As in, objectively bad is fine.

Damaskox, avatar

Care to clarify what is objectively bad? Like, an example

viking, avatar

In the context of a game, let’s say a clearly outdated graphics engine that everyone can agree on looks very dated. Or game-stopping bugs. Constant crashes. Etc.



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  • Kolanaki,
    !deleted6508 avatar

    Graphics aren’t the same as aesthetics.

    The graphics can be objectively bad in so far as the technology used may be out dated, less sophisticated, or slower than other implementations.

    Aesthetics (how everything looks) are subjective.


    Game kills all life on earth when starting


    My understanding is that Digital Foundry type of performance review is fine, but comments on how the control feels laggy or the game is a lower-tier copycat of Overwatch are not okay.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    It also says you can’t compare it to other games “maliciously.” What the fuck does that even mean?

    “Marvel Rivals is just as bad as Cyberpunk 2077 at launch.”



    We just have a give a positive spin

    “The game is really good at sucking”

    “This game would definitely win an honorary award for ‘Games I don’t Care About’”

    “This Christmas I would gift the game to all my cousins whom I hate”


    Good whom.


    It’s going to be relentlessly compared to OverWatch. It’s basically an OverWatch clone with Marvel characters.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Oh my bad.

    “It’s just as bad as OverWatch 2.”

    ICastFist, avatar

    Not being able to make satirical comments about any game-related material would mean nobody could say something like, “Controlling Iron Man feels like fighting Jarvis for control of the suit”, or “Storm is as effective as a light breeze”

    breadsmasher, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077 Devs Share Advice avatar

    Cyberpunk’s twitter account manager shares advice


    To be fair, they probably know more about communicating than the devs.


    Love it when people that know a lot about communicating get tasked with creating a positive perception of something. They know perfectly well that self-deprecating jokes are popular with their target audience and that they even work to endear their shortcomings to the reader. These feelings are probably why this post is being upvoted.

    I mean yeah, I agree with separation of concerns and letting the people with the skills do the job… but it almost always feels so manipulative and dishonest.


    As a dev myself, I can’t even commit to maybe telling you if and/or when something will be finished. Someone has to set a date and say it’s going to be awesome even though I wouldn’t even say it’s for sure going to be working.


    As a dev that’s a skill you can develop. But it doesn’t matter when the marketing department announces a launch date before even asking developers for their estimations.


    Even better when you do commit to a deadline, and then they keep adding shit.


    Enough of that shit and the only date it sets is “the date I leave this fucking company”. I’m so tired of people thinking they can make magic happen by talking down to developers. So tired


    Considering the Devs were notoriously silent after the game’s release. That wouldn’t be hard.

    Pooptimist, do gaming w Valve gifts smurfing players a lump of coal for christmas that immediately bans them upon opening it

    What is smurfing?


    Using an alternate accounts so you can play with lower ranks and easily win them. It’s a form of griefing in video games and against the rules.


    It’s not always against the rules. I believe that LoL, for example, allows it.


    Not only allows but seems to encourage it.

    Zoboomafoo, avatar

    Smurfs buy their champions twice


    Unsurprisingly the game known to have one of the worst communities.


    I played LoL back in the early 2010’s, and I had to smurf to even enjoy the game. Once I got out of the beginning levels the other players’ skill skyrocketed and I just couldn’t keep up. I needed to make a couple new accounts just to be among players of my own skill level.


    In LoL, what really separates the “good” players from the “great” players is teamwork. Low ranks are full of individual players, but upper ranks are full of team players. You can be the world’s best individual player. But unless you can 1v5 every encounter, you’ll still end up capped out in Gold rank. Because even as a good individual player, you’ll lose half your matches from the lack of teamwork.

    This is ironically why lots of games end up as shit slinging disasters; When you force randoms to cooperate and tie their individual success to the actions of their teammates, shit gets toxic very fast. The slightest mistake or misjudgement is treated as the end of the world, because we judge others by their actions rather than their intentions. Because it’s entirely possible to lose ranks through no fault of your own. Even if you play a perfect match, you can still lose due to your teammates fucking up. So even small mistakes are judged harshly.

    It’s also why Korean teams have historically dominated the leaderboards. In Korea, Internet cafes are a large part of the culture. Kids go to play games with their friends after school. So many of the Korean teams are friends who have been playing together since they were in elementary school. Their teamwork is exceptional, because they know what their friends are going to do in any given situation. They can accurately predict their friends’ actions and reactions, and plan accordingly.

    Contrast this with the western style of team building. Recruit individual players to a team, then force them to scrimmage for 12 hours a day to learn each others’ play styles. It’s the corporate “recruit a square peg, then hammer them until they fit into the round hole because that’s what the team needs” philosophy. They’re building teams from individuals, instead of finding teams who already excel together.

    Source: Dated a girl who floated between Diamond I and Master rank with her friends. I believe she even got lucky and hit Grandmaster once? I had very little interest in playing the game, but got to learn all about it from her.


    That why LoL is trash. I tried so hard to get into it, but the smurfing singlehandedly ruins it.


    I know why I quit competitive multiplayer & open pvp games a long time ago. It's just too toxic and people are more into griefing weaker players than actually testing themselves against equal or even stronger foes who also want to fight.

    Frog-Brawler, avatar

    I very much agree with you. I cannot dedicate the time to playing a game that an 18 year old can dedicate. Even if I could, I'm not going to have the same speed. It's back to single player games, Civilization and Cities Skylines for me


    Would you make an exception for Pong? I’ll whip your arse.


    Experienced player creating a new account to stomp on low rank players.

    snekerpimp, do gaming w Don't make me turn this car around!
    Stormageddon47, do gaming w Valve gifts smurfing players a lump of coal for christmas that immediately bans them upon opening it avatar

    So if they don’t accept it do they avoid the ban?

    Also how do they know genuine griefers from people that have lost their account and had to make a new one?


    It would probably just autoban a few days later.

    The players who lost their accounts aren't hanging around on unranked matches to stomp newbies. They'll want to go into ranked matches to get their level back up. Also, activity on both the new account and the old one would sus out deliberate smurfers


    Im not sure there is a way to stop it from going into your inventory


    an unavoidable dialog pops up to open your gift

    Bassman27, do games w Kingdom Hearts is coming to Steam - June 13

    I can’t see myself paying £60 for games that came out on ps2 which were then remastered and rereleased in 2014. Too little too late in this case :’(

    TheLowestStone, avatar

    Welcome to the current state of Square Enix.


    I know it’s not the same, but it gives off similar energy as Sony RE releasing all the previous Spider-Man movies to theaters because Madame Web flopped so hard.

    lorty, avatar

    If only it was just SE that’s loke this…


    I agree full price is steep, but to be fair 1.5/2.5 is like 4 or 5 different games (plus a few cinematic movies for lore from the obscure handheld games) in one and the remasters are actually really well done and add a bunch of content. I don’t know how they perform on PC though since it’s a Square port.


    Ditto. If these were FFVII-style remakes, sure… but for a two-decade old franchise whose last release was half a decade ago… I’d consider $20.


    £20 for the complete collection then maybe we’ll talk lmao

    A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

    The stories already fucky enough as it is in Kingdom Hearts, without doing a FF7 remake to it and releasing each game in chunks for a total cost of 200+ bucks for each game.

    MeDuViNoX, avatar

    Just wishlist and wait for Steam sale.

    Rayspekt, do gaming w Valve gifts smurfing players a lump of coal for christmas that immediately bans them upon opening it

    Is this real? Please let it be real.


    Praise our Lord Gaben, holy fuck this is so good. I don't regret abandoning League at all.

    Apeman42, do games w Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review in order to access the playtest avatar

    This is utter hogshit, but also seems relatively easy to work around. “I am legally forbidden from sharing my opinions on the quality of Marvel Rivals.” is a pretty clear and succinct review that technically flies under their legal fuckery.

    newthrowaway20, do games w Kingdom Hearts is coming to Steam - June 13

    As long as it took to get these games on steam, I’ve completely lost interest.

    bionicjoey, do games w Larian Studios has two major games in development and opens new studio in Warsaw

    Why do so many games companies have offices in Poland? Is there some kind of government incentive for gamedev there? No offense to Poland, but for such an economically small country, I feel like I hear a disproportionate amount of games come from there.

    Unimperfect, (edited )

    CD Project (owners of GOG and creators of The Witcher) are some the most well-known devs from Poland, but this article goes into the main reasons why they are among a dozen or so more game devs where such games as Dying Light and Frostpunk have been made:


    Poland is the land of good, cheap programmers. We are usually ranked 3rd or 4th on the “best programmers” indexes, behind countries like China, Russia. Foreign companies will pay you like $80k or less for a senior position and get a really skilled worker out of it.


    That’s really interesting. Do you have any insight on why Poland seemingly punches above its weight on software development? Is programming a heavy focus in public schools?

    KingThrillgore, avatar

    Former Warsaw Pact countries have really strong mathematics training in primary and secondary school.


    Good universities that are free to attend and pass if you make it through the entry exams. The unis are setup to weed out people who can’t keep up. Historically we have a great foundation for maths and physics. We also have tech centers in the major cities and some domestic, large companies. There is plenty of jokes about them, and they have a reputation of being “the job you get right after uni”, but in the end you have a place that hires a lot of people at the same time, each year, that lets you get experience. Basically if you are a person that’ll do well programming, then you are setup for success.


    Yet it’s still not worth for polish programmers to move literally anywhere - cost of living ratio to the earning is so great that devs don’t even move from Poland


    Nah, that’s bullshit. Cost of living in Poland isn’t as low as people abroad think it is. Plenty of people emigrated to GB or Ireland before brexit. Lots of programmers are in Germany and Austria, since they pay so much more. Like, if you go abroad and you get 2x or 3x your salary, no amount of “cost of life” will outweigh that.

    lorkano, (edited )

    Let calculate then

    Germany tax is up to 42% scalling linearly from 10k to 58 k Eur.

    Polish B2B has tax of 12%.

    Comparing capitals, Berlin is 28.3% more expensive than Warsaw (including rent).

    Average salaries are estimated like this: 65125 EUR Germany (38358 after all taxes) 25200 EUR Poland (17207 after all taxes)

    You earn 122% more in Germany.

    • Minus cost of living it’s 95% So it’s 2x more

    One more thing to consider is buying apartment prices, which are 41% cheaper in Warsaw (outside of city center) and 33.5% cheaper in city center.

    So Is it worth moving for some poeple? Definetely, you were right. But person from Poland probably usually will get below average earnings there. Aside from that, person earning top 20% it earnings in Poland would be still taxed 12% when in German all of this goes to 42%. So for top of a line IT specialists this difference is smaller.

    Is it as bad as you paint it? No, it’s barely 2x, not close to 3x.

    Is it worth moving for me? Hell no, because I work remotely from small city in Poland which is 49% cheaper than Berlin and property prices are dirt cheap.

    Numbers are taken from numbeo for costs of living and property prices. Salaries average are taken from online sources, and calculation of taxes was made by online calculators taking into consideration Healthcare etc.

    I took normal employment contract values for Germany, because I heard from German coworkers this is the most common and preferred by employers there.

    Besides all of that, when you are already earning top 85-90% salaries in the country, it depends a lot on the person if they even need more money. Programmers in Poland can afford anything they want that is not multi-milioneere stuff like yachts or very expensive cars. So why would you leave everyone and everything and move? It makes way more sense to move for people that do not earn a lot of money to Poland.


    Source for the numbers - pulled straight out of one’s ass. Who cares about average salaries? We aren’t talking averages. We are talking programmers. You also cherrypick Berlin and a paragraph later talk about you living in Bumfuk Alabama. Just because you stayed, you don’t get to dictate what other people do with their lives. The “why would you leave if as a programmer you can buy a lot of things” is so out of touch it rolls over to just being funny.


    I’ve written sources although not links, which takes 5 brain cells to look up. Obviously I took IT earning averages per year. I compared Berlin to Warsaw which is clearly written in my response which you would know if you actually read it.

    If you don’t want to put in any effort your comments are worthless, ending this conversation, bye


    You literally pulled data out of your ass and are trying to convince people that programmers in Poland earn 25k euro a year. Go home, you are drunk.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Cost of living in Poland isn’t as low as people abroad think it is.

    So much of “its cheap to live here” comes down to food and rent. When you’re living somewhere that charges $2000/mo for a 600ft loft and you can’t eat out for less than $20/meal, every place else feels practically free by comparison.

    misk, avatar

    Labor is relatively cheap despite how much IT is raking in at the moment. Most developers in Poland are registered as sole proprietors which contributes to one of highest rates of self-employment in Europe (source). Tax system favors those over regular work contracts leading to regressive burden (source) and to the point we could be classified as tax haven. Also means those developers are not covered under normal labor protection.


    Poland right now actually have too many developers in the country - so I would expect more Companies open offices as earnings stabilized

    li10, do gaming w State of Bloodborne

    You actually got me excited for a second you bastard.

    I love Bloodborne so much, but I honestly find it near unplayable just because of the FPS.


    That is me too! Even on a PS5 that game runs horribly! I can’t believe they have refused to at least update it for the PS5 to play at minimum a solid 60.

    bighatchester, do games w Kingdom Hearts is coming to Steam - June 13

    The names for these games are so weird. Am I reading that right 1.5 + 2.5 and then 2.8 ?


    Yes. That is correct.


    Not only are the numbers weird, the games within the series (more than just the main 3) came out as exclusives to a wide variety of platforms. KH has such a bizarre history.


    To the point where I legitimately thought it was a mockery of the series. Oof.


    1.5 kind of makes sense. It holds Kingdom Hearts 1 and a remake of the GBA game that comes before Kingdom Hearts 2 (also comes with a the cutscenes of another game between 1 and 2). I guess they wanted to keep the naming similar because 2.5 comes with Kingdom Hearts 2 and…a prequel to every game… and a cutscene collection of some weird side game about an AI. They then released a bundle of both of these on PS4 which they named 1.5+2.5. 2.8 they were really scrambling. Because they wanted to release the rest of the games in some way before Kingdom Hearts 3 so that holds a sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2, A standalone demo for 3 and…a movie from the earliest part of the series that actually is a giant pit of questions with no answers which may or may not have been answered by the gacha. No idea.


    It all makes so much sense now…

    MeDuViNoX, avatar

    Surely they’ve updated 3 by now? Couldn’t they call it 3.128? /j


    Man I hate it when I want to start playing a new franchise and I need a whole book to figure out what order to even play the games in


    To learn Kingdom Hearts lore going in blind you’d need an autistic kid who’s hyper-fixated on it, a couple cases of monster energy, and a weeks worth of LSD micro doses.

    That should get you up to speed on about 50% of it.


    I like the idea of these games but the execution was way way more complicated than it needed to be.


    As a huge fan of these games… absolutely. I keep coming back because I love the characters so much and the story arcs within each game can be fairly satisfying, but the overarching plot is a complete mess.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    This isn’t even the tip of the naming weirdness this series has.

    I’ve seen an hour long video essay that focused entirely on how they named the games.

    Icalasari, do gaming w Don't make me turn this car around!

    Killing competition

    Sam_Bass, do games w Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review in order to access the playtest

    Basically makes any test results null and void


    How? The agreement restricts public statements, not negative feedback as a whole.


    or providing subjective negative reviews

    I’m not sure what your argument is here but it doesn’t seem solid. How is a reviewer supposed to do their job?


    The Closed Alpha playtest isn’t an invitation to publicly review, it’s an invitation to playtest. They’re trying to gather data and feedback on an inherently feature-incomplete and unpolished game to help with development. There are going to be private channels for feedback and the playtest data itself is like feedback so public channels are redundant. Obviously Marvel is also just trying to dodge criticism, but that’s not a mutually exclusive reason.

    Carighan, avatar

    Yeah this seems to be something people are missing. These tests sometimes prohibit all reviewing and commenting in their NDAs (including positive ones). It’s a playtest, not a beta, review copy or pre-release.


    You sure? Post doesnt stipulate

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