Man, I loved that game (the DOS original)! I don’t remember the baddies being Nazis, but it would fit what I do remember from the rest of the game.
Just looked it up (it was originally called “Wolfenstein 3D II: the Rise of the Triad”):
In order to keep as many of the numerous game assets the team had already created from going to waste, Tom Hall came up with a new storyline which still incorporated the Nazi themes seen in the Wolfenstein series, however they would ultimately depart from plotlines involving Nazis, with the final narrative concerning a cult apparently inspired by the Californian folk legend of the Dark Watchers or ‘los vigilantes oscuros’.
The original monochromatic Castle Wolfenstein, blowing up Hitler with my buddy and his grandfather who lost family in the camps in Poland will always be a fun memory.
Dynasty Warriors series. Some criticism is correct, in that they really did release the same game several times in a row with minor adjustments. The gameplay is much more strategic than it was given credit for, though. It’s true your warrior basically feels like a lawnmower demolishing hundreds to thousands of hapless footsoldiers at a time, but the trick is that you are the army’s only lawnmower. Almost everything your allies try will fail catastrophically unless you help them. You really have to time your presence on certain parts of the fight to be where you’re needed. It feels very heroic. Also, the cutscenes are without exception hilarious and drew me to the source material Romance of the Three Kingdoms which has greatly enriched my life.
You’re just upset because I dared to be critical of something you and the bandwagon enjoy.
“my opinion is unpopular, therefore i must be right” will never not be hilarious to me. but hey, go ahead and enjoy the metal gear games. i heard they are a bit underground, but that seems to suit your style
The first BloodRayne game (after the intro level, which is plain bad and almost nazi-free) sees a lot of bitten, shot, dismembered, burned, possessed and exploded nazis.
Honestly the gameplay is a bit clunky even for its time, but if what you need is dead nazis then it very firmly ticks the box.
It got a lot of flak back then, mostly because people were sick to shit of Peter Molyneux promising THE WORLD and delivering, like, JUST A GAME.
But here’s the thing. I didn’t follow gaming news. I didn’t know what a Peter molyneux was. I just know I got a fun little action RPG where I get to be royalty, and that scratched a very specific itch for me.