There were some preview articles released last month (one, two, three for example) but no specific date beyond what you already know. All we can do for now is wait.
Well I’m in full speculation mode. Apparently GOG is still saying they’ll ship the physical game in Q2, and the digital release is still officially slated for Q1. But Limited Run Games also said the physical copy would ship in December of last year before it got delayed, so it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. I’m just wondering if it’s likely it could get delayed again. There was also an interview with the creators of the game where they didn’t really say anything about when it was releasing except explained the reasons for the delay.
If they’re on track to release digitally in Q1, the last opportunity for that to happen is now this month (March). Is it really feasible that it could drop this month considering they haven’t announced a specific release date yet (aside from the Q1 window they gave near the end of last year)? Surely they would first make a more accurate release date announcement, and then want there to be some time (some amount of notice given in advance) before it actually releases? Is less than 1 month even enough time between announcement & release for a game like this? If so what’s the least time we can expect they would realistically leave it before announcing, 1 week before release? Seems like if it’s going to meet the predicted window (which after they already delayed it past the previous one they may be disincentivised from missing again, also considering some reviewers have already played the game) wouldn’t the date have to be announced any day now as per usual game release protocol?
As much as I love Croc, it’s not like this is a highly anticipated high budget release of a new title.
My guess is that they’ll keep the new date secret for as long as they can, until they’re completely sure they can make it (especially after they didn’t make it for the original one). It wouldn’t be the first time game like this gets released without much of a marketing drive or even with a stealth drop.
These slowly appearing previews seem to indicate we might be getting close but who knows. I’m honestly not good enough with dates to join you on the speculation train.
From what I’ve heard this game is very CPU demanding title. To get a decent performance you have to be on platform with DDR5 and lots of CPU cores. Also game very much recommends RTX 4000 series or better with frame gen turned on. If you are trying to run the game on RTX 3000 series card, you should turn on FSR frame gen. I suppose one can argue that game is not very well optimized and therefore it needs all that much hardware to run well and you’re not entirely wrong there. I think devs were too ambitious with all the graphical bells and whistles and found themselves in this situation.
Personally I don’t want to see a trend where games are only playable with frame gen turned on. We already have a situation where many games are blurry and have artifacts all over the place. I don’t want annoying lag added on top of what’s already a mess.
i like to think my r7 5800x3D is till a good CPU, if i can run star citizen at 60-80fps at all times, monster hunter wilds should also be able to run the same way lol.
Also game very much recommends RTX 4000 series or better with frame gen turned on.
Capcom straight up recommends frame gen to get 60 FPS, which is not what the current frame gen tech was made for, it's ridiculous how bad this game runs
Pomaganie moim zdaniem nie polega na domyślaniu się, tylko na rozwiązywaniu rzeczywistych problemów, dlatego zwykle pytam żeby mieć pewność. 🤷
Sam preferuję najprostsze możliwe narzędzia, więc polecam po prostu wiki, którą można zorganizować dowolnie: jak bloga, jak bazę wiedzy, albo jak hybrydę ich obu. Sam używam DokuWiki, z dość prostym interfejsem, ale też z dostępnym interfejsem WYSIWYG, czyli bez potrzeby ręcznej edycji kodu strony. Jeśli chcesz spróbować czy przypadnie Ci do gustu, to daj znać i założę Ci konto na próbę.
Innych rozwiązań nie próbowałem, ale sądzę że Wordpress wspomniany przez Petrosa da Ci więcej możliwości integracji z innymi narzędziami, np. z fedi.
Darmowa, dobra, wygodna. Wybierz dwie z trzech. 😈 Możemy Ci postawić Wordpressa u nas na serwerze. domena Twoja, albo pod którąś naszą. Federacja działa w obie strony, RSSy też, dużo zasobów nie zeżre, bo to multisite. Jak będziesz miała, to się dorzucisz do hostingu.
ActivityPub to fundament fedi, wspólny język wszystkich systemów, które go tworzą. Jeśli jakiś system używa ActivityPub lub ma wtyczkę do tego, to można go obserwować na fedi.
Zatem jeśli Ghost ma wtyczkę do ActivityPub, to powoli Ci publikować wpisy tak, że ktoś inny z pleromy, mastodona, lub innego zgodnego serwisu, będzie móc obserwować nowe wpisy na Twojej stronie.
A to tak, to można zawsze - ofc wtedy wtedy to ja muszę ogarnąć cały dizajn i wszystkie fajerwerki. Albo nawet ktoś mi pomoże, OK, ale to wcale nie pomoże mi dać tej samej rady innym i uznać tego za alternatywę. :(
Nie napisałam nigdzie że musi to być “darmowe”. Ale alternatywy powinny być łatwo dostępne. Substack ma już tę ogromną przewagę że ma całe grono ludzi których poznałam dzięki ich pisaninie właśnie tam, są z różnych środowisk, różnych baniek (wiem, ekhm…), a ekosystem Substacka niesamowicie ułatwia odkrywanie treści i komunikację między userami. Jedynym problemem jest właśnie to, że jest scentralizowany, co mówię z żalem. Jest tam teraz masa wartościowych ludzi, tworzą wysokojakościowe teksty, ale boję się, że ktoś kiedyś wyciągnie wtyczkę i wszystko zgaśnie.
Z tego co poczytałam, Ghost jest jakoś podatny na federalizację, choć nie mam nadal pojęcia jak działa i czy może być zdecentralizowany.
Myślę że konieczność wnoszenia jakichś drobnych opłat za serwer czy hosting to nie jest tragedia, jeśli wszystko działa w sposób, który komunikuje użytkownikowi jasno, jakie ma korzyści i jest debil-friendly. Tak jak właśnie założenie konta na Substacku.
Powolutku idziemy właśnie w stronę budowy takiej infrastruktury, jak opisałaś. Zaczynamy od siebie, ale osoby zaufane i chętne na early adopters są więcej niż mile widziane. To one właśnie określą, jak ta infrastruktura ma działać i wyglądać. Inaczej się nie da, jeśli chcemy niehierarchicznie i oddolnie. Zresztą, jeśli nie ma rzeczywistego zapotrzebowania, to nie ma sensu rozwijać tematu.
I wonder why… Personally, I’d rather pirate than have to deal with them. “Free games” is not enough to forgive what they have done to the PC gaming community. They’re not that epic.
We would have never gotten the likes of Alan wake 2 if not for epics money though, which also paved the way for remedy to become more independent for future releases. I’d rather have an exclusive then nothing at all.
It’s also arguable whether or not square would’ve ported kingdom hearts to pc if not for epic paying for it as well. Which in turn allowed them to put it on steam later because the game had already been made to work for pc.
Other than how they’ve handled rocket league and harmonix, epic have done nothing but good for the pc space in my opinion. Even if a launcher is shitty, a launcher is just a launcher and at least their store runs better than gog or steams.
Alan wake 2 had massive critical acclaim what you on about and they’re now in a financial situation to publish they’re own games because of it.
And their store definitely runs better than steam and gog. Gog is the worst hanging most of the time with it often losing its penis place when going back to the previous page, and the latter is often the same on steam. Even big picture mode struggles with the steam store some times.
All of this, by the Epic Games words “Based on players reviews in Epic Games ecosystem”. From where? I can’t leave any review on any game, that I own, hillarious.
Releasing your game on EGS besides Steam is NOT straightforward and is costly for small devs
I am fed up of Epic shills spreading the narrative that EGS tools for piblishing games are better than Steam and devs are just lazy if they do not release their games on EGS. I have always debated that opinion defending that is not just a matter of just uploading the same files. It is a costly process that is commonly not worth it for small devs for just a handful of sales on EGS.
I found this comment from a dev detailing his “wonderful” experience uploading their game on EGS. Enjoy.
“Oh the store release, a million little bullshit things.
Actually I released the game on Steam on 24/04. I released multiple games on Steam before, without any issues. Steam is a breeze. I love it.
Epic? Pain.
Non-sense rules. They delayed my release by more than 10 days.
On steam you can post anything in screens and trailers. Not on Epic. Even on PEGI 18 game you have to censor blood, or not include it at all. I could not believe this. But then I watched Dead Island 2 trailer on EPic - there really is no blood even in that game video. I had a trailer with blood up for 6 months. But a week before release some reviewer noticed I have 2 seconds of blood in the trailer. They made me take it down, up the PEGI from 12 to 18 so now there is a 18+ date picker warning, and had to reupload the trailer with black blood, not red.
Million confusing settings in 3 different stages. Dev, stage, live. If you get one setting wrong, your build will not pass review. Its like doing taxes - they know what you did wrong, but they don’t tell you exactly. If they tell you, and you disagree, you have no way to opose the decision with a ticket like on Steam. You have to create unrelated support ticket that NOBODY READS FOR DAYS. Response happens after a WEEK. Which is really fucked when your release date is 3 days away and they block your review package.
If one stage review fails, THEY WILL BLOCK THE WHOLE PACKAGE. So before release I wanted to update screens, trailer, release date and add some sweet gifs into description. But I uploaded ONE SCREENSHOT with dead scientist on the ground, in pool of blood. THey rejected the whole package - that means my release date did not update, my texts didnt either. BEcause of one screenshot. They bundle these changes together and it is not possible to change it specifically.
When I created the store page, I checked a checkbox that I will do achievements and will include Epic overlay. This option is NOT REVERTIBLE. YOu cannot revert it once you do this and they do not tell you. So a year or so later I had to deal with fucking achievements that I did not even want to include anymore, because of the extra work it required compared to STeam. Same with EOS overlay. THe overlay is NOT MANDATORY, yet they blocked my build for 2 days because it did not work in Live bundle. It did in Dev and Stage. They did not tell me how to fix this.
Later I found in ONE obscure forum post that Epic named one variable in config wrong, that caused this. They named “Artifact ID” with “Artifact Name”, but it is in fact ID. My game worked with overlay when run in standalone, but not via their store. Due to one checkbox. They knew what is wrong and did not bother responding. You have no way to communicate with them. Steam responds immediately. I was so annoyed with the achievements that when I had to include them, I included only a few that I had on Steam. Also you have to ensure that your achievements all add up to 1000 EXP. If it is not exactly 1000 EXP, review fails. ON FUCKING ACHIEVEMENTS. Then they forced me to add all Steam achievements, to “keep continuity among different store fronts”. On Steam, once they approve your game build, it is approved forever. Not on Epic. They have to review every build. You can get stuck on it right before release.
They wishlist rate on Epic is roughly 10% of what I get on Steam. But because they delayed my release by 10 days. I will get minimal conversion even from that, because they release week hype is over. So what they have “only” 12% comission. 88% of nothing is nothing. Epic fucked me. Never working with them again.”
Don’t get me started on their “wonderful” support if you lose your account :D
That’s hilarious haha, that has to be the best autocorrect from my swipe typing I’ve seen yet. I’ll have to figure out what was meant to actually go there now (I’ll stick it in an edit at the end though cause that is too funny to remove)
I don’t know if this is the priority for many other users, but Epic Games is 40% owned by Tencent, a Chinese corporation. That in itself is an inappropriate level of CCP influence to me - sadly, Chinese companies don’t really get to divest themselves of government influence the way American corps do.
(That said, with Google changing the Gulf of Mexico’s name, I feel less sure of that last claim)
I really enjoyed Tunic for the same reason as you! It has nice and cozy vibes but manages to challenge the player without ever feeling too cheap or overwhelmingly difficult, in both combat and puzzles. I really was reminded of old-school gaming, in a good way.
The only thing I disliked is how cryptic the last few puzzles were, to the point that I doubt the vast percentage of the player base would be able to figure them out without resorting to a guide. I certainly wasn’t. I love puzzle games and I love games like Talos Principle and Crosscode. I guess I just didn’t like how meta-gamey some of the solutions (and the reward for the puzzles) were.
PS. Another great post and the formatting is excellent. Congrats!
Do you have any local multiplayer racing game recommendations? That’s basically my only use case for a racing game, but most of that market dried up. I’ve got my eyes on a few, but I’m curious what you’ve found, especially if it’s on GOG.
I’m sorry, that’s not really my scene! I haven’t ever played any PC racing games locally (which makes me seem rather sad, doesn’t it?)
I can recommend Mario Kart 8, emulated, for this though! Which might or might not be something you’d consider. Friends and I often play this through my Steam Deck or PC!
Nah, that doesn’t make it sad. It’s just that some of my best memories of racing games come from the likes of Burnout Revenge or F-Zero GX in local multiplayer. Single player is cool. Online is cool. I’m just looking for that local multiplayer fix.
One of the other games that fit that bill is Star Wars: Episode One - Racer, which you can find on GOG. At least on Linux, it requires some mods to fix it, which I made sure were documented on the PC Gaming Wiki, but you can play that one on LAN on PC through the GOG version. I don’t think split-screen on PC games was something they were thinking about back then, but LAN will do in the meantime.
I just hope the little, fun and interesting things I love to share keep on being interesting to others! And its nice to be here, I was very sad to leave Reddit towards the end of last year, and the Steam Deck community I built up there. Nice to see an alternative like this exists here (with nicer folk, so far!)