SnotFlickerman, do gaming w What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty avatar

Anything where you’re more interested in the story than the challenge.

So… story-driven games.


I wonder what game stories benefit from a bit of challenge.

Like, I feel like The Last of Us benefits from a little bit of challenge to drive home the anxiety and cleverness of the characters.

lemmy_user_838586, (edited ) do games w Are we ever going to see a remake of any Bethesda game?


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  • Buttflapper,

    I’ve known about this for a while. Sadly, I don’t think it’ll ever be finished. Even if it is, Skyrim is an extremely old engine and looks like crap, runs like crap. I modded the hell out of it with 4k graphics on an RTX 4070… It’s just awful. The engine isn’t great. They need to make something new. Even Starfield had the same old ass dated engine.


    Most of the work is done and they are aiming to release next year, at this point I’d be surprised if it doesn’t get done.

    In any case, this is a project that a lot of people have been working on, for free, for over a decade, I wouldn’t tell them it will look like crap even if I really thought so.

    shadowedcross, avatar

    What does “4k graphics” even mean? Did you just install 4k textures for everything or what? Either way, you can get modded Skyrim to look very beautiful, without being insanely demanding. I guess it depends on your resolution, but a 4070 should be able to manage it just fine, so I’m not sure what you did.

    Ilflish, (edited ) do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before


    A short 2D Collectathon in the style of 5th Generation games of the genre. Jump into a 2D world and explore, solve puzzles and overcome challenges to collect gears to take you higher. A beautiful art style and soundtrack make me wonder why this wasn’t talked about more when it came out earlier this year

    JustAnotherRando, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

    Bopl Battle is a hilarious party game for up to 4 people. The rounds go really quick so it’s a great game to play with friends when you have a limited amount of time, but the fun doesn’t wear out fast either.

    Excrubulent, avatar

    Had to downvote, but the game is great. I play it with my kids and it is reliably hilarious. There are so many interactions that something surprising happens with amazing regularity.


    I meet with 3 friends online every 2 weeks to discuss nerd stuff and play some video games together after, and bopl battle has been great for that.

    Kaput, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

    Achron A RTS with time travel. You can actually send troops and orders in the past to change the outcome of the battle.

    It’s a shame it never got big. The time travel mechanic is awesome.


    Sadly, downvoting this based on the rule…

    It did pop up in my feed when it was in development. I think the time travel is neat in concept but just becomes too hard to wrap one’s head around - and from what I remember, the core RTS elements were a bit lacking.


    The core RTS is very standard like the first command and conquer. The visual were a bit lacking not becaus ugly but hard to differentiate between untis when in the heat of battle. The single player mission is like a large training. And I kept getting destroyed by the AI even on easy.

    I might give it a try again to play with my son, now that he is old enough. It’s really the time travel that should be revived by a bigger or more experienced studio. Lots of potential in there.


    Also pissed that the Linux version never made it to Steam, now that Proton is a thing I forgot to check it again.

    dinckelman, (edited ) do games w Geoff Keighley: No Silksong in Gamescom. Team Cherry are still cooking.

    They made a gigantic mistake by announcing it so early, but at the same time, a lot of people take it way too far with the excitement. Let them cook

    Cadeillac, (edited ) do games w Is 4gb vram enough to run read dead redemtion 2? avatar

    You could have asked this in one of your multiple Red Dead threads. I think at least a few of us would prefer one thread per game series. There is no need to have 3 Mafia threads and 3 Red Dead threads all within 24 hours of each other

    As for your question I don’t actually know. I know system requirements don’t always mean shit, but it is a place to start, and get an idea of what the game will need

    Edit: as with most of your questions, it is a quick search away to find an answer. If you actually engaged in any of the conversations I would be more inclined to post it for you. You seem more interested in asking questions than actually receiving any answers


    But public forums = crowdsourced search engines

    Don’t you know?

    CM400, do astronomy w Size Comparison: Pluto and Australia

    Wow, Pluto has approximately the same surface area as Russia


    And now putin starts pumping out propaganda that pluto used to be russian

    Zachariah, do gaming w Gamers Above 30, What Older Games Would You Still Recommend to Younger Gamers? avatar



    Surprised to only see this mentioned a couple of times in here. This and the sequel are probably the two games I would recommend everyone play, gamers and non-gamers alike. They’re just that good and easy to get into from a controls perspective.


    Most likely because we people >30 don’t see it as an older game. =D


    If I’m going to recommend old games, it’ll be mostly games from the age of Intel Pentium 3, before all this newfangled multi core stuff they’re up to these days. Anything that comes after that is someone else’s to go to bat to. Heck I was playing Doom for a few years at a cousin’s house before we had our family computer in 98

    GBU_28, do games w Avowed is getting delayed to early 2025

    Who cares, wait for a game to be out for many months before purchase. It will generally be more stable, and often on sale.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Obsidian’s had a good track record with bugs since they made South Park ten years ago.

    friend_of_satan, do astronomy w Suprising obvious fact: The Sun is a Star

    My kids and I had a similar though more humorous and less mind blowing experience after reading the “I crave star damage!” comic.


    Don’t crave star damage unless you want bits of you carved out or frozen off in the future.

    teft, avatar

    Wear sunscreen.


    Sunscreen Star damage screen

    squirrelwithnut, do gaming w Best Soulslike game for beginners?

    Elden Ring is the best one for beginners, because if you get stuck at a boss you can just leave that area and go somewhere else. You are very rarely ever “stuck”. That is not the case with any of the other Soulsborne games.

    In addition, it has spirit summons which make the game significantly easier.

    And since it’s the newest one AND has a DLC coming out soon, it’s also the most played one right now. So finding other players for co-op is easy.

    I also consider the bosses, on the whole, to be the easiest of all of the FROM Software games.


    I second this, one of my good friends only started gaming over covid. We were all hardcore souls players and helped her get through bloodborne and ds3 but she was basically just letting us handle most of the fighting. But when ER came out she got really into it and has played through solo several times. From Software took a lot of the pain points out of the format while keeping it challenging and fresh. Elden ring also has great online, I wasn’t a huge fan of the game (I prefer Bloodborne, Sekiro and AC 6) just I spent hundreds of hours just running around the Lands Between with my friends during covid.


    Yeah you’re right. I forgot to mention that with Elden Ring, FROM smoothed away a lot of the rough edges of the older games. And because of that it is much easier to get into for newer players. I’m glad you friend enjoyed it.


    Also the biggest positive is the capability of fast traveling from your map from anywhere as long as you aren’t in combat.

    It removes the hesitation to explore areas from which you can’t return easily.

    That’s the biggest thing that made Elden Ring significantly less stressful for me.

    Plus you don’t have to worry about weapon durability.

    rubikcuber, (edited ) do gaming w With studio closures, why is no one talking about the people who sold the studios? avatar

    As a game studio - a developer rather than a publisher - it’s very much hand to mouth. You are paid by the publishers on delivery of milestones. Milestone reviews can sometimes be subjective. You’re basically the lowest link in the food chain and can be subject to a publisher’s whim, which can often be a bit random depending on your external producer. Keeping such a studio open in the long term is about chasing new contacts, and any gaps between contacts is expensive because you aren’t generating any income, but are having to pay wages. One or two project cancellations can easily shutter an independent developer.

    In some cases studio owners may simply want out, or they might legitimately see a sale as bringing stability to the studio… Or it might just be greed. But I think it’s hard to say whether a studio would have a safer long term future being independent or being sold.

    Don_alForno, do gaming w Why are there two different genres both called ARPG?

    I don’t get why Diablo-likes are called ARPG’s.

    We used to call them “Hack 'n Slash”. I guess studios didn’t think that term marketing friendly.

    cygon, do games w What are the best indie games you've ever played?

    Uh… I swear I wanted to contribute just 2 or 3 games, but as I wrote, I kept remembering one gem after another… oh well… :)

    Outer Wilds - So hard to describe, it’s an exploration game, but what you’re exploring is a star system going supernova, in a wooden spaceship no less. And a strange way of (not) time travel is also involved, which could be the root of the whole game loop.

    Axiom Verge - A platformer that is such a labor of love that it hits just the perfect mix of approachability, exploration, story development and that “huh?” factor where right until the end you’re not sure what your abilities actually mean - i.e. if you could glitch through walls in the real world, would that imply the real world is a simulation?

    Stardew Valley - A somehow utterly satisfying farming simulator in the style of the first Harvest Moon games. Such a nice getaway game - it begins with your avatar quitting their office job and moving to a farm inherited from their grandfather. No taxes, no boss, no stress, just rise with the sun, plant, water, harvest and fix. Change your rhythm with the weather and the seasons, investigate charming little mysteries of a beautiful place.

    Broforce - Another platformer, this one a bit more brutal. Far over the top 80s action heroes bring freedom to the world, but whether you play as Robocop, Schwarzenegger, McGyver, Snake Plissken, Ripley or another 50 heroes is almost random and each hero has completely different weapons and skills. Destructible environment and even a large Xenomorph outbreak (how the heck did they get the license or grant?).

    Protolife - This one uses such a madly simple recipe for complex gameplay. Seen top-down, you’re a robotic loader than can put down dots. That’s all. But certain arrangements of dots are guns, long range guns, flame throwers, area denial, missile silos, barriers and so on. You’re attacked by insect-like creatures, but instead of building tanks, you have to attack via well-placed guns slowly pushing the swarming enemies back.

    Alien Shooter 2 Reloaded - Simple top-down shooter where you’re the lone soldier seeking to contain an alien outbreak. Goes for the time-honed recipe of character stat upgrades (speed, health, accuracy) and purchasing weapons and weapon upgrades. The interesting part is the insane hordes you’re up against and that all the corpses stay. It’s not unusual for entire corridors to turn into flesh hallways of blood and carapaces.

    Moons of Madness - I hope this is actually indie, the graphics are near AAA level. It’s 50% walking simulator, 50% cosmic horror, set on Mars. You’re an astronaut doing maintenance on an outpost, but rather than go for the “freaky alien attack” recipe, reality itself seems to be somehow bending. Cthulhu, is that you?

    Lumencraft - Top-down game. You begin as a miner in an underground base. Something really bad happened to humanity and now you’re digging underground for metal and for “lumen.” To feed the reactor that keeps humanity alive, you have to meet harvesting goals and dig tunnels, but various enemies attack in waves, so you have to spend part of your resources on fortifications and turrets and avoid opening up too many avenues into your bases.

    Carrion - 2D platformer-ish. In a secret place, scientists are holding a horrific, tentacled bioweapon locked away, but it escapes. Twist: you are the tentacled bioweapon, slithering through pipes, circumventing security systems and trying to escape from the lab.

    Nuclear Blaze - 2D platformer. You’re a fireman sent to contain a fire the broke out in some kind of installation in a forest. But one building has a shaft that leads deep underground where a high-end containment facility is suffering a failure. Takes place in the “SCP” universe and your only tool is a fire hose. Extremely fun trying to extinguish fires in a way where they won’t spread again.

    Mothergunship - This is a first-person shooter where you’re bording and destroying (from the inside out) an army of AI space ships. But instead of a traditional gun, you have gun parts you can stick together. How about a triple rocket launcher with two shotguns in the middle? Or a shield generating laser with a sawblade attache to it, and maybe two shotguns just to be sure? It doesn’t grow old with new weapon parts being introduced right until the very end.

    Space Run - 2D base building. You’re a mercenary cargo pilot fending off space pirates. But you don’t do it by controlling a turret, instead, your spaceship is a building surface and you have to build the right kind of engines, turrets, shields and power generators (in mid-flight no less) to be able to shoot down incoming rocks and pirate ships. Extremely well balanced and fun.

    Creeper World - 3D real-time strategy. But your enemy is not actually present on the map, you’re just fighting a simulation of liquid, a gooey slime that pours out of several spots. You have to keep shooting, bombarding and containing the splashing, pouring slime until you can neutralize the slime outlets. The story is cool, too. The slime is actually some extinct species “gift” to the universe which dissolves everything into data, transmitted to some eternal storage space at the center of the universe.



    i’m not saying you didn’t run into quality posts on reddit, but this is the kind of post i see way more often here and it makes these spaces way more enjoyable.

    nice work, definitely going to try a few of these out!


    That’s just anecdotal. Be careful as a lot of these answers are often written by bots / ads in disguised.


    this is a great post. I do think the outer wilds description is a smidge spoilery. I know, people figure that out pretty quickly but it’s still a neat experience if going in blind

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