robbinhood, do games w What is your favorite mod?

I never played it but the Thomas the Train mod for skyrim is hilarious.

milkisklim, do gaming w Game Development
lnxtx, do cyberbezpieczenstwo w Pamiętajcie, Discord nie czyta waszych wiadomości! avatar
!deleted2556 avatar

:D dobre

miracleorange, do gaming w Game Development

Dammit, I lost the game.


Lose it again. It sounded meaner than I wanted. Good. Last time I realized you could lose the game even without knowing you are playing. So sad.

slazer2au, do gaming w Game Development

One day this joke will die.


It only being funny about 20 years ago.


You’re just upset that you lost.


Na, it’s just stupid.

Wetstew, do games w Favourite Metroid game?

Super is so good. The sound design makes everything gel together into a smooth slurry.

But, like good.

Metroid Prime is a masterpiece. The artifact hunt is a bit padding-y, but you’ll be backtracking to get the power-ups anyway.

Apytele, do gaming w Game Development avatar

Man this takes me back to highschool

Jake_Farm, do gaming w Game Development avatar

Be the game

PerogiBoi, avatar

This is so true. Release half baked game and have the players pick up the slack with mods.

“Be the game”.

Twinklebreeze, do games w Favourite Metroid game?

Super and/or Fusion. Fusion was the first one I played, and Super is just perfect.

TheFANUM, do games w What is your favorite mod?

GB Mario 2 in full color

Moobythegoldensock, do games w What is your favorite mod?

Tale of Two Wastelands for Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

a_jackal, do games w What is your favorite mod?

Gregtech: New Horizons

Technically a modpack rather than a mod though. I love grinding through technological advancements.

sma3in, do games w What is your favorite mod? avatar

promods for ETS 2 and ATS 2

kolektyw_szmer, do zapytajszmer w Kiedy przeglądam "komentarze" na stronie głównej Szmeru, dlaczego nie mogę już kliknąć na przycisk "Dalej"? avatar

To kwestia zmian wprowadzonych przez developerów, ale będziemy musieli się przyjrzeć, żeby mieć pewność czy to celowa zmiana czy niezauważony regres.

dreiwert, avatar

Niestety, celowa zmiana też wydaje się wiarygodna, bo ranking całości komentarzy chyba jest znacznie kosztowniejszy obliczeniowo niż ranking całości postów.

daniskarma, do games w Favourite Metroid game?

It’s also Zero mission for me. The atmosphere and story are amazing.

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